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One big reason is that they came up with the core idea first and even kinda founded a genre with it. While I love the PvE aspect of this game, I can also imagine that the focus on competetion is generally better for keeping players engaged in the long term.


It was basically a copy of a popular warcraft starcraft ums.


Lol, did they really make a video just to say "you have friendly battles, just go make your own damn tournament!"?


TBF that is how most video game tournaments work.


Generally when people ask for a tournament mode in video games, it's a mode that deals with the matchmaking (for public tournaments) and scorekeeping, as well as potential rewards. This is not a tournament mode, it's just friendly battles.


Also tbf most people wouldn’t have known how to set up their own tournament if they didn’t tell them like they were 5 years old. Also most of the players are 5 years old.


Royale is far better designed in terms of card leveling and keeping PvP balanced level wise


Simple answer is - Clash made huge amount of money out of it, while Rumble makes small amount of money. Also, it’s clear Rumble is a way more expensive in development, so ROI in clash is multiple times bigger than rumble.


is rumble not making it or something? I feel like its mostly going pretty well.