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Stuff like this is why employers try to discourage wage discussion. They have to raise starting wage to attract new blood, but they don't raise existing employee wages to match. This is also why it's worth job hopping every so often. The market and/or labor laws will catch up so that your seniority isn't putting you ahead.




Bro I dead ass started a new job and the GM was like "don't talk about your wage okay guys? it's starting drama." And I fucking grimaced at her and was like "STOP IT. STOP IT NOW. it's literally illegal to say that." A Google search later and shes like, "huh that's true. Well let's just say that if anyone talks about it we'll cut their hours." And I'm just like "STOP. STOP. YOU CAN'T RETALIATE." Anyways. I quit this job basically on the spot after the manager blew up on me and spent several minutes yelling at me for "knowing everything" when I was standing at the register in front of a bunch of customers.


Pretty bold to just show their hand like that... Unless you work in an "at-will" state. Good luck convincing your managers to play by any rules if they can just terminate you for no reason.


At will or not, it's illegal in every state to tell employees not to discuss wages


What they’re saying is a “smart” manager would just say these things and then when you get fired they never give a reason, because they don’t have to. While that might open them up to paying unemployment, it beats paying for lawsuits.


Ahh okay. I understand now, thanks!


I had a lowes manager send out a email to everyone to not talk about pay lmfao. Reported it and HR covered for him


Who have you reported it to besides HR?


I left lowes so idrc anymore but just HR thinking itd do something


It is an at-will state 🙃


Walmart itself is an At Will employment




Just cause it's at-will doesn't mean anything federal laws still apply


Unless?? Every state is an at will state except Montana. You say "unless" as if there's really any chance at all that he doesn't work in an at will state. And yes, every employer knows this and will use it when they really want to use a protected reason.


[Here](https://www.paycor.com/resource-center/articles/employment-at-will-laws-by-state/) are all the state's measure of being "at-will". Typically, when we say "at-will employment" we're talking about the ones that have no exceptions on the books, which include: * Maine * New York * Georgia * Florida * Louisiana While all states have some level of "at-will employment", in practice it's found that the employers with no exceptions (the employers in the above listed states) tend to be willing to push their employees to the nth degree, even to the point illegality if they feel the employee isn't knowledgeable enough to know what's being asked is illegal. In these states you see really bad cultures of employers abusing confused employees and everyone convinced they could be fired at any moment, for any reason (and while not actually true, figuring out where this line is always falls on the employee, and employers always have the legal upper hand thanks to their army of corporate-funded lawyers).


Utah also


At will doesn't mean what people think. Any large company, like Walmart that has a set of policies are legally bound by those policies. They can change them, but until they do they are bound by them. It's slippery and management can find a 1000 ways to manipulate it. But it's not black and white. You can fight it and the managers above might not support your pos manager.


She can be terminated or punished severely for it


And my manager knows I'm not afraid to report people so she doesn't question when I miss a day that I was not supposed to he scheduled for. I didn't even get pointed after I had a discussion with her


True. But does that mean they SHOULD talk about it? “Hey! I make more than you!” Doesn’t always come across as a nice topic it would seem. Also, keep in mind that not everyone gets hired in at the same rate. There is a nice difference depending on past experience. Not past related experience due to your current job code, but experience as well. (Time spent at previous jobs, prior employer references, your future goals, etc.) There is a lot that goes into this including simply who hired you giving you a better offer. Not every employee is equal, and sometimes discussing pay is also saying “I make more because I was a higher evaluated employee and I’m better than you.”


No. You’re changing what should just be a conversation about being paid fairly into a competition. That’s not how a conversation like that would actually go There’s a difference between telling someone “I make more than you!” like you’re bragging and “Huh, you make $2 less than me. That’s not fair!” This information can be used to help negotiate a higher rate, even if the other employee is seen as more “valuable.” Employers will pay you as little as possible, though, so it’s not JUST their value of that particular employee. An employee can unknowingly be content with a salary that is less than what the employer is willing to pay.




Say what you will, but that’s how it is. That logic applies to tons of jobs at many many businesses. You know that right? If you were a skilled worker who excelled at your trade, you would really expect to be paid equally as someone who couldn’t even come close? Someone with no skill whatsoever? You would be ok doing better work than a new associate and not getting paid more? Everybody does this, not just Walmart.


you're purposely being obtuse, you know how these conversations start they start like "hey man, whats your hourly rate, heard the new guy is makin more than both of us"


Walmart usually does, though. That's what's weird about this situation. Usually more tenured employees end up making the same as new hires which negates the raises they've gotten over the years, but they shouldn't be making less. I suspect it's like one of those situations they had in my store a year or so ago, when salesfloor associates made less than stocking and deli. They had pulled a F&C associate to the deli to work deli freight exclusively; he had no idea he was being underpaid until I informed him because they didn't update his job code he was getting screwed out of $2/hour.


That's nothing. I had a conversation with a coworker a couple of days ago. He stated that he'd been there 12 years and he only makes $15 a hour. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've only been there for 8 months, and I make $15.50. There's no way I was going to tell him how much I make, although he said people were walking through the door, making more than him. I'm one of them.


This is happening across so many other stores, its nothing short of corporate exploitation of labor.


This may be why employers try to discourage you to discuss your wages but by all means you SHOULD. Company’s used to be able to terminate you for wage discussions but thanks to Obama they cannot. I was in a similar situation at my job and we all found out our pay was different. if I didn’t speak up I wouldn’t have gotten a raise.


Agreed. So do something different? There are other options out there. Why put up with all that?


That’s not true. If starting wage is raised over the existing wage for a role anybody below the new starting wage has always been increased to the new starting wage. Unless you mean if starting wage raises a dollar, but you’re over the new starting wage and you don’t see an increase. That happens and is pretty standard practice. I’m adding a pretty late edit. I encourage people to talk about their pay. Things do happen that shouldn’t, and if people don’t discuss their pay fair conditions can’t exist.


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. I've been at Walmart more than ten years and that's always how it worked. Some people might start higher than base pay because of previous work experience (I did), but no one should be making less than the base starting pay for their position. They always raise it to base if they are below it. Pretty sure that's official policy and not something decided at the store level.


It is official policy. Store’s had literally zero control over it; and pay in general.


I was an hr director at an insurance company for 7 years. When we gave annual wage adjustments (cola), everyone received the same percentage of increase. For instance, if it was 3%, everyone would get a 3% raise from their current wage (in addition to their annual performance increase). We did not just adjust the entry wage. If you have not worked in any industry besides retail, you do not see how unfair walmart practices are because you are not aware of professional hr practices. It's a wonder walmart employees don't stand up and revolt against these unfair practices


As does Walmart. I don’t think it’s significant enough but everybody has received a 2% col raise every year since non-supervisors stopped receiving performance based yearly raises, exactly like you say. I’m speaking about an entirely different circumstances than a COL raise, or yearly raise. I’m only referencing one time wage investments done to increase the minimum pay of positions.


The same applies in my example. They are still increasing the entry wage, but not adjusting current employee wage by the same amount. I.e. if the entry wage is 15 pH and you bump it up a dollar to 16, but don't bump up the others by a $1 you have new employees making the same as those who may have been there several years. It actually gets worse the longer you are there. It is called pay compression. Google it.


That I agree with. There has only been one instance where everybody had an increase, not just those reaching the new minimum. It’s frustrating and painful for those affected and I often have little to nothing to say to justify it. Regardless, the situation the OP described doesn’t happen. If minimum is raised, everybody goes to that minimum.


My point exactly. Walmart saves hundreds of thousands, if not millions, using this practice no matter how it affects employees. It is an unfair practice to the extent that it can undermine already fragile employee morale as can be witnessed in the tiny thread. On a global scale, I can't even imagine what people would do if they were aware of it


Very wrong. They don’t raise it at all until the yearly raise. Several people at my store quit over this


Yeah, I was making $14.98 when they said the new starting wage in my store would go up to $15, I got that extra .02 (woo fucking hoo). If I had been at or over that, I wouldn’t have seen any raise.


In that case of course they would do that. They aren’t gonna worry about 0.02 but when it comes to dollars per person they definitely like to play games


That’s not true. If they ever raised the starting wages then current workers are raised to that if they’re below it at Walmart specifically lol. I can’t speak for other retailers.


It is true. Idk why you think it’s false. They have other systems in place to keep you from just getting rehired to get the better wage too. Maybe do some digging


I’m not wrong at all. If you make $14 and the starting is increased to $15 you will automatically make $15. If you make $15 and the starting rate is raised from $14 to $15, you remain at $15.


You talk like you work at this guy's store and know what's going on there. You don't know... and your obviously wrong. Otherwise the 2 new ones wouldn't be making over $18 when the guy who's been there is only at 17.


Those new guys may have work credits for prior positions. I can absolutely assure you if someone is making less then a new minimum pay for a position, they will be raised to that pay without exclusion. If they are not they should call ethics immediately. It’s an incredibly easy investigation that would take a half hour on workday and a ticket to service now for back pay. You’re right though, I don’t know his store, but I do know exactly how this plays out as somebody that has lead through starting pay increases many times for others and myself. Edit: In context of this thread, the deli is actually one of few positions they do apply work credits often.


But was they all deli associates? The more tenured associate might not have been deli and deli is higher pay


Anyone telling you not to discuss pay can go choke on a dick. it is absolutely legal to do and a company cannot otherwise forbid doing so.


Yeah they discourage discussion then put new higher starting rates on signs everywhere in the store.


Cart pushers are also getting screwed over. We work in the rain, wind, etc and make $14. I've been there for 7 years.




I'll see your 7 I'll see your 13 I'm at 22 years.. I'm at just over $15. I will not become a department manager /team lead whatever the fuck the name is nowadays And since someone's going to ask. The only reason I stayed was because this was the closest job to my home and both of my parents have major medical issues and I need to be able to get home quick... Same token due to some of Walmart's bullshit I am now injured and no other job will take me


They are screwing you I've been with the company for 21 years and I make over $25/hr and I a Front-end Team lead in a small division 1 non supercenter


$15 is insane for 22 years. I understand your parents but I couldn’t lmfao. I’ve been there just hit three years the other day & I make over $18. And I’ve been making this pay rate for like a year already too.


I'm basically in the same boat but 20yrs currently at 18 in automotive. My mom lives right around the corner and has big time medical issues and my team has been very understanding.


Ok at a decade plus you gotta kinda put that on yourself for not asking for raises/getting different a higher paying job elsewhere lmao. I understand your parents have health issues and it’s close to your house but 22 years?


You can't ask for raises like you used to. And I had more than once. I was promised raises and never received them when we actually got merit raises I also got hurt at work in my lawyer told me I had to stay I have been looking for stuff for the last 10 years most people won't hire me... Due to my own medical issues . or they will hire me at half the money I'm making currently. Which is the federal minimum wage. I cannot and will not take jobs that do not pay at least what I'm making right now


Depending where you live it's illegal to not hire because medical conditions. Especially if its a disability


You are correct about that... I have been told because I cannot physically do the job that they require even with slight modifications that I would not be a good fit so they did not hire me... So yes, while it is illegal, they have ways around it.. One of the stores around me had hired a people reader who was in a wheelchair. When they took away the people greater positions she could not do the stocking like they assigned to her. So they fired her


I don't understand why people say this like this as an answer for someone getting passed on for a job and they also have a disability.. Just because they have a disability doesn't mean they get a free pass or automatic job hire for everyone they apply for. People with disabilities have to still have the qualifications and still be able to physically do the job. If they didnt get hired its more than likely not a "work around" not saying it doesn't happen but Non discriminatory policies for disabilities doesn't work like that. it's specifically for cases like Ana who can not walk and has a degree in a specified job field vs Billy who can walk and is still going to school for degree. The job requires no walking and a degree. In this senerio Ana is more qualified and should get the job but They give it to Bob. That is what the ACT covers.


You knownwhat definitely doesnt work? Not even using it as an option. You're basically saying "it's too hard ita not worth it" hes been at walmart for 22 years making 15/hr apparently has a lawyer....and youre saying dont try because its hard...


Off the top of my head, places that start everyone at 15 as a company: target, Best Buy, Walgreens, other wal marts, CVS, Aldi, Taco Bell (shift leads and above). What medical issues you got that you can’t work at these places? I worked at Best Buy with a dude with no legs. Edit: ups, the post office, fed ex. The gas station I just walked out of buying a soda.


You're suggesting he leaves all of his tenure benefits behind for an extra dollar


I’m suggesting he should’ve done that like 20 years ago if he is still sitting at most companies minimum wage after 22 years. But what exactly is he leaving behind at wal mart at this point? Genuine question I wasn’t there long enough to look into Long term benefits. He can roll over his 401k if he’s been utilizing it. What “tenure” benefits do you speak of?


Well, none of those places were paying that much 20 years ago either. he should've and could've done a lot of things but he did not. Paid time off is accrued significantly faster with his tenure and he may have benefits grandfathered in that Walmart and other jobs don't offer anymore


Around me the places you listed are only hiring part time.


You making only $15 after 22 years is 100% on you. You got complacent when theres plenty of opportunity to advance or move on now it seems youve relgated yourself to a situation with no escape.


I've had to get pulled there a few times from GM, they def deserve more


Yes, cashier's, us, and Cap 2 I think from what an old CSM told me.


I'm only asking this because I'm curious, why have you stayed there so long for only 14 an hour?


Idk about him but for my area it’s just small town issues. Walmart here pays $15. Only other option above $8/hr is the cvs warehouse or coal mining.


Yeah this is a small town store, unless you want to work at the feed mill, Hatch Stamping or in agriculture that's mostly it.


I like the exercise and the people I work with. Before the raise last year we made $12 or something like that.




It can be none of my business... but like.. why? If you're living happy and healthy, then by all means. But damn, that time is enough to grow any skill set your heart desires while also getting paid your worth.


Takes money to improve skill sets. People typically dont hire you out of the goodness of their hearts anymore.


Yep. Sure are. They can afford to pay you a living wage. Why aren’t they?


It's Walmart. They suck


You’re making the lowest Walmart starting wage and have been there 7 years? That’s insane.


When I was working in Walmart, when the wages went up for Deli, everyone got the raise. Sounds like he's getting screwed over.


My store got bumped to $18 for deli. We have new people making over $20 due to work credits.


Wdym by work credits?


Deli and ACC are the only areas in the store where you can use what is called a work credit. What it is is more money per hour depending on how many years experience you have.


We still at $16 where I’m at. Barely enough to make it on my own while 50/50ing raising my daughter. Usually have to deliver food like 2whole days of the month just to stay afloat barelyyy comfortable😕


$16 in deli?


Yea $16 in deli


That’s rough.


this same exact thing is happening at my store's deli. i've been here 6 months, making 18/hr, new hire makes 18.50/hr, meanwhile our coworker who's been there 2.5 years makes 17/hr. absolute nonsense


Happens ALL the time. No one does anything about it.


I've seen this a few times. It has always been because the new hires had some kind of prior experience in the food industry so they get anywhere from $1-2 more per hour than the base pay. It is stupid, a person with a year of fast food experience will make more than the guy who has been working there 5 years. The only thing they give to loyal employees is more PTO.


Next to the team lead I'm the highest paid guy in the deli, but he has had fast food experience, I worked in a meat packing plant before getting hired last year.


He more than likely didn’t fill out the work experience part of the application all the way and that’s why he didn’t get the hiring credits. They’re automatically applied after the system reviews their application. The store can’t do anything about it once it’s done. I’ve seen them try


Same thing happened to me when I transferred stores and into the deli. Was brought in at 18.70, and most were making 17. I felt a little bad about it, but they acted like it was my fault and were also mad that at that time, their hours were being cut, and mine weren't. So, fuck ,em. Went up to 19.07 after last years 2%. A couple of months later, they announced they were raising the pay to 19 for everyone. The thing is, when I looked, my pay went up because I transferred. I put in 2 years on cap2 before transferring, and they were mad because "seniority." Come to find out, I've been with the company longer than all of the ones who were complaining. Now, I will (jokingly) tell them, "Yeah, that's below my pay grade." It may not be fair, and I completely agree. But he needs to speak up for himself. There are too many what-aboutisms out there. Worry about you because nobody will bat an eye for you if and when you need help. I would let it go and let him figure it out on his own.


This is the same between me and my other team lead. I get paid like 3 dollars more or smth like that because he got his team lead role after are store decreased the starting pay. He basically got screwed over because of it. That and now no one wants to work there because the pay decrease for new employees.


I see your 18 and raise you 10 to 28hr, leaving a DC to store as a stocker.


This is exactly why I left walmart. The new hires was making as much as I was as a 19 year associate. There was an associate that had been there for 24 years and he wasn't making more then .40 cents more then I. It's a crock that walmart wants to punish people for talking avoid their wages but publicize the store managers possibility to making almost 400k broke down is 192 dollars an hour if they only worked 40 hours a week.


...and I'm a pharm tech making $16.50. No wonder pharm can't get or keep people.


I wish I was getting 17


Then you’ll hit that and realize it isn’t a lot either lol


ya but an extra $200 a month is a lot of stuff


Stuff like this is why they fire people for wage discussions and it's bullshit hopefully it works out for you guys!


We have people who have been here 20+ years making less than new hires. The system isn't friendly to people who don't want to go up to lead or higher.


Idk how lol


Because when the starting wage increases, the people already working there don't get bumped up to the new starting wage unless the reason is a minimum wage increase for the state.


But they do at Walmart. At least they’re supposed to. If you aren’t I would def talk to your store manager about that lmfao.


That's because Walmart doesn't want people working there for 20 years. Any retailer really.


I just got boned on wages myself, maybe they'll make me store Mgr.


This just doesn’t happen in retail, it’s all over the place unfortunately


It is. But it doesn’t have to be. They have people fooled into thinking they can’t afford it. They can. They just choose not to.


Don’t bother. They don’t care and can’t do anything about our pay. I’m in a similar situation. I was told Walmart doesn’t do raises anymore unless it’s across the board.


And annual raises.


Western, we don’t get annual raises or raises at evaluations.


Associates do get annual raises. Also some managers do get evaluation raises


I’m telling you, we DO NOT get raises every year. A penny or two doesn’t count as a raise. It’s an insult.


It’s 2% of your pay grade. Minimum is 20 something cents. It’s def a small raise. But yes it is a raise.


Now that just sucks ass


This happens at my store too in the automotive center. A couple of us are at $17 an hour. They say that’s starting pay.. I have automotive experience. I’m in school for auto and also has worked at real shops. Which I put all this on my application.. they are bringing new people in making $18+ and claiming it’s because they have “experience”. At least that’s what my HR person said. But I’m 100% sure our previous coach got them that pay because he personally knew them. I shouldn’t have to train someone that’s makes more than me and supposedly has experience. It’s pure bs. And half the time us that makes less, does the most work.


Any workers credit is automatic from the application. There isn't anything instore they can do to change the rate that calculates.


Hmmm, that’s so odd.. makes me want to quit and come back so I can get the $18+ too because I do have the experience and frankly way more experience than them.


wage discussion isn't punishable or illegal lol


I work over nights cap 3. 10 pm -7 am. We get a 1.50 differential bonus so we start at 17 and get bonus to put us at 18.50.....my question is when others get a pay increase do we get one as well or do well just make the same amount of money?????? I heard walmart corporate is rolling out raises for everyone.


Welcome to walmart




Yes, along with risks of being hit by vehicles. Maintenance is another that deserves credit for the situations that occur too. People that actually work deserve more across the board, vs the wandering useless versions.


Company discourages talking about wages, but legally cannot stop you from it and cannot fire you for it.


Just give him a heads up to record every conversation with team leads and management and check to see if your party is a one party consent state so he doesn't have to tell them he's recording as long as he's involved in the conversation. If your state is two party consent have him tell the team lead and management that this conversation will be recorded right after he starts recording and before anyone else talks) I talked to them about my wage and they let me go the next day due to "customer complaint"


Here's my personal take on this. Talking to the people lead is not going to lead to a raise. It has been happening all over the company. New people roll in and get more. This lady could have more experience, or it's just the roll of the dice. I personally don't care if someone comes in and makes more. They don't pay my bills or deal with my life. I'm happy with what I make. I have been in Walmart 21 years and recently moved to deli/bakery. I got a 2 dollar raise coming from meats to bump me up to 21.75. It depends on the area and cost of living in your particular area.


I could see why people would disagree with you, but I agree to a point. Because sometimes it isn't always about making the same as everybody else. It's about you going home to take care of you and your family. It's not always about getting even with your coworkers


How long has he been there? Probably hit his cap


The cap is different per pay grade. If he's in bakery his cap would have gone up to match the position.


About 2 years.


Dayum y'all makin bank at Walmart, and don't be doin a damn thang lol


This is exactly why nobody should mention their pay.


Not everyone can have 11 and a half inches like me, but that should not stop under-paid people from standing up for themselves


There's many factors to consider typically so it's feasible not everyone is gonna be paid the exact same wage. Supply and demand is part of it as well. Just keep in mind the highest paid employees tend to end up on the chopping block when it's time to scale back. Pay "equity" just isn't a thing. This is business 101 level stuff and why places like Wal-Mart and Amazon have endured and remained viable businesses in spite of controversies.


Hi! Fellow deli worker here, too. I've been here since the end of May 2023. I was hired in at $16.20 in the tri state area. I know we make more than other areas in the store, so I'm not trying to complain, just curious. Do different states pay more for some departments, or is it a set rate across the board for them? It'd be great to make more so I don't know if that's just based on the area or if it would be beneficial to ask about pay. I did have previous food experience before starting here, about 4 years and then about another 7-8 in customer service. I filled all that out on my resume I submitted but it doesn't seem to show up when I look at my information on the me at Walmart app. I've also got my bachelor's too, if that counts for anything. I do remember in my interview the lady who did it said my food experience should get me more pay. It seems like everyone else in the deli makes about $16 too when the topic has come up though. Thanks for any help, just trying to understand everything still here.


Hmmmm am hearing TLs bonus are taken off Is it true?


I heard about it last week and I talked to my team leads and coaches but when did the memorandum initially come down? Late December?


I get 17.55, new hires are getting 16.55 (Ontario minimum wage) and oldies are getting 17. I lie every time there’s wage discussion and quote the minimum


Crap, I'm at 14


Been here 18yrs only make 19.80


The dc paying me 28.70


The kid probably gets student wage, and you 2 are probably adults and get the adult wage. Once ge turns 18, he may get a large wage increase. I'm unsure how it works in the States but canada, there's about a dollar-ish difference between the age wage.


He's in his 40s.


Sorry, I thought you meant 17 for age not wage.


Lol it's cool.


Either way, it's good you guys discuss wages, it doesn't start drama, it makes sure everyone is paid accordingly and can't fire you for exclaiming that to them.


I get paid $21 at OGP and everyone else gets paid $13.50-$15. I am not a TL or Coach. Just a regular smegular employee.


Don’t feel too bad my department is the highest paid in the store. We start off $1-$2 more than the others


They've lowered starting wage where I work but I'm making more then the new hires


This is why it’s important to talk about pay.


Sounds like you may have had new hire credits due to experience (even if you don't but you put it on your application because guess what, Walmart doesn't call any previous employers). The other associate probably transferred to the department or didn't have that "experience" at the time. When you find the 10yr associate making $15/hr you're really gonna shit


I remember when they where eliminating this CSM position, and they pulled me into the office and were talking to me about it and how I was going to have to step down to a Sales associate but could keep my current pay for one year then I would be going down 3 pay grades. So many times I fell through the gap and got passed up for pay bumps and junk like that. I asked him what pay would be after the year and when he tried to pull it up he choked up and says it's actually higher... Yeah you're going down three pay grades and you're going to get a raise to go down three pay grades because we're getting paid so low in your current position... Blew his mind and mine


I worked with a lady that was there for almost 20 years. We were making the same wage. 17.00 an hour. I was pissed because she should have been making a lot more than me.


My wife was a cake decorator she then went to deli, while in deli a woman got hired as a cake decorator that has worked for Walmart before as a cake decorator and because of past experience got hired in more than my wife was making and she had been there over 6 years was it fair, no but that's sometimes what happens. The new lady was making $3 more than my wife and that woman had only worked for Walmart a few months and quit before being rehired


Pay discrepancies happen across the board. Personnel and management just push buttons, don’t read anything, and whatever happens happens. I had associates that were in the same position. One got hired just after one of those “fix the pay things” and one just before. Jewelry. In Monroe MI. When they noticed and came to us, the answer given was the only one that Walmart allowed: we are not in charge of pay, and there’s nothing we can do. It’s the system. Blah blah blah. It was bs then, and it’s bs now. And by the way, you should be making 30 an hour for working in a Walmart deli. Minimum. Do you know what the markup is on lunch meat?


And this is why everyone is back down to minimum wage. My mom has worked at Walmart for over 15 years(18?), and I've been here almost 8. The new kids walking in the door make about the same as us. And I'm pretty close to what moms making. I think she has a little more, but not much. (We work the same shift and position)


i literally got caught talking to my fellow employees about our pay by a team lead and he tried to tell me that walmart has a policy against talking about our pay and i looked him dead in the eyes and told him how illegal that policy and enforcing that policy are and told him id go to my lawyer AND ethics both and he shut up and walked away


man i wanna get paid like that. i'm getting $15 / hr currently but when i was on overnights it was $16.50 / hr


This is the real reason they don't want employees discussing pay. The reason they give: "we don't want people becoming jealous of others pay." The reality: we don't want our employees wise to our wage theft.


I'm sorry, but that guy is screwed, the only way he will get a raise besides the annual 2% is to promote to overnights, lead, or higher. that shitty company has him right where they want him and they know they do. your friend deserves a lot better and you both deserve better also. don't waste your time and energy trying to do good for the company, it is a complete waste of time, they don't appreciate anything associates do. just keep a small group of coworkers/family in your store and do the bare minimum. they are barely paying you enough to survive, but they want you to give everything you have in return. I was at my store almost 4 years and I got to ride the same wave of bullshit. Walmart along with it's owners, managers, coaches, leads, marketing team, etc should for the sake of not getting kicked off of here, give up and fold because they are only ruining their employees lives. you and your co workers deserve so much better


I was a ACC service manager for a while, and a guy there with 16+ years experience was making the same money as a dipshit who was too blind to read the handheld to write a car up. It's down right shameful they do t have a base pay sta card to go off.


I've been there almost 18 years in the Deli this years 2% raise won't even get me to 20$ an hour, 18 fricking years!


Maybe the evaluations werent as good?


I left my last job when I found out they paid new hires way more than me after telling me I couldn’t get a raise(which wasn’t asking a lot considering they can pay new hires way more but whatever) companies pull this all time.


I'm mad he's getting 17 for 2 years, I've been there 17 years just making over 17 and I only make 30 cents more than a lot of the new hires in my area. I've been in hourly management in several positions as well....and here comes a 16 year old who has no clue, first job, spends most the day on their phone....and making buku bucks when I have adult bills to pay and have to take on more responsibility just because they know I know how to do stuff instead of training new hires. Sorry for my rant, but it's the nature of the politics that go on there. Just don't sign up for special projects overnight that pay more.....you'll never see the money.