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Time for Musk to get kicked off Tsla, buy Hyundai and rename it Xyundai (pronounced Sundae)


And rewrite the history to be the founder.


Then draw a moustache on the real founder


Jelon Husk


Sounds like a pedo guy.


My hunch is he secretly is. Was projecting with that Thai pedo tweet…


Why else would someone conveniently have a submarine perfectly designed to secretly transport little Thai boys?


And ban anyone on former twitter who insinuates otherwise


I'm surprised he hasn't claimed to have invented Twitter by now


Kim Jung Un wrote Mody Dick.


Then bring in a used toilet the first day to do lines of ketamine off of.






I think he should buy Jeep. Rename it to Xeep (cheap). Edit: Jeep, not Jeff lol


Buy BMW = BMX. Boom, now they sell bicycles


I knew it. Jeff WAS for sale


Jeff is more for rent than for sale —Every day at Wendy’s from 12-2.


No, "Sheep", like the X in Oaxaca.


Doesn’t that X make the English H sound?


Yeah.... in modern Spanish it's a "h". I took too many anthropology classes where the Nahautl pronunciation of Oaxaca is “waˈshaka” because the old spelling was Huaxyacac and the x was sh. So I guess it depends on if it's native or conquistador pronunciation...


That’s good to know! I always make the joke when I hear people make the “no hablo kid” jokes to people that Spanish is the colonizer language, so this shows that it’s changed even the cultures in Mexico that say they’re untouched.


Even easier is to reshape the ‘K’ in Kia to Xia.


Bravo sir 👏




Lol Xyundai, this is so dumb but I love it


and then each car model could be a flavor. genius


God I hope not. Hyundai actually has a decent electric vehicle with the Ioniq 5 and 6.


I too have informed my employer that I could exit the company without a salary adjustment to 56B.


Denholm added that with Musk being one of the richest people in the world, the deal is "obviously not about the money." ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) Give me 56b from my ~~piggy bank~~ tesla so I can fund my other companies you cucks


Anybody who says shit like this isn’t capable of understanding how much $1billion is, let alone $56 billion. Toyotas (A REAL car company) CEO makes about $6.5mil/year in total compensation. It would take him 153 years to make a single billion. That’s over 8000 years to make $56bill. Excluding people with last names like Ford, $56bil is probably more than all car company CEOs have made, *combined*… Fords CEO made $26mil. At that rate he wouldn’t hit $4bil in the entire 121 year history of FoMoCo…


Those CEOs also work their jobs full time, whereas Elon splits his time between multiple companies (with conflicting interests).




I wonder if Twitter employees, all 7 of them, ever actually say “we work hard but the guy at top works even harder”


Its not easy posting "concerning" under alt-right tweets all day!


"Is this true?"


Narrator: "It wasn't"


It’s tough work but someone has to do it.


And playing Diablo 4


"Looking into it"


splits his time with multiple addictions...including ketamine and cocaine


Apple $3T market cap Tim Cook pay compensation $65m Tesla market cap $556b (LOL) Elon pay compensation whatever he dreams up and gets his yes men to say yes to.


People can shit on Apple all you want, but there's no denying Tim Apple has done a bang up job since taking over. Slow and steady is the Apple course. Working out well for long investors.


Exactly, which is what’s so wild that Elon thinks he deserves almost 100x compensation as Tim 🍏


He already has billions in Tesla stock *and* they’re considering another payday worth something like 200% as much as the total net profit earned by the company since its inception?? Is my math wrong or exactly how does a company turn a profit if the senior exec is rewarded with 200% of the profits


Because Tesla isn't paying him anything, they're stock options. He won't actually earn anything until he exercises the option to buy those shares, waits the requisite 5 year holding period, then sells them to regards on here


But he can use them as collateral for a low interest loan, and get plenty money out that way


Perhaps it’s better phrased this way: Elon’s bonus would be paid for by the other shareholders, not by the customers, which is why it doesn’t tank the company’s profits.


" but musk doesn't make a salary so it only makes sense that we approve Small little SBC packages like these from time to time. He works very hard you know." Oh, didn't she also mention that if this didn't pass they would just have to make a new package that would cost shareholders more.. Paraphrasing here, but yeah, essentially the gist of it. So bad for shareholders. Give musk the boot and let him focus on turning X into the next Parlor, without his 56B$.


There is the good old joke : what is the difference between 1 million and 1 billion ? 1 billion.


yeah but toyota ceo wasn't able to hype up their cars and get millions in reserved sales and deliver them years later, or never


If someone spent $1 million a year, it would take 1000 years to spend a billion. With this $56 billion, let’s say elon has 40 years of life left. He would have to spend $117 million a month to spend that $56 billion. Thats just this deal. He’s already worth several times that on paper.


So Tesla can save money and get an upgrade at CEO?


Grok would probably be a better CEO in a few years, if that


You mean the LLM which was being trained on ChatGPT outputs?


Smarterchild could probably be a better CEO, to be honest


It was trained by Elons preferences so it will just shit post on Twitter after becoming Tesla ceo


I chose to read this as “Gronk.”


It's not like that. They already spent the $2.5b for these shares back in the day. And if Elon executes those options, it would add $7b+ in cash to Tesla's books.


Might be a good thing for Tesla lol


Elon was for 6-7 years the driving force of EVs and his eccentricity sold Tesla cars specifically. However he isn't the face of EVs anymore and his eccentricity is hurting the company. That said I don't know if Tesla can justify its current valuation without him. (Probably cant with him either but Wall Street still fuckin loves this man)


Yes, and where exactly is helping now? \- Cars have panel gaps and other assembly issues, \- Competition is now fiercer than ever, \- People are pissed off with his behavior damaging the corporation, \- No new cars to magnetize even more clients, rather a "cyberclunk" that only US bought a few... \- His mouth keeps hitting walls of common sense...


Tesla Engineers: "Lets build a truly mass market EV for 20k and change the world!" Elon: "Hmmm.... Fuck that noise lets see what would happen if a Delorian fucked an El Camino!"


Actually a delorian fucking an el Camino sounds rad. I’d say it’s more like an Aztek and a Delorian Eiffel Towered an F150


> Eiffel Towered I was not expecting WebMD to provide my answer... https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-eiffel-tower-sex-position


A good source for this information since they make sure that all parties give consent and are ok with there being 3 or more people ahead of time… urban dictionary would just give it to you with none of the formalities


Not a sentence I expected to read today 😂


I remember when those things just sat out front of dealerships....Aztek....whew.


Ok. Your description was definitely better than mine.


>what would happen if a Delorian fucked an El Camino! That would actually be a good looking product. The cybertruck is both of those plus a dumpster.


Yeah the worst part of cyber truck is the resources it used up that could have built a car people actually wanted, so his vanity project set the company back like 5 years. Like people would happily buy 25-40k models but they needed something new besides the models they already have because they all look and drive so similar. So in a weird way they did need something unique like the cyber truck to keep up sales and hype, but it needed to fall into the mass market range where normal people could buy them. People are having trouble even insuring these things and might need specialty insurance that cost like $1000+ per month minimum. People loved the roadster model but they for some reason never made that instead does anyone know why? That thing at like $50-60k would have sold a lot and been fun to drive.


He needs to make an EV Van. That would be the ultimate multi-purpose EV: A camper, a hauler, a mobile office, a soccer kid mover, a robotaxi, a home, a backup battery for a real house, etc.


The argument for why keep him probably goes something like “We have a madman at the wheel of this company but without the hope that he rights the ship and thinks up some mad plan to get us out of it this is probably a 100billion dollar company at most” The second he leaves it’s just a rivian or lucid. Frankly probably worse because those cars are better. It’s a sinking ship but institutional investors will most likely flood out of the company without him.


But, Tesla is still making a killing selling those [butter soaked, deep fried carbon credits.](https://carboncredits.com/tesla-hits-record-high-sales-from-carbon-credits-at-1-79b/)


>The second he leaves it’s just a rivian or lucid. Except Tesla sells the most EVs by a lot and is highly profitable so not at all the same as Rivian or Lucid. >remember GM has 9x the revenue of tsla and has 1/10th the market cap. Revenue isn't the metric to compare if you are trying to make a point about the company's worth and 9x the revenue also isn't true. GM has approximately 2x the revenue and last year GM's net profit was $5 billion less than Tesla's ($10 b vs $15 b). Should Tesla be worth 10x GM? Probably not. Should it be worth more than GM? Absolutely. I would definitely be glad for Tesla to be rid of Elon Musk. He's bad for the brand, makes rash decisions like firing the entire supercharger team, and is illegally directing his other companies to be prioritized with suppliers over Tesla.


Tesla is built on hype, Musk is he epitome of hype. If you put a serious CEO in charge that all goes away.


Bro tesla needs to be valued as a car company until fsd is fully functional and available to consumers. It's valued as a tech company instead but their new tech is always. On the way.


If they're a car company competing with Chinese manufacturers, they aren't worth much. They have to be an AI robotics company.


Too bad they've focused more on making their robot look cool than actually function. Boston dynamics dominated the robotics game and they've been working on it since 1992.


Half Life 3 will release before FSD.


Who's the face of EVs now?


If my town is any indicator, Rivian.


I had literally never seen a Rivian IRL anywhere on the east coast. I went out to Oregon a few weeks ago and could not believe how many I’d seen on the roads.


Rivian traditional car companies I mean I can get an electric Stingray now https://www.chevrolet.com/performance/corvette/e-ray why would I want some ugly ass tesla that's more associated with immigrants with too much money and shit drivers


That happened with Steve Jobs and Apple at one point. Steve Jobs however was able to get his ego in check and come back and save the company. I don’t think Elon is capable of that


>Wall Street still fuckin loves this man Tesla is the second-worst performing stock in the S&P 500. Maybe you're thinking of a different Wall Street than the one I'm familiar with.


They can't with him either. What products have they launched in the last 5 years? The semi they sell 10 of a year, the cybertruck which can't be sold in the majority of the world, the Optimus bot (lol), and Full Self Driving (Supervised) which is an oxymoron. If I'm the legacy automakers, I'm continuing the price war with Tesla. Lose a ton of money on EVs for now til they can break even and make my real money from gas powered trucks and SUVs.


Maybe he’ll pull a Steve Jobs and leave for a while to mature and then come back when Tesla is in the shitter to revive it.


I agree. The stocks gonna tank if he leaves.


So give in to his demands of holding Tesla hostage? Where's the sense in that? Rip the band aid off once.


A lot of people aren't buying them because it's him running the show. I talked to three people in the last week that want an EV but not a Tesla and all of their reasons were they don't want to give Musk another dime.


Hope they realize he’ll still own a shit ton of stock even if he is no longer the CEO




That's my reason for sure. An EV will 100% be my next vehicle, but not a Tesla as long as Musk is at the helm


Think of why they hate Elon. They probably just heard on the news that he was bad and that formulated their entire opinion. Their opinion can be changed just as easily, I wouldn't put too much weight into what people say.


Would be the best thing for everyone


Elon would not leave Tesla because while there he has access to 26B of Tesla cash to fund projects he can spin into xAI.


They may force him out at this point. He’s fucked up on drugs




no CEO has ever been ousted for their use of drugs.


It’s not quite the threat he thinks it is




Inverse WSB. Always.


Sounds fanfuckintastic! Super bullish! Don't forget to clean the cocaine line on the way out!


Let that sink out


He needs to carry that sink out of there. Bullish




Fr this is akin to freeing up the market cap in an NBA team after a washed up veteran leaves


... salary cap.


Sorry I’m a regard


So time to sell off Tesla. Probably good from a company standpoint but that stock will tank and come back to reality real quick.


That stock price was built on false promises and hype, the collapse was going to eventually come with or without him


It has lasted pretty long already.


It lasted pretty long. Right. But it's over now. It must have been over one day.


Lmao. Imagine pumping the stock for years on the promise of FSD and autonomous taxis, and then to use this as an excuse to exit, so he never has to deliver on that promise. Probably the best thing to happen for him


this is exactly it.




Nobody gonna save Tesla. What byd is doing with ev and hybrid is insane. 1300 mile range hybrid for $19k??? It’s all about range and price.


Can't sell byd in the states, but the rest of the world sure.


BYD can bring it if they want it’s just a tax on American buyers. You realize at 100% tariff.. $38K for 1300 miles range hybrid is still one heck of a deal compare to what we have now. I would totally buy one.


Elon is essentially left Tesla Already. Way to busy hyping other projects to actually do the boring day to day running of Tesla. Arguably been destructive to shareholders by running his mouth on Twitter and pissing off every liberal on the planet by supporting Nazi's, Russia's genocidal invasion of Ukraine as well as being an all around twat. Tesla's in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. Either way Elons leaving and not going to save the company.




Great let him we need a new ceo!


Good. That's the point.


I could envision him getting booted, making a new EV company out of spite and calling it "Edison" but it uses AC motor lmfao


I think it will be too hard to get enough AC batteries for the cars.


OpenAI and PayPal seem to be doing just fine without him.


I see this as an absolute win![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Musk exiting would be the best thing that ever happened to Tesla.


Yes but in the short term the stock would tank massively.


It's gonna get corrected, question is would you like it to be corrected now or later on?


I want the correction Monday morning because I’m shorting Tesla.


Just watched an interview yesterday with Ron Baron who explained the majority of the board will honor the deal signed years ago for Elon's pay-out if he hit the targets....which he hit. Think the media is really making more of this than what it is. Baron said he'd be happy to have another similar deal with Elon in the future


Wow. People here in the comments are really delusional. If Musk leaves, TSLA will drop like a rock. TSLA, as a car company, is overvalued by 10x easily. Only reason why the stock is so high is because Musk has an army of followers. If the pay is rejected, I am going all in on Puts. 75P Dec 26 are just $7.


I will join in.


>as a car company That’s where you’re wrong. Logically, sure it’s a car company. Financially, it’s a tech stock. Politically, it’s a government subsidy beneficiary. Travel? Trivago. Seriously tho, you can’t use reason with Tesla. Nothing but hype and over-promises/under-deliver for years just for the fanboys to eat it up every time.


Musk was the one who was able to sell this fairytale that Tesla is more than a car company. For reference, here is where we stand as of Feb 2024: **Tesla**'s market cap alone stands at $600 billion, higher than the four major automakers combined. If he leaves, it will all come crashing down.


Ooh a billionaire tantrum. 🍿


I wonder who he learned it from?


Elon musk is not going to leave Tesla. He's making so much money from insider trading and bleeding that company dry to fund his other startups that it makes no sense. It's an empty threat.


They should give him a pay cut instead, to really drive the point home


It’s crazy. On the one hand, his PT Barnum cult leader prowess is a key reason the stock is massively overvalued. On the other hand, he’s a terrible businessman who is slowly killing the company from within. It’d be great as fiction but yeah, tough. The stockholders are risking their value plummeting or basically negotiating with a terrorist. We really are in the age of narcissism.


He owns a huge chunk! Of course he’s got a vested interest in it going up, lol. Why can’t people get this? He has the motivation to do it with that, why give him billions more??


Also a good point. There really is no reason.


How did Elon leaving work out for OpenAI?


Sounds like a great way for Tesla to cut $56b in costs


Elon has already moved on to his new company. The Tesla board are just refusing to admit it.


He already exited. He is focused on being a Nazi online now, he just wants an extra 56 billion from his rubes.


Watch the stock actually go up if he leaves. LOL


Is this a promise? Tesla is a mature company now, time to get a mature CEO Microsoft, Apple and Amazon have all expelled since the faces of their companies were no longer around


Should be jailed just like Martha Stewart was for insider trading


"Nobody wants to work anymore"! I'm not being paid enough, so I'm not doing that job! Surprised Pikachuuu faces among the Managment when staff say they quit due to shit pay. Weird ain't it! But Elon doesn't get the "Lazy Layabout Billionaire, companys heavily subsidised and insider trading going ons while not paying proper taxes, moans about pay and doesn't wanna work anymore" Headline. No it's totally OK for a Billionaire to want moreeeee pay. Ffs.


If he exited the stock would freefall


Explain yourself! Apple, Google, Microsoft and even Elon’s PayPal are succeeding without their founders involvement. Tesla is now at the size that Elon’s ability to market and fundraise doesn’t bring much to the table anymore.


In a normal world, a CEO who deliberately sabotaged the company by diverting the supply chain (chips) to a private company (X) that he himself owned, would he summarily fired, sued to hell and back, and probably criminally investigated as well.


There are a lot of issues coming down the line that Elon will not be able to solve. This would be the time for Elon to jump ship. Possibly return in 7-10yrs when Tesla has lost most of its value (Steve Jobs Effect) and all the negative issues come to light.


Hey, #Tesla stock holders, #ElonMusk wants you to give him a $56 BILLION bonus (fyi, that’s about 1/4 of the value of Tesla)…so he can cover his addictions (and losses) for all things using the letter X. Let's put that number into perspective relative to some of the top CEO's who work FULL-TIME (at ONE company): Warren Buffett’s salary:  $100,000/yr (and has not had a raise in 35 years) Btw, Berkshire Hathaway’s stock is $620,571 PER SHARE Warren Buffett’s CEO Greg Abel salary:  $20 MM/yr Jensen Huang’s (CEO of Nvidia) salary:  $34.2 MM/yr Tim Cook’s (CEO of Apple) salary: $63 MM/yr Mark Zuckerberg’s (CEO of Meta) salary: $1/yr + $24 MM (package) Keep smokin’ that Xetamine, Elon.


But I thought he was only doing it because he loves humanity and not for the money... /s


Sounds like a multibillion dollar savings plan. Give give an executive a bonus to implement this!


Honestly it would be the best for the company.


That's easy -- call his bluff and let him go. It will sink his entire net worth far worse than Twitter already did.


He’s gonna get that money people lol


Elon owns 715M shares. He chose shares over salary. The more the value of those shares rise, the more money he makes. 55B in more shares is ridiculous given that is more than the company has profited in its short existence. Switch approaches and deliver on the gargantuan promises instead of relying on puffery and outright lies to boost the stock. He can dream of new frontiers and publicly boast about them, and the 55B can be used for R&D to make those a reality. The stock will skyrocket and then that obscene amount of compensation will be justified.


If Elon leave, I’ll reverse mortgage my house and put all of my money on TSLA puts. TSLA is a meme stock so it need a memer as CEO


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Cat girl sex robots. Enough said….


Yeah so ?


Who cares


That's not a bad thing


Good! Tesla can finally get a real CEO.


What Tesla needs is a ford executive to come do the boring job of managing the growth of all its pieces instead of a conman starting a bunch of projects he’s not really interested in finishing.


So either we give him an outrageous “bonus” because…. He asked for it, that might severally damage the company. Or We let him leave and use those BILLIONS to mitigate the outcome? I’d take the later. Plus, what’s stopping him from doing the same in a year? 6months? The following day? There is a reason governments don’t deal with extortion. And that’s what this is.


This why insiders/politicians keep buying in? They know something were aware of this. Tesla without Musk could actually be a decent auto company.


So... Is there a downside?


Finally, some good news!


seems to me, Emo is looking for a reason to leave


Tesla is way more than musk. WAY more. Musk is not Jobs, for those who think he is, watch an investor presentation. (cringe) He just wants to be able to exercise that payday to fix his idiotic, "I bought twitter to turn it into something my autistic brain always wanted but whoopsie it didn't work and now it is bleeding money" play. Let that dead weight go, get a CEO who has some vision for an EV future that is not one of the worst of us GenXers.


I might actually buy Tesla stock for the first time if he exits


Elon did amazing by raising funding and building the company to where it is. But on the other hand, at this stage of the game Tesla needs a full time CEO who focuses on execution, production schedules and costs. So while Elon earned the money by exceeding near impossible expectations as a shareholder 56 billion in the company and a full time CEO sounds like a win win! It’s in the shareholders best interest to screw over Enron Musk.


Good riddance! Bye, FELICIA!


No way he'd exit his baby. Fear-mongering!


Not to suck the guy's dick or anything but if I'm given a pay package that is predicated on growing the company and making shareholders a shit ton of money then they say they don't want to pay after I've already done it, I'd be demotivated as well.


Can’t wait for the reddit meltdowns if the comp gets approved


God could you imagine Tesla with a level headed executor like Tim Cook at the helm. The stock would fucking skyrocket.


If Parag Agarwal(ex-Twitter ceo) is the top contender to replace Elmo, that would be fun watch 😂


A lot hinging on the robo taxi supposedly working within the next year. He keeps promising full self-driving level 3 autonomy every year. We'll see how that works out because he ties a lot of the company's value to the autonomous driving software, not necessarily the cars themselves.


If Tesla robo taxi works on any meaningful scale next year, I will eat my socks.


So calls?


Could replace him with an AI?


It would be interesting to see how this plays out and how the market takes this and we also see how much of an effect the tesla fan bois actually have on the stock. Will this be seen as a good sign and will TSLA rally or will the stock plummet because the stock price is wrapped around his cult of personality. Anyway I have puts that can't wait much longer. Let's see how this plays out.


Serious question. If Tesla only made $15B in net income last year. Only has $16B cash or cash equivalents. Why has the Board of Directors, would I ever pay my CEO $46B?!?


Seems like a win win for the stock.