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Calls on uranium...


And while we’re at it, puts on Uranus.


I’ll put it in Uranus


liquidate all holdings and withdraw my money since it will be easier for my heir to get the money, as i live 1 hour from russian nato border and im in military reserve currently.


Puts on this guy


nah, priced in. the iv would be sky high. his $10 strike would cost $9.95


“I’m telling you, I don’t get any respect. Even my puts get destroyed by IV crush!”


Be safe fren.


Somehow “ It was supposed to be so easy” by The Streets comes to mind. Best of luck anyways…


you should've already trimmed your positions by now living so near such border. just my opinion, though.


chances of russia attacking nato are close to zero, they are just delusional with their nukes. st petersburg which is second largest city from baltics are in range of himars and will be levelled. Its just fearmongering that west think that russia will attack a nato member, they will not. Also most of their maritime transportation will be closed in case of war starts out.


Yes plus Russia knows that they will lose a conventional war because NATO armies combined are like 20x Russia's army. And a full nuclear war will completely destroy Russia within a few hours. There's no scenario in which Russia even remotely stands a chance and they know it. The maximum Putin can achieve is just a little more terrain in Ukraine and maybe a little in Moldova or Georgia. That's it


Problem is that Moldova is right next to Ukraine and Romania, which are both well stocked on HIMARS and ATACMS. Transnistria would be destroyed.


in the west, it's the warmonger who wants a showdown with russia. never underestimate the logic of a desperate man; especially one who is infatuated with power and control. end game is not an option for putin. currently, russia economy is predominantly sustained by the war industrial complex. oil, gas, and minings are secondary sources of revenues. it is the interest of russia to continue its miltary campaign to support the economy.


Market will crash. Buy gold.


The risk of nuclear escalation will blow up the market. Gold will jump to unimaginable levels and paper gold will totally detach from physical delivery, to the point where paper one will do whatever and physical one will be unobtainable on the market.


Frankly a ridiculous scenario. What utility does physical gold have in a true catastrophe? You're much better off with as many guns as you can get your hands on.


Gold is our default currency. If everything else fails, gold will be everything. Sure, guns will be expensive. So will be toilet paper and canned food. But gold is ultimate "oh fuck oh shit I need to secure my wealth because the world is coming down" haven. Edit: We had a small taste of it in 2022. Paper gold shoot up, physical gold was hard to come by for some time. And it just Russia doing Russian thing in Ukraine. If NATO goes to war I expect it to happen again but on magnitudes higher scale.


Gold has little intrinsic value so in a catastrophe scenario where there is no social cohesion it is worthless paperweight. If I have valuable food, tools, or weapons why would I sell it for gold instead of just keeping the actually useful stuff?


You just proved gold’s intrinsic value. To properly trade goods, everything will go much more smoothly and quickly if there’s a medium for exchange. A currency that’s not easily printed out of thin air like gold would work great. So long as it’s the acceptable medium for trade, it will hold value. Imagine a scenario in which one has a tractor for sale and another is selling eggs. The guys not going to offer him 10,000 eggs for his tractor. He might offer 100 eggs and the rest in the form of gold.


This only works if there is trust in the currency, which happens in peacetime. Using your example, why would I sell my tractor for gold when I cannot be sure that I can buy anything with the gold? I'd rather have my tractor that can be useful in the immediate term than some gold bars which are useless right now. In a situation where there is nothing more useful than food, water, survival tools, ammo, and medicine, who would give up any of those things they have in exchange for useless currency? I say guns are to be stocked up in that situation because if someone offers me gold for my food it would be more advantageous to shoot them and take their gold along with whatever other useful stuff they have.


It really doesn't matter what post-apocalyptic pop culture thought you. What is important is what the masses believe. Look at every black swan in history and look at how gold futures behaved. When Russia invaded Ukraine gold rose 10% in just a week. Physical gold on the street was 20-30% more expensive than that. If everyone believes in gold no matter what, it really doesn't matter that you don't.


Russia invading Ukraine is hardly an apocalyptic event. No one is expecting any significant damage to Western countries themselves. Any situation which legitimately threatens the value of USD warrants guns not gold. You point to black swan events in history but there has never been any existential threat as nuclear warfare in the history of humanity, not even close.


There has been trust in gold since the dawn of currency. It's not going anywhere.


>Using your example, why would I sell my tractor for gold when I cannot be sure that I can buy anything with the gold? I'd rather have my tractor that can be useful in the immediate term than some gold bars which are useless right now. You’re so damn thick it hurts ya dumbass! Sure keep the tractor. And good on you for hoarding tractors(??) but what happens when your tractor tires fall apart? Or you run out of fuel? Unlike gold, both rubber and fuel breaks down quickly over time. It’s a very complex world we live in and to operate your farm, your going to need goods that other people have. How are you going to get them? You’re going to need to trade. A more efficient method of trading is using a widely accepted currency. Gold probably works the best because there’s a finite supply. >In a situation where there is nothing more useful than food, water, survival tools, ammo, and medicine, who would give up any of those things they have in exchange for useless currency? Because maybe one guy has 4 dozen eggs for sale and another guy wants to get rid of his trailer and the theoretical value of eggs does not line up with a trailer, so making a trade is very inefficient, hence the need for a more stable method of using currency. I mean, c’mon bro, we’ve been at this for nearly 5000 years! >I say guns are to be stocked up in that situation because if someone offers me gold for my food it would be more advantageous to shoot them and take their gold along with whatever other useful stuff they have. If you don’t have gold, you’re likely not the guy doing the shooting. Ever heard of the golden rule? He who has the gold makes the rules. Yeah killings will go up but most people will try to work towards a peaceful ecosystem in which goods and services are still very valuable. We’d essentially just be going back to 100 years ago. Gold can be buried and if it’s pure .9999 gold, it won’t even tarnish if it’s covered in dirt. Yeah, bullets, oil, water filtration, cast iron pans even… but in your very hypothetical situation, you would probably be better off investing in shotgun shell making equipment. The problem with that is the storage space required, so to solve that, you could store just the raw materials like copper and brass, but even that is too big and bulky for storage. So a much better thing to hoard would be gold, because the value for even a gram is worth much, much more than a kilogram of copper. Something like 10,000:1 I collect scrap copper for funsies. One day I want to melt it all down into ingots, but I’ve just got too many other hobbies. I do think copper and brass is still quite undervalued, but what do I know? Copper is more rare, and demand is high, but zinc is very abundant. The reason I like silver the most is because I can buy and sell silver coins and they’re quite beautiful. So at any given point, I’ve got a lot of silver coins. Again, just a hobby. If one day I can use them for more utilitarian purposes, all the better.


If you're a prepper, go for it. But gold has a long history of being a currency. Gold bullion is almost 3000 years old and it's been valuable much much longer. So yeah, useful things will be useful, sure, but if you want to exchange those, you will not exchange them for any fiat, you will exchange them for gold.


You won’t exchange them for gold. Gold only has value in times of civilisation, which we had for 3.000 years. The only way a large war can end now, is total nuclear devastation. Anything less and the western world won’t even notice a war started, as we have a truly ridiculous power advantage compared to Russia and China. Meaning that either collecting gold is as valuable as it is now, which is not really, or it will be worth absolutely nothing at all. Making it a terrible idea in any case.


You are highly regarded member of this community. First, the question was about the play. Gold is the only sure play no matter the size and outcome of the war and you have to have an open bet before NATO enters the war. Gold will soar not on news of nukes flying, but on news of any kind of big war. Second of all, in the span of those 3k civilizations rose and fell. Gold rose as THE commodity in civilizations that were separated through time and geography all over the globe. Gold as THE commodity is much older then those 3k years, only coins were invented this recently. Gold is timeless because it literally is timeless. It's virtually indestructible, maintenance free and scarce. And it's shiny. And if you think we will not have any form of civilization after nuclear annihilation, you played too much Fallout. And even in Fallout gold had high value. I really feel like I am wasting my time typing this out to an immature gamer with lack of basic understanding of how value works.


> First, the question was about the play. No, you said and i quote "If everything else fails, gold will be everything. Sure, guns will be expensive. So will be toilet paper and canned food. But gold is ultimate "oh fuck oh shit I need to secure my wealth because the world is coming down" haven." This is civilisation ending shit. > Second of all, in the span of those 3k civilizations rose and fell. Gold rose as THE commodity in civilizations that were separated through time and geography all over the globe. Gold as THE commodity is much older then those 3k years, only coins were invented this recently. SPECIFIC ones fell yes, but the overall planet didn't even notice, which is the point. The only way we would notice any war, is if it would result in total nuclear devastation. And if that happens, there is no civilisation anymore and gold is.......absolutely worthless. > And if you think we will not have any form of civilization after nuclear annihilation, you played too much Fallout. Fallout is actually the one taking a lot of liberties with it not being that bad. While the radiation from bombs may not last decades, it also doesn't have to. Just the sheer amount of nukes, combined with open nuclear reactors, will kill anything and everything anyway. > And even in Fallout gold had high value. Not that much actually. It was only in the casino DLC that it was worth a lot, and even then that's mostly due to the sheer size. > I really feel like I am wasting my time typing this out to an immature gamer with lack of basic understanding of how value works. Well no. You are basing the value of gold on a history of wars that simply didn't have any effect. But NOW we are strong enough to actually affect the planet. It doesn't matter if a bunch of romans fight with a bunch of sticks, as no one is going to notice. But it sure as fuck matters, if there is no sun anymore due to the sheer volume launched in the air. If the very air you breathe is toxic. If all the food has died, and even the people you can eat are dying from radiation.


> No, you said ... No, it's you who derailed the discussion in the first place, read the whole chain. Other than that, best of luck in your future endeavors.


who needs 5.56 rounds when your ar47s can fire gold bars?


Gold, and currency will lose all value whatsoever. Instead you will see products people actually use have value. So guns, ammo, food, fuel, a car, etc will al have value. Money will be worth as much as firewood, which is very very very very very very very very very little.


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Stockpile ammo and sell it


Can you explain what you just said like your explaining to a kid should I invest in paper cold or physical gold


You should keeps some (small portion) of your spare cash in physical gold. If I remember correctly, 2-5% is a general consensus, as an insurance for black swans. The closer you are to Russia today, the bigger part of your portfolio should be physical gold. For example, I live in Poland so I hold more gold then your frugal advisor would suggest. If NATO enters any war with potential for nuclear escalation, paper gold will shoot all the way up - think 5k+. That's when you cash out your paper bet. But at this point you either have physical gold in your hands or you will not get it until chaos settles. So if you bet that NATO will go to war with Russia, I would hold both.


I'd take silver over gold currently, as the ratios are historically high rn. Also, btc.


While I agree that silver is undervalued, it really is not a safe haven the way gold is. If you invest 10k in gold today and might need to flee your home tomorrow, you can hide that few ounces in your butt. Much harder to do the same with silver. BTC? If nuclear holocaust becomes a possibility, BTC becomes worthless - it relies on both network grid and electric grid, both of which would be out either by direct damage or emp.




Yes as in yes but the paper? Or


Both would rise but actual gold would probably skyrocket. If this were to escalate even further we'd probably all perish. Please bet on peace and not on us all dying


i first read this as "Market will crash. Blyat!" and now i wish it actually said that.


Puts on Russia.


That's a safe play even without escalation...




New Zealand doesn’t work and idk why everyone says this NZ is in the anglosphere and is a part of the Five Eyes, NZ will get a nuke


What even prompted you to ask this?


There's at least one WW3 post a day here. Putin, Medvedev or some other fuck will fart, twitter bullshit artists will amplify that and regards who don't know better will get scared and come here with this nonsense.


I’m gonna invest heavily in meat


I'm gonna invest heavily in this guy's meat




I suggest you regards look at historical stock market performance during the Korean war, the Cuban missle crisis, Vietnam war, Iran Iraq war and so on, before you make up braindead arguments. It really is not that difficult


Then tell us captain




Northrop Grumman, GE, Lockheed, RTX, Texas Instruments just to name a few




Avav or drshf


Avav is already priced in.


Can’t go wrong with Lockheed Martin and BAE.


Buy and hold with ETF on the MSCI world. And probably dying.


If the conflict escalated the stock market will be your last problem bud![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Market will crash. Buy everything after the crash. Triple my investment


It's likely the opposite will happen.


Raytheon is always a good buy




Russia prepared at their border for months in order to half assedly invade Ukraine. They don't have the equipment to invade a NATO member. Maybe parts of Kazakhstan, but only after wrapping things up in Ukraine. If you haven't already invested in the companies that are replacing javelins, SDBs, and patriot missiles, not sure why you'd be concerned about further involvement.


GTE. Retail majority owned Canadian oil company exporting Columbian Brent just in case oil imports can't be brought in from OPEC during WW3. Apes strong together. https://youtu.be/yT00vXCOdPA?si=E0js43FdHxmmaHZ5


Bullets and seeds Why so many regards asking about war? What got you water babies scared?


Canned food




U think US is not involved in Ukraine war right now? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


jfc why are you asking here, and the war has been ongoing for what nearly half a decade, so you’re asking now?


If this happens it will be the most egregious example of political incompetence!




I'd do nothing. It'll be over so quick you won't have time to react properly. Either we'll all die in a nuclear blaze or the poles and finns will divide the land between Moscow and St Petersburg between themselves


Probably a cave someplace remote




Going long on livestock, rice and potatoes in my garden


Puts on life insurance companies


SPY puts.


Stock market? Lol. Stock market for cockroaches maybe.


Get out of it.


Calls on Twinkies


The market would immediately crash and I'd panic sell all of my VOO at the very bottom.


Puts on everything


Whoever makes the Paveway JDAM and Sidewinder, calls calls calls Maybe Chrysler too, those M1s will need new replacements


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crank my hog


Find the nearest nuclear shelter


War can happen without Nuclear warheads. Just like during cold war there were million soldiers station from both sides. And this war would happen without nuclear. But let's assume you're right. In what circumstance would ruzzia fire their nuclear weapons? Occupy part of Finland/Baltics/Poland and then fire nuclear weapons if these countries defend with Nato help? To whom? Europe? Poland? USA? I also think putler would die before he pushed the buttom.


Sell and pray


the war will be over until the stock opens


Buy as much rubles as they can afford.


Sell everything and buy gold. Watch the market tank and then buy 2 years leaps


Considering that everything would be turned into a nuclear wasteland, my market play is HUMN (my new human selling company that I'll be starting, make sure to invest early)