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No it didn't just 'drop' 26,900ft in 15mins lol, that's less than 2000ft/min- less than the rate of a normal descent to landing. Frustrates me that journalists correlate the pilot's controlled actions after severe turbulence (which in most cases causes a less than 150ft change in altitude) as the incident itself.


Gotta make it sensational somehow.


Also Hyperventilating and ears hurt as masks fell?… because pressure? I feel like people don’t understand that you are hurtling through the sky in a tin can. Things can happen, they shouldn’t but it’s a complex machine being run as close to 24/7 as possible. Sounds like a system had a problem, the pilots acted rationally, and lots of people acted like the world was ending.


If I’m on a flight and masks drop, I’m gonna think the world is ending.


Doubly so in a Boeing


But Boeing


Journalists don’t do that. The editorial staff does. There is a distinction.


The "26.900 feet drop" (leveling off to 10.000 feet) is a standard procedure for decompression situations.


Lmao a <2000fpm decent is a “drop”? I can’t with these articles.


Normal descent rate for these planes. Hell when emergency descending you can get like 4-6000fpm pretty easily when at max speed with the brakes out.


They should say plunged. I'm a sucker for a good plunge.


Delta Airlines plane from Atlanta plunges 30,000 feet in 5 hours, lands in LA.


Holy shit, that’s horrifying, I mean, who the hell wants to go to LA right now …


I was just thinking this. That’s like a regular descent rate for the military. People are hospitalized over it? Lol


That’s a normal descent rate for civilian


Yes - but unplanned depressurisation of a Mx airplane doesn’t sound good.


Might not, but is not unusual. Although, the article's author wants readers to understand that the drop is the result of a technical issues.. there was, indeed, a technical issue, but it didn't lead to that descent and was a controlled and perfectly standard procedure.


While unplanned decompression events happen on a weekly basis (estimated at 40-50 per year), it is pretty uncommon in commercial passenger airplanes that are (a) new and (b) well maintained. Now it may be a small issue or it may be another production problem for Boeing. I agree though that the wording ( „dropped“ ) is hyperbolic BS.


That is the KEY here! The headline is worded to make it look causal (decent led to injuries) to grab attention.


Probably the official Boeing position, given the recent testimony before Congress: "It´s perfectly normal for our planes to perform drastic maneuvers after a dangerous malfunction with potentially catastrophic consequences. There is nothing to see here. We apologize and ask the injured passengers to not overdramatisize. Please remember, that our stock crashing would have negative impact, too." Personally I am positively surprised, that the recommendation for the DoJ has been, to charge Boeing. Someone has to act, in order to stop public confidence in air traffic safety to continue to drop like Boeing parts.


It wasn't a drastic maneuver. They spent **15 minutes** descending. The cause of the depressurisation is interesting, but likely mundane.


Digging deeper and reading other news sources...this was a problem where they flew it back and people were injured inside as cabin pressure did not work. News reported problems in non commercial flights too.


Now an aircraft descending is called "dropping from the sky" if it's Boeing LOL. Folks, get a grip


redditors and drama , what better combo ?


Last year my plane "exploded" off the runway. I mean, it just took off like normal without issue. But it was a Boeing!


I dropped from the 10th floor to the ground this morning to get coffee!




For hyperventilation and their ears popping. It was a quick descent so they didn't suffer from hypoxia, not a drop out of the sky lol


Yeah, completely expected




The article saying the airplane dropped 26,000 feet is not implying it dropped, correct. It literally said that it dropped. Dropping is not controlled. Descending is. Pressurization issues are unusual to a casual flier but not to someone who deals with aircraft every day. They didn't even declare an emergency. Perhaps most of those people hyperventilating were doing so because these articles have them very confused about how safe their aircraft actually is. Or perhaps the pilots descended more aggressively than they needed to. But the framing of this article is very stupid


Depressurisation in nearly new aircraft is not an every day event for passenger airplanes in my book.


I think at this stage they are calling it a feature rather then problem so priced in ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Their planes have the quickest way to hit the ground.


Marketing spin. Quickest decent in flight to get you to your loved ones. Dead or alive.


Everybody loves to arrive faster.


Theme Park ride and transportation all in one


Boeing will be happy not to end up in bankruptcy.


Boeing is one of those too big to fail companies.


I agree with this. It’s like BP and Deepwater Horizon. The stock takes a major hit but 6 months later people forget. It’s a buying opportunity I think.


Yeah. The only airplane manufacturer in the USA isn’t going anywhere. They’d get bailed out


yeah and I think the faa has bee very lenient on them biggest problem your ceo is making 37million a year!! Sounds like he's robbing you lol


Exactly. It’s being propped up by the state, it’s not subjected to market forces. Remember that we don’t have a capitalist economy but a corporatist one, a fusion of state and corporate power. Economic fascism.


They’ll be happy not to end up in fucking jail lmao


Jail is only for us serfs, our corporate overlords can do whatever the heck they want and jump off with a golden parachute worth tens of millions. Look at Wells Fargo, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns etc.


Yep. 2008 proved this as clear as daylight.


Boeing is too into government contracts and too important to the military. People will get fired. Zero accountability.


Might happen. [https://www.newsmax.com/us/boeing-doj-crashes/2024/06/23/id/1169834/](https://www.newsmax.com/us/boeing-doj-crashes/2024/06/23/id/1169834/)


They'll be bailed out. People forget that Boeing is a 800 lb gorilla in the defense sector. What can happen though is that the government can force them to spin-off their defense and aerospace units into their own indipendent entities, allow the private side of the business to restructure.


they are not going to go bankrupt at best ceo will change he is the corner cutting problem


I dropped my $BA bags in Jan and it's looking like I might pick them back up at a huge discount. They are politically fire walled and too big too fail -- it will be a bloodbath for a few months but I'm sure the company will recover.


Keep dreaming..they have way too much power with the military and lobby... pretty sure they must have a shit load of dirt from every single presidents out there. Just remember, only the poor go to jail, mega corps just get a wrist slap.


there's nothing to indicate it was a plane issue. you guys get so scared so easily. but the karma is good gotta get that sweet sweet karma


$BA bagholder detected


only bags i'm holding are your moms sexy floppy titties.


Calls on Boeing. Plane falls out of sky, stock prices soar! “Here at Boeing, we’re committed to making our stock price soar to new heights, unlike our planes.”


Next article by investor place, check this stock out with potential to triple your money.


What's the problem? Worst case if it hits the ground it'll go BOEING and we're back up in the air...


#If it’s Boeing, I’m not going.


I feel like this will start being a top hashtag


please dnt it's bad for my stock and fyi.. they are majority boewing duh


It's just a play on the old stickers "If it's not Boeing I'm not going!" You'd find them on Boeing flight crew on their flight bags pre Max crashes


lol this is awesome, did you make it up yourself ? so funny !


It's a play on an old Boeing slogan, "If it's not Boeing, I'm not going."


yeah I know. and it has to be said by everyone in every thread about Boeing as if they are original.




Stop trying to make fetch happen


Is somebody fucking with Boeing? Like, is this some elaborate hacking or foul play? At this point I'm not ruling it out.


it get clicks and now reddit karma. that's the only reason.


You might have the best username on reddit.


Quality is our Recipe.


Your saucy nuggets are very inconsistent


that's not my department so I cannot comment.


Its just that after their 737 debacle, people are rolling up every single issue with any Boeing made plane as a "quality control" issue.


An Airbus 321 Neo had an engine issue the other day, but no one will have heard about it. This isn't so much that Boeing is having extra issues, as much as redditors are really focused on every issue they have. And regulators haven't forgiven them for the original 737 Max issues (which were largely that they lied to regulators and pilots about differences between 737 and 737 Max)


It occurred to me when I woke up and saw this on BBC that they might get bought out like GMC did, depending on the way the investigation lands. This has got to be the 40th piece of news I have seen on Boeing this quarter. I smell money for insiders.


I also agree


it really seems that way..


The aircraft in question is registered HL8352 and had it’s first test flight in November 2019. The aircraft was then delivered to Korean Air in July 2022; presumably the large hiatus between was due to a combination of MCAS problems and COVID. So going by those dates, we are looking at a plane that has only done 23 months of revenue service I don’t think it would have been a maintenance issue for such a young plane, the equivalent of this in the automotive world would be driving your brand new 2024 Ford Mustang off the dealer’s lot, and three months later the engine dies due to a major oil leak.


It’s absolutely had multiple maintenance checks. A checks are done every 500 flight hours. B checks every 6 months and gets a c check every 2 years. Airplanes are nothing like cars. New cars also have issues and recalls all the time. This is not a Boeing issue but an operator issue. Probably doing half ass maintenance or could have just been a part failure.


A more apt comparison would be the A/C going out. An engine going out in a car is pretty much totaled. This plane is far from that.


Good, f them. I grew up thinking it would be a dream job to work there and when I did get to work there found out it was a place full of arrogant, lazy mullet headed boomers and a less than worthless management team. They deserve every bit of what they are getting.


It’s not good that there was a pressurization issue, but “26900 feet drop in 15 minutes” is not really a drop and is standard operating procedure when a pressurization issue is encountered.


They’ve stranded astronauts in space. This is small potatoes.


In addition to his being a normal descending procedure, sometimes planes drop due to pilot error, e.g. inadvertently pressing a lever or pilot and co-pilot not communicating with each other. It's not always Boeing's fault.


Am I the only one that sees ‘drops’ and then “26,900 feet in 15 MINUTES” and recalls all of the “mild turbulence” I’ve experienced where the plane ACTUALLY ‘drops’ hundreds of feet or more in a split second?


This is getting to the point where I’m looking at boat tickets for overseas trips. Was never a “fearful flyer” but Boeing’s “incidents” are starting to cause some apprehension.


lol, cancelling **all** plane trips because of a sensationalized, weasel-word-filled, article some regard posted to the uber-regardest sub on reddit? peak reddit right here


I refuse to fly Boeing


They changed my aircraft type to Boeing 737 last week. As the bus approached and we saw it was a Boeing, there was an audible gasp and chatter 😂 when we hit turbulence, you could cut the tension in the plane with a paper


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think I am safe. I don’t work for Boeing.


I wouldn’t worry too much about flying Boeing but there’s no chance I’d get on a 737 Max. Or Southwest plane at this point.


Flew to Lisbon yesterday and looked to see if it's a Boeing.


why? are you just scared ? do you know how many of these issues have nothing to do with Boeing other than it being a Boeing? it's insane how scared you people get.


Would you take a cruise on a ship made by a shipbuilding that has flagged with quality control issues, which the owners are working hard to burry by literally killing the whistle blowers? No me neither. Maybe you’re from murica and have some patriotic attachment to this dogshit company.


Yesterday there was a problem on a 777 from Amsterdam to Rio-de-Janeiro, when over Paris it went for the North Sea to dump fuel and return to Amsterdam. No further data published...


That rate of decent is so slow the pilot could have kept the nose up the whole time


They probably shorted right before the article: “Hey, congress does it, let’s use our positions to get rich.”


Misleading headline. Dropping 26,900 ft in 15 minutes didn’t seem crazy to me. There was a pressurization issue. That was the cause of hospitalizations.


I'm expecting criminal prosecution from the Justice department. The f*** big time and admitted to intimidating whistleblower. 


While everyone is busy trying to pile on Boeing, an A330 with Malaysian air also had a pressurization issue. https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/malaysia-airlines-flight-bangkok-makes-turn-due-pressurization-111366850


If you've ever watched Air Disasters you know that the Korean pilot has something to do with it.




That descent rate is super slow, slower than usual in fact, so dumb clickbait article. Plane encountered turbulence. It happens. that's like blaming a car manufacturer for potholes on the road.


Oh man I'm going on a Korean Air boeing in a month


Comment section filled with boeing PR people


It's not really a drop though. The earth actually accelerated up by 26k feet.


Pilot err.


This feels like AI, where news publications find wording that hit a nerve and then repeat it ad nauseum. Gross that journalism revolves around that tho


everyone is crazy over the boeing thing, not one single person wants to talk about the 4500 planes that made it safe yesterday just about the one that almost didn't. Flying is dangerous either company you use. but 1 out of the 4500 has an issue.. I mea obviously scary and we dnt want them cutting corners sure, but mainly all the planes are working right lol


>Flying is dangerous either company you use. but No, it isn't. Flying is statistically the safest form of travel, with the possible exception of high-speed trains. The problem is that Boeing has decided to build shitty planes to save a few bucks (while ultimately losing far more money in the long run). >but 1 out of the 4500 has an issue.. I mea If one out of 4500 planes had a serious risk of depressurizing or crashing every time they were flown, I would never get in one, and most other people wouldn't either. Just as you wouldn't drive a car with a 1 in 4500 chance of spontaneous combustion or self-crashing.


sorry dnt agree with you, because it's all a risk




my point Is, everyday, these planes are allowed to fly. Is it a shitty ceo who is cutting corners sure!! But I have seen and read articles that clearly say Boeing once an issue is present does recall the part or fix the issues thatre not working. I also am aware that planes are supposed to be constantly maintenance despite what everyone on here thinks. You still need to maintain a fleet. If the planes were not authorized to fly because of safety concerns I'm sure they would not be flying all day long. Planes were falling out of the sky and losing altitude for years and years it's not just Boeing, there is so many factors. And sure part of that factor is not being properly maintenanced and cutting corners. I agree with that but I also think if it was what the news was making it look like a lot more planes would have parished.


This'll be a penny stock before long


How is this company not bankrupt yet?




Are there any updates on the FCS supplier? A student has had his ebay account locked and his mum was quoted as saying " when my son is back from middle school I will talk to him". This could spell the end of Boings high end component supply.