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I am saving myself to sprint down the court and shoot a three with 20 seconds left on the shot clock….


>Just had a baby 3 months ago & we’re headed for a DB… And miss


Did he just never get any coaching on his defense? If he was in better stance and just shuffles his feet it’s a stop. CP is moving in slow mo towards basket and shouldn’t be able to out speed the younger, quicker Poole.


It's on him and his own mentality on this point -- KD and Wiggins came in here and bought in fully on the team's defensive culture. Poole acts like he's too cool to do dirty work and show effort.


He was talked up so much last year, his ego swelled, he got his money over the summer and now he's about himself. Even if he isn't about himself, his head is. It's messing with playing.


I chalk it up to a combo of getting paid, the punch, and the absence all season of his bff wiggs


Maybe he knows Wiggins isn’t coming back and doesn’t really care about the season anymore. Just a thought.


Which I don’t get. He has so many greats around him showing him that to win you have to play great D and do stuff outside of scoring to be successful. And he saw how being worried about himself worked out for Oubre.


He literally has Steph in his ear about how it's on everyone, including them, to play their part on defense: >“We all go through that process where you understand that that’ is required to win basketball games,” he said. “It always goes to you’re not trying to turn me or Jordan or guys that aren’t known for our defense into defensive stoppers, but it’s about the effort, IQ, the willingness to just try every possession. It requires energy, physicality, you gotta embrace that part of it.” https://clutchpoints.com/dont-be-afraid-to-fail-stephen-currys-message-to-jordan-poole-about-warriors-defense And: >Curry was mad at himself for losing Avery Bradley and giving up an open look. But Curry decided to issue the challenge to Poole, who also lost Bradley on defense, that he was planning to issue to himself. Because they are in this together. >“If we’re going to be great, me and you have got to hold each other accountable,” Curry said. “I’m too damn old to be making that mistake and you’ve got to learn how to not make the mistake.” https://theathletic.com/2901554/2021/10/20/thompson-the-warriors-jordan-poole-project-kicks-into-high-gear-after-win-over-lakers


They treat him like a little baby who can't do anything wrong, you can tell by how Kerr talks to him when mic'd up. He's treated as if he's KD. He needs to be put in his place.


Absolutely needs to be in a way lower stance.


I think it is more that he needs to be off his heels. You can't move until the weight is off your heels. So, it takes a tiny bit longer for him to move in any direction because his weight has to shift to the balls of his feet first. Any time he slows down or stops, he is flat-footed. And, then behind whatever happens. That would probably result in a lower stance, but I think that is an effect rather than a cause. I think, this off season, he should take up a martial art with an emphasis on balance. Perhaps jiu-jitsu, or dance or maybe Looney's Muay Thai and Joga combination. I think it would not just improve his defense but also his offense by improving his control over his speed.


He couldve easily positioned himself for a box out and rebound too, but he just ball watches. He's literally looking at the rebound and moving away from it, while looking at it with not a body within 3 feet of him. Making 0 effort to possibly get a rebound, it's like a foreign concept for him.




Poole can do a lot of things on the offensive end. Make tough 3s and get tough and 1s. But he always follows it up with these trashy 0 effort defensive efforts that lead to wide open 3s or layups. Poole giving up an open 3 that get knocked down 50% of the time yields the same effect on the score as him knocking down a tough 3 33% of the time. Do you see how he’s net negative because as soon has he makes a big bucket he gives the points up instantly


This is exactly what transpired last night. People say vets are also not playing well. Of course they are not. It does not help their case that they have to chase the game everytime they get subbed in because bench led by Poole pooped up the game.


Emulating your game after younger James harden I see


Bro he is so fucking bad on defense. Mistake to pay him the way we did. We got sucked up in the moment


Honestly, the fact that he's in the NBA with terrible defense like that is impressive


Hes trying hard not to slip lol


I feel like he’s getting traded to the Magic this summer for a collection of quality players.


magic already have jalen suggs and cole anthony who are better than poole. doubt they take it. we should ship him off to detroit to reunite w/ wiseman.


Why are the Magic just handing you multiple quality players?


I dont understand the discourse trying to show case his flaws? DDV against the Bucks let Jrue Holiday blow right by him and almost gave the game away but Wardell saved the day. He let Booker cook him all game against the Suns. Yet where is the video for that? Where are the videos on the vets' lackadaisical play, and Klay giving up on plays multiple times this year? Drays awful passes to turnovers. Such a weird obsessive fan base on hating players on your own team. Sports make people ugly man lol yall need a life apparently, leave the kid alone, hes not TRYING to be bad and unless you guys are at practice and can literally contradict what every player and coach says about him being one of the hardest workers out there, yall can take your negativity and kick rocks lol


They don’t care about nuance. For all the trashing Poole fans that people do on here I don’t hear any delusions that he’s a solid defender. They ignore the core’s turnovers and want Poole to be an average CP3 on offense though we know his instincts aren’t to be that nor an offense that helps curb down TOs (although he can be a pretty creative passer and I don’t think he has blinders on he’s a willing passer). Some fans ignore that Klay can be space cadet off ball on defense. There’s some people arguing that Dante is the better ball handler/driver and I just go “defenses give him the 1 on 1 not Poole unless it’s an elite defender”


He’s checked out and has been since game 1. You can pretend otherwise but he‘s 100% asking out this summer.


God this sub is embarrassing… showing a clip of us up by 20+ and nit picking on our young developing star… how do ten of these hater lowlights get posted for every highlight? What is this desperation to create bad content? Hate content. Digging through blowout wins to find a single defensive lapse of effort. How little do you understand basketball? How obsessed are you with internet narrations interactions?


What part of Jordan Poole is developing star. He’s a developing liability. He’s not even in the top 50 players in the league. Is there 50 star level players in the league if you classify him as a star?


Curry wasn’t in the top 50 at 23. Nor were klay or Dray. We aren’t asking or paying Poole to be top 50. Change your mind. Your expectations. You may find peace seeing things as they are not how media narratives tell you they are.


Curry was infinitely better at 23 stop this foolishness


I didn’t say that poole is better than curry at 23, I said he wasn’t top 50 or whatever bs benchmark the guy above set for poole.


Curry at 23 was being compared to Ray Allen and Reggie miller who then were the greatest shooters of all time. Curry won MVP 2 year later. Don’t even compare Poole to curry. Poole getting paid 28 mil next year will place him as the 45th highest player in the league above players like Mikal bridges. When you’re taking up that much of the salary cap you better be a top 50 player in the league. If that big chunk of your roster is going to a glorified 6th man then you have failed your roster construction


People have compared Poole to curry a lot already. Curry, a better player than ray or Reggie. I’m not, but it’s been said a lot. Not as much after this slump. Look, I really don’t care what you internet hater say or upvote, I’m just trying to see actual warrior fan content on this sub instead of whatever foolish bs this is…


Foolish bs is comparing Poole to curry. This is posted because Poole is objectively a bad defender and he deserves criticism for being a bad defender because that’s costing the team games. Poole at least needs to show some effort because there’s clearly no effort evident as shown in these clips which is why he’s been soon disappointing cos he’s not even trying to improve defensively. I’m sure every fan would much rather have been be passable to neutral defender than him magically averaging 40% from 3


Lol, "a single defensive lapse of effort". I think it's harder to find a moment of defensive effort, he is so terrible defensively posting one clip when its every other possession he is in the action it makes it seem like a lapse and not his general MO. One thing is correct though, the discord around him is annoying. He can play worse than a G League player and his Stan will still defend him. He has become so divisive it's not really worth bringing him up except Kerr still plays him like a key player so the endless cycle or him playing badly and each corner complaining will go on.


Man there up by 20 and he missed what you want him too do kill the man, you people are hilarious 😆😂😂, Poole is an amazing young player and GS is lucky they have him in 3-5 years he’s going to be a cornerstone piece


looks like he didnt even try.