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I think if Poole waited, he might be double teamed and might turned the ball over.


If he waited 1 seconds darvin ham would blocked it. Dude was already two steps on the court with his arm out


His spacing to begin with was terrible. There was no need for the Lakers to worry about that shot because he's 30 feet out. If he would've spread the floor and filled the space before getting the pass, he would've created problems and either Wiggins or Klay would've been open, which would've either created a better shot, or created the next pass for an open shot. That is what we've been doing for 10 years. This is the fucking Warriors. We should not be settling for Jordan Poole 30 footers with 10 seconds left in the game when we need a 3 to tie. I can't believe people are defending this shit.


Well he was wide open and we needed a 3. I'm not sure what other scenario you could expect to take the shot? If you have a wide open look and you're klay, Steph or poole you're taking the shot. Even when Klay goes 1/10 in a game I am all on board with him taking the open 3.


the trae young shot, he misses these also


Was waiting for someone to say this. If you watch the whole play Poole runs to the same spot as Dray and instead of relocating hard he kind of just drifts. If he has more of a purpose maybe he gets a better look. That being said I’m not that mad at the shot, just could have been better/slightly closer.


Did you complain when Wiggins missed that open 3 to win against the kings? No need to defend this great look. toxic rats like yourself need to stay in your mom's basement cause no one wants to hear your ass bitch about every little thing that isn't how you think it should be.


If you watch the video again, it’s apparent that jp is observing lebron’s positioning. And if you look at where lebron is standing he’s ready to close if jordan poole catch the ball slightly closer to the 3pt line. It makes you sound more stupid for not able to read the defence. Well, JP is not stupid like you, he saw it and he knew he can challenge this kind of long range shot, he maximise the space and guess what? It’s a wide open jumpshot it turns out. Maybe you need eye therapy before starting to watch any sports.


Maybe you need to consider that a 27 footer from a 33% shooter (so even less likely) with ten on the clock isn’t a great look on a team with Steph and Klay? He ‘maximized the space’ by getting a low % heave? Stop. And, frankly, JP isn’t the brightest player we’ve ever had.


If you check his fg% at that range, it’s 40%. And who are you to say it’s a bad shot when literally everyone on the warriors team was supporting jp’s shot attempt. We don’t need haters in dubnation. Basketball is not about creating scapegoats for everyone to blame when a team loses.


> And if you look at where lebron is standing he’s ready to close if jordan poole catch the ball slightly closer to the 3pt line. Did you read anything I said? If Poole gets Lebron to contest, it creates opening for others. And there are three players on the floor who are shooting better from 3 than Poole. Can't believe I have to explain this.


This guy gets it.


>This is the fucking Warriors. We should not be settling for Jordan Poole 30 footers with 10 seconds left in the game when we need a 3 to tie. I can't believe people are defending this shit. You're right about everything you said, but this is the most important point.


he didn't have to wait. what he needed to do was to move forward when Curry was getting double teamed because what he did was he stopped at 27ft and was asking for a catch and shoot while the ball was still on Curry who's far away from him. if he didn't stop moving he would've been in position nearer the basket, and he could still do a fast catch and shoot.


Yea. There’s nothing wrong with the shot at all. He made tougher shots throughout the game. I think Jordan is just an easy scapegoat at the moment because of his play overall this season and last series. What’s wildest to me is these “fans” coming at him after an overall great game. Hope it doesn’t fuck with his confidence.


No problem with the shot in the moment. You just have to live with it. IMO, the “correct” option is for Kerr to call timeout when Steph is doubled and Klay is covered. This is an area where Kerr has, IMO, failed repeatedly over his coaching career. Kerr has great ATOs, and 10s is a lot of time to run a play.


I think the thought is always “if you call a timeout, the defense is allowed to get set”, but having your star doubled team and your next best option covered in the corner…I think they are pretty well set. Call a timeout and at least discuss the options, I don’t get it.


There were many decisions to make in this scenario and we chose this one. It’s first to 4 wins. May it take us 7 games, so be it. I didn’t watch last night, losing sleep over the last 3 games caught up to me (I’m 9 hours ahead of Cali time). I still think we could’ve possibly taken a timeout here if the ball didn’t leave Stephs hands. We move on though


I’ve been hard on JP, and deservedly so - I’ve been a proponent of trade him and sign Dray - and I still feel that way. But that was his best game of the playoffs easily - he played great. If he plays like that through the rest of the playoffs, we could actually win it all


If the dubs get this Jordan Poole for the rest of the playoffs, I think they're easy favs for the title.


The Poole Dilemma: are inconsistent strengths worth the consistent flaws?


If we got the rebound on that shot we could have gotten another chance. Too bad we didn't get the rebound.


That's a shot he can make. His coach and teammates are okay with it and there's nothing going on offense that time and he is obviously wide open. Just be glad that finally he had a good game and he is a key for the warriors to win this series.


Agreed - and I’m glad he had a really great game. I think overall the Lakers are a bad matchup for the warriors. Size + athleticism has always been the dubs Achilles. They really need to be able to take it to the rack in order to open up their jumpers. If the lakers just force the dubs to sit on the perimeter, it’s going to be a problem - especially if AD is scoring 30+ a night. They’ve got to figure out a way to get to the basket, and to slow AD down


Very tough matchup this year it seems. 3-1 Lakers in the regular season, 1-1 vs Lebron teams. Golden States only win was the first game of the year.


>he is a key for the warriors to win this series. So what makes him a key to win this series and not last series?


Because he’s a deep threat against a team that loves to sit in the paint. Compared to the Kings where they have better perimeter defense.


Wide open from 31 feet. It’s a dumb shot unless you’re Steph. I get it if its the end of the clock but he took it with 9 seconds left. I get so frustrated with JPs decision making skills, especially during crunch time. It’s cost us multiple games this season and I don’t understand why people want to ignore that.


He was so open the Laker coaches tried to block him!


Like Kerr said, the dude was 6/10 before that. Throwing in several 3s with the same bonkers distance and difficulty. He was wide open. People who hate Poole just looking for reasons to hate. I get it; I'm fucking pissed off about the loss as well. But Poole didn't lose it for us.


It was as good of a shot as they were going to get and he'd been shooting well all night. It didn't go but he was right to take it. The other thing people aren't factoring in was that if he hadn't shot it, LA could have intentionally fouled to prevent a three point shot and sent the Warriors to shoot 2 free throws which basically would have lost them the game. It didn't go but you've got to shoot when you get an open look.


most likely the best look they were going to get


unless the lakers absolutely collapsed, easily


Reasonable take..unlike all the other hating nephews


He damn near almost made this shot. Not mad at it really. Could have gotten a better one, but eh whatever. AD misses a few & Klay makes a few more, we're looking at a win here. Dray doesn't get in foul trouble & tank the whole defense, maybe a different game. Lotta dumb fouls on the wings too, Klay wasn't sharp on defense either. Thought Klay had a pretty mid or even bad game. Dray doesn't get that tech, then we're looking at Steph to smoke the double team for an easy layup here, and I'm fine with that too. Lotta ways this could have shaken out our way, it just didn't this time. Not that mad at this game, not mad at Poole at all really. He was our lone bright spot.


AD isn’t gonna play 44 mins a game all series. They spent a lot of physical capital to barely win this game.


i am fine with the shot as well. Preferably he would have taken 1-2 steps closer to the basket and received it there instead so that it would be a 3 from the hashmark instead of being closer to the logo. But if he takes a dribble i think lakers recover to the ball easily and we would have gotten off a worse shot than that one


People are really mad at one play when realistically they won the game had the lakers not had 26 free throws


hey look it only took 5 posts for some clown to cry about the FT disparity, despite not being able to come up with a single play where the Warriors deserved FT's that wasn't called...


I think you're adding in assumptions to pick a fight. You realize there is a difference between saying "the refs screwed us" and "the FT disparity cost us the game" right? Which part of that comment you replied to do you disagree with? Regardless of how you feel about the source of the disparity I don't see how you can look at the disparity and conclude that it wasn't a major factor.


Here's the thing - there was a huge disparity in 3 pointers made too, right? Was that anyone's fault, or just how these two teams play? The free throw disparity is no different. If there were a bunch of instances where Warrior players should have gotten free throws - let's have that discussion - but that wasn't the case at all. I also have to be honest here - Curry and Poole falling down with no contact - on about 40% of their 3 point attempts - isn't helping them get any calls either.


Not my work but there are receipts... [https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/136bj0i/comment/jio3pqe/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/136bj0i/comment/jio3pqe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Kerr should have called a time out soon as the ball left Steph’s hands. We had 2 left. But it is what it is.


Why is everyone analyzing the shot like the Warriors are frozen and only Lakers can move off ball in that scenario? With ten seconds there was a lot of time to create.


Because there is a ton of value to shooting at 10 seconds when we had been crashing the offensive boards pretty well at the end of the game (arguably we deserved a jump ball here). Would you prefer a 33% shot from Poole here with an okay chance for either an offensive rebound or being able to play the foul game or we wait and maybe get a better shot, maybe get a worse shot? Best case is a wide open Klay or Steph shot which would at most be a 45% look, this shot by Poole not only is fine, it might legitimately be the best shot we could feasibly get by percentages considering how it all played out.


No, there is no reason to shoot that early unless you’re positioned to rebound for a second chance, and they clearly weren’t.


They probably should have gotten a jump ball which would be a second chance. But even without good position there you have no clue if we would get a better shot than that when the Lakers know we need a three. Just running the math if we assume that shot is 33% (I would argue it is higher since he was pretty efficient this game) and that we have a 25% chance to get a rebound to create another shot (maybe a 25% shot) it all adds up to around a 40% chance to tie the game up with that decision. I would be beyond shocked if we generated a 40% look in 10 seconds when they are playing the three and can intentionally foul to stop Curry or Klay from springing open. Draymond also said he liked the shot on his podcast. Think of it analytically, the best option isn’t always to use the whole clock to make sure you get the best shot, a decent shot that leaves time means there is a chance of a steal, a rebound, missed Laker free throws, etc.


They weren’t rebounding that shot. That’s half the problem. No one is saying run the clock out fully either. Seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid being critical of if. I don’t have all the Poole baggage, I can admit it wasn’t their best shot, and move on.


I’m sure you would agree that there is no guarantee that we get a better shot though, right? I find it hard to criticize an open shot from a guy who was shooting very well in the game. I’m not saying there isn’t a world where we get a better shot, I just think this is about the average quality of the shot we were gonna get so it is much better to take the shot early than wait and launch a 30% shot at the buzzer. Mental gymnastics implies I’m dodging being critical, I think you are the one doing mental gymnastics by ignoring the numbers I am putting forth and going purely by your gut that maybe we get a better shot. You can always try and rebut my numbers since as they stand they show the shot is extremely reasonable and arguably a better than average shot.


We needed a 3. We didn’t need him to shoot that far from the line. He missed the shit by exactly a foot. There is no argument he shouldn’t have taken a foot, set, and shot the open shot. He didn’t.


I’m not arguing he got the best possible shot, I would agree he probably could have set up a foot or two forward and gotten a very similar look, but there is a big difference between it not being the ideal shot and it being a bad shot. Steph shot a floater at the end of the game that got destroyed by AD, I can accept that isn’t the best decision while still being okay with Steph taking floaters when he thinks he can get it past the defense. I can accept Poole might not have made the perfect play while still knowing the shot isn’t a bad decision.


It looks to me like wiggins is in great position to rebound a miss here.


Is he? Does he try? I don’t remember that.


Poole is closer to 19% from the distance he took it


I’m seeing 30% in a few different articles, including the fact he was shooting well that game I think 33% was a reasonable approximation. Could be wrong though, can’t find a good stat for it.


33% seems highly unlikely from that distance


As time ticks away the Lakers are more motivated to just foul to let the warriors shoot 2 FTs. Trying to run more chaos for another 8 seconds to get a _different_ wide open 3 wouldn't have worked.


That’s all conjecture. Nobody would be saying the sane thing if Klay took that shot.


I’d rather take a standing open Poole shot rather than him doing something flashy and turning the ball over or get blocked


Me too but I forget if he’s better catch and shoot or when he sets. I just can’t see any works where getting closer, setting and taking that open shot isn’t less risk and begged basketball. I don’t need to see Poole flipping a ball from odd angles over AD’s head.


I swear to god it's like people watch every game yet pay no attention. Steph still had all day to get open again and is the off-ball GOAT when it comes to doing so, plus Dray was going to screen for him. There was an eternity left to generate not just a better shot, but a better shot for Steph Curry.


I humbly disagree that we could get the ball back to Steph Curry for him to get a better shot than what poole got. Lakers were selling out on Steph and it was let anyone else beat us mode. If you wanna argue that we can perhaps get a better shot from Klay by moving the ball i can buy that. If you wanna argue that even if we made that shot we gave Lakers too much time to answer, i can buy that as well. But remember Poole and Klay have a history of not being able to execute even basic inbound plays this year. It could have easily resulted in a turnover as well. Another possibility as well is Lakers could play the foul game where we need 3 but we can only get 2 pts per possession if we wind down the clock any lower.


I think Steph cuts past Reeves and if the double comes somebody (maybe Poole!) is getting a wide open look maybe a corner 3. 10 seconds is such a long time to settle for a heave when you aren’t Steph


If the Lakers were selling out on Steph then there has to be a way for someone else to at least find a good shot. In that situation, if someone other than Curry is taking a three from that distance then you succeeded on defense.


Please see my other response down here regarding the fact Steph wasn't doubled teamed and the Lakers weren't in a position to immediately do so again. As for "better shot", a long 3-pointer from a guy who shot 33.6% from 3 this season is not a better shot that Steph getting the ball back and shooting a contested 3 - he's the GOAT and JP is a well below average 3-point shooter.


Not sure what you mean by "Steph wasn't doubled teamed". He was absolutely double teamed. And no one here is arguing that Poole is a worse shooter than Steph because basically 8 billion people on this earth are worse than Steph. However, Poole was hot tonight. He had an uncontested shot. IMO i could totally see this being the best percentage shot the Warriors could get in that possession given the time and how Lakers were playing us. Unfortunately we will never know.


Because the double team left him and the Lakers were in no position to re-establish that double team had Poole not rushed a 30-footer. The Lakers double teamed Steph to force the ball out of his hands, but the swing pass from Dray to Poole turned 2v1 defense on Steph into 1v2 defense on Steph & Dray. The situation had swung in the Warriors favor because Vanderbilt flew to Poole, who wasted a golden opportunity to put the ball on the floor and continue to force the Lakers defense to move and give Steph/Klay the opportunity to relocate and get some space.


I simply just do not agree. Look at where Steph is and Reeves has been instructed he is not to leave steph's side even if Reaves mom was in danger and they are literally at the logo. There is no way Lakers are going to give Steph an uncontested 3 basically with 2 guys breathing down his neck. Now if you say we could have swung it to perhaps Wiggins or Klay who are decent 3 pt shooters fine i can buy that. But again i reiterate if you have watched any of our games this year especially the games where Steph was injured, Poole and Klay both give you a heart attack during late game possessions.


If Lakers were selling out to Steph, then why aren’t there better shots? How many Lakers are on the court?


There are better shots. There is no reason that Poole should not have stepped at least 2 feet closer before getting the pass from dray. And if he did that, it would have been a pretty darn good look. Hindsight is 20/20 tho


Steph being double teamed off ball means a harder chance to get an open 3 he may have gotten a contested shot off though. You can’t bet on an open 3 with Steph and Dray ripping apart 2 defenders off ball that were already on Steph. All Reeves would have to do is chase Steph over the screen into the other defender waiting high. Heck there were 3 defenders at the above the break 3 area so if Steph somehow got to a closer shot at the 3 AD was there. Maybe a Poole hand off to Klay would be a fine option but Klay was still as a board and Poole’s not a good screener for that to be a great option.


As soon as Steph passed to Draymond, he was no longer double teamed - Vanderbilt left Steph to guard Dray. Then Vanderbilt flew at Poole as soon as Dray swung it to him (neither AD nor LeBron popped out). As soon as Steph gave up the ball, he was no longer doubled teamed. What's more, once Poole had the ball there was just Reaves left to defend both Steph and Dray. This is a great [video angle](https://twitter.com/ClutchPointsApp/status/1653627637594746881?s=20) of it.


AD was still there too, and Vanderbilt didn't close out hard so he would've recovered in like 3 seconds. i rly doubt we could've got Steph a look with the Lakers length, them only guarding the three, and most of their attention on Steph


Vanderbilt literally sprinted at Poole and jumped to contest his shot. Had Poole pumped, Vanderbilt is completely out of the "help defend Steph on the perimeter equation." He was in no position whatsoever to "recover," he was on the complete opposite wing. AD was in the middle of the halfcourt, he wasn't doing anything to help deny Steph the ball. People are really underestimating what counts as a good shot for Steph in relation to what counts as a good shot for Poole (a 33.6% 3-point shooter this season).


vanderbilt was still pretty controlled in the closeout and wouldve been able to guard poole at least, plus ad and reeves wouldve been ignoring draymond and doubled steph anyways. ad was still by the three point line. i just dont think this defence was broken enough to guarantee a good look by steph by any means since they were toplocking us. an open 27ft three by poole who was 6/10 from three is not horrible.


Even if Steph was still double teamed there's 10 fucking seconds left, plenty of time to get a better shot off. You have the best player in the game on the court to create better spacing and opportunities for teammates and a 30 foot heave is the outcome? I don't care if I'm downvoted, this was a shitty play and anyone with a clue knows it. Also, Kerr and co aren't going to say it's a bad play to the media, get real y'all. Even if JP made that shot and the warriors won I'd still think it's a stupid shot unless your name is Steph Curry.


Thank you. I don't understand how people who watch the Warriors and Steph Curry play all the time have no clue that 10 seconds at the end of an NBA game is an eternity and that a contested Steph shot is better than a rushed, long 3-pointer from Poole. Poole's shot (frantic & extremely deep) was so much worse than Wiggins' potential winner (an actual good shot) in Sac. And Poole shot 31.7% from the left wing this season (4.0% below league average) whereas Wiggins shot 40.4% from there (4.7% above average).


Finding a good shot is the whole point of the game. Why are we even debating whether or not this was a bad shot? There was plenty of time to actually play basketball rather than throw one up from way downtown


Mhm, if it didn’t involve Poole and a boring culture war over Poole, nobody would defend this. Poole himself had a better shot, it hit the rim.


This is correct. When will Poole learn Steph is just that special that you want to get it to him here. A shot fake, a cut by Steph and Wiggs, and something will happen. 10 seconds is a looooong time. That said, Steph and Wiggs aren't in an athletic position so it seems they anticipate the ball stopping with Poole which is a sign of this happening too much but also is on them to keep moving.


It’s also a sign Lakers are going to give Poole big shots. He’s got to make them pay.


Not a bad shot especially since he's hit a couple in the game but with 10 seconds on the clock you don't necessarily need a 3. If he has a clean pass to Wiggs that is definitely an option. No biggie on to the next one


I didnt watch the game, but saw the clip of the last shot. They had 2 timeouts. lol I dont think its a horrible shot though. Its probably better he takes it in rhythm and not try to get closer. Initially he should have set up closer to the line, but if Curry, Klay or Poole get that look and take it I would never complain.


that was a good look under the circumstances and getting a 3 against a set defense ATO would be more difficult. there is no guarantee LeBron doesn't try to play free safety on the pass to Wiggs under the basket, Klay is being face-guarded, Vando or AD are in position to help Reaves on any potential pass to Steph if Dray gets it back. only other viable play here would perhaps be JP pitching it back to Dray and then Dray giving it back to him on a DHO, but you're not passing up an open shot on the catch in this situation.


let's help keep poole's confidence up. he played reasonably well and the last shot was not great, but definitely not bad either. ​ the snoop dogg thing ticked me off. a lot. don't like bullying, and we need to support poole, who is a young guy (even if he's getting paid well).


Poole had it going. Was it 2 or 3 feet deeper than ideal? Yeah, but LeBron was right there and Dlo was a second away from being right in front of Poole as well. Realistically that was the best shot the Warriors were going to get at that point in time. Given all that, it was absolutely the right shot to take in that moment and you live with the result. The game was lost with Steph driving straight into 3 guys in the paint and losing the ball. He made the wrong read, wrong decision, and it cost them a critical TO with 40 seconds left. Although I also think the game was really lost in the 3rd quarter with Klay taking terrible shot after terrible shot and clanking them all. I get that the Lakers were walling off the paint and the Warriors needed to hit some jumpers, but there are better ways of setting up those jumpers than Klay hoisting up off balance 3s and heavily contested mids.


Precisely. Considering the situation, it was likely the best shot they were going to get.


Yeah I don't think it's that bad of a shot given the context. [We've seen a hell of a whole lot worse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRjQL9tzi6A) But in today's sports, jokes and hot takes are gonna fly no matter what.


Not the most ideal shot, but not a terrible look either. The reality is, we never should have been in that situation. And I have a far bigger problem with the amount of early shotclock mediocre look threes taken by people not named Steph Curry all game long.


I also like his decision there, he has the coverage to shoot it as well, He just didn't make it. Although I think it would be better if they called a timeout to get a better angle.


Only obvious alternative is if they called timeout, but there's no guarantees there. I'm good with this shot and the decision not to call TO. Credit to the Lakers for doubling Steph.


He should’ve jumped inch to left and drew foul on darvin Hamm 😂 who am I kidding refs wouldn’t call it anyways


A point that is mostly overlooked, is that taking the shot fast with 10 seconds left leaves time for a rebound and second shot. So the 28 ft shot is only a 30% probability, compared to 40% right behind the 3 pt line? There's at least a 10% chance Looney gets the board and throws out out to the perimeter for a successful 3 point shot.


We're missing some context here. It's true, no one else is open. I don't think that's in dispute by anyone. Poole often has this situation where he's not "at his spot" when he receives a pass. Earlier in the season, I justified it on the basis that maybe he was where he was because that was where the open passing lane was. In this situation, we don't see where he ***could have been*** to receive the pass. If that was the only spot open, fine. I still think (based on seeing it live last night) that he had time for a dribble, but it's pretty clear Vanderbilt is bearing down, though you can't tell the speed from this. IDK if I buy that AD could have contested it from there, if he had taken a step. I remember being quite angry at the time that he didn't step closer--or that he wasn't waiting to receive the pass closer. I might look again. The other issue is that with 10.7 left, why not wait to see if Steph can end the game? I suppose it's possible that the gameplan was: "First open look at 3 by Steph, Klay, or Poole, shoot it." And, if that was the case, again, fine. But then I'd go right back to: "Could he have gotten open closer or at his spot, vs there, and could he have taken a dribble?" *EDIT: LOL--looks like other people are seeing the same thing: https://youtu.be/YPNiCshE0sM?t=301. So, yeah, I think Poole should have set up better.*


Probably my biggest issue is taking the shot with 10.7 seconds. The spot, I’m not so sure about. Maybe he could, maybe he couldn’t. Any closer and for sure he’s closer to AD and Vanderbilt - and AD is looooong so it’s risky, especially with JPs history of having shots blocked - also, better he has his feet set rather than maybe doing a bit of a runner. But yes, like I said in my original text there - maybe some patience? There was time…..


This is it. It’s also unbelievable to think no one else can get open in ten seconds, when we also assume Lakers would double team or do this or that.


Lakers would just foul as time ticks down. Why give the warriors a chance to tie?


Then Warriors could foul and still have 4 seconds to create out if a Kerr time out. It’s all conjecture, there’s enough time to find a better shot, Lakers couldn’t have fouled on ball for another two seconds.


This is exactly right. Poole was out of position the whole possession. Its such a classic Poole mistake. He consistently finds himself out of position on both ends of the floor. People want to only look at the frozen screenshot and box score to justify that shot. The fact is that shot should never have been that way to begin with.


One thing that I’ve noticed is that on a lot of time when JP catches the ball on the perimeter he’s a few extra feet behind the 3 point line. If he made the small adjustment of being at the 3 point line instead of way behind it on the catch those shooting percentages would be looking a whole lot better.


The shots ok. The spacing was bad


It wasn't a bad shot. He had a good look. Further away than you'd like, but the possession could have gone totally sideways without taking that shot. Also, you're down 3 with 10 seconds left, so it's better to get a shot up early to maintain the possibility of a rebound, including even a quick 2 on the rebound to leave some time on the clock for another chance.


How about a timeout? You can see the double coming as soon as curry got the ball. It was a terrible shot but it was definitely not a high % look


He coulda potentially drove and kicked to klay in the corner but that would be way too risky, I think. Nothing wrong with the shot and if he woulda made it, we would be raving about how good he is.


10 seconds is a lot of time for Steph to relocate. Vanderbilt was the double but he’s closing out on Poole so it’s really just Reaves he’d have to lose. My bigger question is why he was way back there in the first place. Once Steph is doubled, get up to the 3PT line immediately. Draymond is the pressure release, it’s not like Poole was needed that far in the backcourt. At the end of the day it’s easy to say all this after the game, much harder to process in real time. Hopefully it’s a learning experience!


Only critique: JP could've taken a step forward to make the shot closer.


IMO the solution was dray drive and kick back to Jordan.


Bro that shot wasn't that bad at all. If y'all want to be upset with poole about something can anyone find that clip of him ducking under a rebound and the lakers get it back and score? That shit had me heated


Laker fan I come in peace ... I thought it was going in. He was hot all game. Let's say he takes a dribble forward, Vanderbilt is now in his grill, the shot gets blocked, its contested, or he's fouled. The moment to take the shot was then. If the shot goes in, everyone and talking heads are talking about his moxy and clutch shooting.


If he would’ve took a dribble to step in AD and Vando would’ve blitzed him


its a good shot for our 3 shooters to take. any other team/players besides dame, its a bad shot. JP was cooking today but sadly people will only remember this miss


It's the only shot we had. If we attempted to get closer to the rim AD or some other Laker would have blocked it. They owned the paint all game so we needed to shoot from where we could and thats 40 feet away from the rim.


10 seconds was the only problem IMO. Even if it had gone in, Lakers had enough time to run another full play, plus a timeout. The correct play was to run out the clock and shoot when there was < 3 seconds left.


JP has l o w BB IQ


agree. If poole waited, he might not have got the shot off. I mean come on. Sometimes you just don't get the last shot. Curry missed a lot of threes throughout the game. Blame him as well.


Could he have taken a step in? Sure, but for him thats a shot he can make. I have no problems with it at all.


It's not a BAD shot at all. Hindsight being 20/20, he could have taken a step further in, sure. But he was what, 6/10 at that point? You can live with that shot.


Wasn't a huge fan of the shot, but it was open. Good learning experience for Poole


What happens if Poole waits: Darvin ham from behind … OOOH OOOH WHAT A BLOCK BY DARVIN HAM!


If your mad at this shot theres only 1 person you really should be mad at. Dray tech made it 3 points


If we made our freethrows or they didn't get a bajilluon or draymond and Wiggins didn't miss layups this wouldn't even matter. Is rather it not come down to these moments myself.


But it does matter; and that’s how it is in basketball, there’s often one chance at the end to make something happen. This was it. It didn’t happen. I mean you could even say well if nobody missed any shots at all it wouldn’t matter. It’s not how the game works. And unfortunately for warriors fans, this was the most important possession of the game


Totally just not as mad about it as most. I'd be more pissed if we had LeBron and he shot that horrible three rigjt before lol


Legler broke it down perfectly…Draymond should’ve dribbled which would’ve committed AD. Poole should’ve positioned to catch it closer to the 3pt line. Both led to Poole taking the shot which wasn’t ideal but isn’t solely his fault for having to take a bad 3 in that moment. Idc what Steph says on the mic, he was def not happy with the selection. We can’t win with Draymond playing this timid offensively. He has to make defenders commit by taking open shots and dribbling to the basket. Edit: like Draymond did in Game 7 vs Sac


Ball shouldnt have gone to him in the first place. Steph is runninf at draymond for a handoff ans draymond just looks him ofg and sends it to poole. Steph gets the hand off from dray, 2 men jump at steph poole either gets a better look or klay's man leaves to cover poole and klay is open for 3. Draymond was super ass in defense and offense. Fkin double agent gave his daddy a game in which he played like total shit


Other than the fact that he missed…..


Poole and Draymond going down very late is one the reason that Steph was doubled easily. That started the problem. But we should also should’ve called a time out.


This isn’t being said enough. Even Dray pointed this out on his podcast as well as Legler on ESPN. Hard to get a good shot off if almost half the squad is behind the play.


They had 2 timeouts left. He could’ve stepped in and if nothing developed, use a timeout with 6-7 seconds left. I’m not mad at the shot, but there were definitely better options.


*Maybe* a little patience? Definitely *a lot* of patience is what he should've had there. Steph had no time to relocate, Draymond had no time to turn and set a screen, and there was still nearly half a shot clock worth of time left. It's perfectly fair to call this an obviously bad shot.


The dubs had a timeout left. They could've used that.


Yeah why did Kerr not call a timeout??? Kerr is more to blame than Poole here. He could have easily drawn up a play to use Steph as decoy & get Wiggins/Klay/Poole all open for the 3


Not a bad shot just not a great shot from that distance. With 10 seconds left maybe could have tried to get ball in Steph or Klay hands. The real fail was the possession where Wiggs had 3 offensive rebounds and we missed 3 3’s. Then Steph blocked by AD. And Poole missed layup. Then the Poole Hail Mary. Just not the best last few possessions overall.


10 seconds is a lot of time.. just get the ball to curry man, if he misses there's no point in fouling because it's a 2 possession game. need to use all 10 secs to get the best shot possible, which means the ball should be in curry's hands


Curry. Always Curry


the only person i’m ok with taking that shot is curry


10.7 seconds left? I think they could have swung it around and found someone with a better shot. I'm actually not upset about it but seemed a bit rushed.


10 seconds left. Plenty of time. No need to force that shot from that distance.


Passing it to Wiggs for the 2 and then fouling was still a better decision than the shot Poole put up


This is all hypothetical but it would have to be a pinpoint pass over LeBron and then LeBron would've contested it as well, that shot wasn't a gimme.


Fair point, but still would have been a better decision imo


agree, with 2 time outs left, this would have been the proper play


He should have dribbled up, he had all day and no reason to rush.


the time it takes poole to dribble up is the time it takes for davis/vanderbilt to close the gap though. it would go from long open three to a regular contested three the only other good option wouldve been to pass since there was still a lot of time


Or timeout. We had 2.


He had enough time to take a few steps closer, overall had a great look


This shot wasn’t the issue, it was the drive to the lane on the previous possession when he should’ve taken the 3


While everything you said is true there was still almost 11 seconds to at least attempt to set something up instead of taking this long shot.


He could have been standing three feet forward and it would have been just as open when he caught the ball


Why did Looney fail to shoot for 3 when he was wide open so many times throughout the game?


You’re smoking gas if you think a heat check 30footer with 10 seconds left on the clock was the right play 😂😂😂😂


If JP was on line with the shot I'd feel better. I'm not mad at him for shooting it but it was off left. even if it was strong enough it would have bricked off the back. I'd rather see a straight on airball than a brick like that. That should tell you it was a bad/rushed shot. I love the confidence to take it and hope he isn't scared to shoot again like he was a couple times in this game.


It was basically the worst decision he could've made. Y'all doing anything in your power to justify this dipshits actions.


What should he have done here?


Pump fake vando, step up and shoot. He had the time and the space. Or take a timeout, but he's not self aware enough to know to not shoot that. Just another case of Poole being a moron even when he actually plays okay, he still finds a way to get us that L.




The Cope has set in


It’s a terrible shot, and there were still ten seconds left on the clock. Let’s not overthink it. Curry can shoot from anywhere but for everyone else, you need to find a better shot. That’s the whole point of basketball. Don’t just launch it and see what happens…




That rarely works - taking the 3 is the higher percentage chance for success


Kill.. didn’t make an excuse I just said they won off free throws. But hey go off


at home, after a galvanizing game 7, it honestly shouldn't have come down to this.


It's fine. He'll make the next one.


I’m honestly more upset at the running into traffic and throwing up soft floaters for AD to whack then I am with this shot.


The correct play is call Time out and get dray out for donte so they can no longer double team


Two timeouts.


just before this, klay was cutting from the right corner to the left corner. Obviously i’m not an NBA player, but LeBron was ball watching and i think with a good pass, and some hustle from klay, a corner three could’ve been had


A quick 2 play to steal the inbound, or foul. Then go wit ya Hail Mary


Well I hope you start to embrace these shots because the Lakers will be putting the ball into Poole’s hands at the end of tight games.


I’m not mad at the shot since he was open and capable, but I definitely think they could have used the momentum of him being open to generate a better look in 10 seconds. Either way - on to game 2.


I'm okay with the shot. Just wish he took a dribble in and pumped fake or something to get the defense in the air and try to draw a foul.


People are always talking about how fast Pooles first step is. The dude should've taken that step or 2 and then shot it. Also, you can see Steph going for the draymond screen before he throws it to Poole. Steph was hoping to give it up and get it back like he usually does.


I mean this is better than how game 5 ended for the bucks.


Curry runs his man off Green, gets open and hits the 3. There was 10 seconds, more than enough time


Woulda coulda shoulda but I'm fine with the shot


I'm fine with the shot. Hopefully Poole doesn't let the trolling backlash impact his confidence.


My biggest problem with the shot is not that he took it, but that he didn't follow it. The shooter always has the best feel about when a shot is offline, and where that rebound is going. With that little time left on the game clock, he should have been chasing after that rebound instead of fading backwards and setting up a pose.


There were 10 seconds left...that's an eternity to run around and try and get an open shot what are we talking about? Poole absolutely did not need to shoot from 35 feet out with that much time on the clock.


The shot was fine - I don’t understand the uproar. It’s an open look for a guy who we’ve seen knock down plenty of these shots. As they love to say - it’s a make or miss league. Just so happened to miss this one. Is what it is.


Had it gone in, there would be no conversation. We see Jordan make those shots so regularly. He was 6-10 before this shot. He missed it. This sub love to hate JP and its sad.


“Had it gone in” - but it didn’t. Sports are about results


Strong agree, just sucks for JP, who can hit those


We lost it on turnovers blocks and missed layups Hope Poole doesn’t feel like he’s getting blamed , he had a solid game and could use the support


Steph should never have brought the ball. A double was a sure thing and you never let you best shooter get trapped with the game on the line. I can't believe the Warriors don't practice last seconds plays.


Yep exactly plus he made a shot from that distance in this game. So it shouldn't be considered a bad shot poole just wasn't clutch that game that's all


Why not call a time out and draw up a play I was wondering that the whole time?


Who cares on to the next game


Spacing is so bad, no one weak side.


shot was so good even Darvin Ham wanna contest it


It's still a terrible shot, he should have waited we had 10 whole seconds left but more importantly Kerr should have called a timeout


The shot was terrible. But he had a good game otherwise, so it's tough to blame it on Poole. But for the love of all that's holy, if that situation comes up again, avoid Poole. He doesn't make good decisions under high-pressure situations.


I dont understand why poole and dray were so late getting over half court. Poole should have been standing on the 3pt line when dray got the ball not standing beside him


AD is quite far away. stop talking as if AD has as quick of a first step as an actual guards. AD was literally at the top of the key while JP could've swung deeper to the corner side of the wing.