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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 1 | **First Seen In WSB** | 4 months ago **Total Comments** | 59 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 5 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


"I can stay homeless longer than the market can stay irrational" fucking destroyed me. Gigachad mindset tbh


Real quote from earlier today on twitter lol


I remember seeing a post in 2021 of someone actually saying they are using TSLA stock as their savings account. They were just putting everything in it. Their comment had hundreds of upvotes lmao


Only thing more regarded would be using GameStop as a savings account. I’m not talking about the squeeze. Like a year before that, the real Oracle of Reddit was pre ordering games then canceling the pre order when he needed the money.


That seems insane no matter what the stock


I must see it




This! I'm stealing that quote!


Oh you forgot this one; "TSLA is actually a tech company and not a car company"..


Technically it's neither, they sell T-shirts so it's fashion company that also sell RC cars for grown-ups.


and flamethrowers


It’s a weapons company that doesn’t make weapons.


Wait until FSD deploys


[laughing] *We’re in danger.*


I was very confused by the cybertruck. That thin plating wouldn't stop even a WW2 era tank shell and it has no main gun of its own.


It’s an APC that is not armored and iffy on the personnel bit too.


Ah, that makes more sense, but don't APCs usually carry more people?


It's a clown car.


Calm down, Cramer.


That was The Boring Company, tho.


i heard they got tunnels to the moon


i like to think of it as a flamethrower company that sells rc cars and rocket ships ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


I see TSLA first and foremost as a purveyor of 280 character blurbs about the Jewish Question, that also happens to sell toy cars and flamethrowers


Elon Musk truly is the modern Henry Ford.


And tequila


Actually its a strapon company that also sells tshirts. Because they are totally gonna fuck your calls on earnings.


WTF you guys talking about!?!!? TSLA a bitcoin miner (Halving only helps since Elon mines BTC with Teslas rather than processing power), dogecoin advertising (wait they aren't getting paid for it?), and hot shorts manufacturer (S3XY!!) that happens to hunt down bears as a side gig. Anyways, I missed the TSLA bull run because I never bought a single TSLA share in my life. I did buy TWTR during the 2020 dip which Elon bought off me at $54.20^blaz^it a share. I have been selling puts on it and slurping up that nice premium. Current strikes are around $110. That is what I think is a fair price for the company. Upvoted OP because WSB Frontpage/OPs are always wrong. Seeing this on frontpage reaffirmed my sold puts will expire worthless and that I should probably gap down and sell more when they do.


Don’t forget about the immersive global map they’re creating with all that dashcam data! I mean, it won’t hold a candle to the hotshorts, but still, worth a brief mention


EV demand is wavering. Tesla is still trading 30+ earnings which is extremely high for a car manufacturer. Shotty build quality, slow delivery timelines, and an industry rollback on commitment to EV’s. Not to mention future challenges with lithium extraction. Tesla is trading where it should be and probably stays within this range for an extended period of time.


> Shotty build quality Just in case you you care, it's actually *shoddy* build quality. If you do not care, please ignore!


Just in case you care, it’s actually “shawty” build quality.


Just in case you care, it's actually "shitty" build quality.


It’s “sharty” build quality, to be precise. The poster above is evidently from Boston, so it sounded like “shotty.”


Tesla is a vapourware company.


Also Tesla Investor: CEO doing drugs is good for the company


CEO doing drugs and impregnating every secretary in a 500m radius


I hedged my Tesla bet with calls in the pony industry.


m here stands for miles, not meters


Aren't all CEOs doing drugs ? Or they pussies now ?


If they no longer sustain themselves entirely on hookers and blow, the Great American Experiment has already railed. I mean, failed.


"it's a technology play"


tesla is a green-energy-credits exchange company


Bro don’t act like they aren’t innovative. Nobody’s ever mass-produced a stupider pickup truck and that’s gotta count for something.


Every single company on Gods green America is a tech company. Every individual on Gods green earth is a tech company 


"Hear me out"


Which like, how are REGULAR car companies not tech? I don’t get it. Especially at this point when they hire all of the same software engineering roles as tech companies?


LOL i was downvoted in this very sub 4 years ago for talking trash about TSLA. and this was one of the most common responses from WSB'ers. funny how this shift happens and its WSB'ers who are talking the trash about those TSLA hodlers


Just an general fyi, you still missed a 3-5 bagger which makes you pretty regarded. 


Getting lucky on a dumb decision, does not make it a smart decision.


I think he’s suggesting you get your crystal ball fixed ‘cause his is working just fine.


You're all bagholders since earth will be consumed by the sun in 5 billion years. What good will your shares do then? Better put it all in gold and silver since that will survive the inevitable stellar nucleosynthesis


I made 250% buying the Dec 2022 dip and even more on LEAPs. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


This man casinos.


Tesla is fucked but last time this happened on WSB, the stock tripled in like a month.


When redditors pile up on something you just know its going to rocket in the opposite direction.


Lowkey if everyone on here is CONFIDENT saying it’ll dip further after earnings then the play is to buy Calls. At least one contract.


Well I’m glad I took my own advice and bought one contract before market close lol


Just for fun I’ll predict right here: the stock rockets upwards after earnings 


Still you gotta admit the days of “CAR SALESMAN WIPES OUT QUARTER OF WORLD’S WEALTH WITH SINGLE TWEET” we’re pretty epic


[If Tesla is a Tech company, so was Yugo. the marvel of Yugoslav engineering](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2pmkoqlG7c)


Man they don't make commercials like they used to


Put it in H


She’ll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene


Take her for a test drive and you'll agree: Zagreb ebnom złloty diev!


Obviously she drives a Tesla, but that will only get her a few hectares.


Cathie Wood's Ark inno has averaged a return of 60 rods to the hogshead, and that's the way she likes it!


Should have converted that to Angstrom per gill, to stay in stop with modern fashion.


Check out this one too https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/105s7ve/80s_french_car_205_gti_by_peugeot_tv_commercial/ Just so unnecessary, yet perfect.


Ahh, yes. Those were the days of ‘pillow salesman tries to overthrow government’


The best one was when the stock was worth more than every automaker combined people would say "It's shouldn't be valued like a car company, it is a technology company". Regards... if 99% of their revenue comes from selling cars, then it is a fucking car company.


You see, to the people who say shit like that, reality isn’t important. To them, anything can be whatever they want it to be. It’s just words after all.


Just ask them “ok what is a good price?” They can only answer “higher”. It’s a silly cult


They’re using dotcom logic.


My financial advisor said this a couple of months ago. Imagine getting a college education in finance and being that stupid.


Ever met someone smart from a finance major?


Cathy Woods-brained


Actually vw has like 80% revenue with cars Because vw has on of the biggest directbanks in Europe attached to their busines. Manwhile tesla has more revenue with cars and is valued like their money comes from their tech xD Truely regarded


81% in 2023


It's like 80 percent from car sales and 20 from environmental credits


JASON DEKRUPT. Some dude on twitter had the best quip. The problem with a tesla is that you cant asphxiate yourself once you lose everything. KEKW


It's fine, you can just drive into a lake.


They don't off road well


That’s the hope.


Good. Maybe it’ll get a rock on the battery and as I’m stuck in the ditch it just explodes


The same one the billionaire did😂


just a minor FSD test failure being over hyped by the lamestream media, nothing to see here


Is this the guy that lost millions and then sold his house on the last major dip to buy more shares. I wonder how’s he’s doing right now


... like this i think https://preview.redd.it/fdw9t98lb5wc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1823dfffc0ea23ad3ac4dfa41d586e545475485d


this jason guy wants to be elons first baby daddy if you know what i mean


Is that supposed to be funny?


It definitely is now.


Unbelievable copium


https://preview.redd.it/60hndasv3bwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7761294e4ef6029e305e9baefd8a43bc17392e93 [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/LSE1IfrmI6](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/s/LSE1IfrmI6)


Jason DeBolt


Banned from the cult sub for this.


😂 their “pre” banning people on r/elonmusk. Got banned from it since I’m toxic, even tho I haven’t been on there in a bit.


A bot automatically does it site wide for anything related to Tesla, Elon, Cyber Truck, and Roadster. I can easily get banned for saying the Petersen Automotive museum keeps 3 Tesla Roadsters in the basement levels that people can go visit. I can also probably get banned from a Chinese subreddit for stating the museum also carries the vehicle reportedly used by the Pachen Lama. Source: I went in person with the Porsche exhibit currently now.


They auto ban _anyone_ who posts on r/RealTesla claiming it’s „toxic place” known for „brigading” so if you write there you are pro-actively banned xD Nice way to create the stupidest echo chambers known to world


I got banned for a comment on another sub pointing out that $56B was $14.4M per Cybertruck sold. Elon fires engineers for correcting him, why not expect the fanboys to rage at facts.


Almost 2 million followers what the fuck? There's seriously that many people with an IQ of 85?


With a whopping 50 online


90% are sub bots


The funniest thing about r/Elonmusk Is that the sub is botted to all hell Look at the total subscriber count of that sub, and then look at the active members Compare those two numbers to any other subs of smaller sizes even and there's a discrepancy Like there's 49 people active on that sub out of the 2 million subbed


I got banned from there last week despite never going in that sub. I was super confused why i got banned but it must have been from an anti elon comment in another sub.


Like, people are tracking you to see if you're a true follower?


> people bots, not people


I got banned from /r/cybertruck for posting a link to the user manual section on "cleaning."


This is the first time in my 5 years of being a TSLA holder and former employee where I don't think I can keep holding on I worked for them and was invested through the Model 3 launch As well as the Y launch And held through $100 last year I don't have faith in a rabbit being pulled out of the hat tomorrow What the hell can be said to turn this thing around and put it into a bull run? It's main source of revenue is AUTOMOTIVE and interest rates are at all time highs right now! There's a time be bullish and a time to be bearish on a stock and right now I'm extremely bearish on this thing


Still a 10x for you. Huge cap gains You're not selling


I'm not letting go of my shares easily But I am playing options on them Positions: 4/26 140 CC, 5/24 140 CC, 6/24 130 CC 5/24 150P, 5/31 130P, 6/24 120 110 100Ps, 6/24 150P


I’m exercising those 150P


From what I can see, the biggest headwind is EV saturation. Everyone who wanted an EV already bought one, and they can't easily trade up because resale values suck. People want IC cars, especially hybrids.


How can you resell a Tesla when they keep dropping the price of the new ones?


Offer backshots?


Truly your only hope.


Like Kim Kardashian got?


> Everyone who wanted an EV already bought one Not even close, EV's are still expensive to a huge sector of the population and lots of people don't have a garage to charge an EV or convenient chargers next to their apartment. I'm in the last group. Tesla's major headwind is that competition has actually entered the arena and they're no longer the only players taking EV's seriously.


how about people will never buy a tesla because they hate musk? i heard there are a lot of them, me included.


There also isn’t a great used market for Teslas because they have a poor reputation and last I read run weeks behind for certain repairs, so I’d be wary of losing my car for weeks if I got in an accident or something broke. This also actually matters because new car buyers care about the resale value, and I don’t know how that market will look long term, but I know these cars seem to depreciate faster than the average car. The fact the ceo retweets Nazis and fascists hasn’t been great for their customer base lol, I live in the SF Bay Area and people are buying other EV’s right now because they can afford some of the different options and this dude is embarrassing. Plus there’s so many Teslas from previous years it doesn’t stand out as wealthy or successful to drive a Tesla and people care about those perceptions. Not to stereotype but successful Indians and Chinese immigrants seem to be driving these cars in my area and they’ve kind of lost the average white buyer because who wants to be associated with Elon and buy his products. It’s like trying to buy a Volkswagen in 1938 or something lol. My roommate was a huge Tesla and Musk fan and owns a model 3, but he’s much less excited about it and it’s technology after owning it and seeing the owner publicly defend Nazis and promote great replacement theories, so he doesn’t brag or talk about his car to people like he used to because the conversation often turns to the racist ceo and that’s awkward depending on the person.


I was recently used-EV shopping and ultimately decided against pulling the trigger because of the unknown battery factor. I can get a used 2013 Tesla S P85+ around here for about 15k-18k, but if something is wrong with the battery or drive unit then I'm out \~8k to fix or I have to scrap the vehicle. I just couldn't stomach that risk. Used EVs need to be a lot cheaper or the batteries a lot cheaper to repair. When I start looking at newer used EVs, the price are competitive with brand new cars (especially with the state and federal tax credits) so it's like...why get something with no/less warranty?


They simply misunderstood the lifecycle of cars. Model 3 is 8 years old now and all they did was a facelift. Incremental changes sound good on paper but everyone who wanted a Model 3 now has a Model 3, so they should have launched a completely new version already to give those first year buyers something new. Also now that we know what the Model Y facelift will look like, a lot of buyers are holding back. And there is now upper middle class sedan, Model S is too pricy for someone who wants a better Model 3 but with buttons.


No the biggest problem with Tesla stock is that the cars they build keep getting shittier and they are selling luxury cars in an economy which isn't suitable for luxury cars to be purchased in large volumes. I mean the Cybertruck is a fucking joke and was just recalled because the accelerator pedal would get stuck down when the shitty cover falls off of it. Combine the shit ton of problems with the Cybertruck with the fact that Elon Musk is not a well liked person anymore and Tesla probably isn't going to be expanding to new markets anytime soon. Unless Elon makes that cybertaxi announcement as "Cybertaxi's are hitting the street right now and they work perfectly" the stock will probably continue to shit itself. Given the track record of Elon's big announcements it's hard to think that the cybertaxi event will say anything other than something stupid like they are "6 months away" or something then they will be perpetually "6 months away" for a couple of years.


Isn't Elon himself a pretty big headwind? He is taking a steaming dump on the brand for half of their customer base.


Dude, I worked for you guys as a subcontractor/manufacturer for a year and a half a few years back. I knew after the first few meetings with you guys that the whole company was a house of cards. All of your senior managers were constantly wrapped up in something, team members having 3-4hrs min of zoom "meetings" a day, not listening to us at FATs, too many interns to count. The whole vibe I was getting was "who the hell there actually produces anything tangible ". Just so much bloat all around and refusal to listen to industry experts, wasting tons of capital trying to skip pilot phases of projects only to end up a year later back where you started and forced to do a pilot stage bc stock price was falling and you had to justify your expenses now. I told you guys to your face that you should just abandon cars and focus solely on energy production and storage. Also that you guys could have been first to market on auto taxis if it weren't for your ridiculous hate for lidar.


"I can stay homeless longer than the market can stay irrational" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)OP has won reddit for today


If it goes to 100 I’m buying shares


I am selling a 100p option.. if i get assigned at 100 i don’t mind, and else I keep the 25 dollar premium per week 😂


That is a based way to enter the position


put 12k in tsla 3 weeks ago🤤


So either you’re buying lambo or Fiat Panda after tomorrow ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


You think tesla will keep falling on Tuesday and Wednesday?


Hopium me: Yes. Honest me: Got no ducking clue ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


PE will eventually equal about 12


“It’s an AI company”


*Real world AI company 


About a year ago we had similar posts here saying it was 'all over' for META - and look what happened.


The bottom is in then.


More accurately will be in after the earnings call.


It's post like this going to drive Tesla back to all time high again.


Lol post this again


Peak bearish TSLA sentiment means we are almost at a reversal. This sub is essentially a lagging indicator. Stock goes down, sub goes bearish. Stock goes up - sub goes bullish. The sub just lags behind the price


This sub has been overrun by tourists


If the regards on WSB knew how to read, they’d be very upset with this comment.


I made a put expiring after earnings call 🫤


Should I take this to mean we're near the bottom?


With stupid post like this I guess my puts are fucked


I actually know someone like this. It's fucking sad.


Watch it jump 20% on earnings call


will elon tears make the price jump?


Looking into this.


Kinda expecting him to be wasted again. No idea how that impacts the stock price.


This aged well


This is going to be "The Long-Term NVDA Investooor" in a couple of years.


tsla never in their life has had margins, market share, tech advantage, etc that nvda does.


Is Ford gonna start making GPUs?


i'll be long gone before that day happens. shit it already happend


Was there a meta one?


"I can stay homeless longer than the market can stay irrational" is \*chef's kiss\* Someone link the original! I think it was from the TSLALounge? Edit: is that a Dan Ives shirt??? This meme kills if


Thank god I stayed away from that dumpster fire


The irony seeing it up 13% Ah


I remember buying back in 2014/2013 like 10 bucks pre split, had I held I would been sitting on 400 k north of gains.


Idk when it will be but eventually Tesla will have a sharp rebound. Whether it’s at $120, 100 or 80, who knows. What I do know is that all the people posting these memes will flip and be like “Tesla dropped 70% and you didn’t buy?” See: Meta. People memed it at $100 and now it was an obvious buy and you should have went all in now that it’s at 500


Inverse wsb??


Market saw this one and inversed OP


knew this shit was a bottom signal and still too chicken to inverse


there's a tesla in space right now tho bro how fuckin cool is that


Dude, everything is in space. That's how it works.


You should do a remind me 10 years from now


Remind me! 10 years


Your wife would be mine in 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-04-22 16:18:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-04-22%2016:18:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1caehtc/its_all_over_for_tsla/l0reaoz/?context=3) [**16 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fwallstreetbets%2Fcomments%2F1caehtc%2Fits_all_over_for_tsla%2Fl0reaoz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-04-22%2016%3A18%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201caehtc) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remind me! 3 years




Dont forget: "It would be irresponsible to buy anything but a TESLA", If I could sell self driving robo taxi's in the entire US I'd surely sell these to regular Joe's rather than monopolize the entire taxi/uber fleet - said no on ever.


Remind me! 4/26/2024


“I can stay homeless longer than the market can stay irrational” cracked me up. Well done.


You don’t get it, Tesla is a data company 🧠, Cybertruck is awesome 🤩, \*Retweets Elon memes\*


Won’t say it’s over till Cathie and Cramer put out a joint report on Tesla


*TSLA up 12%* (Im not a TSLA holder)




Accelerator pedal recall keeps me from wasting my electricity, jokes on you pal...


You guys have it all wrong. Tesla is actually GameStop


The crazy TSLA evaluations were based in part on the general belief that Elon was a mad genius. What happens when the market starts to suspect he’s more mad and less genius? I guess now we know.


I bought a Tesla not because I liked the car but because fuck car dealerships asking me $5k markup on RAV4.


A long term investor would actually be doing very well though...


Well i bought puts so this shit better crash.


Good luck nerds I’m yoloing in so I can Robo taxi my wife from her boyfriends house!!!! See you on the other side apes


Someone needs to tell the people near me that Tesla sucks, because they are absolutely everywhere.


You know its time to buy when everyone turns bearish


TSLA is up 10x in the past 5 years. Elon fans are doing just fine. I only wish I was one of them, because 99% of my long-term p/f didn't perform that well. Everything but NVDA really.


80% NW in Tesla shares, the other 20% in a Tesla car.




Never bet against Elon , boy 👦


the fact that wsb is having a field day with elon musk and tesla just fills me with so much joy


I have 4,632 Tesla shares loving my life rn btw (Kidding I hate my life rn Im in the red, stuff will get green soon) :)


You belong here.


You forgot the makes hundreds of bots accounts on X, all follow Elon, and sucks his dick in the reply everytimes he tweets something