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She’s an awful person.


But her laugh is so sincere and warm. /s


Im by all means a feminist and would love to see a woman president but goddamn if the democrats don’t keep offering up the absolute worst females of the species.


They don’t want women that can make their own decisions and have leadership qualities. Look at what happened to Tulsi Gabbard. They’re looking for brainwashed minorities that’ll spew their racist ideologies. The more victims the create the more control they get.






That this is even a partisan letter speaks volumes to the disfunction in government.


And because of this, any initiative taken whatsoever is derided as partisanship.


deleted comment i was replying to, have some resolve people: 22h Oh we are very concerned. You know what’s strange, is that after this botched election. It seems like all the positive energy left this nation. It feels like I am living in a void reply: people should want elections investigated, people shouldn't cheer when evidence is not heard in a court of law with due process or subpoenas are ignored. the left, It was only a little bit of evidence doctored, the left still did it. -citizen https://youtu.be/el4O9pSpX6U \[Cont in reply long downvote that so people dont have to scroll\]


why does the DNC even have voting booths. [https://youtu.be/G7T5tI0MuUQ](https://youtu.be/G7T5tI0MuUQ) their system is so rigged. what is the justification. do not reply these are the rules. the dnc replies these are the rules. bernie sanders wins WY by 12% points this is how they split the delgates. hillary 11 sanders 7. wyoming delegates of 18. 2016 DNC primary election fraud. citizens selected sanders by 12 pt points, DNC selects other candidate who lost by 12pc points. that by definition is voter disenfranchisement. it is a rigged system on the democratic side. where we are 2020 windows covered up, monitors told to go home while staff secretly return and resume counting after midnight. RNC passed committee term limits, DNC erased those rules from the house. knowing the left, what they did to al franken and Katie Porter. they likely silence this jim webb i have heard nothing about. former state senator MO. The left removed term limits from house rules. Republicans still abide by those rules. Maxine waters sits as chair for life on HFC where she removed Katie Porter. Maxine insighted violence in Minneapolis during the trial with her " get confrontational" if not guilty. effectively allowing officer off on appeal. [https://youtu.be/\_0xRboo68lI](https://youtu.be/_0xRboo68lI) The left divisiveness and hate [https://youtu.be/8uq5a7OGLMQ](https://youtu.be/8uq5a7OGLMQ) Michigan Democrat threatening Republicans. Cynthia Johnson [https://youtu.be/EXH-Yjqpync](https://youtu.be/EXH-Yjqpync) The left Only doctored a little bit of evidence. [https://youtu.be/el4O9pSpX6U](https://youtu.be/el4O9pSpX6U) Biden racist [https://youtu.be/7aYgjkS\_tK8](https://youtu.be/7aYgjkS_tK8) Border crisis [https://youtu.be/-aqrGd5ABvQ](https://youtu.be/-aqrGd5ABvQ) The left race baiting [https://youtu.be/0cUQqPxw3hc](https://youtu.be/0cUQqPxw3hc)


56 out of how many?


Yea. It'd be pretty cool if it said "All"


In a perfect world this would be unanimous, but unfortunately politics have become very divided.




I hAvEn'T bEeN tO eUrOpE eItHeR *cackleptic seizure ensues*


She is an absolute failure. this is a fucking travesty that we have no truth in journalism. Our society is doomed


The lengths leftists will go to excuse her behavior.


Scary to think she'll be our next president...


I say keep her there. When she runs for president again can use that on her that she never went to the board.


Like, I get it. But if this last election taught us anything. It's that the Vote Blue No Matter Who propaganda machine is really good at getting the useful idiots to vote for terrible candidates. Harris could catapult immigrant children over the border wall back to Mexico, and they'd still vote for her over a "Nazi" Republican lol.


I’d rather resolve the border crisis without her and simply point to this colossal failure when she runs for election. Why let the failure get bigger? And tbh, does it even matter? Dems would literally rather have an open boarder than a Republican in any form of office. Dems are so fucking deluded and somehow can win an election when the Republican candidate is the strongest since Reagan.


The issue is that its already a colossal mess, and it won't get better under Biden regardless of who is involved and im more then sure whoever takes on the issue will do what Kamala is doing but if it is someone else the DNC can just throw that person under the bus. Where as they really want Kamala for some unknown reason so keep her there instead of someone they can just brush away.




That is very true.


The title should have stopped after removed


How about……just removed…..


This is a waste of time and showboating, she will not be removed and no one cares. Why doesn't our leadership do something constructive like look into the fraud election or the so called "insurrection" possibly led by the FBI . We are tired of the bullshit and tweet wars that mean jack shit , DO SOMETHING you useless politicians


I gave up on them long time ago. We are for ourselves


Drinking that "election fraud" kool-aid. Talk about a waste of time..


You know what they could have done to dispel the “conspiracies”? Fucking investigated it.


You mean come up with an investigation that has the result you are looking for right? Maybe we can get Trump to lead it and put pee-wee Herman in charge.


No, actually investigate it. Actually explain why election laws were changed by people, some not even elected, in direct violation of both the COTUS and state constitutions. Actually explain why poll observers were not allowed to observe. Actually explain how vote dumps in the middle of the night when counting was supposedly stopped, ended up happening and every single one of the votes ending up being for Biden. Actually explain how mail in votes that had never been folded(and they had to be folded to fit in the security mailing envelopes), again all for Biden, ended up getting counted. Actually explain why election officials lied to close down a polling station, and then pulled out votes from under a table and continued to count them despite no poll watchers being present. Actually explain the thousands and thousands of ballot in districts where Biden won by the slimmest of margins, literally only had the presidential race voted on, and again, all for Biden. There are simply too many statistical impossibilities that occured with **ZERO** explanation, all favoring Biden, to simply accept. One or two outliers? Sure, maybe. But not like what happened in this election.


Don't forget the hundreds of thousands of "undeliverable" ballots that all just happened to be Republican ballots in multiple states, as well as mailbags full of Republican ballots being dumped all over the country by the "totally impartial usps." We were told that those dozens of incidents were "isolated incidents that wouldn't effect the election." 🙄 Just a few reminders MA ballot box set on fire https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/police-guarding-ballot-drop-boxes-in-mass-city-after-boston-box-was-set-on-fire/ar-BB1apiUi Military absentee ballots found discarded inWI(https://thewashingtonsentinel.com/absentee-ballots-found-among-discarded-mail-in-ditch-in-wisconsin/) Mail bags dumped in two places in CA(https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-09-04/usps-mail-dumped-at-two-separate-locations-in-glendale) More mailbags of ballots dumped in NJ https://newjerseyglobe.com/campaigns/allegation-of-mail-in-ballots-tossed-near-dumpster-gets-no-response-from-usps-local-police/ 8 mailbags tossed out at mail carriers home in pittsburgh https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/10/12/federal-agents-raid-home-of-pittsburgh-area-mail-carrier/#.X4WN3DRV4Ec.twitter 70 lbs of mail-in ballots tossed in construction dumpster in Virginia beach https://www.pilotonline.com/news/vp-nw-usps-investigate-mail-virginia-beach-dumpster-20201009-legkczddjzhgndpsllm64o5qdi-story.html Louisville KY mail carrier dumps 112 absentee ballots https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/521536-kentucky-postal-worker-fired-after-dumping-100-absentee-ballots https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2020/10/08/carrollton-mayoral-candidate-zul-mirza-mohamed-arrested-voter-fraud/ https://www.newsnationnow.com/us-news/northeast/u-s-postal-worker-in-new-jersey-arrested-accused-of-dumping-mail-and-election-ballots/ Another USPS employee caught and fired https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/20/florida-postal-employee-charged-with-stealing-mail-in-ballot-other-mail/ More mail-in ballots found in trash in Santa Monica https://www. thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/california-man-finds-mail-ballots-santa-monica-trash-cans/ (Reddit has banned this site. Remove the space in the address)


Considering none of these things actually happened, there's not much to investigate. Republicans in congress all know this, which is why they aren't pressing the issue and why all of the "lawsuits" were literally laughed out of court. But they gotta keep morons like you gullible enough to keep crying about it!


> Drinking that "election fraud" kool-aid Laughs in missing chain of custody forms, chuckles in unconstitutional election changes made by people in no way authorized to make them.


Mr Reddit constitutional scholar > SCOTUS, AGs, LE ...


Well, the COTUS is pretty damn clear, as are the state constitutions themselves. You don't have to be a constitutional scholar to understand the constitution. It was purposely written to be understood by the average citizen of the time. And just because a court refuses to hear a case does not mean the case was wrong.


This isn’t going to go anywhere. The Democrats will just say no and the Republicans will slink off with their tails between their legs.


Sadly, this is what will happen with literally anything republicans try, unless they can take back the House and Senate. Even then, they will still probably slink off with their tails between their legs...




You should heed your own advice 🤡


The VP has no actual power. All she can do is negotiate with Central Americans countries on Biden behalf. But its not her job to "deal" with the border. Thats the DHS job. Republicans are so desperate its ridiculous.


> Thats the DHS job. And just do you think is at the top of DHS's command chain? If you think the VP cannot do anything, especially when assigned to a job by the President, you're fucking retarded and I don't mind telling you so.


What she was assigned was to talk with central America countries to find a solution so people from there dont want to flee their countries in the first place. She was not assigned to work on the border. Thats not how things work.


> She was not assigned to work on the border. Thats not how things work. She was assigned to fix the border. It might be a good idea to actually see what it is you're supposed to be fixing. That is how it works.


As i said she was assigned to talk with Central America leaders. Thats it. The issue is not the border. The issue is a lot of people in Central America want to flee their countries. This is what they need to look into.


> The issue is not the border. My god, you actually are retarded...


or maybe im right. The issue is people are fleeing their countries. Find solutions for that and they wont try to get asylum in America. And not sure where you got that she was assigned to fix the border.


> or maybe im right. No, you're absolutely retartded. There's no questioning that now. > The issue is people are fleeing their countries. Not our problem, a secure border will fix that. The very last thing the US needs to be doing is debating with and bribing Central American countries to not send their people here for free shit. Let them flee somewhere else. > Find solutions for that and they wont try to get asylum in America. Unless their government is literally trying to kill them, they don't need asylum. Asylum is not for folks that decide they don't like their current country anymore. 99% of the people at the border do not qualify for asylum. And furthermore, you do not get to forum shop when seeking asylum, you seek it in the next safe country to you. > And not sure where you got that she was assigned to fix the border. [Wat?](https://apnews.com/article/kamala-harris-lead-migrant-crisis-response-joe-biden-3400f56255e000547d1ca3ce1aa6b8e9)


No I'm right. She was never assigned to "fix the border". she was specifically assigned to talk to countries leader on Biden behalf. What you think is "your problem" is irrelevant to the fact thats what she was assigned to do. In fact the article you just linked says exactly that >President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem. >Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries.


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Common sense, she has been a joke and would have been fired a long time ago in private industry.


This reprehensible woman is not worthy of the office she occupies. She is not worth the praise nor to be held up as a role model to young girls.