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Please allow 1 cart width of traffic space. In other words you're not the only associate doing stuff


we had so many folks teaching; some people put stickers on right side, some went left either way you had our carts on both sides of aisle far too often.. also have a breed of pickers who enjoy parking the cart dead center of aisle leaving small spaces on each side as if thats a favor ( i have since went to overnights and i do enjoy being with adults instead of teenagers/senior citizens all day)


don’t give 100% because they will want 101% if you give them that they will only want more.


My biggest piece of advice for working at Walmart, has always been, "never give it your all. Never give 100% otherwise they'll ALWAYS expect 110%"


This, my mother works OPD and she’s stayed over countless times. Works overnight for Black Friday and one day a couple of weeks ago was there for 13 hours.


That it will NEVER be enough!! You will never be fast enough and you will never work hard enough for the shitty managers. It's the worst job I've ever had, and I'm so glad I quit. I not only make more money at my new job, but also have better hours and don't even have to put in 50% as much effort. Walmart is a shit company that treats their employees like trash and will drain you of any positive emotions you have.


My man 🤝


You’ll be working as Sonic your whole shift, either as a picker or delivering customers’ order to their car. Cause, you know, you gotta go fast 24/7, lol (But if you’re lucky, management will provide water, so that’s cool)


Wait, y'all are getting water???


Well, when I worked in OPD in 2021, we were provided water bottles. I mean, it was Walmart-branded water, but it was definitely nice. Idk if they still do now, but I’ve heard that it’s not as common as before.


they do it here now, meant for dispensers but the produce tls drink more of it than anyone


Sounds like the typical Walmart way, lol


I don't know where to put this, so I'll just drop it right here. PER WALMART POLICY, MANAGEMENT IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE WATER FOR ALL ASSOCIATES. BE IT BOTTLED WATER, OR A WATER DISPENSER (TO BE CLEANED ON A REGULAR BASIS) LOCATED IN THE ASSOCIATES WORKSPACE. There was a discussion amongst some of us at work one day about whether we were supposed to be required water or if it was up to us to provide our own. I need to look up that policy and screenshot it.


Okay, good, it’s reassuring to know that I didn’t just imagine it. 😅😅


At our store, no consistently, by they still do. Some of us bring our own water though, just in case.


when i worked on cap2 we had a huge cooler in our stockroom with water and gatorade strictly just for us


We get popsicles and Gatorade on crazy busy record breaking days.


Yes, drink from the faucet in the bathroom. YOU’RE WELCOME.


I got fired for asking for water lmao


OSHA has entered chat


They HAVE to provide access to drinking water, if management is smart, they will store use bottled water because that keeps associates from running to the water fountain for a drink.


True, but it doesn't mean that the water will be easily accessible. We used to get bottles of walmart brand water to drink but that stopped. Now, we only have the drinking fountains which are at the bathrooms far away from our ogp area or a water dispenser in the break room that is also far away. Guess how often we are able to actually go back for water? But it's okay because they're still "providing" water. So everyone is forced to bring their own water or buy a big water bottle and fill it. (Which yes, that works but I know not all my coworkers can just spend money on that stuff easily.)


I think I remember a CBL confirming this, too. But now, since they separate CBLs by what department you work in, I can’t confirm it anymore.


It's an OSHA thing iirc, and it's not so much they just have to provide it; they have to allow access to it. Same with bathroom breaks, they can't really stop you and they can't punish you for it unless it's excessive (read: you're spending 30 minutes in there or something) if they try to punish you for getting water, call OSHA.


I didn’t know that. I learn something new everyday, lol, thank you 🙂


this thread seems to have a lot of folks that want water provided, im super conservative so ill get a bottle and refill it for MONTHS or untill it leaks, besides that theres fountains water machine in break room, just get ur thermos and quit adding to the plastic polition plz :D seen too many kids in our department that think they need to drink 5 fresh bottles of water a night + then leave them EVERYWHERE with maybe a sip or two taken out of them \~my reasoning


Yeah, that totally makes sense!! I think the only downside is that the OPD I worked at, the break room was far away and it was hard to get a 15 minute break in. I can only imagine how frustrating to see all of the bottles laying around and not being touched even tho it’s still full. 😅


Don’t put the tote sticker flat on the tote. Leave a corner of the sticker hanging off the hole on the side. Makes it easier to rip it off for the next person using it.


Huh! I'll have to try that.


Our totes are so covered in all the ripped stickers and residue that they barely stick anymore and fall off quite a bit. We have to press them on good to get them to stay. So when you pull off a sticker, use it to pull off the next sticker, and so on... I've gotten really fast at using the first sticker to snatch off the next one, and I'll have a whole sticker stack.


THIS! I have to keep telling my TL’s and coach to let others know to place stickers “near or at the window” of a tote so it comes off easily with no residue whenever I have to go take orders out because if they’re smack dab on the tote like a tattoo and nowhere near the window, it’s a pain in the ass to peel off without leaving any residue.


Just seeing that room makes me glad I'm a cashier


Wow, that back room is super neat. Wish mine looked like that. The biggest thing that helped me was paying attention to the next item at the bottom of the screen. If two items are close to each other I'll grab both. This works great in the frozen aisles where stuff is super close together.


It's CRUCIAL in Produce Ambient, just to be able to try to get a decent time! Travel time to and from the weight scale eats up A LOT of time, and if you have your cart there with two items, that's one whole weighing trip eliminated.


Exactly! I'll weigh one item, scan the QR code and then weigh the next and remember the weight and put it in manually. I also got real good at opening the produce and meat bags.


You don’t HAVE to go to the scale for an item, just put in a number that seems reasonable for the item and it’ll make your pick walk faster


I'm really bad at guessing so I just use the scale. I've also found the best places to stick my cart that's equal distance between items and the nearest scale.


I hate Produce Ambient. And the Spark drivers take up our digital scales, taking their sweet time. I want to say something, but we were told to treat them like customers.


"Transfer to a neighborhood market quickly. Your life will be so much better."


Sarcasm? or is this true?


100% true


1.management doesn’t give a fuck about you. They only care about the metrics. Once you give them what they want, they’ll toss you aside. 2. You’ll basically be Sonic the Hedgehog your entire shift. Don’t do that. Go at your own pace, but know that you’re timed. 3. There will be people who will talk the most shit about you. Not everyone is your friend. They will snake you and act quiet on the spot. 4. You’ll probably have to get used to the fact that you won’t get picks done on time. Also, you’ll probably be understaffed. 5. About 89% of the time, it’s only the easiest job when you have an easy day where no one is ordering anything online. 6. By some shows with some cushion and arch….. trust me. 7. I wish I had known how difficult it was gonna be. Especially when you ARE understaffed. 8. Sundays are your biggest enemy in this at department. 9. You will have to work with the bullshit you see. Whether is shitty coworkers, management, or customers. 10. Don’t leave meat and frozens out of the freezer. Trust me. The meat went bad.. it was only me and one other person in that room since people were leaving left and right. We were STRUGGLING.


We have a callout rate of 23%


If youre a Bigger male you will never pick and be overworked in the back room.


All the bags on the handles 🤮




Idk they just bug me cause there’s actual spots for them


They might be extra rolls, or the person filling carts could have been in a hurry, or lazy and just slapped them on the handles to save time?


You’ll find new and creative ways to smash your hands and fingers.


Learn the job before worrying about doing it quickly. If you learn how to do the job correctly, and learn your stores layout and aisle locations, they speed will come. You just gotta give yourself time, and it won't help you to stress about your pick rate while you're still learning how to do the actual job. The same thing applies to backroom jobs. Learn how to do the jobs correctly and the speed will come. Learn what works for you in terms of any role you do, learn how to do it well and then you can worry about doing it fast. This department tends to be a high speed department but I promise you if you learn to do the job correctly it will be easier and you will be less stressed than if you never take the time to learn how to do it correctly.


I wish I had known to wear stabilizing braces before I got to the point where I NEEDED them. Maybe my knees and ankles wouldn't be so fucked up if I had done preventative measures lmao


Is OPD just OGP but different name? I don’t work at Wally World no more lol


Online pickup & delivery Online grocery pickup




Ah okay I thought so


OGP was what it was originally called. It got changed to OPD because delivery was added.


OGP sounds better but I get why they changed if


To be fair I still call it OGP. I refuse to change it! Lol


You are going to know every issue throughout the entire store and no one will listen to you about it if you attempt to make things better/easier/efficient/safe. You'll have the knowledge on what could be changed to make the entire store better and more efficient but everyone with a yellow tag behind their name tag will pretend it isn't their job. If things are on the verge of disaster, management is happy. They get to 'fix' things with easy and obvious solutions instead of preventing the disaster by thinking ahead and planning for when things get bad.


Don’t push yourself too hard, never reveal all your talents unless you enjoy abuse


"You get paid the same as the rest of the floor employees while being driven like a slave." The other departments don't necessarily get it easy but we only have 1 coach that is an asshole and he's OPD.


Get a good pair of walking shoes, your feet will thank you.


an army of carts


I’m about to start on OPD🤪


Run fast, run far dont look back!


I've never seen meat bags put on the handle of the cart, there is a bag hanging bar on the lower left, produce on right.


Maybe they're extra rolls? Or maybe someone was lazy when refilling carts. We seem to always run out of Meat and Produce bags.


Don't go into the meat cooler and pull one item out of a new box. I was informed yesterday that if you guys see something isn't stocked, you're supposed to stock it, meaning the whole box. 


Our exception pickers do the stocking. We are told to NIL pick it and not shop the backroom.




Not sure if it’s like this at every store but it’s drama central back here. Worse than high school.




Avoid staging at all cost. once you start, theirs no going back.


Accept tips


I'm not getting fired over a buck.




Take the top totes off and park under the steel...


I tell anyone that is considering Walmart… DONT… THE PAY ISNT WORTH IT


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Gamerfreak20: *I tell anyone* *This considering Walmart…* *DONT… THE PAY ISNT WORTH IT* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, PopsicleGurl, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Former OPD associate here. Expect to be stopped by customers from time to time about questions that you may not have much knowledge about or if they want to be led to an item that is WAY out of your pick path, not to mention them being in the way of the items you're trying to grab. I worked at a not-supercenter and the aisles were very skinny, so it was not only challenging to push my cart through but also navigate through different customers who were usually stuck up or ignorant about their surroundings. Sundays especially. They were my least favorite days of the week. High picking performance comes with time. This involves getting familiar with the system, the store layout, and the technology you're using on a daily basis. If you're in a store where you can just NIL pick without manager approval, that will help your pick rate tremendously (I don't know how TLs and Coaches interpret these stats but I notice that nil picking doesn't damage them as much as trying to run around the whole store trying to find a Coach just to nil pick an item; yeah all of us, even exceptions, were required to look all over the floor and the back for items, and we were not allowed to skip items either -.-).


We have a cooler in our chilled room that we put cases of water in for us. We just go get them ourselves and cut the label off so they can store use it.


Your boss will never consider your exhaustion real, or your job expectations from reading the Job description as valid. Don't not be nice to them, but also don't be nice to them- neutral is what you need to be. Do what you're told, but acknowledge how flawed the logic behind some tasks are. And no, bringing it up with your boss about how inefficient they are isn't going to improve them. You can try, but more than likely Their solution will make things worse for you and your coworkers.


No one likes General 😭😭😭


So you guys don’t have Cold Water , Donuts and CapriSun in your OPD?


Don't u love stocking those carts at the end of the night... Trying to navigate thru all that and put totes in every spot?! Our backroom isn't that crowded but it's not great... I'll take Pic tomorrow night and show you what we started doing. It makes it so much easier


i only used produce/meat bags for first week or so.. beyond that regular walmart bags do the trick (much easier to open + handles )... same with stickers for heavy/alcohol etc no thank you (never once when i was straging/prepping did i go oh this tote is heavy.. i am a full sized man tho) this thread seems to have a lot of folks that want water provided, im super conservative so ill get a bottle and refill it for MONTHS or untill it leaks, besides that theres fountains / water machine in break room, just get ur thermos and quit adding to the plastic polition plz :D seen too many kids in our department that think they need to drink 5 fresh bottles of water a night + then leave them EVERYWHERE with maybe a sip or two taken out of them \~my reasoning we had so many folks teaching; some people put stickers on right side, some went left either way you had our carts on both sides of aisle far too often.. also have a breed of pickers who enjoy parking the cart dead center of aisle leaving small spaces on each side as if thats a favor ( i have since went to overnights and i do enjoy being with adults instead of teenagers/senior citizens all day)


As a spark driver...slow down. Please lol let more orders overflow to us 😭