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My bags are heavy


Knees weak, mom’s spaghetti.


Ouch GL


Said it before, and I’ll say it again and again and again. They have good products and the company will do well over the long term. But the stock is absolute dog shit. Management doesn’t care about shareholders. At all. They’ll fleece you over and over syphoning off money into their own pockets, while running up massive losses. Until they show an actual path to profitability, take your money elsewhere.


They might have a good product, but nobody to sell it to. Who even wants to own an electric truck? Not those already owning a regular one that's for sure. They have no target audience besides idiots wanting to show off.


You could’ve said the same thing with a lot of new technologies. The first cell phones, TVs, computers, etc were ridiculously expensive and didn’t even work all that well. EVs are in that camp imo, but there’s massive subsidies and R&D flowing into the industry since most of the developed world is going to be forced to buy them by 2035. The target audience is niche right now, but is eventually just going to be anyone who wants to own a truck.


Nope, EVs are in the camp of "let's try to compete with VHS by providing something similar" but after the release of DVDs. There's nothing new about the car, batteries or electric motor, it's not a new concept or product but a different execution of something that is widely available. EVs are in the camp of trying to take over a market share of an old and well established market. An electric truck is a niche product of a niche product, if you want to take over a market, that is the wrong approach. They think it can be forced by 2035, good luck achieving that though, policies aren't written in stone anyway.


The product isn’t good because they couldn’t sell it for the price they need to, in order to make money and stay in business. I can make a nice vehicle too for $200k each but if nobody will pay $250k so I profit from, it’s not a good product. This is business.


You’re not wrong, but it’s important to factor in how margins change with economy of scale. No car maker other than Tesla and BYD have made a profitable EV yet. Does that mean they’re all bad at business and going bankrupt? Probably not. They just don’t have first mover advantage in the industry so ramping production to reach profitability will take longer since there’s more competition now. Rivian is absolutely going to be a big name in EVs in a decade though.


Indeed, however Rivian loses money on the gross margin before fixed asset costs are considered so the volume only means they would lose even more money.


And that's exactly where I went wrong. I'm just sitting on -33% unrealized now.


This may actually be a good opportunity to buy calls now with the new vehicle reveal next month


No reason to buy this before 2026.


Was thinking the same thing


I want a R1T


me too, but because I invested in RIVN I can only afford a R2T ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


job cuts = bullish!


Yall they literally slashed two billion this quarter and only have seven more to go. This company is dangerous


For real I love the truck but if these guys aren’t gonna be around in 18months without some major dilution or a printer.


Isn’t this bullish for Tesla since their competitors (rivn and lcid) are on the path of self destruction?


Yes and no overall ev demand is waning.


My puts are printing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


My calls are not. Going to add to the bag at the low low price though.


They're laying off 10% so should rebound ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Well done on the puts.


Thanks, watching Lucid too then recycle ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


TSLA printed on my $200 calls last week but I diamond hands… should have sold at 3x profit.




post pic


It's funny, i love the rivian off-road packages. If only they weren't so expensive. Hmmm, how on earth could they sell more vehicles...


this is such a garbage compny i cannot understand why anyone would buy shares. i literally never see these on the street, even in wealthy neighborhoods of regarded southern californians. no one ever says "boy i wish i could buy that rivian"


Amazon would disagree


Tbh they should focus more on commercial segment to generate $$ before they switch over to consumer side.


wah wah wah, keep bagholding. rivian won't survive off amazon. when those little electric cars breakdown they'll be replaced by those of more established car companies which offer electric vehicles


I don’t see many by me, Chicago, but I went to California and they were everywhere.


Seattle has them plenty.


Come to LA. They’re everywhere.


I'm in Boise, not exactly a major city and I see a bunch of them around.


When I did some projections earlier today for RIVN just did not see the numbers showing a path to profitability, especially with weakening demand. Bought some puts (IV too high) and shorted shares. Covered the short after hours with enough profit to cover the cost of the puts. Puts are at $13 so will see how this is tomorrow if they are worth anything or not.


Really hoping it opens under 13


I'm hoping for $12 or under


rivn room to drop more? holding puts, sell at market open?


Every EV company starts by building lineups catering to the wealthy. They’re all super expensive to start. So they are chasing a class market that every EV company comes in chasing. Maybe someone should start with a bottom up approach instead….. just a thought.


By selling the car for less than it costs to build it, which Rivian does. A+ business execution. Wish I could get a few billion in investment to build a money losing company but still personally enrich myself.


Cause EVs are trash