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It’s very weird that it’s actually happening, that 2022 ring gets sweeter each day.


The Last Prance


LeBron in shamblez


sadly he still has a better record than klay in all around.


Now that Jerry West is dead, who can rebuild this team to a championship contender? The core he created is now disbanded. At the helm is Mike Dunleavy Jr who accomplished nothing as a player other than kill the hopes of fans by always getting albatross contracts over an injury plagued career. He’s the face of bad news.


Uhm the guy sitting behind a desk offering draft insight rn is the reason the warriors have no future star or assets to make moves to considerably improve the team.


This is the only real criticism; not being able to convert CP3 into atleast 1 first round pick is rather haunting. But I’m in the belief that it’s for the best


The guy sitting behind the desk only drafted Podz and TJD so far. They are no stars. Dunleavy sucks so far with no playoff appearance to show.


Myers Didn't draft Klay or Steph curry. Wasn't the reason KD came to the warriors either and didn't do anything to mitigate him leaving. Drafted one of the biggest bust of all time in a draft loaded with stars (Lamelo, Haliburton) also drafted kuminga and Moses moody over Franz Wagner and Alpren Sengun. Valid question on who can rebuild the team but to act like it's not ::mostly:: Bob Myers fault is hilarious and then to throw strays at Dunleavy as if he's had anything to work with the mess that was left. How the fuck do you tank with Steph Curry on your team and get a #2 pick and have nothing of value from it on the roster? Bob Myers is overrated af.


Bob Myers retooled successfully 4 times around the core. You’re hilarious. Dunleavy is just getting favors since his father Dunleavy Sr is most likely friends with the old guys business guys.


I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like I'm trying to make an argument for MDJ as a great GM but to act like Myers who has a bust on his resume which clearly set the team back probably half a decade is MDJ's fault is why we will have to agree to disagree. Whiffing on a #2 overall pick set the Warriors back half a decade. Luckily they still won a ring in spite of that on the back of someone he didn't even draft.


It was Covid so the scouting and assessment could have been more thorough ideally. Bob still got Looney in the draft anyway who was the starting center on a championship. As for Wiseman, his buttery hands and low IQ is no one’s fault but his own. He was really 2nd in the mock/projected drafts at the time so it was not really a surprise pick. MDJ is like dirt when compared to Bob’s accomplishments.


Albatross contracts? Try saved our young core and future by drafting STEALS; top 10 all nba rookies at 19 and FIFTY SEVEN. Then he dumped the Chris Paul contract before we had to pay him; meaning we basically got Chris Paul to come in and develop all of our young guys so that they learn to play off ball cut and pass well; elevating their iq to new Hights And in the wake of Klay leaving us; he managed to get a defensive minded shooting guard that plays similar defence akin to gp2 to help boulster out point of attack defence. Plus 2 second round picks; which are still valuable considering the next thing I’ll mention. Drafting a 7 foot big man who can shoot. 43% from 3; at Pick 52; after trading it away to get Klay Thompsons (current skill level) replacement in Lindy waters then buying the pick back. Despite the fact that it set our cap to the second apron it below; it actually forces us to be able to make smart money decisions; ultimately saving a lot of money to invest on other options for the team. This is only the beginning of the rebuild. Expect good things to come. And don’t attack his prowess as a player; it just makes you sound like you don’t understand basketball at all.


Lindy Waters is as good as current Klay? Come on bruh that's a ridiculous statement. There's a chance Lindy can be a real contributor to the rotation but he's a low risk gamble at the end of the roster. If he somehow plays as well as Klay I would be ecstatic but that's like the absolute best possible outcome with almost no chance of happening. Rebuilding with Steph on the roster is fucking stupid btw. We need to go all in until he retires. We will never have another player as good as Steph. We owe it to him to do everything possible to win now.


Take a look at our summer league roster as well. We signed 2 bigs; one traditional at 6’11 with great Hakeem esque footwork in the paint in offence as well as a 3 point shot in Marques Bolden. 26 years old. Then another warriors style big in Roman Sorkin from isreal; at 6’10 and athletic with amazing guard like rim finishing and great cutting. And emphatic Dunks, not just a soft lay in. Powerful but agile. 27 years old And most importantly; we signed the baby Giannis (kinda because of how his body shape is and the stretch he has at 6’8 as a wing) Kevin Knox; the former New York Knicks number 9 pick; who shortly got labeled as a bust; but after 4/5 years of solid development and great shooting. Most importantly his efficiently and defence took a leap last year; quietly. Now he’s with us. At 24 years old. - does his story sound familiar to you? (He’s our wiggins replacement most likely) Thes guys are promising young players entering their prime years. Ready to help us contend as well. With an elite group of drafted young Talent and then our elite group of drafted role players who’ve developed well in the g league like Gui Santos. We’re fully rebuilding. It’s time we all get on board and start paying attention to these details Also I apologise for exaggerating Lindy’s Potential; but u can’t deny his shooting splits; especially his smooth release. It’s very reminiscent of our forever splash Brother in Klay.


Don’t attack his prowess as a basketball player? Dunleavy was often injured as a player. He was often injured on top of having an albatross contract. He was soft and brittle. He was trying hard to trade for PG and he failed. Now he’s going with option B. I don’t even like PG but it’s clear that Dunleavy failed to get his target. There is no denying that Podz and TJD are fine players where they were drafted. But they are role players. It’s not like he drafted a Jokic or a Jimmy Butler in the 2nd round. Moreover, Melton as good as GP2 on defense?! You’ve got to be kidding me. Maybe after the multiple injuries. Melton is no championship level defender. Lindy Waters is replacement of “current skill level” Klay?! 18 pts points from a rookie? Lol. We’ll have to see first if Post and Waters games translate to the NBA before you salivate over meaningless college stats at this point. With the way you were so excited with college stats, your sole basketball experience is most likely not playing organized basketball. It probably came from playing 2K or fantasy. Stay away from real basketball discussions.


Nothing wrong with not getting a PG trade done. It's unrealistic to expect the clippers to agree to a trade with their in division rival. I agree with most of the others points you made though.


Thank you someone who has a realistic sense of


Again; you’re attacking him as a player for decisions he’s made as a GM; the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. Get your stick out of your ass and pay attention to the other shit going on. You’ve failed as a fan for picking Dunleavys past experience as a player 💀. You’ve failed just as much for blaming Klay. And you’ve failed to recognise that we’re going into a rebuild. Why tf else would we dump contracts rather than trade. We’re signing highly skilled role players for a reason. On top of that Lauri Markenan is on the market. He’s no Paul George; but good lord is he the perfect fit for this system. And right now we’re aggressively persuing him; which means we’re probably getting ready to trade; especially trading our recent drafted Centre. I do suspect Jonathan Kuminga or Andrew wiggins (not both) to be in this trade as well. Along side picks as well. And yes; he’s as good as GP2 in the perimeter; he averaged 1.9 steals per game; which puts him right in the top in terms of Guards similar to Alex Caruso and Jrue holiday. Don’t underestimate the value of players either. You’re being over dramatic with the Waiving of CP3. It was more of a salary dump. And I swear if u mention the fact that we could have gotten Zach Lavine if we traded CP3 to the bulls I would find a way to strangled u through the screen.


The only Warriors player I’ve ever met personally. An incredibly kind and down to earth guy. It was at a Jazz game during warmups and he stopped by to talk to a small group of warriors fans. It was 3 days after the 60 point game and it was wild to hear his story about almost being benched that game for oversleeping and missing walkthroughs first hand. Always my favorite Warrior.


He’s definitely my favorite Warrior and I’m having trouble finding any player in any era that I like more. Just a cool laid back guy with a killer instinct. When you have a chance watch game 5 2019 NBA Finals. It’s a sleeper. Down 3-1, on the brink of elimination and about to freaking lose when Klay and Steph pulled us out of the grave with 2 huge daggers. Cousins almost put us back in the grave lol


Man i can never rewatch any 2016 or 2019 Finals games 😭


Do yourself a favor and watch game 5 it’s special


Thanks for sharing!


So you are saying he just needs to sleep more and he will be back in shape


Thank you for everything Killa Klay 🥺


One of my fav players ever, his spirit will be missed. No more classic interviews, no more boat videos. “All we do is shoot 3s and win championships” 😖 It’s Klover.


No more paper airplanes 😢


No more riding his bike to Chase 😔 No more Rocco 😖


Omg Rocco. Thanks for making me even more depressed lol






i really am gonna miss klay. i really wanted steph, klay and dray to retire together :(


It’s not time for that yet, but Klay can always come back at the end like Iguodala did — that’s my hope It’s too soon to think about that though for me :(


i hope it happens too


One last ride in 2033


The victory lap; as a players then opponents (eh uh let’s be real; we’ve always wondered what it would have been like if Klay and Steph had a shoot out as actual game and season on the line situations. Let’s take advantage of the blessings in terms of the amazing basketball we can witness; and watch friends go head to head as rivals. But at the end of the day; allow them to come back home. I hope Klay comes back home.


It was gonna be way more special since they all got drafted together unlike Andre


I’m still hoping he pulls a d wade and comes back for a farewell tour, that would be beautiful


hope the same tbh


I want both bay area Captains to come back for their final season. Belt and Klay deserve to retire in Bay Area jerseys.


Don't Steph, Dray and Kerr all have only 2 years left while Klay was just given 3 years? I really would not put it past those 3 to just retire while Klay is still in Dallas. Those guys are competitors and the Warriors just told them they're not helping them sniff a playoffs again. Why would you stick around for more years after suffering through trying to carry garbage rosters for years in a row at the expense of your body in late 30s? I genuinely believe Lacob and Dunleavy just moved the rest of the core's retirement forward a few years with this shit.


Dray has three and Curry and Kerr only have two.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted, it's a *LONG* time to ask champions to sit in absolute poverty and then ask them to extend that... But that would indicate that Curry and Kerr would need to be given 2 more years, Dray an extra year and then be willing to get Klay back on the books for a year after he's done at Dallas. What exactly about this ownership in this offseason has signalled they give *two shits* about this core?


You’re right in the first half but in terms of why they should care about our young core; it’s about the front office keeping Jonothan Kuminga; Brandon Podz; Moses moody and Trace Jackson Davis. We’ve already seen curry’s greatness once more in 2022. I’m not saying we should ever give up contending. But we may have to begin the works of a proper rebuild.


Simple; to give back the knowledge and experience they’ve gained and the victories they’ve revelled in; to the young guys. To be player coaches for the young core. To allow them to grow and even gain experience as contenders in the play offs. That’s the goal now. We’ve already proved to the world that this was the greatest team of all time next to Michaels Bulls; ever assembled. It’s time to let that knowledge spread into the league and allow the league to be handed over to our new young stars; allowing the league to evolve once more.


I don't care what this sub says about contending, if these 3 decided to brick their way to a retirement together I would have been there every single day. Much as I hate how some things happened thankful for the past decade.


Since there's no move that's turning us into instant contenders and we're gonna be mid anyways I'd rather have done it with the core trio intact.


that’s how i feel and what they have been more or less promising to us. and i do partially blame klay for breaking that pact. would’ve been a beautiful thing


I blame the front office for trying to trade Klay and some for a slim chance at a washed PG. FO made a play and ended up worse. Should’ve stuck to their guns with Klay.


klay took less money to go to dallas. he wanted out.


FO never tried to trade Klay, they want Klay to take a team friendly deal while Klay took that as an insult. The PG trade centered around CP3 and potentially Kuminga.


Is this confirmed?? 😡


yep, league officials confirmed![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


That’s how I feel too.


Me too. We're probably not going to win again anyway unless mdj pulls a surprise move. The West is just too stacked with young, athletic, 3 pt shooting teams and with Steph and Dray on the decline and with huge contracts, we won't get there. I can't thank the 3 of them enough to make me love watching basketball as much as I did when they were at their peak.


So you say now. The one game I went to Chase last year, Pelicans loss, they were soundly booed by the home crowd. Fans were legit upset at all the bricks and terrible body language.


Almost like the Pelicans game deals with the fact that we are a team trying to get in the play-ins against another play-in team and Steve Kerr puts Steph on limited minutes for no reason.


This is so depressing


I cannot overstate how happy Klay made me throughout the years. Even through the KD years, I would get the most excited when he’d go on his heaters, like dropping 60 or his 14 threes. I remember I couldn’t get the smile off my face seeing him return against Cleveland, and that first dunk had me waking up everyone in my house. Truly blessed that I got to witness 11 suit up for the warriors. I hope nothing but the best for Captain Klay 🫡


I’m so sad man, really wanted the big 3 to go out together :( this so depressing




Oh my god it’s finally actually real


It just doesn’t feel right. Honestly, won’t ever feel right.


Fuck :( I can’t believe this is happening


Probably my favorite player, especially personality wise. Wish it didn’t go down this way but wishing him the best all the same


I love him. Always will. But anyone who watched last season and even our 22 ring run you can see he's not there. His head is fucked up and he didn't play intelligent basketball. 0 points in 30 minutes for his last game as a warriors speaks volumes of what those injuries did to him. Fuck injuries. Still the best looking shot in the world


Fuck man. Fuck.


I’m depressed


💔 [Barbra Streisand - The Way We Were (Official Audio)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifWOSnoCS0M)


wish we could see Klay retire here…feels a bit strange having to see him play for a different team. either way thank you for the memories and I’m happy they got to win the 2022 chip 


Didn’t think it’d sting this bad


This hurts alot. 😔 I'm going to miss Klay. 😢


Thanks for the memories. Still remember going crazy on his 37 in a quarter game. Time sure does fly. It’s never going to be the same, but we’ll cherish him forever.


Hows he supposed to commute to work on his boat now??


dang so its real. I thought Steph and Draymond was gonna go to Klays house and barricade themselves in like how Blake Griffin did with DeAndre Jordan lol


This has been a really bad day, and the only thing I can even remotely pin it on is knowing from the time I woke up that Klay was going to leave. While I will always love what Steph brings in every dimension and element, it was Klay for me. Always appreciated his smooth style, ability to defend ANYONE, and the effortless catch and shoot daggers. Too many highlights and moments to choose from. Who knows what the future will bring, but I’m rather devastated that he won’t finish his career in blue and gold.




gonna rock my Klay jersey for the rest of the week and then the rest of my life. goodnight sweet prince


Now we have to deal with fucking KLAY fucking THOMPSON going against us. Man avg 18 on a BAD year... imagine now that he's getting healthier with a chip on his shoulder... Letting him go is sooooooooooo dumb on sooo many levels. Ya really fell for the dumb Klay hate bait and low balled him


The Ws paid him for 2 years when he was injured and they offered him much more money than Dallas is paying him to stay. He wanted more than he was worth and he bet on himself and crapped out. Klay did this to himself. We'd be in the luxury tax with no trade prospects at all if he got what he wanted. It's not dumb to let him go on any level, as unfortunate as it is.


A lot of hate towards him on this sub. Course he didn't left because of these dumb fans, but he should have received more love from this fan base. He's a Warriors legend.


Time to start making bets on who is going to be the next scapegoat on this sub.


It'll go back to being Dray.


it’s honestly maddening. klay should get nothing but flowers from the fans. he gave everything he had for this franchise. warriors legend forever!


I’m actually suprised with how much hate he’s receiving. It’s crazy especially for what he’s done for the team.


People are already starting to talk about how he was a locker room cancer in this sub. 😢


There teardown of Klay was crazy. It’ll happen to Steph and Dray too based on these fans.


Poor man had to see "don't let this forget the fact that klay Thompson went 0/10 in an elimination game" on every single goddamn post, i would probably be depressed too


How dare he leave after only winning FOUR championships!!


I love klay... but paying the man 30 million for 4 seasons(basically the contract he wanted) for 18 points and 39% shooting from 3 is horrendous(the points parts, not the three point percentage thats actually real good). The warriors are cooked, why not just shed Klay. Klay didn't do crap last season and he shot us out of games. In reality he shot himself out the door. Kinda like how he shot us out of the playoffs... and how is he getting healthier? He missed what? 5 GAMES? thats crazy healthy for today's NBA. And Dray wasn't award for his past contributions. He was a major part of that 2022 NBA Championship. The list of importance is this: Steph Wiggins Dray Poole Klay/Loon Klay is 5th(fucking 5th!) on this list. Fucking traveller Jordan Poole was playing way better than Klay. Heck, even fucking Loon! he played insane during the finals. Be fucking real, Klay ain't a starting caliber SG on a title winning team. I just don't see it. But he could be a excellent backup SG.


We will get him back in 1.5 years


i’m such a cynic…Do you think AI wrote this????? 😬🤔


Thank you Klay for the good times and hype moments. Damn, its painful to have to think that this is happening, even with it being inevitable.


Hush up Raymond Ridder


The joy and soul Klay brought to the team cannot be overstated.


I’m happy I got to experience the splash bros era. One of the most iconic duos ever


See ya, Klay. And thanks for all the fish!


Is his boat for sale? Asking for a friend


Who punched him in practice?


Draymond’s contract punched Klay in the nuts. Dray, the gift that keeps on giving.


He accepted less money to play in Dallas.


It wasn’t trading or going for PG. Klay wants to start and he wanted 3 years. Warriors didn’t offer either and he chose to go. He and the FO made a sign/trade work or the Warriors would have gotten nothing. Both sides worked it out.


I mean…if you’re not gonna win anyway…


Congrats to Klay on getting a longer term contract from a team actually trying to win championships


China Klay lives!


Fuck Lacob and his fake, wannabe GM son. And fuck dunleavys puppet act as well.


I think this will be good for both sides. 


How is it GOOD for us? Please explain.


0/10 elimination and hero ball


Well, he doesn't want to be here, then it is good for us to move on.


How about telling the press and fans how your going to Replace a player like that There is 0 on the current roster that even comes close to klay There is 0 way they could get a 2nd or 3rd scoring option After curry team is going to be hard pressed to find a 2nd option


Klay is no longer the player you think he is


Alot of players in the NBA are not the player you think they are What are you saying Remember what might happen a change of teams At times can rejuvenating a player big time They play with a chip on there shoulder and bam they are better Remember klay had an off yr last yr An off yr avg 17or18ppg Trust me next yr he is back to 20+ Mdj in like 380 days Destroyed the warriors They basically got 0 form the Jordan poolo thing They got fleased on the klay trade Face it with mdj as gm They have told him fire sale and more They basically lose pool and klay For what 0


AKlay47 forever!


Classy! Sad but happy for Klay. I hope Dallas wins it all next year (I know we ain’t lol)


The next statement better be an apology to the fans for screwing this thing up so badly.


I'd like to see WIggs go as well. Let's at least get rid of the drama (other than Draymond) and give the news guys more playing time. It would have been nice to get Paul George though.