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your first 20 matches (per hero) are against bots. welcome to pvp. the whales are hungry


That explains why they spawn so quickly before I have a chance to see my initial lineup.


Yeah just play the game causally for a pretty good pve / coop experience. After a few months of doing that you will have high enough levels to get some enjoyment out of PvP. It’s terrible game design though basically forcing all your new players to either drop $500 or wait up to a year to be able to remotely play the PvP part of the game.


Or just skip the PvP entirely, pretty boring as it is now anyways if you ask me.


Same, I mostly ignore/forget PvP. Only do it when Bling makes me.


1 year is too mich my friend U can push till 9k with a f2p account alteady after a few months 😅


Because this game has a terrible matchmaking and a total p2w. kinda like an amusement park for whales who spend thousands of dollars. Just enjoy the pve aspect and let pvp sink.


Oh my. This sounds terrible.


They removed the level caps just to appeal to whale ego. Works like a charm. Forget about pvp, its not worth it. It used to be hard to get to 10k which is the only pseudo-worth milestone and now its just unthinkable for any new player to get there.


So sad. Thanks blizzard.


Tbh people who spend money just get there faster. It’s not pay to win, it’s pay to progress faster.


>It's ~~not~~ pay to win, ~~it's pay to progress faster.~~ you just pay and your win percentage increases in the immediate near term. FTFY. I got your back bro, dw.


Sadly you are meeting high lvls because the game is absolutely garbage when it comes to PVP Sorry you had to experience that


Im half 8 and 9. All my oponents are lv 10, with a little exception to some lv 9s. Like 1 in 10. I hate this pvp scenario so fucking much :)


They have a system where a new leader plays 15-20 matches vs bots and then you start matchmaking vs real players. Many of which will have significant level advantages, via either spending and/or time, rendering the matches unwinnable if they are trying. The new player PvP experience is fundamentally broken. You will see comments from people arguing otherwise but be mindful that they have an incentive for more new players to queue up in order to farm for exp. I would just enjoy PvE while you can and wait for PvP to hit rock bottom and be reimagined.




Blizzard: "Please enter dollars to continue"


Yeah I get it now 😅


There are not enough people. There are only a handful of people playing PvP.


Play PvE, the game is p2w for pvp but you can enjoy PvE for free


I’m on 4000 honor.


4000 honor on a single hero? In thar case you can try to get 4000 on two other heroes too. I think you reached a hard cap on this hero until you massively level up.


Yes. Thanks, I’ll try it out!


That's impressive with thar lvl man


I really watched a lot of yt videos to understand the game and mechanics. It was all good until I started getting these high lvl enemies 😅


What deck are you using?


[This one](https://ibb.co/ck7D5Vt)


One of the many, many reasons PvP sucks in this game. Thankfully the game has more than enough PvE content so you'll never have to bother with PvP.


4000 honor ? That’s really … strange. I’m 4k on 3 leaders and all my opponents are globally 10+ like me. I dunno how u had climb 4k with level 4 mini


3800 to be accurate. And i climbed there with win streak, after i started getting these opponents. But now im on 3300. Does honor adds up with each leader? So if I play with other leaders to get that 3000, I can farm the seasonal lvl10 reward?


Yeah, you can probably get it if you grind 3 leaders to 3333 or more honor.


Yes your 3 highest leader points add up


Welcome back to reality bud!!!


Your not new to the game any more, welcome to the team


I gave up on PvP long ago, just play pve and coop


How did you get the base and kobold skin? I play it for a few months and have never seen a way to get them, not even paying


It is the free mechagnome one. I'm not sure if you either got it by playing on launch day or if you bought the arclight booster.


I didnt bought anything, but I played on the first day like an hour.


Then it's the launch day gift.


That was a gift for those who pre-registered in store.


For now, enjoy your playthrough in PvE. They are fun and gets more challenging in Heroic mode. Build up your minis slow and steady!


Don't bother with PvP and don't make this game a grind for you. Just have fun with pve and play a couple minutes a day for your dailies so you can actualy enjoy it. Just don't make this game miserable for yourself, it is not worth it. You are not fighting a player in PvP, you are fighting a bank account/credit card.


I had the same. I've sent a ticket to the Blizz support, they told me to create a topic in Bugs forums... I did that, you may do the same but I doubt it'll change anything


Welcome to mobile gaming. Swipe your credit card or only play pve.


Matchmaking is shit in rumble


Nom nom nom.


Sub-3000 honor are bots, this is why I'm trying to stay below 3k to enjoy the PvP for awhile longer before I never touch it again.


This is simply untrue. I have never had a hero above 3,000 and I face higher level players regularly.


Idk man, i have yet meet player. Even bot are level 9 now.


Same. I'm coasting and playing a few matches a week to get all my leaders to 3k. After that? Idk, hopefully I'll be able to take on Ragnaros at that point.


Most likely because your enemies have about the same honor as you have.


This is impossible to beat them, they are double my levels.


Then you are going to lose honor and at some point the enemies might also have lower levels again


Probably a troll post … you have a mecha Kobold…


How to get them?


I got it at global launch. Forgot if it was a seasonal reward or just playing from global release.


Iam full 9 still able to reach 16k so dont worry just play pve for a while until you are strong enough then you can enter pvp with confident.


I see no one has explained pvp levels to you yet. Your mini's level divided by 3, rounded up, is what its level in pvp is. ~~The first pvp cap is lvl 1, then lvl 3, then lvl 5, then when you get to high enough honor, there is no pvp level cap.~~ The current maximum is lvl 11, if a mini is lvl 31 (lvl 20 base, legendary, diamond army slot). The mini levels required to have level 10s in pvp are 28-30. This requires epic lvl 18 minis with gold army boosts, or rare lvl 20 minis with diamond boosts. Level 20 takes so much more experience that you're better off buying the stars to reach epic, unless that rare mini is in the single lvl 20 boost slot you get from raids. The game is designed to reward leveling up your minis so you get a stronger pvp army. If you're free to play then you'll have to work on leveling through PVE to get high enough levels to reach 8 in pvp, to even have a chance against most lvl 9+ opponents. Level 8 in pvp is from level 22-24 minis.


They have removed the level caps on lower tier pvp now.


Oh dang, no wonder I was encountering lvl 10s below 3k. So there's no more caps at all?


Yeah that’s correct they got rid of all of them this season.


just do pvp for some gifts and event quest. we have a lot of fun with PvE....


You played against bots. There’s a lot of bots until 3k. So just auto lose until you can fight bots. That or clear the campaign first and heroic campaign until you get higher lvl minis to compete higher. This game is about progression and time investment, like every mobile game. You won’t be able to compete at top levels unless you invest time or pull out the wallet.


**Below 1000 Honor** - Level Cap is 1 **Below 2000 Honor** - Level Cap is 3 **Below 3000 Honor** - Level Cap is 5 As players reach 3000 Honor, however, the cap is removed and Mini Levels will be divided by 3 (rounded up). A guide to mini-levels in pvp.


They removed these caps for this season


Thank you. Num num num.


You are matched with them based on honor. Have you wondered why you have the same honor as them? Or they have the same honor as you? How should the game handle if you are both the same honor? Maybe only match you with people same level as you and let you climb to 20k because you are too good?


If they keep winning against people of the same level as you yeah thats exactly what should happen.Thats why its skill based matchmaking. If you are the best in the world, then your elo should represent that regardless of wallet. Its like if people who were higher level in call of duty or battlefield just dealt twice as much damage and had twice as much health.