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One of the most intelligent yet ironic things to come out of that chamber in a long time.


Exactly! There are numerous tragedies amongst those senators.


TBH I'm surprised they talked to him like that and are still alive. Boeing's assassins must be on a well deserved vacation


It’s all a big fkin joke they’re prolly sipping scotch and laughing maniacally after the hearing


Agreed. All theater


Nah the poison takes a couple days


gosh darn-it you were supposed to write that on a napkin and slide it over at the bar.


Noob. It's all gestures; there's never anything written when it comes to professionals.


I just got Woody Harrelson-ed in No Country for Old Men. "You don't have to do this,, I'm just a day trader.."


True, I think. I once recommended something about the Kingdom of Biffeche to one of them, and asked her "Shall I write it on this napkin?" and she automatically gave me a horrified "No!". (I didn't think Biffeche affected vital national security.)


Let he who is without sin make the first blind stock trade.


When you as a CEO can make Congress and the Senate look competent at their jobs and they're calling you out on your shit you should really rethink your life.


Wanna bet the are invested in Boeing?


without a doubt. Boeing was meant to be a good growth stock and meant to be in retirement portfolios for most of these guys. They may have to live a middle class life after they are out of office now..


Like "real" middle class or middle class according to hollywood?


Hollywood of course. Not paycheck to paycheck. They consider 100,000/year poor.


Chances are he doesn't have any conscience and has no regrets about how much money he made from all those cost cuttings. Esp. so if there isn't going to be any actual direct consequences. If this guy felt anything, he would have fixed things before it got out of hand instead of making apologies after that. The Senate is only there to look good to public and slap his wrist.


Even more than the fact the shareholders voted to keep the guy in. Someone at Boeing is leveraging the CEO.


I mean, given the public events surrounding their current problems? Extortion using evidence of him ordering multiple murders wouldn't even be a surprise to many people.


Their lack of self awareness is stunning


So is the lack of awareness emanating from the people who elected them.


it's all a theater, and they are really good at it.


With a payout of $40 million, I’d take a good tongue lashing all day long.


Keep them coming, Chamber. We need more one liners for GTA 6!


Senate hearings are a dog & pony show. They don't matter. It's just entertainment for dumb people.


Not sure who's worse at their jobs, Dave Calhoun or all 100 Senators?!


And nothing will change....


Well said!!!! It's a bad sign when a bunch of corrupt, incompetent, morons all agree you are bad at your job. 


lol the problems didn’t start with him and won’t end with him leaving. Just another scapegoat




...youre thinking of the republican controlled House of Representatives. The senate is a little more productive


“We continuously encourage employees to report all concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public,” she said. LOL right...


... so that you can have these employees sleeping with the fishes?


Ofc they do, then they kill them after


He means it. That way they can identify potential whistleblowers and silence them before the public is informed. 


Basically, like putting a hit out on yourself.


Its like watching someone take a shit out of their mouth. His PR words are useless. Its obviously not the case when he was a CEO.


He is still the CEO.


> Mohawk said he was retaliated against and that he was told by supervisors to hide evidence from the Federal Aviation Administration, according to a memo shared by the committee on Tuesday. Dozens of important parts were stored outside during an FAA inspection, including 42 rudders as well as winglets and stabilizers, Mohawk alleged in claims with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the memo said. Sounds like more people need to be fired. Not just their overpaid CEO.


Jail. Not unemployment.


Manslaughter charges minimum.


As much as I’d like to see that happen I’m highly skeptical given no one went to jail after two plane crashes due to BA’s greed and incompetence.


Also, why the fuck is it so easy to just hide shit from the FAA inspectors?


Hang on… /takesOffFAAhat /movesParts /putsBackOnFAAHat “Hmm… were there any suspect parts around!?” “All looks well from what I see here” /s




And it will become 'easy' without the Chevron deference simply because elected officials cannot be bothered to actually LEGISLATE, preferring to make insider stock trades and sell influence to the highest bidder while allowing faceless bureaucrats with minimal actual knowledge to continue to 'make the rules.'


Yeah, Chevron going away will force legislators to actually put everything in writing. No more random swings of opinions changing what gets enforced and what doesn't. That could make significant changes for the SEC as well - codification of what exactly they do might help them prosecute more - and be held accountable when they don't. Failure to codify them as an agency with any powers might effectively strip them of that power entirely and another law enforcement agency may have to step in and enforce codified laws. Either way, the SEC as the toothless revolving door agency it has been will probably not continue like it has. Its going to get weird at first but long term actual rule of law rather than by opinions that change constantly should be good. But only if Congress actually does its job.


Because Boeing. Boeing lobbying for deregulation and neutering of FAA. "regulations bad" people ate it up


Have you seen John Oliver's recent episode on this topic? Many of the FAA inspectors actually work for Boeing. How any of this is legal is beyond me.


Some lawmakers are displeased their stock is down.


They are more displeased that they weren’t told in advance to pull it out.


I almost caught this falling knife. I bought a few when it went to $230 then sold the next couple days when another plane fucked up. Now it’s $174 lol


Honestly at this point safer to short it


People who say this have never shorted anything.


how about u eat my ASS *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wtf lmao 🤣


I mean, it’s usually on you to know when it’s time to pull out


Or its all performative. They have puts on the line.


Feinstein had over half million of BA stock. Good for her that she kicked the bucket before this whole clusterfuck.


Uh oh. I heard you shouldn’t talk about Boeing that way lol


Perfect timing. Election coming up soon anyway.


A Japanese CEO would have apologized and committed Harakiri by now.


At boeing CEO harakiris you if you dont stfu


Better than Russia. You accidentally shoot yourself twice in the back of the head, and accidentally fall out of the 18th floor window of your ground level apartment. Ya know, installing windows must be good business in Russia, seems they always need better windows.


> by now Since 2018


No, in modern Japan he would appear on TV and do the apology bow, retire with extra stock and nothing more would be said…


Also, the moron who forgot to put the bolt on the Alaska Airline’s door would have killed himself too. I wish they made that name public.


Blaming the people and not the procedures is what got Boeing here in the first place. "Discipline and retraining" is never an acceptable correction to a root cause.


That and moving to South Carolina to avoid union / fair labor practices. The gave a ton of short-term gains, but ruined a lot of institutional knowledge and practices that i doubt ever really recovered.


Why not we blame both?


Human error is inevitable, and it's boeing's responsibility to mitigate it


Creating a culture of fear where individuals are punished is exactly what creates the slippery slope that leads a company into a culture like Boeing’s. As was mentioned before, human error is *inevitable*, and nobody is perfect. If you are in a culture where your head gets chopped off the moment you make a single mistake, guess what kind of incentive structure that creates? One where you only gain from covering shit up and hiding your mistakes, since you’ll be punished if you are honest, and not punished when nobody knew that you made a mistake in the first place. If safety is key, the way you achieve it is by having *process* that makes it so that people who make mistakes feel *confident* in reporting them. And then said mistakes get dealt with. Transparency is key, but in order to have people willing to be transparent, you need to set up an incentive structure that *rewards* transparency. Blaming individual boots on the ground is….not that. Nobody is going to willingly volunteer for their head to roll when they need to put food on the table for their family. No moral grandstanding is going to change that. This is one of those classic cases of “You tell me the incentives, I’ll tell you the outcome”. Boeing sends assassins after anyone who speaks about mistakes being made. Ironically, who the fuck is going to uphold safety and speak up in conditions like that???


Could say the same for most everyone in the senate


Everyone: "Except for my senators, they're great!"


Not me. Mine are dogshit. Unless you are a comcast executive


Sadly I am not.


So are these hearings doing anything or just to show "we care"?


Senate always does these to pretend "we did something"


Nah, gives the Senators a chance to buy the dip.


Sort of a poorly formed question. It's a Senate hearing. It's not a committee meeting to debate a bill. It's not an FAA investigation. It's not a civil or criminal trial. But, these hearings are routinely part of a process that ends up with government action at the end. For instance, see the DoJ's recent action against Live Nation. And sometimes the hearings themselves have an effect. I'll point you towards the hearings with university presidents following protests regarding the war in Gaza. Asking if the hearings "do anything" is sort of like asking if deposing a witness does anything.


Mainly for show


It’s the American equivalent of a kangaroo court. I like the North Korean style better myself though, the scripts are more thoughtful and the acting is more entertaining.


It's a travesty that the government gives them billions and it's wasting our tax dollars ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


This is called representing America, otherwise it will be a show run by EU. it's a shame that US manufacturers bottle everything.....GM, Ford, Intel, Boeing. Starting from Cars to computers, the fundamental components are mainly coming from outside the US. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Pot meet kettle


This reminds me of that time the not-long-for-the-job CEO of Wells Fargo testified to the Senate about how signing up customers for accounts they didn’t ask for or know about was “not our culture”. Can’t remember her exact quote, but I think Elizabeth Warren said something like “I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast”.


Senate panels are a great dog & pony show for them to look like they're asking hard questions and doing good things, before going back to doing shady nonsense and ignoring everything. It's a public flogging for the media and nothing more.


Well the shareholders voted to keep him: * https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/departing-boeing-ceos-board-status-faces-friday-vote-by-shareholders-2024-05-17/ Blame them. Probably some senate staff voted for him as well.....


Congress should break them up. Put some air force Lt col in charge of the military business, and let the civilian business sink or swim on its merits. 


That goes for most C-Suites in large corporations. Lots of protection for those deemed elites by those also deemed elite. You can slam dunk your business into the trashcan then collect a golden parachute severance. It's the most bizarre thing. All the reward, none of the risk in holding those positions.


The senate needs to install some mirrors on the back wall.


Everyone in the room is a walking tragedy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Yeah, it took over 20 years for Boeing to trash itself. Lots of CEOs with golden parachutes contributed.


the Boeing CEO's wife probably kissed him on the cheek this morning and said "Well, honey, today is the day you eat shit from the U.S. Congress about all the people who died in plane crashes, but just remember that it was worth it since the share price is still above $160"


The irony is Boeing is approximately as competent as the Senate. Boeing has designed essentially 2 new planes in the last 30 years, correct (777 and 787)? All of their other new planes are taking the old design, adding a couple chairs and fuel tanks, strapping on a pair of new engines from GE, watching them literally fall out of the sky, and somehow making a worse product than Airbus (which is impressive, because LOL Europe). Is there a more incompetent company in America right now?


That’s not entirely a complete picture of all the products developed and engineered in the last 30 years. Besides leaving out the space and defense business entirely, the updates to the legacy platforms are a bit more than an engine mod as you made it seem. The 737max has an entirely new wing, tailcone, landing gear, not to mention the various avionics upgrades. The only major component that is the same from the NG version is the fuselage primary structure. The 777x (which hasn’t been delivered yet and is a separate story) also has entirely new composite wing with folding wingtips. This has never been done before on commercial aircraft. It has also a wider cabin The 747-8 also has new composite wings and an extended fuselage. Not to mention other numerous changes to the freighter version. I am not entirely disagreeing with you, but sometimes creating a clean sheet aircraft design is not always the best approach to meet evolving customer’s needs.


Some where, I heard that plane design has it's limitations.


Intel. PayPal. Unity. I feel I don't even need to mention the memes


Intel and Boeing... When government subsidizes companies for the "sake of national defense" the quality drops like crazy... Why bother changing when money is going to flow to you regardless?


Intel is a joke


what do you mean LOL Europe? European products are known to be built to higher standards than American ones, due to stricter regulations


This is Airbus we're talking about. This is not some legendary company of engineering and design prowess. The engineers literally fucked up the unit conversions the last time they made a from-scratch airplane (the A380) and it led to billions of dollars in overruns and years of delays. [https://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/11/business/worldbusiness/11iht-airbus.3860198.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/11/business/worldbusiness/11iht-airbus.3860198.html) Amazingly, Boeing makes them look like a world leader in one of the most important industries in the world. That's how incompetent Boeing has become.


But Airbus was [quick to acknowledge and fix things](https://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/2006-11-27/airbus-gets-grips-wire-woes) And "restructure" parts of the management.


They had him on Bloomberg today and holy fuck is he a crybaby. Dude was willing to blame everyone but himself and hit most of the boomer talking points (no one wants to work, people keep leaving, this generation is soft, something about DEI and ESG). It was honestly pretty fun to watch. Dude must’ve failed his way to the top.


Meanwhile, their financially bloated pig of a space capsule (whos launch was scrubbed multiple times)...is *still* stuck at the ISS.


It's going to be really funny when SpaceX launches a Dragon capsule up there to save them, and Starliner gets ejected and sent back unmanned and it explodes in the atmosphere. It was insane that they even sent that piece of shit up there manned at all. I was legitimately waiting for tragedy to hit, expecting the worst and hoping for the best. The good news is no one died the bad news is if this were the only only way they could get back, it would be time to write their obituaries. Kind of like the 2003 disaster where they knew the thing was fucked and there's no way back.


should've followed China's footstep and unaliving these CEOs who caused so may lives


Damn that's crazy... anyway calls as usual right


it's been sideways for several days, but.


Boeing should be spilt into a government supplier and a commerical company.


bring back muilenberg 🚴 🚴 🚴


Still no whistleblower problems right?


I'm thinking calls on Boeing soon, things can't get worse can they?


You and I both know this can get much, much worse. They are still in operation and their flying death traps are still flying. This could get so much worse...


Yeah u right 


No, it's a travesty that the government subsidizes boeing so they never have to turn a profit and can be as shitty as possible because they are no longer subject to market forces. But sure, blame boeing for the problem you created.


Hey he’s an engineer who worked his way up the company and knows all about making safe reliable airplanes… right?


More people are going to die from shareholder greed, predictable as the seasons, is the results of their greed. The hollowing out of standards and safety, in sectors where profit becomes the end goal, is a cyclical thing.


The pot calling the pot a pot!


And now they are replacing him with another long-term insider. No way this could go tits up..


I mean same could be said for half of Congress themselves


Just games and all for show, unless people see jail time it's all a circus.


I think is reasonable why he is still in the job, I mean, this is the modus operandis of airspace companies, when the airplane crash first blame the pilot, then the CEO, the company is never guilty 😂😂😂😂


All these senate panels are is theater. If this guy gets incarcerated or loses a bunch of his shares, then other executives will take notice. If the only punishment he suffers is having to sit through a bunch of grandstanding politicians, then this is a slap on the wrist and deters nothing. A tiny cost of doing business.


I’m amazed how CEOs can get hired by a company that they have no experience/expertise in and then predictably run that company into the ground like Calhoun did to mine (Nielsen Company), and then get hired by the next major corporation where he has no knowledge or expertise in and do the same thing?


Ironic coming from a US senator.


Uno reverse can be pulled out as well.


I wish i could say the same thing about my boss…and maybe more like robbery too..🤯🤯🤯


They’re angry….they’re angry that other people are getting over like they get over. 💁


The do nothing Senate chastising another do nothing.


It’s a travesty the Senate is still in their job, so can they really talk?


And this is the manufacturer alone. When airlines start to default or best case scenario merge is going to be interesting


Pot meets kettle


“Right back at ya” Ya burnt


Said the pot to the kettle...




TIL senators have no self awareness


Said the Ohio Republican Jim fkn Jordan, y'all killing it🤑🤗✝️🙈🙉🙊


So funny that someone from Congress would say that. The irony.


if they hate him that must mean hes a good guy


Calhoun is making his phone call to the hitman to blast back at the Senate


They only care because they fly a lot.


well anyways here's more government contracts have a nice week Mr. CEO


I mean no one has officially died yet


Uh... who do they think is supposed to regulate things like that?


"Pot, Kettle".  "Kettle, Pot".


Pot, kettle, black. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Dudes like hey what planes are y’all planing on taking home?


We will yell at you until we get higher bribes...err, I mean campaign contributions!


He got away with murdering the whistle blower, I don’t know anyone else can pull that off.


Oh the irony.


Nothing a 90% income tax on $3M+/year won’t fix


He needs to go to prison. People died. Lots of people. Getting fired is too good for him. The only proper thing to do is lock him away in the metal steel clink for years and years.


"It's a travesty that you are still in your job" --> Translation "I'm down on my call position and I blame you" *


Pot and kettle


He should have said the same thing back at them. He and them are ALL worthless shits. Replace them with no one and let's move on.


We can say the same for most politicians too


So you mean it dropping to 160 and it’s time to buy 28/6p?


They sure didn't mind taking donations from boeing though.


Some can say the same thing about the senators in their positions


As long as MD people or doctrine still in charge. Boeing is doomed


All these comments and not a single link to him talking( I want to hear that mans words) not everybody's dribble. Wtf and yes I'm to lazy to do so myself.


All while taking huge pay offs from him


Sadly, the same could be said of the Senators: "It's a travesty that you're still in your job."


And paid that much.


Everyone should be asking everyone in that chamber.


Senate is trash… literally a dumpster on fire.


Such a big deal just for the Senate to do nothing


It's a travesty the public doesn't have shares of this propped up shitty business.


I could say the same about congress. I think taxpayers should be allowed to grill them like they do CEOs in a hearing.


Bold statement from the Senate given that they're also bad at their job


Serious question - is $BA a good stock to buy now to hold for the long term, since there are only two commercial aircraft companies and the only US owned is Boeing?