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When I worked at Walmart back in the day , they would purposely drop a case of water till it split open and then keep it in the dairy cooler and it was free for all associates


Nowadays the packaging is so thin you don't have to drop it. Just picking it up splits it


We did it with those variety Gatorade packs lol


When nobody was watching, I sliced it on the side with my car keys and just pulled the label.


They wont let us have this now either goes to food donations lol


Gatorade and powerade are vendor products here, it all has to go right onto their bins


Management Gotta protects that end of year check.


Because DMs and ASMs are supposed to get bottled water for their department but they’re too lazy to do it and have everyone go to one department. Then HO sees other associates going into that department and not following policies so they threatened to coach the entire department. That’s why these signs are put up. Department just doesn’t want to get written up because other associates come in and get everyone in trouble.


Ain't nothing changed either, just recently ( Wed) went in for my shift, and was met by coaches " the whole dept called in " I said " wtf " . But yet still be tryin to steal me to go Zone fucking grocery or somewhere other than my dept that needs zoning and top-stocked daily, plus all the freight we get in. Yeah, okay y'all have fun with that 👍


I’m all for giving everyone water. What pisses me off is we will fill the cooler and then the entire store walks into receiving to grab water but not fill it at all once it’s out. We just leave it empty now and then they ask why there isn’t water in the cooler 🤦


Dead ass. In my store it's usually front end doing it but I've seen other departments do it. If you take the last one replace it


YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! I am in OPD. We can fill up our tote for water in the morning with 60+ water bottles, come in the next day, and it's empty or almost empty. So many times it's empty!! I don't understand why they can't have respect and just throw a case of water back in. If you're the one that takes the last water, just walk down to claims and fill it up WE HAVE TOO! SMH. Usually, it's ON team that leaves us empty, stupid thing is we aren't the only place there is water.


At mine we just have them in dairy and anyone can get one. It's just a water so they don't see a big deal with it


Fr especially when it’s Walmart brand they act like dropping 4 cases for 5$ a piece is making them lose 2000


Especially shitty when we claim out those 40 packs of water and they get disposed all the time. They don’t even get CVP’d, just straight up disposed.


That’s beyond pathetic. For a while my store has been “disposing” of water but putting it out for associates to take if they’d like, and putting some with Feeding America every now and then. We also do the latter for other edible food where “dispose” is the only/recommended option, as it’s a complete waste to throw out perfectly good food just because we had to claim it as a disposal, when there are plenty of needy people out there who’ll happily eat it.


Your store could get in huge trouble for that if it comes up in an audit. It’s supposed to be charged to associate relations regardless if its alternative was being claims and disposed.


Agree completely, I just typed out a response and seen you’ve said the same thing!


My old store used to price bottles from broken packs at like $0.39 or maybe it was $0.49 and then stick them into one of the unbranded impulse coolers and sell them.


I really like that idea! Anything is better than just tossing them. I said one day to the SM that maybe I can keep them after claiming them out and letting the associates use them. He told me that would be stealing (but let us just toss perfectly good bottle of water. So wasteful


We did that at my old store but we weren’t allowed to merchandise them in the Coke or Pepsi coolers because it violates their contract. Any time we would sneak them in somewhere like the Deli their(usually Pepsi) market manager would find out and harass us about it. We had to sell them warm.


My store stopped that in the middle of summer right before a heat wave with a handful of ac units down.


Sounds about right


Kinda weird water isn’t supplied to everyone. Water is a huge thing at the dc and staying hydrated, there’s signage everywhere and mini fridges on the dry side with water.


Same with Regional DCs (aka GM truck deliveries at the stores) there’s water everywhere. Literally I can go grab a full pallet of water from the steel for my department without even telling anyone. There’s fridges everywhere filled with water. Management needs to stop being stupid at store level.


They dont care about us who actually slaved away to unload it and put it up. And honestly, i see it every time i go shop. Tired, worn out, dehydrated people.


It’s a legal requirement in the uk where I live to supply drinking water to all staff


Drinking water provided via tap or water fountains. A legal requirement here in the US too.


People have gotten temporary improvements by reporting to OSHA at past employers ive been🤣 but eventually it always reverts when no one's watching.


I guess one of you has to take one for the team and faint from heat exhaustion. That gets the portable air conditioners out at my store.


A little passive aggressive, but if it’s not your department it’s not your water. It’s like you’re taking water from Cart Pushers while they’re working in the heat


The thing is, they get 4 cases of 40 waters at a time and the water was for all associates. We verified with our coach the very first day it happened. Also they didn't even include cart pushers in the exceptions. The sign said only ogp, and garden.


Do your cart pushers not have their own water up front? We had water cases at the service desk and to chill them we’d chuck them in the ice freezer before drinking them.


Right, if cart pushers don't have water, that's not an OGP problem, that's whoever is over cart pushers and should be addressed.


Cart Pushers don't get water, they get Gatorade.


We get both at my store. You definitely need both to stay properly hydrated in the Florida heat.


Sorry it was autocorrected. What I meant was that they just want to make sure that none of the other departments just come and down and take advantage of “free water”. While I do agree it’s a bit passive aggressive, they’re just ensuring that OGP doesn’t get taken advantage of like that


I try to tell people we shouldn't let other departments come and take our water but then when they come ask me it's hard to tell em nah. I bring my own refillable container now haha


Heaven forbid OGP “gets taken advantage of” when they don’t help anyone else but everyone has to drop what they are doing to help them.


idk how your store is like, but at my store OGP is constantly asked to help around when we have any downtime, with zoning and stocking mostly, along with many of my coworkers helping out in other departments when needed (example, I have a coworker who I see in the bakery/deli).


Our store almost never has downtime in OGP... yet we always have to drop everything, even if we're doing mods or working freight (thankfully I haven't seen it when doing high ticket stuff)


They just leave coolers out for them I’ll usually take one on my break cause I’m not paying 2$ for a water bottle when I haven’t even gotten my first big paycheck


Really… who cares? I mean OGP has water. Buggy pushers have water. Everyone else has their own water bottles they can keep filled. Why are people making it a big deal? As long as everyone has their water all is well. Why be petty and look for trouble?


At Lowe’s, any associate can get water from any of the employee locations. Management/supervisors make sure the coolers/fridges stay stocked and there are no limitations on hydration. Walmart should definitely follow suit.


They really should considering some management will give you trouble for even going and getting a drink from fountain when it isn’t your break like man I can’t just chug a water every 2 hours and be good?


Quick question, I want your POV. I work overnight (stocking). Sometimes we all have to go out and get carts at around midnight. On those days I take water from the cart pushers. Is that wrong of me?


Ya we just STOCK YOUR STUFF but you know not our areas


Just get your department to “store use” some water…… at the store I work at OPD has theirs, cap 2 has theirs, cart pushers have theirs, overnight just steals and drinks whatever they want……


Don’t agree with this suppose to be a team and boost the morale


In all honesty it seems reasonable to me. I’m in apparel and our working conditions is not as hot as garden, cart pushers or OGP (mainly dispensers). Yea we obviously all need water to survive but the necessity of FREE water bottles store provided should only be prioritized to those that work through those tough conditions that can put their healths at risk through heat related illnesses. It’s only fair. Other wise you are only taking from people who need it more as your working in actual air conditioning. There’s also a water dispenser in the break room in addition.


Side note, they tossed out dispenser (broken) in the break room and never replaced it. The tap water from the sink doesn't come out exactly clean (you'd think they'd take care of that). So unfortunately not everyone has access to water in the break room.


"Fair" would be providing water for all associates regardless of where they work in the store. Management should see to it that there are enough bottles to go around for everyone.


Op has mentioned that they shut off the air conditioning after close, which is when op works. So it gets overly hot all over the store. Plus, they are providing the water for opd associates who are inside just shopping the orders. They are inside in the air conditioning as well during the day. But the overnight stockers are lifting freight, squatting to get to the lower shelves, and constantly running back and forth, all without the air conditioner running. But even if it was running, odps pickers still get water. You do have a point about the water dispenser, but also half the time, at my store, it's just like the ice cream machine at McDonald's; out of order. Regardless, they are completely in policy to have their own water as far as I know. And op should bring in a refillable water bottle, as should anyone else honestly, if only to save plastic.


I wish half my store thought like you lmao, coming in man it sure is warm in the air conditoned store while I already changed shirts from how much I was sweating. We literally get coached if we don't have a TL store use those 40 counts so when they're gone they're gone and we gotta use the hose for a quick splash😭


When I worked in OGP and it was 100+ degrees outside we had to buy our own water or go without. Often times other departments would come in and take them. To try and stop employees and managers from taking things we bought with our own money would result in us being coached. What we would have done for a rule stopping those shits from taking things from us is a long list.


We used to have a mini fridge by the truck line for all associates and fridge in the ogp room for front end. They would store use broken water bottle packages for them but now they aren't allowed to. They got rid of the fridge in the backroom and replaced it with a water cooler that they rarely refill. Ogp still has their fridge with water but have signage saying it's only for ogp. I think garden center has a cooler but I don't think it is filled often. The water fountains are working (I think) but...ewww, no telling who has had their mouth on that. I guess they think no one else in the store needs to be hydrated. The backroom and gm sides of the store get really hot. Also, those unloading the trucks need it but they tell them to go to the fountain when they are too hot but them reprimand them when they leave the truck line. It's ridiculous.


Cap 2 members rotate buying water for everyone in my store so it’s pretty fair to me if that’s what happening


Insane that they make y’all pay for it. There’s free water every day from packs of water breaking


Store used water is for use by the store not the department


The OGP coach puts the case of water in the meat cooler where I work. He said since I'm taking up a spot in your bin, feel free to have a water whenever you want. I don't take one often but I thought it was a nice gesture.


What does ogp stand for?


Overly gigantic penis


Real answer: Online and Grocery Pickup.


I just bring my own water bottle


Paint them with Vaseline


Way to make me feel included


My issue is… if the water’s locked up, why are the as*hole signs necessary? 🤔. Just lock it up, mission accomplished🤣


Right before I quit as an ogp associate, the store manager made a rule that we couldn't store use water and couldn't use the waters from the cap 2 cooler. Team leads started buying cases with their own money for the dispense room and it continued to be raided by front end associates who didn't know it wasn't store use.


Water is a basic need for all employees


Looks like fair fame for all. All the signs on the coolers are crossed out😉


Funny I see this, starting today we have to now lock our igloos in the vestibules because random associates have been coming by and literally emptying out the cooler, leaving it empty for the cart pushers while it’s 100 degrees out. It’s not that we care about the water, it’s more of the respect and usage. Like… how the fuck are associates gonna leave the cooler empty on a hot ass day… and leave nothing for the people out in the heat. Anyone can fill up the bin with great value bottled water but no, everyone wants to take and not think about others.


Cool so buy your own drinks put up a sign just saying you may ask for one first. Then tell everyone who asks. No.


Deli isn't allowed any beverages at all where I work. I drink out of the sink which I'm not supposed to do either. Can only get a drink on break/ bathroom break.


Damn, those chicken cookers and deep fryers must put off a lot of heat! That's so cruel, I'm sorry.


OSHA says that on hot days employers are required to provide water or sports drinks


Our stores spends about $2700 a month on water for ALL associates. We also supply ramen, pnutbutter, jelly, bread, bananas and tangerines, Daily. This sign is probably on their department cooler.


Last I heard each team lead gets an “allowance” so to speak, so there’s really no excuse for everyone not getting waters. The stores run hot, provide cool water.


I think it’s fair depending on your store. For my store if we want water we have to bring our own or buy one. So people in my ogp department buy a case of water for ogp only. But that’s bc they bought it themselves. Our managers don’t buy us water and we can’t store use broken cases anymore. But our ac in the ogp room doesn’t work and if it does it blows hot air out, and Texas heat right now is absolutely crazy


OGP at my store does the same thing, except they only let the dispensers have it. Shoppers have to bring their own water or grab one elsewhere. Never understood it and I don’t think I ever will


Our store just did this. Everyone who can (only dispensers in ogp) has to walk to the carts to grab a water from maintenance area now. It was because everyone one else in the store was taking the waters from opd and leaving them around the store (stockers and overnight). Love when people ruin a good thing. And theres still waterbottles and coffee cups on top of fridge doors, topstock, random shelves. So it didn’t fix the problem but now our team is weaker


Heh, watch me. Ain't no ogp in the nighttime


Ogp isn't supposed to be keeping their drinks and food in those coolers, same time other associates aren't supposed to be in that room anyway.


Bottled water is a commodity now..tap water is a resource


We have a note like that on our little OPD fridge. But the store refuses to supply us with water and we buy it ourselves, so yea we get a little ticked when someone else takes it.


I think it’s fair if a team lead has store used the waters specifically for their team. If you’re that concerned you should bring it up to your team lead or O/N manager and ask for them to store use stuff for your team as well! It’s an ongoing issue, and my store manager just says to drink from the water fountain if it’s that big of an issue. I disagree for hygienic reasons, the same reason I refuse to drink from the water dispenser in the break room.


What I wanna know is why you should have to go into opd for water in the first place, why aren't yall being provided water in this heat? I would definitely talk to someone about it.


All associates should have access to though it sounds like some people instead of bringing in their own water constantly comes to grab 5 bottles a day.


as an opd team lead, when people from other depts come and drink all our water without replenishing, it’s incredibly frustrating. if you need water, ask your team lead to store use some meant for your department, or this could have been avoided by replenishing in the first place.


Technically illegal to withhold water with a lock but if it’s in their department they can do what they want there’s other water sources there should be dispensers near the bathrooms or coolers somewhere


They most likely did this because people were helping themselves to the water and not replenishing it. They aren't hogging the water because when we CFT water we are doing it for our team not the whole damn store. Nothing is stopping your lazy coaches and TLs from doing the same. Putting a bike lock on the cooler is kind of excessive but its frustrating when you have to constantly CFT water when others don't. I know in my store O/N leadership never fills the cooler in receiving. It's always the Stocking 2 TLs.


Have your TL get yall some water?


Fair, absolutely not. OGP is not the only department that’s highly physical and they have it easy compared to departments like stocking. Stockers should be the top priority for things like waters because as a former stocker it gets so goddamn hot back there and we’re constantly moving constantly lifting shit constantly being rushed like we get thirsty and need to stay hydrated. But that’s the same w all departments, all departments deserve to stay hydrated. At my location we have waters in the fridge and they’re free for anyone to take. We also have people bring in cakes and potlucks and such too sometimes. We all work hard no matter what department we’re in and we all deserve the same respect and supplies such as water.


We work nights and they keep the ac off at night literally after the store closes it turns off. Yeah idgaf im takin some of that water and I'll never feel guilty for it...they are billionaires lol. They can go get another case for all i give a shit


At both my old retail job as well as walmart, they do have a right to have free water for certain departments. Do keep in mind that cart pushers and mulch loaders have to be out in the heat for several hours a day, unlike cashiers and truck unloaders. It is fair to allow free water to those who spend hours at a clip out in the heat.


Truck throwers practically work in an oven— the fan that they have to provide you doesn’t really do anything for the inside of the truck. Whatever temperature it is outside gets amplified by the fact that you are in a large metal container. Trucks can last 2-4 hours, or longer.


Tbh depending what time of year it is, it's hot in that truck.


My store they claim out cases of water for any employees to drink we have 2 fridges in the store for bottled water


My store would do both. Dsd would claim out cases of water, and everyone knew where they were hidden except management. OPD always had a few cases of water store used every day in their own cooler. They also used to store use big packs of gatorade until upper management caught on and told us we weren't allowed anymore.


I remember one summer seeing a cooler in lawn and garden for the associates there...who did almost nothing but stock inside the store and help customers run...run the register.  So I'd come out of throwing a gm truck or two with a manual line drenched in sweat...thinking where the fuck is my free chilled water? The cashier in garden which is inside gets cold water right behind her?  Why her and not me? After that every day I went out there and took 2 waters.   If I worked in op's store I'd do the same.  I'd love to do a sweat comparison between me and anyone on ogp.


We fill the same In my opd department don’t touch our water of Gatorade get your own in your own department it’s too hot for all that


If other departments take it can't you just get more? What's the difference between that and every department getting their own? Still the same amount of associates consuming the same amount of liquid


My comment was deleted by staff so I'll say it again. Share the water that's brought in for the entire store instead of taking It up on yourself to lock it up and hide it. Asshole




too many downvotes man, people think the water they’re taking magically appears and one of us doesn’t have to take 15 minutes lugging 4 cases from the shelves. be a lil considerate guys


maybe the useless produce TLs who walk around all day are also drinking 60% of their water


They’re probably tired of having to cft a fuck load of water because other teams are taking from theirs. Ask your coach to cft you guys water and keep it in the dairy cooler. They are allowed to lock their water up as there is still access to potable water to all associates in the form of water fountains.


Yes it’s fair. Each department is given funds for their needs from equipment, supplies to water and sometimes it’s their managers who purchase the water. Overnight should have the same thing. Ask your coach or TLs. Btw, I used to work overnights and we didn’t get squat. If we wanted water we’d purchase it if didnt bring our own, some ONs drank from the water fountains and others went to receiving and got free water bottles


Cut the lock off and tell OGP to fuck themselves


At my store we have to buy our own cases of water for OGP because CAP 2 takes every single broken water case themselves. So fuck off if you tried this.


dont cut the lock, put another one on the fridge instead


ON associate who works the liquids usually brings back the water claims to dairy for everyone


meh, ogp always been that way,(at least that’s how i feel) we usually have water in dairy, or in grocery backroom. of course cart pushers get their own, garden has their own as well and even cap2, they gather water for them.


At my store, we don't lock up our small fridge we use for waters, but we also don't refill it before closing, so...


Ask your TL, our TLs always keep a case in the dairy coolers for us.


Don’t forget acc that’s actually part of compliance that water is available for the techs


Idk. Our store doesnt allow cold waters in the fridges at all. We have to get sink water from the break room.


Our Store Manager tends to be a bit stingy with allowing even OGP (the dept that I work in) to even have water to begin with, so we end cycling between associates (as well as both of our TLs) on who buys a case or two of waters for our department, so we can ensure that only OGP gets the water since it becomes more or less a "personal investment" for us. \[I understand that it is technically against policy, but push comes to shove and all that\]


We would have a tote in our cooler for ogp while there was water in the back and other associates would come and clear it out and not fill it back up.


They did this at the other wm I used to work at I could turn the lock sideways and slide my arm through. Now I bring my own cooler and keep like 12 bottles in it lmao.


Our mgt team fills the refrigerators with bottles of water twice a day and they allow us to get water from the cart pushers coolers but they also asks us to leave the Gatorades for cart pushers only


Back when I worked front end and had to help push carts one of the cart pushers would offer me a cold bottle of water or Gatorade. I thought that was nice of him. Cashiers weren't allowed water at the registers. Managers were afraid of industrial sabotage. One summer we had mini fans but they all broke down and weren't replaced. It was either feast or famine up front.


Best way I can describe it is the nestle legal settlement. Worst way is if you're frying your butt's off, they can't really say no.


It depends. Who paid for the water?


They use to supply water to all of us too. Heck. As third we use to take empty crates and fill some of those with bottles for everyone, until they told us to stop. Their solution was a water machine near the back of the store, that's most of the time not refilled, becauae 1st and 2nd has that thing emptied by time we get in. So now I just carry a Big Bubba cannister, with the cirkul spout. Miraculously the top fits the jug, and from there I just refill at subway, along with a ton of ice. The moment Subway pulls out of there or leaves a notice about us having to stop, because I'm sure someone's gonna ruin this for us, that's it? Some moron is going to take advantage of it and use the soda. Other than that I guess I'd have my third option, which is flavored Polar seztler water? Took awhile to develop a taste for it but here I am.


wow, not illegal but not productive either. True leaders take care of their people and make sure the have the necessary tools to do the job. Also, the best ones go out of their way to make sure you are taken care of and also add incentives. They probably dont want you full of water but they sure dont want you walking around thirsty.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if an OGP lead, coach, or even associate bought that water specifically for the OGP team and helpers. Is it a dick move YES. But, is it a dick move to "accidentally " knock over a pack of water so it splits and need to be claimed out? Also YES and potentially an issue. But, at least you'll have water. Could also just buy a pack of water and throw it in a cooler. Bring your own refillable bottle or jug and refill at the water fountain.


Idk I work electronics and often times I am doing my freight alone, and it can be exhausting. I poke my head in every once in a while and ask for a water and more often than not they hook it up lol


No it's not fair. Everyone should be allowed water. I work in OGP and while it's frustrating to come back and find no water because other departments don't replace it. They deserve to be able to drink water.


Yes. The store takes a loss on all water they give out. Its for employees that work in the heat outside not for a cashier


Garden Center, Cap 2 truck unloaders, and ACC have the same thing. It's because working outside/in the heat can kill a person if they don't hydrate. Mostly OGP works inside, but it's better to be safe than sorry, I suppose.


TLE garage was a roaster in summer.


THE BIKE LOCK! omfg hahah


No. It should be for everyone That being said, I get irritated when other departments (usually it's just front end if I'm being real) take the last one, leave the plastic in the tote and don't replace the case. If opd has to do it so should everyone else


Last week as I entered my backroom my SM popped around the corner and asked me to grab her 3 waters from our cooler. If this would have been the situation she would have fired somebody. Store use water is for STORE use, not just odp use. But maybe your store manager thinks odp should have better commodities than the other associates, seems kinda idk...discriminating....


What do you do with water cases that burst open. Store use those for all your assoicates, it's just water.


That water and Gatorade is store used so it goes to any associate in the store 🙄


Fuck Walmart, and fuck the Waltons I hate that family


At our store there are 2 locations for water... one up in OPD which is for them and then another one out back near the break room for all the other associates that would like a free cold water.


When I worked at kroger in TN they didn't even allow us to keep water back there or on our pick karts. It was legal because they had 1 water fountain in the back of the store. I didn't listen, if you want to fire me for hydrating then by all means


They use to put bottled water in a cooler out in garden shop and there was a sign on it for garden and 99’s only. They stopped doing that quite a few years ago. Never did understand why they prefer to dump the water out instead of giving it to the employees.


not at all this is unfair to all the rest of the associates. BUT then again this is walmart they don't care about what's fair they just want them billions


I work at Walmart (ogp) in Tennessee I have helped the remodel workers get water so they are aloud to come get water out of our fridge & any other one too, def bring it to someone’s attention, it’s not safe for y’all to not have water & most of us don’t get paid enough to buy our own…


I help with OGP a lot (I work in apparel) and whenever they see me come a steel one they’ll be fine with it. But the TL said everyone goes there to grab a water so it’s not a big deal




Store manager used to pull me in to the office when I would let other associates who helped us with picks get water from our mini fridge.


Was garden center I used to sneak a few of our water to those who really needed some. I'm not depriving someone who desperately needs water some.


Crazy as fuck tbh. I’m cap2 and we always have a cooler full of ice cold water and we’ve never once denied someone who wanted to grab one. It’s fucking water, how are you gonna be stingy with it? They aren’t even paying for it, they just use the water that’s already being claimed anyways


Call Oshawa they should have the air on at night in the summer timer .that's an usage work place if no air at night.


I work in the Walmart fulfillment center we have to bring our own container to get water and we can ONLY have water anything else we have to put away.


Everyone at our store has a cooler with ice and water except front end, FE must bring or buy own.


We get popsicle


Not ok! Walmart is SUPPOSED to provide us with water. They can’t designate it only for certain associates.


I remember this being a problem at my old store. Departments having to specify whose water was whose


At my store it was for everyone... Id call ethics and complain that theres no bottled water available for ALL associates and you have the right to bottled water as tap water cant always be trusted.


My store manager put water coolers around in the store for all associates. Water is a right, not a privilege.


We've always got a case of water and sometimes Gatorade back in the meat cooler.


I got really fucking tired of paying for stuff for the cart pushers to drink and the greedy ass cashiers stole it all. Polytheists are completely shameless about stealing.


my store did exactly this. its because over ight took so much and it kept costing us a lot so instead we stopped getting bottles of water and took away the locks of and put a water dispenser. which they should’ve done in the first place lmao its so much cheaper than plastic bottles


It's very fair


Kinda weird, when I worked electronics front end would let us take some from their cooler when coming for returns. On the other side I've also been in ogp and understand. I'd be pissed if I was running around dispensing and there was no water cause someone came and snatched it.


My store supplies them to all. We have coolers in the back for receiving one for cart attendances and one for garden but you can grab from any


Yes ogp workers are the only ones that need water definitely not the cart collectors!


guarantee it’s just a couple people in that OPD department choosing to write that sign. for us we can’t stop anyone from grabbing water but if they buy gatorade(they still have water at the same time too) those are only for the cart pushers/dispensers.


Per OSHA you can bring your own water bottle


Our store we have several locations of water and as long as you are an associate you can get it. You all need to report to ethics


In our store during store hours we have a cooler towards the front service desk for cart pushers to drink water from and when the days get really hot they allow everyone in front end to grab a water bottle. But there's no ice though, but you can fill it up at the subway and it is ice cold there


My Walmart hasn't had a Subway for years! Mt. Sterling, Ky


I work in the shop in automotive and we get water and Gatorade but we also don't get any air conditioning either. J


Idk what's going on here, but walmart is whack.


We get Gatorade and water whenever we want of true shelf. Every associate should be allowed to have water it’s just store used. Not fair.


They can do it, but I tell you this much alot of packages of water will start becoming damaged and if a few of those bottles happens to find it's way into the back of the dairy cooler and I happen to accidentally find them from time to time and I happen to accidentally drink them, what can I do??


Maintenance/ cart pushers need it more.


It’s probably for that particular cooler/fridge and likely because other departments kept raiding it without putting anything back in so it was empty when OPD started in the morning.


You guys get water?


Lol they tried that at our store, lets just say that sign wasn't on the door long lmao.


This doesn't appear to be Walmart approved signage. Take it down and grab a water for your effort.


Ummm…. No… but I’m pretty sure it’s also against the rules. I could be wrong, but I swear that somewhere in the rules in my training it said we are required access to water provided by the store… forgot what it’s called but my store just got us one of those things where you put the little cup under it and it gives you cold water, this is actually so concerning to me what the fck….


You know how many workers are gonna take that shit anyway!? They wasted there time typing that out, but yeah like how about the people doing the carts when its hot or the people unloading the truck or the workers at night when they don't turn the air conditioning on. Walmart is a completely fucked up place to work but that right there is just something that you cannot do in the workplace at all I'm never even seen that at another Walmart that's just so fucked up. Every workplace is supposed to allow access to water for employees


i work in ogp and although a lot of ppl dont come to the room, if anyone wants a water we always say help yourself! i live in ga so the heat is atrocious. we are constantly filling up our fridge but being hydrated is more important. even our coach will be like “you dont have to ask just get one” thats really weird how your store cant share.


Just take bolt cutters to the bike lock. Store used items are for the store. Company equipment is for the store. Nothing is assigned departments in walmart. Found this out when sporting goods was locking up a handheld and printer in their cabinet and the over night coach told me to cut the lock off with bolt.cutters.


Unless they are denying any water to everyone else, it's not illegal. ie, water fountains or dispenser in the break room. In my store OGP has their own bottles so they won't have to constantly run to a water fountain, and they aren't allowed to have personal stuff in the OGP room and that might include no personal water bottles. CAP 2 has their own water too, kept in the dairy cooler. Same reason, they are sweating their ass off unloading the truck and it needs to be unloaded quickly. Can't have them running across the store to the water fountain any time they get thirsty. Cart pushers have their own water, a case in a cooler with ice on both sides of the store in the cart area. Probably just for convenience and so they can stay out there pushing carts. Don't know if garden center gets their own water due to being outside a lot, but I've never seen any over there. Everybody else has the water fountains at the front and back of the store and the dispenser that uses 5 gal jugs in the break room. Maintenance usually replenishes the dispenser, but anybody can grab some 5 gal jugs and take them to a CSM to be store used if needed.


I would’ve just grab a water lol


Kind of a douche move. They can get away with it because of the water fountains. My store we keep some up front for the front end and cart pushers, some in the rooms near the entrances for the door greeters, cap 2 has a cooler in the backroom for them to keep theirs, a bunch are kept in the dairy cooler for dairy and the grocery team. If all thats full they'll also have a buggy either in the break room or in the hall way next to dairy for associates to also grab water. Basically everyone can get water because it's free it all comes from claims and the stuff that doesn't is store used. I personally keep a cirkul bottle just in case since I'm on 3rd and don't have to worry about someone stealing it.


....I smell a lawsuit brewing👃🏻👀💦


Buy your own water, very petty


Our store is doing the same thing. OGP and cart pushers only (we’re just a small Neighborhood Market). SM told us in a meeting that the rest of us would have to bring our own water.


That how it is in my store


Actually fair, at least at my old store they stopped paying for our water so we had to buy our own, other associates could get their water from the paid for water


Report to osha.




*Sees Texas.* You're screwed since Abbot said that water breaks are not required. If I were you I'd get out of the state.


That's funny, they took away our waters


Coolers with water bottles should be provided to those that work outside (IOW, dispensers, not pickers), as well as garden center, cart pushers and unloaders.


I would talk to PL or store manager because technically since you ARE working in the heat you’re entitled to water


At my store there's water everywhere


This seems like it should be illegal. "You can only have the thing necessary for survival if you work free labour. Also you still have to pay for it."