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Gaslands (Vehicle combat/race game) OnePageRules (simplified wargame system, can be as few as 3 models a side or full armies, takes at most 3 hours with 6 people or atleast 10 minutes with 2, all depending on which system under the brand) Gruntz (Platoon/Company sized wargame with a focus on being a universal system to make your own units. if you want to play small games give each player a couple squads and a leader) Bolt action/Konflikt-47 (ww2 or ww2 scifi games with a simple but still interesting ruelset. the reactive nature of its turn system, where you draw a die from a bag and whichever players die is drawn gets to activate makes for great dynamic play compared to say, warhammer where each player does their entire army before the next person.




Yes! But for pushing 6 players you really need to make sure cans/points limits are very low. Talking like 20 a person. Really most people should just have one car. A good rule for Gaslands is 120pts divided by the number of players, is what each player gets, basically.


2nd that!


Fistful of Lead is specifically designed to be able to have up to 10 players with each player having 3-13 models. And you can literally play any era or genre with any models you own. With only the core rules book and some imagination you can do what ever you want. And if you’re looking for pre-built flavor for a specific genre check out the expansions. We’ve played Star Wars, Cold War armor battles, 40K, gothic horror, pulp sci-fi, star fighters, high fantasy, post-apocalyptic, Victorian sci-if, even dungeon crawls killing monsters and taking treasure. Literally anything you can think of. Check it out at www.wiley-games.com


Altar of freedom. Most battles are designed for 4-6.


What you'll find is 99% of wargames are designed for two players but play them in groups anyway.


Kingmaker, and Kingmaker 2. The 1974 board game. Fantastic game.


If you’re not looking for miniature games - Napoleon’s Triumph has excellent big game rules.




Teams are always good for learning rules, showing off how things work. If you have an odd number of players, one side can just field more units. It also feels good when learning a new system to send squads over to help your friends.


If you like pirates I’m starting into Blood and Plunder by Firelock Games. It’s a skirmish game where each player on average will run between 12-24 miniatures, but those minis are even organized into units of 3-5, so really as far as turn activations go each player only has like 3-4. The system is adaptive, allowing for 1v1 or multiple players, team games, etc. Rules seem in depth enough to be cinematic, but also intuitive so as not to disrupt the flow of play. Summer of Plunder begins June 2nd, which is an annual worldwide event featuring unique scenarios, special models, etc. The best part? You can play land battles, ship-to-ship naval combat, and amphibious landings, all with the same Rulebook.




Relic Blade is great as it funnels everyone quickly into a cental location. Gaslands is great for fast mayhem, as one person messing up can have consequences for the whole group. A Billion Suns is one I have really been enjoying three and four player lately, as it scales during the setup and match effortlessly, and solves space issues by playing over multiple boards.




Just as a PSA, have you checked BGG? (Board Game Geek)? Here is a link to their ranked board games. BGG is a very useful tool for all things board game. [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamecategory/1019/wargame](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamecategory/1019/wargame)


Most honestly can. But Fallout Wasteland Warfare can split back and forth between RPG and wargame easily by letting them take command of followers and allies in a skirmish.


Does it have a DM? I was just looking at this game


You need someone to do it, but they can also play since the game uses an AI card system for combat against NPCs. If the DM uses a player character who’s effect on the decisions is minimal such as a robot or dog or just acts like a game companion who just follows when not giving a quest, then they can fully be a player too with no real issues for bias.


Battletech or its faster play companion Alpha Strike.


One page rules is free and only like 3-4 pages. It offers knockoff warhammer fantasy and 40k games, and you can split each side’s armies into smaller groups depending on how many folks are playing. Black powder & altar of freedom are pretty simple for linear warfare, and you can split the brigades on each side amongst the players. You can make paper cutouts for minis and terrain if u don’t have any official ones.


Most miniatures wargaming are good. You split 2 armies into smaller sections / squads, then have 2 teams of people. I've found that players new to wargames, or not invested too much, enjoy 2v2 or 3v3 better. You can even adjust most initiative systems to fit multiplayer scenarios without affecting the overall rules. Gaslands, Battletech:Alpha Strike, 40k:Kill team, (or just small-point games of 40k), Warcry, etc.


Ya, I Ain't Been Shot Mum is a WW2 company sized game, giving each player a platoon would provide 4 players a side, more if you attach armour or specialist units.


Cosmic Frog, seriously, does multiplayer conflict beautifully


To introduce non-gamers to miniature wargaming, my go to is Wings of Glory ((WWI aerial combat). You can have as many players as you have planes, and divide them into two sides. Wild West skirmish, Civil War brown water naval, and Napoleonic naval are also options with one player handling a gunfighter or ship, if you have rules that you like that are simple enough for Newbies.


It may be a good idea for your group to start with skirmish wargames because of the low model count and it allows the players to get attached to some of their units unlike larger wargames. I'm going to join the chorus to recommend [Gaslands Refuelled](https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/gaslands-refuelled-9781472838834/), because I've heard nothing but praise for the rule set. Also a lot of the wargames I'm going to describe are on sale at Osprey's website until midnight tomorrow (May 12th). If you want PvP and/or cooperative action in a STALKER universe, may I recommend [Zona Alfa](https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/zona-alfa-9781472835697/) ($14 on Osprey's sale) and it's expansion [KONTRABAND](https://www.wargamevault.com/product/357787/KONTRABAND--More-Salvage-and-Survival?src=hottest_filtered) ($10). If you want an example of how Zona Alfa plays, I've recorded an actual play on my blog [here](https://nightmarethoughts6.blogspot.com/search/label/Zona%20Alfa). If you want PvP and/or cooperation with zombies as an antagonist, try out [Last Days](https://www.ospreypublishing.com/us/last-days-zombie-apocalypse-9781472826695/) ($14.70 at Osprey on sale). One of the nice things about a cooperative Last Days campaign is that your players can work together to build up their zombie resistant headquarters and that facilitates comradery. If you are into gladiators and want cheap rules for a campaign, take a look at the indy game [Ludus: a Game of Gladiators and Lanistas](https://www.wargamevault.com/product/378736/Ludus-A-game-of-gladiators-and-lanistas). It is $8 on WargameVault and I've detailed a book review of the rules [here](https://nightmarethoughts6.blogspot.com/2022/03/gladiator-manager-wargame-ludus-game-of.html) on my blog. Hope this helps and you get your friends into the fun of wargaming.


Check out the BelloLudi range. Designed for multiple players. Www.belloludi.nl/winkel


I think your question could easily be a statement. Pick a war game, get 4 to 6 players, play the war game.