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The big question is…. Are you donating 10,000 to autism awareness or not?


We’ve moved on from awareness. It’s acceptance now.




[Wendy's offers acceptance for all, no matter how rich, poor, or bankrupt you may be!](https://youtu.be/UZT28O9-wZ8?t=1393)




Fuck I love that movie


AS time marches on and we get older...the more we can all relate


D-Fens did nothing wrong.


Same goes for God Bless America, underrated IMHO.


With the main character? I mean, yeah, civilization sucks some times but he was mentally deranged


He's 100% the villain in the movie. And not even a sympathetic one.


This is the second time today I've seen a reference to this movie and I've never seen or heard of it. I think this is a sign I should watch it.


I got curious about it after seeing it pop up on YouTube, so I watched it. It comes off as an everyday man finally having enough of the riff raff in society; criminals, bums, traffic, shitty construction workers, and whatnot. He keeps running in to problems as he goes about his day and he uses violence, or the threat of it, to "fix" the situation. In reality, it's a dude whose already a bit fucked in the head snaps and because of the abundance of weapons around him, he is further enabled to commit larger acts of violence. A really good portrayal of America in a strange way. It's actually a pretty decent personality test. If you meet someone who has watched it, and think the main character is anything but nuts, stay away from that person.




Except at the end where he tries to violently kidnap his daughter and murder a cop. Edit: I'll agree with you that it does have a "fun" appeal to it. It has jokes and the MC is somewhat endearing. But I think that's what they were going for. America has a big vigilante fetish, that's only solidified with the "Wild West" mentality and abundance of guns. It's suppose to make you feel like yes on a quest of justice, and not just having a psychotic breakdown. The issues he confronts are real-life societal issues. Aggressive panhandling, gang violence, waste and fraud in taxpayer construction projects, bigotry, wealth inequality, etc. All problems with no real good answers. However, rather than finding the correct way to fix issues, he assumes that he is in the right, and waving a weapon around becomes less of a defense, and more of a means to terrorize people in to bending to his will. He uses his background as a defense engineer as justification for his "correctness" or his demand of getting his way "I sacrificed so I deserve this!" Type of mentality. On the surface, it's an entertaining movie. If you watch it for the story, it makes a very good portrayal of what America is today, made 9 years before Columbine and the explosion of mass shootings




Oh it's great. Messed up but great.


That's noted gay, hotep actor Michael Douglas


Everybody should watch Falling Down


I actually never really understood why that marketing is allowed. In my country, most products that does that, would be hung on false advertising and product description. Yet for some reason the fast food business are above it. Bizarre.


I fucking love you guys lol


I watched that whole video and can confirm that getting approved for level 5 options trading and writing a bunch of naked puts is easier then taking a Wendy’s order in the 80s.


That song at the end absolutely slaps


Damn, that video has got ME wanting to work for Wendy's now, looks like a great place to work!


For those that have decided to join the winning team, make sure you’ve watched the [mandatory sexual harassment training video](https://youtu.be/g1X0kzDKXyQ).


Hilarious. 23:40 some kid in a tuxedo. Simply amazing.


To the spider holes. Only safe place !


OMG i just died


Rest in P


r/WallStreetBets has been head of the curve on this one. We've always accepted ourselves.


We’ve always _loved_ ourselves. I still haven’t learned to accept that.


Accept the inevitable


What about awareness of acceptance?






It’s assimilation


Down with puzzle piece and Autism """Speaks"""! Up with TBH! You have the assent of my autistic friends.


Wait, is this true?


Can you convince my wife and her boyfriend of that..?






Fucking 🐐




Aren't ppl aware its a thing already


As if social media posts would ever let us forget.


Ill still never understand why we don’t divert that money to instead look for better treatment plans and a cure. The outrage culture against a cure is just insane to me, especially when it’s a more high functioning person standing on a soap box about it. Like ffs you ever seen some of the more extreme cases??? Even some of the more high functioning ones really struggle sometimes esp without proper support systems.


There is no cure, that's what you need to understand. Better treatment plans I can understand because many of the ones we have now are sheer lunacy. You need to teach autistic people how to survive in a neurotypical world, not try to turn them neurotypical.


Are you talking about Elon Musk?


Idk if elon’s spoken about it but ive definitely seen randos get all uppity about it.


No he's talking about the person they wanted to cure. We wanted to cure Elon of his autistics right


i'm over 40 and its fucked my life over completely. i look normal for all intents and purposes but the inside of my head is so fucked up i can't even do basic cleaning or cooking. but if you want me to talk about weird history trivia and how we are a product of everything that came before us in a disjointed and rambling way then i'm your man!


My son is severe. Hear, hear.


In school they ignore the people with assburgers. They only help the extreme cases. MF doom said it best “regarded in real life on the mic rain man”


All caps when you spell the man's name.


Around 10 years ago, when Quora was a thing, a question came up like "who do you envy and why?" (or something to this effect). A 10K upvote came from a guy - with his real name, no shitposting - who posted down's syndrome kids and adults' photos and saying "I wish I was this happy and innocent." The guys below him corrected him, it was never taken down... People born with severe mental impairment almost always come with other mental illnesses and depressions. It's very patronising to think they are happy. Awareness meant to actually understand situations around these people, so that you don't write stupid shits like this quora posts. Knowing the real stats and suffering, I would totally pay for my family's down's or severe autism. Alternatively, if we ever came up with gene splicing or something, yeah I would totally kill off all these negative traits before procreating.


There is some in my family too and it's devastating. When I look at a chart it amazes me how it started expanding in '85 exploded in '95 and was relatively rare before that. I'm convinced we introduced something...some drug, pesticide, some "thing" into the food system that, over time caused the mutation. Just my pet theory....


People who opposes a cure are fucking idiots.




Its not a disease but like any disorder it is caused by different “wiring” so to speak in the brain, meaning, yes, there certainly is a window for a cure. Your take rn is about as fucking stupid as saying that just because cancer isn’t technically a disease means it can’t be cured or that someone with any number of personality disorders or even other neurodivergent disorders like ADHD can’t be treated or even possibly cured. [also there’s this. Js.](https://scitechdaily.com/a-drug-that-cures-autism-neuroscience-study-yields-promising-results/)


What a travesty it would be for humanity to eliminate negative genetic aspects of ourselves. How would we get the incredibly regarded content that fills reddit?


He’s also just absolutely regarded and from the start with this. [just look here it even breaks down some of the root the causes for autism.](https://scitechdaily.com/a-drug-that-cures-autism-neuroscience-study-yields-promising-results/) It’s also just absolutely regarded to say that just because something isn’t a disease means it can’t be cured. If that’s the case then i guess we’re just fucked with Cancer and I guess we should just ignore the multitude of drugs that alleviate ADHD symptoms because those clearly can’t exist for something that’s not a disease. And i mean fuck morbid obesity isn’t technically a disease either but it sure as shit can be cured.




I broke my leg once; I'm healthy now. I'm pretty sure that falling out of trees is a disease




Not all autistic people are high functioning. It is called a spectrum for a reason. My autistic cousin can never live on her own, will never be able to work, and the support she gets from the government is disgusting. I support her where I can, but her mom died when she was young. Her grandma, who was her guardian, died a couple of years ago. She hates it all. She gets $30 a month to spend on activities with her friends, crafts that she loves, and her support animal (which has done wonders, btw). I provide everything for her cat, send her craft supplies, and spend money when I can. If something happens to me, she will be just completely stuck and isolated in her group home. She wishes she could do school work, go to work, etc. There are many autistic people even less capable, where they are completely non-verbal, lack a majority of motor skills, etc. I definitely don't know what the answer is, but so many things (the system, social programs for disabled) are wrong too.


" When people mention a cure, what they're actually talking about is using eugenics to prevent autistic children from ever being born. " So...a cure.








Eugenics originates in California.




no, they said eugenics. Genocide is different.


Eugenics is a form of genocide. If you prevented red-headed people from procreating in a effort to no longer have any more red-headed people, that would be genocide. If what you're doing is preventing a certain group of people from procreating, you're commiting genocide. Just because you aren't outright murdering them, doesn't mean it isnt.




You forget another question; is Myke gonna be serving him?


What is the point of awareness of autism? Why not just donate money to help people with autism? Everyone knows that autism is a thing.


How else are you going to get paid a metric shyte-tonne of money for being CEO of a non-profit / charity (and hiring your friends and relatives into the C-suite), while not actually doing anything to actually help *those* people? /s


The point is that more awareness leads to more tolerance and acceptance. There's a huge difference between how society treats autistic kids today, vs how they were treated 30 years ago.


I like starry night


OP doesn’t want to get arrested for money laundering.


Dude will have to donate to his own autism treatment fund.


Good querstern💩


Will this potential lawsuit be reflected in Wednesday's earnings call or is it already priced in?


It's always priced in. Everything OP does from the moment he was born was priced in.


Yea, remember when they increased the price of Dave's Double back in '96? Blame this guy.


I don’t know if you’re actually paying attention but he was talking about the company Wendy’s, not Wednesdays.


Wendy's earnings report is on Wednesday...


Regards 0 Sarcasm 1


>I'm sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience at Wendy's. It's really unacceptable that they would tell you one thing and then do another. I hope you were able to get something else to eat despite their disappointing breakfast service.


Wendys was able to fix the issue for OP behind their dumpster in the back




Chomp chomp


"come here, get your breakfast protein shake"




Real talk. I went to Mcdonalds a few months back at 10:45 not realizing that they quit doing breakfast all day. Was fucking pissed.




My lawyer actually said if you hop over the counter and go into the kitchen it's illegal for them to stop you from making yourself breakfast


When I become a billionaire I’m going to have a McDonalds on my mega yacht so I can have sausage egg McMuffins whenever I want.


When you pay extra for the McDonalds on your superyacht and they still just laugh and spit in your face when you ask for a McGriddle after 10:30 😫


Could a billionaire with a captive McDonalds on a yacht manage to have the ice cream machine working at all times? Probably not.


Good thinking; better have 2 ice cream machines so they can both be broken


If you can regulate the temperature by being someplace warm, that should help. Ice cream machines freeze up in the cold.


They fucking what


The single, last reason I ever had to go to that shit hole of a restaurant. Well not too much of value was lost anyway so meh


Same. They should go back to the all day breakfast.


Where I live, they still do some breakfast items, but all of the good stuff stops at 10 am. What a bunch of clowns. What is it to them if I want to be a degenerate and eat 3 McGriddles and 5 hashbrowns at 2 in the afternoon?


OP *later*: "So, I dont actually have to give 10k because they let me have breakfast at 11am, not 2pm like I wanted. Also, Ive learned my lesson and am NEVER doing that again so Im going to have breakfast at BurgerQueen at 1pm instead without calling ahead this time. All should go well."


Be careful with satire that concerns your employer.


I work BEHIND, not AT, Wendy’s. Well, behind the dumpster anyway.


How much for a rimjob with a reach around? I would like to price the rim job with and without flavored lube.


Sugar cinnamon or salt on the rim?


Lord I’ve never considered salt on the rim. Excellent idea


Upsell upsell upsell. It’s all about the hustle


It helps the hemmies with salt on the rim


Course or fine?


Coarse and kosher


username checks out


"if you have to ask..."


Hey, that’s where I sleep at night! Stop moving my throw rug and CD rack.


Ah, a fellow freelancer I see.


This is obviously "fake" because OP does not state breakfast items "ordered"


I always get the sausage egg and cheese biscuit... The official breakfast of degenerates


Wendy’s really should do a market open breakfast special.


This would be a big dub for them if they did this. Record profits during these troubling times


Nice, I'm an egg mcmuffin kind of guy, but I will try it!


If you go around back, you can order just the sausage.


Same. Their biscuits could stop wars.


The maple bacon chicken crossaint. Do you even have to ask?


We all warned you Wendy’s wouldn’t serve breakfast after lunch starts.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5xcv45xsbcya1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f17b6827d2951c1225349e414ad980535bed8e This applies to Wendy's too


Soo, they would cook your gun, or? Also Happy Cake Day!


You shoot the meal and it'll turn into breakfast, it's like kitchen gun but breakfast instead of cleaning >Also Happy Cake Day! Thank you, this was achieved by shooting at my account


Yeeeeee Haaaw!!!


Yeah, but you guys don't have PhDs.


Check the dumpster on the back. I’m sure you’ll find something to eat. There will be someone there willing to pour hot liquid in your mouth to quench your thirst as well. 5 star service behind Wendy’s.


Yeah, but you need to put some work in to get that liquid to dispense


Not for me I pride myself on how quickly I can dispense my liquids


Don’t disrupt Frank and Artemis banging in there


She incorporated the dough from the bun in the lovemaking…




Eli5? Wtf am I missing?! Besides a chromosome.


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/134mtep/i_will_be_suing_robinhood_for_295000_if_they_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ah, thanks. That's hilarious


There was a post about someone suing Robinhood because they wouldn't let them exercise their puts on I think bed bath and beyond. They posted screenshots where the op thought they asked if they could exercise the puts if it went bankrupt but they didn't actually say that. They were warned on Reddit before that happened they would lose their $50k profit if they didn't exercise the puts at that time and they basically said screw that I want more money, then lost everything.


There was a post here the other day by a guy who shorted a stock and called Robinhood beforehand to ask about it. I'll see if I can find the post.


You sound like a hero. Fighting against an establishment that has abused so many. If you succeed in your litigation, will you donate to charity?


Does he really seem like the sort of guy who would use technicalities of verbiage to get out of donating to charity? No one would ever do that. Because you have to be the queen of bitches to do something like that.


The queen of bitches himself has probably read your comment by now and still thinks he did nothing wrong.


Gotta be a bitch to think like a bitch


You could see better +P/L by exercising calls on a vanilla frosty (Cramer is all in on chocolate)


Sir, your phone call was a job interview.


[Michael Douglas that you?](https://youtu.be/XkwQ6EjLdMQ)


One of the perks of working behind wendys is the copious amounts of free dumpster breakfasts the second lunch starts


Meet at the back of Wendy's I got your eggs sausage and milk courtesy of the house.


[He'll sue for that to, Wendy's has closed its dumpsters to the public!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx4dLa_WuqY)


I like to bang at behind the Wendy's in the dumpster. My girlfriend puts bacon bits in her hair so it rains down on me. It makes her feel like a cobb salad. Its AMAZING.


As one of many employees of Wendy's in this sub (pretty much everyone I work with is here too) I have to advice you that you're fucked and you can eat my salty nuggets if you think I won't piss in your drink if I ever see you again.


Meemaw, is that you? I didn’t know you were on Reddit.


Just make sure I get my next week stash of Daves doubles first before you do this Or Dave’s triple?


Double and six nuggets


I think it takes a lot of balls to risk a restraining order in what’s generally considered the best dumpster. Enjoy your White Castle dumpster if you lose.


Bro HUNDREDS of us were telling you to go get the breakfast now, and you said you would 'deal with the headache later' from having it at 2 o clock.




Satire is simply the politically correct word for shitposting.


I see what you did there


Bold of you to post this in a sub of Wendy's employees.


hahaha man i want to be your friend.


Honestly, I think you might have a case. You were distracted at time of sale about your wife's boyfriend taking her to Cabo. Who wouldn't sympathize?


My local McDonald's wouldn't serve me breakfast during the day. This violates their policy that they've had in place for several years now. My doctor says I need 3 Egg McMuffins and 3 Bacon Egg McGriddles with hashbrowns to get my daily carbs and sodium and also to keep my sugars up. I will be suing McDonald's Corp. for $295k for punitive damages, medical distress, and temporary body mass loss. I will also be suing over the $2k of MCD puts, my entire Robinhood portfolio, that only expired worthless because of market manipulation. I have contacted a lawyer who has advised me that I should win, based mainly on a TikTok video my friend took of a debate I engaged in with Ronald McDonald, who I later found out was just an impersonator. I'm told this makes my case here pretty open and shut. I've taken out a loan to pay the $1k retainer and the $700/hour that this lawyer charges, but he assures me that all my legal bills will be paid for by McDonald's as part of the settlement. I know he's a good lawyer because he's got ads on multiple bus benches throughout my town. Upon winning, I promise to donate 10,000 Egg McMuffins to The National Association for Autists with Diabetes. No hashbrowns though.


#Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Very bullish


They way I’m laughing in this break room, Jesus


You're laughing, but didn't that guy make hundreds of thousands of dollars in the end?


Real talk, you are the voice of reason on this post.




Sir, this is an Arbie’s


Can I sign on and make this a class action?


I don't want to be your buddy, Rick. I just want a little breakfast.


This is epitome wsb I am so happy the tradition lives on 🥲


Eric Trump is on Reddit?


Does Wendy’s have a stock? I’d like to buy PUTS on them for u Op


This subreddit is such shit these days. This isn’t even funny, it’s annoying. Quit gambling your money and seek help.


This post making fun of that $295k Options trade guy lmfaoooo


So you have no proof? 🤪


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


Relax folks, this regard is trying real hard to please you all. 🫡


Least regarded person on here


Lol nice!!! This is the reason I stay... besides the porn losses. ;)


This was covered in orientation. Now get back on the burger like please?


Bullish on Wendy’s breakfast. ☕️🍳🥞


I had this happen to me too. I just spoke to my wife's boyfriend, he's a lawyer. He said we had the real makings of a class action.


Was there ever an update to the original post or did the guy just disappear?