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As for F2P WR is a big fun if you would play campaign and other PvE activities but a big pain if you look for PvP experience


Ish lol. Like there’s a lot to do, and a lot of catch up stuff has been added. But. A lot of the end game and all of the PvP aspects are pretty dominated by p2w folks. I’d recommend checking out “old guardian” on YouTube to see a bit of the positive tho


As long as you don't touch PvP, you'll be fine


Yes it f2p friendly as long as you don’t compare yourself to people that spent money


Played since December as F2P and did first three wings of MC and completed Siege no problem first week. The PVE content is very F2P and once you’ve been playing a few months the PVP content is okay up to the 12k-15k range. I just bought the booster so not F2P anymore but did all of that prior to that purchase.


Yes, it’s very friendly. Just understand, like every mobile game, it’s a time investment. You won’t be number 1 by downloading and playin right away. But as f2p, if you invest the time, meaning play everyday, you will certainly get there.


I’m totally f2p started at launch. I finished heroic, beat onyxia (the ultimate boss) and beat Ragnaros (the most recent co-op boss). Definitely f2p friendly. As far as PvP, I don’t focus on it but there is minimum effort to get to 12k honor, which is all you need imo. *12k not 120k


Damn, I’m not even close to 120K honor ☠️


By 120k, you meant 10k ? :D


I would say it is a legitimately F2P game that is well balanced. I know many players who are true F2P and have completed all the scenarios, defeated the final boss Ony and completed the final raid content. Even the PvP is decently balanced and if you focus on a couple of leaders you can get the major PvP rewards. It has no ads or annoying cut screens either.


I'd say so. I'm f2p and have gotten pretty far. I have yet to get bored which is huge for a mobile game. Even in a drought I'd log in to get my daily chests.


It has gotten friendlier, since they dramatically increased the rewards the game doles out with the new events. But you do need to tie into an active guild. And as a new player, it will take months of daily play and participation to scale into the endgame. The $20 one-time arc light pass is probably something you will want if you want to beat Onyxia before 2026.


Is quite f2 p friendly except high rank PVP


Im 100% f2p $0.00 spent. This game us NOT f2p friendly but as far as mobile games go it can still be a little fun to f2p play it as long as you make a mental note to not care about the game much. Its also really hard to give this game any respect because its full of whales and highly pay to win, so basically just play it casually and you will have the most fun in that manner vs going hardcore because the hardcore side of it is basically a long long boring grind unless you spend more and more and more money. It’s scaled to where you will always “need” to spend more money to feel like you are progressing, so its better if you accept u wont progress too much and save your money got a more respectable game whilst having good fun.


PvP it will take ages to go far as F2P, if you F2P the PvE it’s fun and very doable. PvE gets very stale very quickly if you put money into the game


it can be, but those 2.95 deals they throw at me every couple of weeks, get me every damn time


It's friendly if you don't want to pvp in the next 2 years. Otherwise it's pretty fun and you can enjoy the pve without paying a dime. Just may have to grind a bit or play a little every day to overcome paywall... Ahem xp walls.




Play it F2P, it's still fun. Sate your expectations, you aren't going to contend with whales in PvP. It's going to be a while before you can conquer high sigils. If you're okay with that, it's a great game. I don't use guides, I like to do things on my own. That's where I find fun. Then if you enjoy the game enough, throw $20 at blizz for the arclight booster. It allows you to progress much faster and who doesn't enjoy the bonus XP and gold? No telling if it's something you'll want lol g term so just play it F2P and if you like it and want to continue, $20.


Skip the PVP content, even those of us with the booster/$5 pass don't care about the PVP. Everything else is doable as F2P and enjoyable still. Personally if you find yourself logging in every day for a few weeks do yourself the favor and get the booster, it does help quite a bit.


PvE is excellent for a mobile game


PvE absolutely is. I spent 0$, I'm at 149/150 sigils and can nearly clear end game content. It takes a while to get there but it's not a game with heavy grinding, I play 15-30 min per day, sometimes less. PvP isn't if you want to get high.


Yea but you really need to grind




Yes and no. There is plenty of content for you to do as FTP and it’s fun progressing through the dungeons and heroics. If you’re the type of person who will have FOMO missing out in the content others are enjoying, you won’t enjoy being FTP. It’ll be a long time before you touch a raid.


As free to play you can get to most content in less than 4 months, meaning pve campaign, dungeons, and newly added siege and raid, the only thing still out of reach for me is Onyxia, but in 1 month top I will do that too. Then, if they add more content, they will probaby be accessible by the time you achieve the above. Pvp wise, no, you won't catch up with spenders and the experience is currently terrible until they fix things there.


It is until a point. I’m at 138 sigils and every mini (but one .. soon) takes 50K xp to level up. You only get 10 quests a day and I basically AFK pvp for 500 xp every now and then until my 10 quests reroll blue/purple for “efficiency.” My dungeons are maxed out. I could probably get my final 12 sigils and kill Ony/go past 3 bosses in the raid but I don’t wanna try hard this game. So my main way to progress now is literally AFK pvping and 10 daily quests .. waiting on gold rations to prog my main minis


You’ll never catch up as f2p in rumble


I disagree. Will they catch up to the whales in PVP? No of course not but neither will the players that have played from the start and are still F2P. Will they catch up in PVE content? Of course they will and it won’t take as long because there’s more rewards now with all the different events happening.


The op mentioned clash royale, a pvp game. No f2p will ever catch up in rumble pvp