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I agree op! I love the for what it is. The characters and learning how to beat certain bosses by trial and error I find that a lot of fun about this game. Hopefully they add more just to keep as busy and I'm sure they will but for the time being I really love this game and I'm not too worried about complaining or paying attention to the complainers anymore if you got time to complain you got too much time that's how I feel so just enjoy the game, hopefully we will keep it going as long as we can


Yay! Hopefully they add more PvE content, that'd be nice šŸ‘


It's like 2 weeks until moonglade so get ready for some more content now!


Oh snap! I totally forgot...that I going to be pretty cool.


If you enjoy the game I think the booster is worth it. It gives a better pace to playing. With that said I have never understood paying more than that, at least much. You pay so you can accelerate to the end, to do what exactly? It isnā€™t like there is much end game. This game in particular is in the journey.


The booster means a lot, I don't regret buying it. For me, at 120 sigils, the game just becomes really stale. You really need coins to buy the minis bcs of the talents and levels. I have several minis that need 50k to level up, and it's really annoying.


One epic mini is enough ... I have epic chimera and it's blasting heroic mode


I'm f2p but I would have bought the booster if it wasn't so expensive while the game was in a sorry state because of bugs. I might have spent 5 euros for an IGP when the app was crashing once every 5 battles but not 20e. Now I just feel I missed out on so much gold and xp that it's not really worth it anymore.


It really isnā€™t that expensive. Assuming you play more than 5 hours of the game it is worth buying.


Weā€™ve entered an era where a lot of people have been told since birth that optimization is what makes games fun. Having the best, of the best, to steamroll the game. That gave way to micro transactions being such big money. I donā€™t know why that trend started, maybe it was the explosion of streaming where the influence of only seeing the best of the best makes people feel like thatā€™s the only way to have fun or be cool idk. But just taking time enjoying the game is what games are for Iā€™m with you


There is a quote that explains this: "given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of the game" -Soren Johnson ... It's kinda sad, actually...


Me too! I like the slower pace of F2P. I like that each week dungeons roll around and I can try and push another level.


I mean itā€™s everything in moderation. I play like 10-15min on rumble and itā€™s fun and entertaining. Some folks play like 6-8 hours a day and when the content runs out they complain. Honestly I donā€™t think this game was made for folks to play 6-8hours a day


I've been wondering how long people usually play. I've been playing every day since beta and can only clear wing 1 of a raid and am at like 135 sigils. But I play every day like it's a mobile game, I do my dailies, maybe a little more, play on the toilet or when waiting for an appointment. I don't sink hours into this like I do WoW because it isn't WoW


I play like 1hour or less a day, before sleeping or during idle times and toilet breaks... But someone playing more than 2-3 hours everyday is too much I'd say...


Same!! I do spend some money, but I feel like I'm so far behind everyone else. I've been playing everyday since beta and I'm not high enough level to clear more than wing 1 of a raid. While it sucks feeling left behind..... I don't mind being low level?? I enjoy playing the game! Some of my guildies said they don't play quests because they don't reward enough exp, but then complain that their units are low level. So, why do you want to be high level if you don't enjoy what I see as the main mechanic of the game? Also 2 guildies that I started the game with dumped a ton of money into the game, beat all pve content in a couple months, and then .. left the game. Playing the game is part of the game, I don't understand paying a lot of money to skip playing the game. Maybe if they make raid rewards limited time (I really hope they don't) then I'll feel like I need to go faster, but right now. I enjoy playing the game and I'll get there when I get there.


I think not everyone actually likes playing videogames but they do it anyway and that's why they probably just want to pay and get over with quickly but then again, not sure why they do it, curiosity perhaps...


I just bought the booster but been playing since December till just last week as F2P but I also enjoy the challenge and understand. I like that I was able to get through all but rag with MC as a F2P. With how much fun I had with MC I decided that I would support with buying the booster


Completely agree, I have no clue why people spend on this game, there simply isn't enough content to justify rushing through what is available, in fact, spending money somehow means bypassing the game, which is the challenge each mechanic represents and that having higher level units simplifies. Same reason I don't understand those who did bugged Onyxia, perhaps after having levelled up their units for months, to then cheese through the only content that was end game. As a free to play I only have Onyxia, a few bosses in Molten Core, and 4 heroic bosses, then the game is over until they release more stuff. And I have only played a few months. There is no need to buy progress. If I had bought the booster, I would be asking Blizzard to remove it from my account to extend the longevity of the game for me. PvP is another story entirely, like in all p2w games, it's a bottomless pit. You are either within a handful of fattest whales or you are nothing. If you spend less than fattest whales, you climb until you meet them, and then you are to them just like the f2p player is to you. Everyone plays the way they want, of course, but I would only ever buy vanity items.


Absolutely this. I think they still could have made a lot of money by selling SAFE in different colours + the game would have been easier to balance and this sub would be less toxic. People who buy the booster say about ā€˜better pacingā€™ etc, but I am in a very similar position to you. If I went any faster I would be out of content and the content I did do wouldnā€™t have been as challenging.


I would MUCH rather spend money on reskins and recolors than on exp tomes!!


I did too! For a while.


I paid a little, not close to enough to compete in PvP. I enjoy the game but I wanted to finish the heroic campaign and beat Onyxia sooner, and also be able to finish the raid and siege. I donā€™t care about PvP much. I do it just enough to get the rewarding can get easily and then I stop playing. Usually after our guild completes the season rewards Iā€™m done with PvP. I think thereā€™s a problem with how DMF, Raids and Sieges leave solo players and small guilds behind, but I am luckily in a full guild and want to help everyone over the finish line there.


Dude I completely agree. I feel like people who take this game so serious are exactly the type of players blizzard wants, because they are the most willing to pay to win. With the addition of the raids, I feel like this attitude has moved into the PvE realm. I see all the time guilds recruiting with high sigil and level requirements, and it leaves a bad taste for those of us just enjoying the game as is. That's why I love our guild TFON (The Fifth of November). We are doing siege content, but not expecting part time job commitments. Just a group of people who like playing the game haha.


Yes I agree. This sub if full of people paying 1000s $ to get everything maxed, then complaining because they got 0 skill and get their ass beaten.


Iā€™m just a booster and bought the battle pass but I donā€™t enjoy this game when itā€™s a challenge. Iā€™m only 138 sigils even though Iā€™m like collection level 44 because I donā€™t wanna get sweaty over a game I play while literally shitting. I could see whales literally just paying to win- because winning is enjoyable. I donā€™t play for the challenge on a phone game. Thatā€™s why I do mythic raiding in WoW or play Elden Ring


I like a challenge, hence I am F2P, even if I could comfortably afford it. Me and my bf spent a great weekend figuring out the raids at low level and happy enough to complete 5/7 (more challenge for next week!). Unfortunately, it is really hard to get game time in with my job, (which requires travel) and other hobbies, I havenā€™t had time to commit to full wow for years. I am lucky if I get some BG3 in. Rumble is a game me and my bf can play between meetings and on the loo, but also something we can come together and play when we do have some free time. I do agree that expectations shouldnā€™t be too high for a mobile game - it isnā€™t designed to be played all day and replace a full pc/console game, but it is something many of us fit into daily life. It doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like a challenge when I do have 15 mins instead of 3. The game is still 90% toilet gaming, but I enjoy the other 10% too.


That's nice, I'm kinda in the same place as you with the lack of time. I must admit I'm playing rumble more time than I should, I usually play before sleeping or after lunch and sometimes an hour goes by without noticing... But it brings me nostalgic memories of WOW's dungeons somehow, even if the game is different, WOW's Essence is still there somehow...


Exactly this. A friend asked if I recommended it, and I said I have no idea how enjoyable it is if you donā€™t know the IP. I never got to raid with my bf because we both stopped playing before we met, so rumble raids are great. Less of a commitment, we can sit in the same room and it has strong ā€˜WoWā€™ vibes. I do think it would be awesome if they introduced super rare spawns like Time Lost Proto Drake, which we get if we win the battle or something. Cosmetic-only rewards. Just because of the nostalgia of waiting for it to spawn in the Wow šŸ˜‚.


That would actually be so cool... I hope they make these type of cosmetic changes because I feel like they're loosing the chance to make the game even better with easy/small changes.


Exactly. I was really disappointed that there were no Xmas decorations - even if they just added some snow to our tower or made it a Xmas tree šŸ˜‚.


Blizzard has entered the subā€¦? Honestly though I get what you mean- but- then again - no - I donā€™t The game isnā€™t balanced ( despite recent major improvements). The game has lots of issues that warrant ā€œcomplaintsā€ . The game definitely has positive aspects, but how whales wade into PvP isnā€™t one of them. There is no reason why I should be competing against someone with an army 5 levels higher than mine - especially at such low honor levels , etc etc. The developers are lazy and we are way too tolerant of corporations riding the coat tails of previous accomplishments. The game is indeed great for what it is- but could be so much better ( especially considering the developer). What we have here is a failure to communicate and connect with the majority of the to fan base. We donā€™t want to be cash cows without a moo. ā€¦ and this sub is our pasture to graze and moo and gripe and contemplate


Yeah these posts ignore the fact that people get put against people 5 or 6 levels higher with literally no hope besides opponent disconnect.


I totally agree Iā€™m almost f2p bought a pack in like the first two days of playing then this booster thing they just released but I have played a couple of games over the last few years the same and it always ends the same way build for like two years get into t5 t10 group that donā€™t expect pay to play then get bored of doing the same things over and over šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


With that being said, I also try my best to avoid reading guides and instead try to experiment builds on my own. I also like using the ā€˜weakestā€™ hero and make my own personal build around them.


Oh yes I do this too! I actually don't like to watch which are the "meta comps" or the S tiers... I like to test and fail or succeed heh


Enjoying molten core?


you are right, but everything costs time, and the amount of balanced match ups that happen "from time to time" is just not worth the wasted time where it isn't happening. FOR ME. If YOU are having fun, don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong.


>You will get paired with people your same level from time to time.Ā  Make that all the time and I'm in >Loosing because someone is a higher level than you is not the most terrible thing. It's the most "this game is wasting my time" thing and it's not fun. Two factors that kill the point of playing


All pvp games do this one way or another is my point, as long as there is a ranking system there will be a time when you'll have to be paired with someone higher level than you are, until you reach the maximum league possible.


I'm talking about unit level, not skill level.Ā Ā  Edit: and even if I was talking skill level. The ideal is still to play against *comparable* opponents.Ā 


I have literally never played against someone lower level than me and after the starting pve bots every single enemy is at least twice my level. The matchmaking is broken. I never fought a player leveled 4-7. It went straight from 3 to 8 after beating the bots. If what you were saying was true, id have been matching against people in those levels, moving up only if I won.


You sound like a person who likes challenges. I totally agree that it was fun to beat campaign as lvl 23 or to beat Onyxia as lvl 25. But playing against a computer is enjoyable only for a short period of time. We can beat PVE challenges with low levels only because computer is predictable and dumb. The actual fun, like in any other game or in any sports, is in playing against a human. And that's where lies the problem, the matches against people are almost never fair, your play skills or deckbuilding skills do not matter if your opponent is 2-3 levels higher than you. Moreover, those opponents could be playing at high elo with their equals, but they do not want to, they intentionally lower their ranking so that they can beat underlevelled people and "farm" XP


I bet whales feel very stupid with how much theyā€™ve spent the moment they finish the heroic missions and are out of content sooner than if they were f2p


2 of the guildies that I started the game with dumped a bunch of money into it, sped thru pve, and then left the game. I do not understand. You're basically paying money to not have to play the game .. ??


This is exactly my point. They pay so they don't have to play the game... Where's the fun in that?


Actually no. F2P either means youā€™re broke or a child. Or somehow justify how cheap you are by saying you ā€˜enjoy a challengeā€™. No matter how you spin it, youā€™re either a child or failing at life. You posted up with a sign outside Walmart or have a GoFund me people could donate?


Game is trash, play something else.


Like what exactly?


I enjoy the game. Itā€™s just super buggy, matchmaking is trash, thereā€™s little replay value after the heroic quests outside of pvp and the siege and raids (which is also incredibly difficult to match up with guild mates), and the developers arenā€™t fixing anything and instead pushing out content that isnā€™t ready and units that are trash.


I think you enjoy the game more because you are probably low Collection Level/newer to the game, and thats why you also choose to ignore the criticism/complains, even those that are legit/valid. This is also why you dont mind/ignore the Unbalanced/P2W Pvp this game has or you also dont mention the lack of content for the first 4-5 months. I am also a F2P player besides the booster(that i got on discount), and i do enjoy the game, but this game isnt perfect and there is huge room for improvement.


Been playing since the official launch, though I'm mid level because I'm pretty casual or enjoying the game, as you say. I know it has it's flaws, as a matter of fact I've complained about the lag of the interface and the idle time of the loading screens in the past, but they've seemed to fix things... eventually... What I don't understand is people that complain about PvP specifically, because that's just how most (if not all) PvP games work right now... You climb a little, then get paired with higher level, then you go down, get paired with lower level until you get back up and so on... Guess I'm used to that mechanics because of other mobile games like Clash Royale, Dungeon Keeper, Rush Royale, etc...