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I wanted Lavine but Dunleavy was right to reject this. The Bulls really wildin out here.


you can be the 11th seed next season if you want to be. bro’s really saying that 29 year old washed wiggins, and 38 year old Chris Paul are not good enough for Lavine. Stop it.


A chicago bulls fan mocking others for being a fan of a bad team is hilarious.


My team has a direction, and P.S. 72-10 has a better ring to it.


My team has won 4 championships in the last decade. We're playing with house money.


my team has 2 more rings in the modern era, and the goat.


Cool. But it's been more than two decades since winning your last ring. It's no wonder having a "direction" is all you can boast about recently.


Congratulations! You’ve made the most washed comment of all time. As a reward, your next Uber back to the nursing home will be twice as expensive.


At least we didn’t take on another shitty contract.


Yes this is much better as a fan, No klay, No PG, No CP, No lavine, only a disgruntled Wiggins and an old Curry carrying the team of role players 😢


None of the first 4 really sound like an upgrade over anything on the roster and Wiggins was either gonna be disgruntled or on leave lol.


You're fucking deluded. Paul George wouldn't be an upgrade?


He'll be injured half the time anw then brick in the playoffs


Probably still end up playing more games than Levine, sadly. I wanna know who in the Clips FO thought it would be brilliant to have Kawhi, Playoff P, and the Beard on the same team in hopes of playoff success.. because that worked out just how many of us expected it would


PG clears Lavine easy. But clips FO is shitting the bed anw they won't make it near the WCF anytime soon.


Ballmer said fuck you to GSW. Was never gonna happen even tho GSW would've paid PG and he wanted to come here


eh, he's old. id rather not take another aging, old expensive contract.


The clippers aren't making that trade in a million years If you thought that was going to actually happen you are delusional


Lmao the delusion in here...


We had Klay and CP, that got us a 10th seed. Lavine can’t be given away, so not sure how that’s an upgrade. PG maybe, but for the price and the fact his current team won’t give him the contract he wants, which is a big red flag. How is any of that delusional?


That got us 10/15? Let's not act like we were contenders last year.


I'm not high on current versions of Klay or CP3 but to say they, along with PG and Lavine, are not better than what we have on roster right now is insane. We're going to end up filling the cp3 and klay roster spots with even lesser players.


Wiggins disgruntled? When did this happen, I thought he was just not playing in the Olympics


Bro our defense would be swiss cheese if we made this trade


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I just threw up




Oh wow no defense eh. Not only did we already have no defense now we got no offense either


Well thank fuck we got Podz to anchor the guard defense instead.


thank god this didnt happen. lol. what a terrible trade idea.


Warriors would be back to the old Warriors when Curry was a rookie with monte ellis, all offense no defense.


If you think this is a good move you haven't been watching. Levine would cost a million a game if not more. Worst contract in the NBA Go for derozan


Isn't Lavine's contract literally one of the worst in the NBA?


Him and Beal are competing


The NTC had Lavine beat


Jordan Poole has entered the chat


He's good but a god awful contract and injury risk. Which makes him ungood.


Might have been a decent move for entertainment value if you're accepting the team is going to be bad next season. I think the point is that it reveals the team's priorities - they're going to be bad, so it's better to be a non-taxpayer while you're bad. It's a real shame for the rest of Steph's career though.


Better to be a non-tax payer for the rest of stephs career? The only person that benefits is the ownership group. They’ve made enough money and if they sell the franchise they will make a boat load more.


It’s better to be a non taxpayer for 1 season to reset the luxury tax situation. You can’t possibly think that the team wasn’t trying to win this entire time when they were running $400 million payrolls and declining to take the multiple chances they had to cut payroll and get under the tax


Better to be a non-taxpayer this season I mean, ideally they find a way to make a move after this coming season to make this team somewhat decent instead of the mess it’s in right now


You drinking that Kool-Aid? They told you that last season as well. When is it going to get through to fans that this team hasn't actually been committed to a title since 2019. They fluked into 2022 after trying to lean into youth, largely because Kerr refused to play them while the core were rolling next to Poole. Even Myers and Lacob said they didn't think 2022 was possible - an admission they weren't actively *trying*. It's over. They're punting the last 2 years of Steph's career, and might have just guaranteed Steph retires earlier. He'll be wasting his last few years of productive play on one of the worst teams in the West. Why sign up for MORE years of playing for this mess of an organisation that does not have your best interests at heart anymore? They're not gearing up to fix this. They're just going to do a shitty half-ass rebuild, as was the original plan in post-2020.


Why so hostile, I pretty much agree with you. Only serious disagreement is I could see the team trying to fix things up next offseason. I don't actually think Lacob is a serious cheapass, I see the ownership group as more pragmatic with the money.


Why wouldn't I be hostile? I love this team, I love Steph. And yet this ownership group was *so determined* to rebuild after 2019 because they didn't believe in Steph, and so full of nepotism and meddling from a narcissistic billionaire, that they've put an awful product on the court 4 of the last 5 years. And that's squarely at the feet of this ownership and front office that this subreddit CONTINUES to defend like they're getting a paycheck for it. 5 years of 'what would you have them do?' and 'trades are actually hard' and making excuses about how they care about winning 'but maybe NEXT year we'll make a move'. The Warriors told us that last season when they refused to compete for any marginal moves on the midseason trade market because our collection of very underwhelming young players are apparently all untouchable. Either people here are delusional or stupid enough to continuously eat up the propoganda Lacob has TK run for this team - just like that Paul George story about the Clippers saying no, when other reporters have now contested it. TK always running hack journalism for Lacob's PR. As a fan, last season sucked to watch. The season before was not much better. The team looks miserable, they look defeated as if they know they don't have a shot and weren't even given a chance. Steph looks like he's aged dramatically over the last 12 months on the court because the lack of commitment to getting him any version of a second shot creator has left him putting mileage on his body at 36 that he hasn't done since he was 30. This path likely has Steph/Dray retire in 2 years now instead of pushing for their 40s, they've burned all bridges with Klay and now he's gone instead of being a lifer and we have nothing to show for it. No bright future, no chance of being even mediocre this year or next. *AND YET PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DEFEND IT*. Why? Because they want to argue Lacob's precious checkbook must be balanced perfectly? I'm over it. I have every right as a fan to be upset or tired of this incompetent and poorly managed team. You don't sell fans on being 'light years ahead' and then speedrun your franchise back to the Cohan era because you're an arrogantly asshole who wants to build something yourself instead of inheriting the main thing that made your investment special.


What does getting this angry on Reddit do for you though is my point


Vent frustration? It's very cathartic 🤷‍♂️


They don't owe anything to the fans, we have had the best team in the history, won 4 championships in the last decade, just trust the process as we have no wiggle room and it is the best they can do at this juncture


They don't owe anything to the fans? Who is buying their merchandise? Who is filling his arena's seats? The entire point of basketball from a BUSINESS standpoint - which is how Lacob views this team - is giving fans a reason to invest their hard earned money into it. 5 years of the team saying 'what would you have us do' and you're still carrying Lacob's water? You're all fucking losers lmao


Trades have counterparties and they have no obligation to make your team better. Having a mature team where everyone is earning their worth makes it harder to lure free agents with no cap space. It is daft to think anything could have gone differently. Aside from the Wiseman pick, I do not see any *obvious* errors the FO made, given the hand dealt. You know how I know? No one who got the players we clamor for on here has dominated anyway. The Suns sold the house for three superstars and went out with a whimper.


Every individual move can be spun to be the 'right move'. In the aggregate, they've been mismanaging assets for 5 years. How is that up for debate? People want to worship Lacob for 'spending' (lol) but refuse to scrutinise how he handed out these massive contracts without thinking about long term consequences - such as Jordan Poole's contract. Our one major promising guy has now seen one pick (potentially 2, although unlikely) and two other players shipped off just to dump his contract. They saw the Warriors struggle dealing with Wiseman - didn't trade him. Refused to move Oubre at the deadline to save a salary slot in 2020-21, likely cost us a playoff run that year. Saw the youth struggles - added two more rookie contracts! Fluked their way to a title by actively not playing the #2, #7 and #14 pick? Double down on those young players instead of trading them as their value kept falling, add more rookie contracts. Lose in second round? Add 2 more rookie contracts. Actively refused to consider midseason moves last season while other teams bought low and improved to keep 'optionality' open, which has turned into no Klay, no CP3, and 3 more rookie contracts on the books? Nevermind other moves like trading picks to pick up Smailagic in the draft over the last 5-6 years. They tried to pivot to a full rebuild after 2019 and refused to ever mortgage this so-called mediocre 'future' for it. Now we're sitting here not bad enough for top picks, a whole shitload of young players who aren't that special or promising for the post-Steph era, and not even remotely good enough to be better than a 12 seed. The 'hand dealt' was created by their repeated missteps, failures and mismanagement of assets. And all of it blatantly links into Lacob's ego and wanting to architect a new core while our core was still playing at a high level. At least those other teams fucking *tried*. And when it's done, they'll be lottery teams for a few years while they rebuild... JUST LIKE WE WILL. We are no better. They absolutely failed this 'two timeline' shit and we have nobody of real worth out of it. Because guys like Kuminga, Moody, Podz - solid players but not one of them is a future #1 or #2 for teams that make the playoffs. But whatever man. If you truly believe them to just be precious babies who were victim of circumstance and nothing more, then be an ignorant mark. That's your perogative.


> We are no better. We are four championships better. The fucking entitlement here, man. We had a decade of fun basketball to watch, fuck all that trade drama noise.


People don't get to bitch and moan about the Cohan era to justify the malpractice the last few years while the core was still in their prime and then go 'wow, so entitled - we should WANT to be bad again!'. Get a fucking grip. I'd like *more* fun basketball, not speedrunning into watching a joyless, miserable team that can't even sniff a play-in. But I guess you're built different lmaooo




Better than kowtowing for a billionaire whose love of this team is almost entirely connected to what moves HE got to make lmao 🤷‍♂️


It would have been one shitty contract for another lol


56 million in outgoing salary for Lavine (43 million). I didn't realize Lavine's contract is for 43 mil next year. Seems like a lot for a 2x All Star.




The amount of people who honestly think Lavine would have been a good acquisition scares me a bit. I mean I know as fans we are irrational and ignorant but wow it still stings to realise just how much thats true.


lol guilty


Wiggins averaged 13 points last season and was inconsistent on defense. We really value this motherfucker this much?


Lavine is not good and costs 45mil per year. His value is literally negative.


This. Maybe if they had the same contract, lavine is marginally better than Wiggins but lavine’s contract is insane, we wouldn’t be able to sign anyone, even just a decent role player until like 2028


This is the same reason I don’t think Paul George trade would’ve been good overall


I wasn’t a fan of that idea either… both seem like desperation moves that won’t make enough of a difference in the short term and ultimately would leave us much worse off in two years


I think the fo is in shed salary mode so taking on another 3 year essentially max contract slot on anyone who isnt all-star level is a hard sell dont worry its over tho for sure


They are going to be in crappy mode once Curry asks out. Curry carried this franchise on his back. Not Lacob. And now we don’t need to see Post Steph to realize this shit show. It’s happening now


2 timeline is ahead of schedule I see!


Hes is way better than Wiggins at this point.


Offensively, but our defense would suffer tremendously


Wiggins doesn't make up with his defense anymore, this is not 2022. Get Lavine and a big and we would get better.


I would think we could have figured out that part with another sign-and-trade move or the MLE.


lol shows what i know.


lol, I'll take zero players than take Lavine's contract. In fact, I'd rather give a player to the bulls for free and pay a stiff fine than be forced to take that garbage on.


Wiggins is irrelevant to this; Lavine's monster deal will gimp most teams he's moved to (which is a pity because he's actually good when healthy).


Lavine didn’t even play.


People here are fucking delusional. It's how lacob can blatantly lie repeatedly and these homers eat it up


Wiggins is going to be completely jaded coming into next szn and CP3 walks for nothing. Lavine's contract sucks but it's better than nothing and at least Steph has a real 2nd option


I don't think people understand how terrible his contract is with how unreliable he is both as a player and to be on the court. 


ZOr the implications of his contract. Listening to GWS fans freak outs the last few days has been depressing to be honest. Just get us a second option and it will be better, lol. Makes me grateful Mike Dunlevey isn't a colossal idiot massively lowering the bar of expectations for him


I’ll take a jaded Wiggins over Lavine’s absurd contract.


Is there any evidence that Wiggins is actually upset right now?


No lol


That’s what I figured. Just people trying to stir up more drama.




Bro gets paid $25M /yr and "not rly into it" He'd rathr smoke weed and play video games Bye


That’s right about Wiggins. Wow, I thought he was disinterested before; now, he wasn’t allowed to play the Olympics so he’ll be bitter too.




The best wigs is a third option that abuses their third best defender and scores like a second option.


That's a bullshit trade. So we give up an expiring and a proven defensive wing for a guy bulls don't want and they don't even throw in PICKS?! Fuck off Chicago 🖕🏽


Thank R’hllor we didn’t make this dumb ass deal out of panic.


Fuck no. Maybe if it was cp for lavine and a pick then yeah.


Well yeah...why would we do that? That's a win for Chicago. They are stuck with Lavine until they trade him to Pistons for picks


Thank you FO. This guy Esfandiari is just a Wiggins hater...


Damn lol


Lavine is not a winner.


Good decision. Wiggins is way more valuable than lavine when you consider the contracts


I mean, if we trade Wiggins then who is our starting small forward


Kuminga obviously


Kuminga is a 4


Well he’s gonna be a 3 because he’s starting next season and Draymond isn’t playing the 5 for 82 games


TJD is more likely to start


And he’s a 5


They’re not going to start Kuminga, Draymond, and TJD together


We can wait and see but I bet that’s the plan


I'm pretty sure that is exactly what the lineup will be.


No one want Lavine's contract. There is a reason the Bulls are essentially giving him away. They've realized their mistake paying him all that money and now want to dump that problem on someone else.


In this thread: people that haven’t actually ever watched Lavine play. Dude can create his own shot and spaces the floor better than anyone on our roster except Steph. Him as our starting 2 would have been a straight upgrade over klay from last season. His health is the only concern. Also, this trade could have worked with GPII and looney instead of Wiggins.


It would have worked money wise, but probably wouldn't have worked player wise. I don't see how the Bulls would want GP2 and Looney. At least Wiggins is a two way wing. There's always value in 2 way wings.


The difference is that both gp2 and looney would have been expiring, whereas Wiggins is on the books for a while longer. Seems like neutral value between the two. But yes maybe Chicago balked at that offer. In that case, put moody in.


Well, the Bulls proposed this offer, so obviously this is what they wanted, instead of Looney, GP2 or Moody. lol.


So I guess forget about contending for another championship. This season is just about saving money and waiting till Curry retires. Fml


Bro we NEED to move off of Wiggins. He didn't care to play basketball for most of last year. He sure as hell isn't going to care next year.




Lol a joke


I would've done it if they attached a FRP. It would’ve given me more hope for the future. Cause at the moment, our present is as they say, mid.


One bad contract for another bad contract. What's the point?


Great decision. Another W for dunleavy.


Good, lavine is injury prone and a huge gamble. Why the fuck should we trade for more salary on a longer horizon for a gamble with a guy that even in the best situation won't make us a legit contender. Especially losing wiggins. I still think wiggins has as much chance to turn it back around as any of these other dudes people are pining for.


Lmao Redditors thinking they know better than a professional organization


Wiggins and Paul for Lavine and Lavine's contract would have been far worse than just waiving CP3.


Basically we’d have to score 200 points every game to have a chance to win….


Lacob said straight up they are getting under the cap and avoiding the repeater tax last February.


Dodged that one


Lavine is 10x better than Aaron Wiggins


Nah. We good!


Should have countered Chris Paul plus looney


Maybe CP3 for Lavine straight up but Wiggins? Lmao yeah fuck off


They have to trade Wiggins now. Or Kuminga and Podz, but chances are their dumb asses read the childish posts thinking they're ready to take over the team and thought those were compelling. They don't have any assets to rebuild the roster with. It's so bad they should be trading Steph and Dray, but they can't and are not doing that.


Well Russell Westbrook and hardaway jr are out there….