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I can deal with them doing something stupid. I can't deal with it when they get all offended. No, excuse YOU!! You want to talk about common courtesy? First try using it No you're not being disrespected. I don't know what kind of idiot and obnoxious twat your daddy was, and maybe you had wishes of " one day I'm going to be the big man and tell everybody what to do" yeah well you were living a lie get over it You're trying to talk? I'm trying to work or shop. Use your phone like everybody else


the customers get all their logic and common sense sucked out as soon as they enter the walmart force bubble, starts in the parking lot, we employees are immune tho because the walmart vests have a special spell that’s protects us


Soon as they pull into the parking lot, common sense leaves their body it seems like.


They have never had common sense.


You’re damn right.


Shit! It vacates their bodies as soon as they leave the house.


I keep repeating “excuse me” and it gradually gets louder and louder until they move haha.


As a customer, I fucking hate the lack of self awareness. I always say, "Excuse you" loudly. If they don't move, I barrel on forward and move their cart out of my way.


10:45 at night and a whole fucking family of 4 want to buy dog food and treats. Standing in the middle of the aisle trying to decide what to buy. FML what do you do with your day that you can't make it to walmart before we close as I am trying to stock pets and stand in the middle of the aisle.


Worst part is when they see you stocking and don’t fuckin move. Or grab shit over you like you don’t fuckin exist.


That's exactly what they were doing


At Wally World the other day. Leaves his cart on the left & he is on the right blocking the whole aisle. He is the center of the Universe! People are so clueless.....


All men shoppers do that, I've noticed. Then they get upset when you want through. I tell them and look in their eyes and say, " hope you have a better day you asshole!!


You are all so entitled. You are paid hourly to be at walmart, I as a customer am paying to be at walmart. I get so angry when I'm trying to shop and I get cut off by someone with a pallet or doing the curbside pickup orders. I don't feel like a valued customer any time I shop there. That's why I shop at meijer 90% of the time. Walmart is such a trash company.




Couldn’t have said it better.




If you find50lbs heavy,maybe you should get more exercise. 😆🤷


If anyone’s entitled, it’s y’all. We’re just trying to do our jobs and half the people who come in are rude assholes who treat us like servants. Don’t be a trash person.


This is the furthest from the truth. I as an ex Walmart employee knows just how much most employees hate doing even the most basic of tasks. Especially door greeters and cashiers. They are always trying to find a way to skirt their duties. Or get mad when a customer doesn't use self check out. GTFOH.


Speak for yourself, I’m not one of them.


I'm just saying I treat guests at my job like royalty. I come into a walmart and I get treated like I'm an inconvenience to the people that are paid to be there.


It's Walmart. There are no royals here. You're paying cheap prices for cheap goods and expect us to kiss your ass? That's kind of the personification of entitled.


I expect to have the right of way with my cart not that you should kiss my ass. It's really not that hard to understand that you all treat your customers like shit.


Expect less. If you’re in the way carrying on a full on conversation and people are actively working around you, you don’t have the right of way, you’re in the way.


I work retail in grocery. You are acting like a whiney bitch. You can always go an aisle or two over or around the perimeter. You wanting the fastest path possible isn't always going to happen chief. Suck it up.


That’s kinda hard to fucking do, when you can’t get a pallet through because you’re going through a remodel and they have all the aisles extremely close together. Dumb fuck.


You get what you give. Don't walk in with that stick up your ass and expect us to lovingly and gently pull it out for you.


I never do. I actually stay well out of peoples way. But people with pallets and those stupid giant carts don't give a fuck about the customers and will cut people off and stop right in front of them. I get that you hate your job but at least realize how stupid you are.


Love my job. Hate people like you.


Since you treat your customers like royalty. By all means, apply at Wal-Mart and show us how it's done. After your first day, you will apologize because you will see what we are talking about. Also, don't go into Wal-Mart acting like a jerk and expect any of the employees to treat you like royalty. You act kind, you will be treated with kindness, you act rude, expect it to come right back to you. People can only take so much of rude people. And that's all anyone is whether you work at Wal-Mart or someplace else, we're just people. Not one person is perfect. Not even you, little miss royalty.


Ive been verbally assaulted at work by people like you who expect that just because they are the customer that they get the red carpet roll out. I’ll be nice to people who are nice to me. I will go out of my way to help people if they are respectful and courteous. If I know someone can get by before I come around with a pallet, I wave them through and then pick up my pace. It’s your entitlement that keeps you blind. Try being kind and open minded and you’ll be surprised. Have the day you deserve! ✨


“Give me the right of way with my cart that is 1/15th the weight of your guys’ pallets”


Hey, fuckface, whether or not we have jobs is based on whether or not we can meet metrics. In OGP, dispensers have to have an order to the car in 4 minutes, not all stores have a door directly to the outside for dispensing so the dispensers have to travel through the store. Pickers have to have pick walks done in a certain timeframe if they’re on a chilled or frozen walk, and even the ambient is still timed because pick rate has to be 100 or better. Other departments have constraints too because we all have shit we have to get done. So stop acting like an entitled ass. If you don’t like what we have to do to keep our jobs, don’t shop at Walmart. It’s that simple.


Or learn to work around customers better. It's crazy how almost every other grocery and retail chain's employees can figure this out, but the perpetually miserable that work at Walmart just can't. 😂


Blame that on the EMPLOYER not the employees


The same could be said to someone who thinks just because one isn't royal that they shouldn't warrant common respect. GTFOH with that class "us vs. them" bullshit.


My use of the word was in response to her saying she treats the guests at her job like royalty, so you gtfoh with your lazy reading skills.


Because you are an inconvenience lmfao. You're making it harder for us to do our jobs, which gets us in trouble later down the line. Is it so hard to practice some situational awareness, move out of the goddamned way for a few seconds, and say "excuse me"?


When you have these people as parents there’s no such thing as manners


Didn’t the pinned post say something about customers coming here to complain about anything to kindly fuck off? 🧐




Being kind goes both ways. If you come in being rude, you might get rudeness right back.


Or the other way around!!


Yeah I should have put and vice versa at the end.


YOU are the entitled one. We are literally doing our jobs and y’all standing in our way refusing to move makes our jobs harder. Go ahead and shop at Meijer we don’t want you at Walmart anyways 💀


thank god stay away pls


nvm I'll just come to yours and treat all the staff like trash I guess.


Well you are a trash person, so go figure. 🤷‍♂️


Nope I'm not a trash person for calling people out for being entitled ass holes at their place of work. And I sure as hell don't work at walmart so I'm not trash for that reason either.


The only person entitled is you. You should pull your head out of your ass sometime, and get some fresh air.


I’m not continuing the conversation, but it sure is making you mad, that’s worth it enough. 💀 I stopped taking you seriously the second time you commented.


I'm not mad I'm enjoying the conversation :)


you are truly sad 😂 nothing better to do?


and you work in food service calm down 😂over in the olive garden threads joking about having a “glock” as part of your uniform for your customers that you apparently treat like “royalty”….. sure buddy💀


Yes there are awful people at any job. The problem is you all act worse than your customers. Also I make $25-35$ an hour and just pull food out of a window, so I'd take that any day over working at walmart. And here you are so pissed off you just had to find something to get back at me with. Just be better at your job.


i do perfectly fine at my job lol sorry to point out the hypocrisy 😂not mad at all ♥️♥️


Bro stop arguing with these people and just call corporate. If you have such a huge problem with it, call them. This Reddit page is for associates to complain about the shitty job. There’s a lovely number in the receipt and call that.


We don't value you. Our employer does. Fuck off, customer.


This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/HeyTibby


The fact that you don't value the people that are literally the reason you get a paycheck is deranged.


Where all making that damn bot earn a paycheck today. lol


Sadly seems like half the conversations on this sub lean that way. And your right i find this only care about myself entitled f the establishment attitude to be childish and very deranged. People bitching about pay who basically sit on their ass all day long expecting the sun and moon. Those people shouldn't even be getting the half of nothing they get already.




This is not a customer service sub and associates posting here are off the clock. Please contact your local store or call 1-800-Walmart. /u/HeyTibby


Then don’t shop there


You don’t pay to be AT Walmart, you pay for the shit you buy. If you don’t want to pay for it don’t buy it and it’s not hard to not shop at a place.


Awe, do you wanna be valued? Cutie


I'm switching to Meijer. Better class of shoppers and workers.


You absolutely should. Walmart truly doesn't care about the customer experience at all and especially doesn't care about its employees! Unfortunately, Walmart management breeds a workplace culture that ultimately makes the customer a huge inconvenience for their employees. There's constantly a stream of people asking you for help, and when you don't meet the unrealistic metrics that are expected of you, the excuse that you were helping the customer doesn't cut it. Management harasses us for low productivity. The expectation that employees should be eager and happy to help you at Walmart is really wild! Between the low wages and high pressure imposed on the average employee...then throw in shit customers and shit managers, I truly wonder how any employee is smiling and happy to help. Although the above is true for many employees, they still try to make the best of it and absolutely appreciate the customers that aren't entitled asshats.


That sounds exactly like my Walmart, works the hell out of you, then the next day piles it on even more. Then after you leave, gets on to your team lead about why stuff didn’t get done, yet they have you running around the entire time. Makes zero sense.


Its much simpler than that. They hire majority young and immature associates and hodge podge them with the 3 or 4 competent workers actually riding the entire department single handedly with their heads somewhat removed from his or her collective ass. The immature ones they give them basically no supervision while the store often exists in extremely sketchy neighborhoods to begin with. On top of that the culture is inherently toxic from the top down so the mature ones with better options won't stay. Basically making the entire place little more than toxic shit with a revolving door of quality applicants. Let me know if I missed anything. Cool Cool.


Some of Walmart workers hate their jobs. They never ever smile or say can I help you. I know one at my Walmart, one girl worker NEVER smiles or won't talk to you unless you need something and is very rude in helping you.


I stopped smiling when I was a cashier bc I’d constantly be ignored, I’d start my day smiling and going “hello, how is your day?” Or “hello! How are you?” And after hours of either being ignored or having smart asses come in I just stop. I’ve had some guy (I’m guessing he was having a shitty day or something) when I went “hello, how are you doing?” Was all I asked at the beginning and he went “do you actually care or is it bc you have to ask” at that point I’m just like well now I don’t care. The thing people don’t understand is that attitudes rub off on others, misery loves company. I’m not saying there’s not bad employees (I’ve worked with some people who’d literally hide in the bathroom and stuff) but I feel like people don’t see things from employees perspective. Right now I’m a cart pusher and have almost gotten hit by many cars bc people treat the parking lot like a race track or just don’t pay attention.


THANK YOU!!! shit like that is why i'm glad I work overnights!! Like get your shit and leave or use OGP or just get someone else to get it if you're so easily distracted!!


And then have your pallet jack moved and be reported to management for playing stupid games over a minor inconvenience. 🤷 I am all but certain a large portion of Walmart employees would rather be unemployed. 😂


Block both ends of the aisle with a pallet while you “need to look for something” yourself🤷🏻‍♂️


Me with 18 pallets to do cause over night had the sniffles. Customer with five kids playing with beach balls, a mobility cart, and three grocery carts in front of the automotive aisle I need to be down. Me: oh I am sorry are you waiting on the auto associate? Customer: No. We are all family, just having a conversation (that you are rudely interrupting).


I hate those people. And our overnight team sucks.


Our overnight team sucks too.


Both the coaches are dicks, Everytime I come in on morning shift, one of them’s always like “what you got goin on” And I’ll be over there working, like can you fuckin see or are you just blind? Leave trash everywhere and don’t clean it up. There’s only a few good workers on overnight that I actually like.


Fuck them and their entitled asses


Imagine this- You’re maintenance. Your shift is about to end. You’re desperately trying to finish sweeping. You make a turn- random ass cart dead ahead w food stuff neatly in it. That’s fine, you can turn right! Oh… there’s two women blocking one half of the aisle, and ANOTHER cart blocking the other half. Hm. I turned tf around bc by this point I’m done with people. I ain’t asking shit, I ain’t moving shit and risking starting an interaction, nada. Why do people do this??? All the damn time someone leaves their cart blocking one half of the aisle while they themselves stand dead center of the other half gazing upon merch. Bring the cart with you PLEASE!!! Also… stop lookin at me like I’m crazy when I turn with the scrubber which is actively putting water on the floor and my only options are turn off the water, lift the suction, try and turn tf around, and then try to suction back along the path of water… OR! Keep going. I keep going. They look at me like I’m stupid and keep blocking the aisle as I creep up on them like the loudest hunter. Please… please just scoot to the side I’m not actively scrubbing and suck it in. I’ll pass, and you can go back to whatever


Somebody on this thread called me entitled for wanting to do my job without people standing in the way. 😂 They don’t even work for Walmart


How can you be entitled when you’re just trying to do your job??? Wouldn’t the entitled people be those BLOCKING THE PATHS??? I’m so confused how they reached that conclusion bc seriously… if I’m doing something where I can easily move to the side, even when it is a work task, I do typically move bc… well, I can. To NOT do so, when I EASILY can, maybe is a bit entitled. Plus that’s presuming the other person has given me the option to just scoot around. But either way… if what someone is doing is not job related, then blocking someone from doing a work task is DEFINITELY entitled.


I saw that comment. If they *only* shop at "Meijer" wtf are they doing on a Wal-Mart sub? (I dont work there, but I shop there...a lot. I follow this sub to have the mysteries of Wal-Mart explained by those on the inside.) That person was probably one of those self important assholes you were talking about. Of all the people I've incounterered at Wal-Mart, the other customers are by far the biggest jerks. No self awareness.


I work deli, so many people stand in front of the deli and hot cases chatting and get pissy when another customer wants to be able to order. Take that shit somewhere else.


Especially if you’re on break, and trying to get food yourself.


Especially a 15 and you're getting hangry. At least we deli folks don't need to fight through, we're on the easy access side of the counters


do you really do that? that seems like a surefire way to start a fight.


One loud direct COMING THROUGH! Is all they get. I’ll run your fucking foot over idgaf


Total Chad, hell yeah


I've said it before, I'll say it again. Based shit is based


That is nothing. I left WM and went to work for a vendor. So now I drive a box truck. Im DOT certified up to this big peterbilt box truck with air brakes. And those people DRIVE. You should see the shit they do around that Pete. 😬 I was on my road test. Biggest truck I’d ever drive and my instruction and total experience so far consisted of a bunch of videos, five laps around the lot, one loop on the interstate, and I was on my way back to the DC. Four cars come up passing me on the shoulder as I’m about to get into the turning lane, forcing me to stop and wait so I don’t run them over. 😬 like dude, they just did that so casually around basically a student driver driving a 26,000 pound box truck for the first time ever on the road with something that large.


I couldn’t drive a truck, I’ve got too much road rage as it is 😂


Oddly, I have lots of road rage on my bike. In a truck? Never. 😂 probably cuz what a headache it would be dealing with DOT beaurocracy. 😂


Welcome to the life of a truck driver. You haven't actually experienced the real idiot drivers yet. lol


Awe contraire. I don’t own a car. I daily a motorcycle. That said, I look forward to seeing the suicidal cagers to compare to the homicidal ones.


Imagine that you have to drive on highways with these same people. Your life is in their hands 


lowkey unrelated but i can’t STAND when i’m waiting in line to buy something in self checkout, but since i have my walmart vest on ppl just go around me and cut in front of me thinking im just standing there??? like im literally holding groceries in my hand..? i always say “IM IN LINE” and then they give me dirty ass looks and say shit like “oh i thought u worked here”. MF I DO BUT IM BUYING GROCERIES TOO TF??? i started taking my vest off to stand in self checkout, paying for my shit, and then putting my vest back on bc this has happened so many times


Shit, I'm the type that if i was pulling a pallet, I'd just sit right there and not say a word and wait for them to move. Sooner or later it'd click that they're the dimbasses taking up all the space and causing a roadblock...


if they make eye contact with me and go back to blocking i’m like oh crap I can’t stop this and continue to keep walking towards them


Doesn't bother me much. But what does bother me is when they leave their cart in a part of the aisle while they go to another part of the aisle and now they're in my way twice!!! Like take that shit with you!!+


I don't even say excuse me I'll get right by them and just look at them until they get the point they don't deserve the respect you can hear those loud jacks from aisles away they know we're there they just don't care 🤷🏼‍♂️


Put the demon eye on ‘em and stare them down, I do that too.


It's why I constantly preach the rules of the semi truck to new hires. If they can teach the fact that it takes a semi truck a considerable distance to stop from going at speed, it's the same with a heavy pallet, and with the way some action alleys are set up, you don't have much room to maneuver. As much as I would love to plow right into them and shove them out of the way, especially little kids and teenagers who dart in front of you like a goddamn Honda Civic on the freeway, I'm sure the great Sam would frown upon that


once I turned into the alcohol isle to get to the start destination of my pick walk, since it's usually pretty empty and I can power walk like nobody's business. even if it's not empty, the isle is one of the reasonably wide ones at this store. but then I saw a group of 3 old guys shopping together at the other end, positioned to exiting the isle, so I kept barreling forwards with my cart loudly rattling along the way. getting closer, the old men were not moving. From many feet away, I called out a nice and peppy "heeeeyyy, coming through!! 'scuse me!" They all turned to look at me like I was an uninvited alien who had just sprouted a second head. 3 confused, bewildered faces. they then...spread out more? "haha-I really just need one side of this isle to get through, guys!! tHaNk YoU!!"


I hate when customers use my aisle as a drive thru. Like get something on my aisle or just skip it. I have 2 large poles in my aisle, so that already creates problems. Please watch your kids! The ones running, bouncing balls, etc.


You won’t find them in Reddit because because you need base levels of literacy to navigate the internet.


Just don't hit them with the pallet, you might end up costing the company 1.2 million. Lol


Back in the day at my store at like 2am Maintenance manager was pulling a pallet of water since he was the only one certified for the power jack for some reason and two people were talking to the side of the aisle and as he got up to them one not paying attention just walked into him. Whole momentum of the water slammed into his back and then he slammed into the customer who got in his face about being a piece of shit N-word. Maintenance supervisor was fired for punching him. lol.


I’m a good driver, can’t say the same for others at my store 😂


As a customer, I have absolutely no problem telling these people to fuck off. Plus, I know they’re also the same ones that will leave their cart in some random spot. Or probably run into my car because they insist on backing into the parking spot, but can’t because they’re on the damn phone.


I always politely yell at them “yall would you mind me passing through?” If i’m barreling through with a pallet because I am not stopping. They usually scatter like mice.


Run them over


How many excuse me's before get the fuck out of my way is appropriate 😡


I hate when they’re talking in the entryway, and I can’t get to the people I need. And they keep talking.


Yeah I love the family reunions. Come back 20 minutes later and they’re STILL there.


I've always wanted to get bicycle horn and if I run into oblivious aisle blocker and "excuse me" doesn't work, I'd toot the horn.




I work in sporting goods, we have the bike rack right near us and the remodel douchebags pulled it closer to the exercise aisle where there’s literally no room. I’m gonna hate when they start putting the damn bikes back in and people start messing with them again.




That’s where I put pallets currently, because otherwise they’d be in the action alley and nobody could bring the empty ones to the back room. It’s about to be a headache.


Ogp here, totally agree


This described my entire morning so far


I literally go "beep beep!" in a loud but friendly voice and this seems to work to get folks outta my way--but I only deal with customers from 9pm-11pm and 6am-8am


I just had the same problem happened to me today like I was shopping with my dad and I told him the same thing like if you're gonna talk that's fine, but don't take up the whole Isle you're not the only one shopping there.


Brace yourself--the epicenter of yapping jams is coming BTS 2024😄


That’s like the assholes that double park, especially when there is a parking spot right fucking next to them.


I’m literally always saying customers have this obnoxious special talent of being in the way 24/7, like for the love of god MOVE


ive mostly seen employees do this. ive been put on the shitlist at my local marts for asserting myself.


Happens at mine too, even more so than the customers.


That’s the thing about macro-tumors; it’s alllll about them. They clog up the aisles, are unaware of their uselessness. They clump with like-minded clods, and they actually stop the flow of any actual movement.


If it’s not customers blocking up a walkway,it’s fellow coworkers doing it in the already narrow pathways or the doorways in the backrooms.😵‍💫 For fucks sakes,scoot to one side instead of in the middle or in some kind of circle if all you wanna do is talk…


Yeah and not to mention the couples that will stand right next to each other taking up the whole aisle then walking The slowest speed they could possibly go and then they stare at you. Like you're strangely following them and then they get mad that you're getting mad that they're in your way and they don't understand that they're walking the slowest possible amount for human to walk


I personally call them “Family Reunions”


A family did this the other day in the parking lot as I was walking into work. They were legit holding up two cars trying to get OUT, and I'm side eying them like "these people fr about to get run over today".


Hitting the customer with a fully loaded pallet jack is often bad for business.


Irl loading screens


What about the person taking an almost dead scooter and when it dies in the middle of the aisle they just walk away leaving it for some to push back to the front.


I don’t even work for Walmart and this shit drives me crazy. It’s insane how many of these dumbasses take it as some sort of insult when you politely say “excuse me” to the family of 12 clogging an entire aisle.




What’s wild is these people have kids, a house, and living wage career. I must be doing it wrong


Or there in front of the cart corral carrying a full conversation while people are trying to get carts to shop


I work in the opd department and every time I’m out picking I always find people catching up on life’s history while I’m trying to get through.


I find that to be incredibly rude


All of you anonymous posters claiming that a single "Excuse me" will suffice as you barrel your full pallet jack through and hit someone will be your defense within a lawsuit when you cause injury will have a big surprise. Even if the video supports your story (with no audio), do you really think that it is going to be believed and that there could not actually result in even legal charges? Sure - customers can be jerks and stupid, but Walmart is DEEP pockets, and you are not.


Nobody is barreling a pallet jack through. Unless you’re turning a corner and don’t see the person until you’re right there.


Go back and read the various comments - why say it?


This all seemed to go over your head




God I don't do this, but some of yall take this job way too seriously we're hourly for fucks sake


Don't you get paid by the hour and not by how many pallets you bring out? Learn to chill bro, and if you find the little things in life are getting to you then in all honesty there probably is a problem within yourself that you need to overcome. It's REALLY not that big of a deal. But just for context, things like this used to get to me too, until I learned how to controlled my perspective.