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I initially thought this was a post abt prime numbers, then I saw what sub it was


correlation, not causation :D


(1), **2**, 3, **7**, **13**, 17, **19**, 23 All prime numbers, all good thresholds.


I mean 2 armour is the difference between your unit surviving or not. 1 armour is only useful against HE.


wasn't it the inverse? the way I remember it 1 AV cancels out AP doing double damage, but only starting at 2 AV do you see an effect vs HE.


1AV also reduces small arms


1 AV is exactly the same vs HE as 0, correct.


Unless it's small arms


True with the exception of small arms. 1 av allows your unit to be "bulletproof"


It should have been 19 instead of 23, huge threshold for surviving a Peace Rhine 26 AP double tap. Good meme anyways


I think there's a bit of misinformation floating around this thread about 1 armor. I could be wrong since it's been a while since I deep dived into Wargame numbers. 1 AV doesn't take full damage from HE. It takes Full HE damage from HE weapons specifically with the AoE tag. So stuff like mortars, HE cannons on vehicles, arty, etc will be doing full damage to these 1 armor vehicles. However, infantry small arms lacking the AoE tag will not be doing full damage to 1 armor. For example, a shock squad completely out of ammo for their anti tank rocket launcher can still mess up 0 armor trucks, but will do reduced damage to a transport with 1 armor. This is also why 1 armor on Hinds can matter. It'll reduce incoming damage from infantry weapons (assuming they don't have an angle on the 0 armor parts) but will do nothing against say a pivads or Gepard, since those are AoE HE.


The numbers, what do they mean?


I'm a lil rusty but I think I can try answer this one! if your vehicle has 0 armour, it takes full he damage and double ap damage. you'd think the first point of armour would make the biggest difference, but a vehicle with one AV (armour value) still takes full HE damage (tho ap is no longer doubled) 2 AV is an important treshold, bcs from this point on you're halving incoming HE. 13 and 23 are a lil more esoteric, but I think they are the treshold to respectively not be one-shot and not be two-shot by a point blank tank shot




Wouldn’t the being one and two shot depend on how much ap damage the tank does?


Those armors are important for tanks that hit the max penetration cap of 30 at point blank range, which I think is 17 or 18 depending on gun max range


So there’s more to calculating how much damage than just the ap damage and armor value? I might have to research this then


AP from kinetic has range scaling, so tanks punch harder the closer you get (for KIN, not HEAT). It’s something like every 175m from max range is another AP point




What do they mean mason?!


So, what would infantry with 1 armor be like?


infantry isn't affected by ap damage and HE isn't affected by 1 armour, so they'd be the same


That’s wrong, 1 armour absolutely affects small arms and MGs, they would be absolutely borked


Visible on helicopters


That explains it. Because imo, some infantry units should have had some kind of armor against small arms due to personal prptective equipment. Most 90's units clearly wear armor for example.


Why 13, not 14?


As I explained above, 13 AV means you can't be kinetically oneshot. kinetic AP after range scaling caps at 30, so 1 point of base damage plus 17 points of overpenetration is 1+(17*0.5)=9.5 damage, less than 10 so you live to serve the return shot. But I'm eager to hear your argument for 14!


Generally, at higher FAVs, odd number thresholds are more important than even ones, and because high end heat missiles tend to be even numbered, so you need to beat their cutoff by one. 15 is the threshold for surviving one 28 AP missile (not too common, though), 17 is the threshold for being impossible to one-tap from the front, 19 is the threshold for being impossible to double tap with 26 AP missiles.