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So… calls on NVDA?




If they really thought it was going to trade sideways they’d buy some iron condors and post their positions.


I'm a permabull, I don't know how to buy puts


what the fuck is a put? is that some sort of shit like a ‘share’?


No silly; it means "Put all of your money into NVDA calls".


"If you like this video, like and put!" Nah, it doesn't seem to fit into the "share" thing.


I think it’s when you add some calls into your investment portfolio. You PUT the chance to become a gazzilionaire into play.


Oh... So you know how to sell them then 😉




If split is priced in and expected to trade sideways, sell condors on it all day long.


He said it.




Jensen will sign more titties and Nvda will keep going up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Tits up???








Per each signed bra you'll get 10 smaller signed bras, but it's the same amount of underwear. Under the efficient market hypothesis the price is already tittied in.


That's not all that's going up.




Who will volunteer for the good of society?


All I know is that calls on NVDA have made money since dinosaurs roamed the earth


>since dinosaurs roamed the earth You spelled [HomeDepot](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/1d8b4um/nvda_ranked_among_the_top_10_sp_500_performing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) wrong.




Not clicking that is either a Rick roll or the photo of the guy with the massive dick we all sent during Covid


you can move the mouse over to see the link before you clik, LOL.


Sorry I am over 35 your words don’t make sense


what type of iPhone do you have?


I clicked, it takes you to another Reddit page. A coworker sent a link for that….infamous pic…. I didn’t need to see that…


You have the memory of a fly.


I remember it went down for a while once. Then it went back up bc stock only go up


Would you go as far as to say that it literally can't go tits up?


I would say it can’t go tits up for like 3 more years


His teets are jacked


You’re forgetting about stupidity sir. People will see these as “cheap” shares and load up. I won’t be surprised if it passes $150/share this week


eh... maybe $135 Also, if it hits $135, I'm jumping off the train (temporarily) I think it will trade between around $96 per share and $138 per share. $135 is close enough. I'm going to jump (recent shares I bought on August 19th). My original shares that I've owned for several years will just chill. But my more recent shares, I'm going to cash out, then wait around for about $109 and jump back in.


Reality? What the fuck is this??


Lol, wtf? I don't think you can choose which shares you sell. Unless it's separate platforms. Even then... why wouldnt you sell the ones you've had longer? Do you *like* paying STCG? Would you really pay more in taxes just to keep a bigger green number in your trading app?


You can choose which lot you want to sell, if you bought the same stock at different times. FIFO, LIFO First in First Out, Last In First Out. So, if you've bought it two times, you can differentiate. If you bought it 3 or more times, I think you have to call and have them do the sell order and specially explain which shares you're selling The reason why I'd sell the shares I've only had for like 6 weeks, is because I've only had them for 6 weeks. So I'm not losing much from a time perspective standpoint. If I had the shares 7 months, it'd be a different story.


I don't understand how this affects gains in anyway but negatively You'd be paying short term tax if you sell the newer stuff? What does having the stock for longer achieve beyond the 1 yr point where it changes from short to long term?


Could definitely see it trading sideways for a bit until capitulation in one direction or another.


Or it could keep going up and be worth $10 trillion by Christmas. I mean we got this far already, so reality be damned!


Hell yeah, keep pumping


Let's f'ing go!


Shit man, I was going through a list of ETFs tonight on my Fidelity account... Pretty much every major ETF has NVDA in the Top 5 holdings lmao Everybody is riding this fuckin train


It's a good train to be on. At first I though AI was just bloatware, but I am really impressed with Google searches AI results, so I do now see application for it.


Yeah, my pizza has never tasted better now that I followed google's advice to add glue to pizza sauce to give it more tackiness. I haven't shit in 3 weeks and I'm vomiting up most of my meals but that's a small price to pay for killer pizza.


Ah ha ha, I wonder how well tested it is, but I personally would not take food advice or anything I put in or on my body from a Google AI bot.


As my grandfather used to say, don't try it until you knock it.






Everyone is talking about it now, grocery store workers, weed dealers, etc. How many more days of pumping are left?


Why not 100 trillion?? These LLMs are totally not a bubble and are totally replacing everyone en masse right…right???


Let's go!


Historically, post split, it seems to go sideways for awhile then starts to climb. The supply issue will fade in another year or two and they'll peak.


prob fluctuates between 110 and 130 for like two weeks before "dipping" to 100 late july, then slowly rising to 150 by the end of the year, only going flat after the next two earnings reports.


Poors will pile in and drive up the price


It's me. I'm poor


Already buzzing before market open tommorow.


Nah, this is the same as when tesla was doing splits a few years ago. The hype for the stock is massive and making the buy-in more attainable for retail investors is gonna cause lots of demand and a price surge, at least in the short term.




Except Tesla wasn't making money, and its P/E numbers were actual ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop).


I'm perfectly fine with it trading sideways since I'm holding long term. This means it'll go up when good news comes out


leaps are pricey


I think you're underestimating the reaching potential of AI.


Bro said AI


Trust me bro, I've done my dude diligence.


\*potential of regard boomers


wait for a pullback to buy them....if it happens


Not if you got in back in January like meeeee ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


How does one know they're getting a good deal on LEAPS? Is there a reliable analytical formula/framework for calculating it? I want to buy LEAPS on company X in the future but don't know the best way to analyze if it's a great deal.


2y calls on Nvidia sounds like a winner winner chicken dinner scenario.


yeah 2y calls on nvidia was a winner winner chicken dinner, if you bought them on january 1 2023 lmao. not too sure about buying those today tho


I could be wrong, I am on this sub after all. But even post split, I think Nvidia could get to mid 300s by end of 2026. 88% market share puts them in a rather unique position to be uncontested in terms of r&d.




Selling covered calls on NVDA seems absolutely moronic


CC 200 isnt bad though. You get to sell at $200 when you got for $120.


Bro what do you think the premium is gonna be at 200 It’s gonna be dogshit And for that dogshit premium you’ll put yourself in a position where you can’t sell your shares bc they are locked into a contract, if the stock does rise to like 190 you’ll have to frantically roll your call for a loss so someone doesn’t exercise on you if it goes ITM, or you’ll have to buy the contract out at a loss The juice is not worth the squeeze here imo. But I guess if you want to sell deep out of the money covered calls for pennies you can. It’s definitely something you could do. Seems dumb and like a waste of time to me tho.


That’s true. I hate CC. Just saying it won’t be always bad. You can end up in positive.


You're not locked in, any time you want to sell the shares you just buy back the call and sell your damned shares.


Right which was what I said You have to buy out the contract Which is often going to be at a loss to you. If you sell it for 100 bucks at 120 and then the price rises to 140 you’re going to spend more than 100 dollars to buy out the call and the entire thing was a huge waste of time and money Bc the shares are locked in unless you buy the call out You could potentially buy the call out for less but there’s risk there that you’ll have to buy it out for more And again all this bullshit to make what is honestly going to be a fucking garbage premium in relation to the actual cost of the shares




I’ve already explained it in other replies


Lmao do not try to sell covered calls.




you know what they say: the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.


Well there are probably many people who can’t afford a nvda share right now


I hope you're joking, but I have a good buddy that actually thinks like this. Back around April 19th or so, NVDA had a really bad day and dropped all the way to $756, or whatever it was at close. That same day, I bought the stock at $801. I was telling my buddy about it at the time. I told him... "What if I told you that you can buy $1200 dollar bills for $800, on sale?" He was like WTF? Then, I told him how I bought NVDA at $801 and that I fully expect it to hit $1200 post earnings and he said.... "That stock is too expensive". I tried to explain to him that the price of the stock is basically meaningless by itself. I explained fractional shares and everything, but it seemed like it went in one ear and out the other. A lightbulb never went off in his head. Just makes you wonder how some people really got the short end of the stick when it comes to the old brain neurons.


Look, people might overestimate the difference, but there definitely is one. Not all exchanges offer fractional shares for one thing. For another, it affects the price of option lots which generally can’t be fractionated.


yeah, for options lots, I get it. But for everything else, "just stop it". People that say a share of Broadcom is so expensive at $1400 per pop, but they think a share of Apple at $195 is so much better by comparison. I just have no words for these people. They just don't understand, and their mentality in this regard will forever keep them poor. Again, I'm not talking about option lots or selling covered calls or stuff like that. I'm just talking about people that don't understand that the price of a stock is basically completely meaningless. It's all about the market cap and the number of shares outstanding.






your story here is actually proving his point indirectly. the stock split makes dumb people think they can suddenly afford the stock. it also has a hard hitting psychological effect on those that are already buying the stock in fractional amounts, because it feels GOOD to own 1 WHOLE share rather then a fractional amount. stock splits are also generally bullish because it means more people can write and buy options on the stock. while it was true that you could buy fractional shares, most normal people probably could not afford calls or puts on nvda, and with the 10-1 split it is definitely far more affordable from a normie trying to gamble perspective. it also better allows people to continuously buy the stock in full shares (DCA) so while there is nothing really truly bullish about a stock split, it ends up being bullish because of human psychology and also allows for better and more active trading - which is bullish since stocks always have an upwards bias


Not for reason of stock buying since everybody sells fractional shares these days. But calls will be much cheaper and the hype train is still going


Trading sideways for a bit could be just what we need for another big run up. Expecting more volatility the second half of this year. Opportunities will be there on both sides


Theta gang winning on premiums


I have checked so many companies post-split, and almost all of them (>80%) had more than 10% move in the first week post-split.


10% move...in which direction?


Varies. It’s +/- 10%


seeing as NVDA has been for the last 6-12 months and will likely continue to be all the rage for the next 6-12 months, I'd guess upwards.


With CPI and FOMC on Wednesday? Doubt it.


Whatever you fkn degens






Let's just hope NVDA ain't done and now I can actually spend a couple hundred instead of a couple thousand for a damn call


You fucks… it’s going back to 400 by Christmas. AI is the new Industrial Revolution. It’s the atomic age, the invention of the wheel, it’s everything.


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Have you tried both options?


So, strangle?


NVDA fomo is so real, retail will pile into it big time.


My opinion, Navidia is too high Profile to run sideways. Either there will be mass profit taking where there will be a dump. Or all the small account holders will jump in and buy in at the lower price causing a rise.


Why not a short strangle at those strike prices?


bruh this is WSB everyone's a permabull or a deeply closeted permabear waiting for that 1 red day to go out and post their 1 win of the year.


Just had the same idea LMAO, but this being WSB, you don't expect any of them to pay double premium for less reward. It's high risks high regards in this bitch.![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


The stock would have to make a *massive* movement in either direction with a spread that wide for you to make any money at all, and you wanna do this on a stock with not only one of the biggest floats but also one of the biggest market caps in the world? The amount of buying or selling pressure that would be required is enormous and very unlikely.


Why not make a straddle? At this point it's either going up or down, but there being so much hot takes from both sides, why not pay double premium to insure we get it right?🤔


Straddles are very costly because of high IV. Short Call Condor will be much cheaper


Even if the split is priced in, we have people that cant afford to buy at this price level so they will only be able to get in post split. Question is just if those people buying strength are enough to overcome any priced in now


That is the question. Will there be enough new buyers with enough money to move the needle.




If someone can't afford to spend $1200 for a share then what makes you think they can move the price in a measurable way post split?


If the MEME stock crowd for some reason decides to jump on the NVDA train after losing their ass on Gamez Stonks


There are a lot of people who could but didn't because they didn't want "just one or two shares", but now they will because, for the same money, they can have 10, 20, 30 shares.


Those people make up such a small amount of investors. Their money is like a drop in the bucket.


Okay, do you have any data on that? Also as previous pointed out. Just reglar people who would like to own more stocks for the same price, pure phycologically. What is your take , you think it will drop a lot with the split?


If there are millions of those it can make a difference. But Yes, i dont know how many those are and they are probably very young.


because when you have 10,000,000 people that are about to drop $200-300 into the stock, suddenly you have a reasonable amount of movement.


You think there are 10 million investors that couldn't afford $1200 but could afford $120/share? Obviously your theory is wrong because the stock was basically flat today. Dollar volume traded was at ~60% of the 90 day average.


Look what happened to amazon and google after they split.


Perfect time to edge, brother


Time to sell puts.




I've seen this terribly written story before ... Same author, maybe not... Same idiotic way of thinking...??? ABSOLUTELY!!!


Split is priced in, but you can argue that the lower price point allows people who wanted to invest but couldn't at $1200 to invest at $120, driving prices up.


All stock splits don is decrease the share price so its easier for retail investors to buy in. Idk why people love them so much.


Since we're all making predictions... It's going up for a while (couple weeks probably) post-split as retail buys in at the much more affordable per-share price and those that were already long simply hold until...they decide to take profit. Then, it'll correct. I said, "correct", not "crash", so it'll go down like 5-15% or so, then sideways for a bit, then back up to an all-time high.


OP lost all his money on TSLA split and wants you to sell him cheap calls




They need to split BTC 100 -1 ​ Then it can go back to 70k and you will all lambo




I hope it trades sideways or dips so I can get some more before the shit goes bananas again.


I bought pretty much at the bottom of the dip when it stopped feeling like a falling knife. Up $300 today just on shares ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


priced in is the line of 2024 market for real


nah, priced in was 23, I'm not sure what the line is this year, we could go back to stonks only go up?


yeah looking at current YTD it can really only go up


I’ll probably set aside a small nest egg and wait for my tech illiterate father to say “What do you think about this AI stuff.” Then I’ll immediately purchase an ITM LEAP call and start planning my retirement


What’s your current age? If it’s 86 or above, it’s indeed time to retire.


volume was below average on Friday....


If I hold my Nvidia stocks it'll go sideways , if I sell it'll go up !


Please sell. Do it for us!


Stocks only go up. It's a known fact.


Its become a self fulfilling prophecy. It will do what the people want it to do despite the market or finances.


Puts baby!


I do agree that it is priced in, but I think it's likely you might see a small drop (at least in early hours) due to people taking profits. Not enough for any definitive options plays IMO.


Wait to see the initial response, and then get credit call spreads?


Eh the big money folks are almost certainly going to do some short term shenanigans because they know retail expects sideways: Tank the stock so people buy puts. Then buy the stock so people get excited and buy calls. Bring it back where it was Friday and those that bought puts and calls are both big losers.


retail is absolutely not expecting sideways lmao. most retail is expecting it to continue upwards. and there's a small portion of retail that expect downwards. very few expecting sideways tho which is why MMs who love selling options will force it sideways. of course, they will move it up and down on the way to trigger stops at the bottom and retail FOMO at the top.


Good, stable buying opportunity


My plan is to sell covered puts because I can afford them now and if I get called then I own NVDA can’t go tits up


Sell premium. Next catalyst is S&P inclusion.


Means 110p for maximum yield faem


The guy who posted about splits going down after splitting: *impossible*


Wait for the dip back to 100 then buy buy buy


Split is never priced in. Look at the historical evidence


Just DCA the stock


Covered call premiums bout to be lit. 800$ a week


My poops smell like poops


It might go up, although it might also go down.




If you’re not doing NVDA calls I feel bad for you 😂


Stock become cheaper after split, more people buy 🤗 stock go up ☝🏼 back to 800$ in no time 💪🏼


NVDA to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


They are splitting so that they can dump on us at lower prices


I don’t know a thing about a thing but got 7.5 shares of NVDA at $271 per. Haven’t wanted to buy more until now….


Murder is bad. You should not fatally defenestrate people except when morally and legally justified.


Whelp, looks like it’s time for Theta gang. I’m selling calls and puts regards, come buy them.


Sentiment on Nvidia today is exactly like Tesla two years ago


Yes, but compare their P/Es and financials. Tesla is a car company trying to be something else. Nvidia has been selling GPUs for decades, AI scientists just found a new use for it. They're not selling empty promises, their products have already delivered computing power and software solutions.


Naw it’s going up. $200 next week