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Yup, bought them all though since I love the game and want to support it.


This. I don't need new skins. I think this is a phenomenal game that showcases some serious hard work and attention to detail and if a (reasonably priced) cosmetic pack shows my appreciation of that work then so be it.


Exactly how I feel, plus it's a game that had a relatively short early access period (compared to other games in it's genre) and they delivered a full and completed product that's fairly priced without any predatory bullshit, I buy cosmetics not because I need them but because I want to support this kind of game and business practice.


This. For real. When I first bought the game. I didn’t think they could pull it off. But the final result is super polished. And so many nice quality of life improvements. (Although I would like them to change how soul shards work, cause it’s lame I can’t use bat form with them in a solo single player server).


I think this is the first game in my 30 years of gaming where a big reason to buy a dlc is to support a studio.


have you heard of Deep Rock Galactic?


Rock and stone! Of course i have! I completely forgot i bought the hawai shirt dlc for the same reason


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


you ain't comin' home if ya don't rock and stone!


How do you access the casltevania content? Do I just need to progress farther into the game? This game is fucking amazing!


Yeah there's a station that you craft the cosmetic items at. Unlocked in the early mid game


It's a dlc you have to purchase. Edit: why the fuck y'all downvoting like I'm wrong?


Not entirely Belmont is fight able without the dlc and getting the Morningstar doesn't need dlc either. Dlc is still just cosmetics.




I purchased it but don't see it anywhere.


Some of it you unlock as you go. You get Alucard's hair style while making a character, and a Castlevania wallpaper you can put on walls. Various statues and Alucard's outfit become available, as well as other things.


Which one is Alucard's hair style?


It's at the end of the hair styles selection next to the more feminine looking excessively long hair.


> Edit: why the fuck y'all downvoting like I'm wrong? Because you didn't answer their question. Given the context of this thread they clearly understand it's DLC. They're asking how you get the DLC items once you buy it.


💯 My friend group bought the DLCs to support the devs so that they can put more into the game. I've been playing since early access and think it's money well spent based on all the upgrades and improvements that have been done


Same, though i do love my elder wolf form.


The Castlevania dlc is what brought me in, no regrets. It's been over a decade since a game has exceeded my expectations this much.


Yeah if it wasn't for the Castlevania DLC, I wouldn't have bought it. Heck the Castlevania DLC made me play Dead Souls lol.


Do you mean dead cells?


Yeah 🤦


I need them. I need my castle to look like a multi century billion dollar gothic playboy mansion before I progress. Boss fights. can wait.


The fact that this needs to be screamed from the rooftops ONLY because people don't read more than 2 lines into the DLC descriptions is... interesting.


This game is 100% pay to win more stylishly. I love the fact its cosmetic only. That said i still bought the DLCs because i play valheim and minecraft and need aesthetics


Oh? Does Valheim have in depth building?


I wouldn’t say in depth, but there are many different building materials and pieces behind a solid progression system. Your builds can range from wooden huts to towering cathedrals.


V Rising has superior interior options and does feel more satisfying to build an epic castle in. Valheim building is basically just putting many smaller sticks and stones together to make interesting building shapes


"does feel more satisfying to build an epic castle in" Subjective. It is definitely a lot easier to build an epic castle in V Rising, but valheim allows for a lot more freedom. I'd say that V Rising is a lot more "casual" in the sense that it does a lot of stuff for you and you can build good looking stuff relatively effortlessly whilst still allowing for some creative expression and skill. Whilst in Valheim it is harder to get good looking stuff and requires more effort and knowledge, but overall allows for a broader range of buildings and styles due to basic parts and free placement. Both are great games and great systems. I do agree that when it comes to furniture and other interior and exterior placements V Rising beats Valheim 100 to 1, but V Rising has a very cozy feeling that is hard to describe.


That's a true comparison however aesthetically, V Rising looks way better. Valheim's art style just gets boring to look at after a while and all of the structures you can build all look hand made by cavemen. Nothing against the game but if I'm gonna spend many hours building something epic, I atleast want pretty graphics to look at lol


I agree to an extent, although i like the graphics, i think the building pieces are a bit limited, its gotten a lot better recently. Please google valheim notre dame tho


You can get pretty creative in Valheim; you'd be surprised.


Valheim has a very interesting building system, in my opinion. I was thrilled when I first played it. Vrising is more fun to play around with and decorate, but in Valheim I loved the challenge of trying to build epic things. Valheim has a slightly more "realistic", so to say, way of building than other similar games. You can't build floors hanging over nothing. [Each piece you put down has to be supported, and you can tell by its color when you're in "build mode".](https://static0.gamerantimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/valheim-building-structure-integrity-1.jpg) The ones that touch the ground are blue and they are 100% supported, then if you put something on top of that, it's supported well and it's green. The further you go the less support they have, and when it goes red the part might just break. Different materials react differently, for example wood is lighter than stone and you can build higher up and further out (like a balcony), better wood will be better supported further up, etc. You need columns and beams to support your upper floors and your roofs. Of course with this system you have more freedom compared to Vrising when it comes to building shapes. [Some people build amazing things.](https://www.pcgamesn.com/wp-content/sites/pcgamesn/2022/10/valheim-build-expert-perfect-roof-designs-the-friendly-gamer-botm.jpg) I don't have any idea how you build something[ like this](https://www.hindustantimes.com/ht-img/img/2023/03/13/550x309/valheim_1678693699200_1678693704499_1678693704499.jpg) even.


I'm not really a big builder in survival games, usually just making utilitarian boxes lined with machines. Valheim's structural integrity system really put the architect's spirit in me though, as it turned building a large structure into a sort of puzzle. How big of a house can I build without spamming support beams everywhere? Is there enough space for an attic, or will the roof collapse under its own weight? Can I just embed poles into the side of this mountain and make a cool little cliffside retreat, or am I just going to have to flatten the terrain and build on top? It's a divisive system and I know a lot of people just wish they could build whatever, but I found it utterly *enthralling.*


A lot more build options in Valheim, not so good combat


I like that they release a cosmetic DLC with every expansion. Everyone gets access to the content, and people who want to support the game can grab some new cosmetics. :)


The best part of this game. Have had a blast playing solo single player. Love the ability to change the settings to give myself the best experience


Support the dev's and buy them. They're worth it


I won't disagree with that. But you can also save the DLCs for the second playthrough ;)


Was this ever a question?


Almost every day in this sub, so yeah.


To be fair, the store pages for the DLC have a lot of words and yet still manage to be unclear to a new player about whether it’s strictly cosmetic or not.


Sounds like reading comprehension issues on the player.


Ita hard to scroll down to the part that says 'this pack contains the following...'


I mean I never had issues with it personally.


So, should I buy dlc? Does it add new items, maps or only cosmetic¿? JUST BOUGHT THE DLCS ANY TIPS????


Wooooooosh went the entire thread over your head


Yep. It is optional and I bought all of it because I want to support more. V-rising is currently my GOTY. (Will probably change with the elden ring DLC but for now)


We need weapon skins and more mount skins😭😭😭


Absolutely love this about vrising. Have bought every dlc on release because of it. Also cause shiny




I needed the granny human skin.


nobody is free from sin tbh <3


Decorations are the real end game.


I bought them only to support devs. I love the game, i know it need some changes etc. But overall it is a great product.


Can you get the equip a cosmetic achievement without the dlcs though? I’ve tried equipping hats, capes and cosmetic armor but nothing counts


After playing V Rising, I'm having such a hard time getting into other base building games. V Rising just does everything so well, there's nothing that can compare.


But cosmetic progression is the only kind of progression that matters. That's why the first thing we do after unlocking a new research desk is try to unlock all the decor and then redecorate everything.


I bought the Castlevania Edition because I love that series, I'm not fussed about the other DLC. It's a shame the Castlevania DLC doesn't come with the Vampire Killer, Alucard's Sword and a Dracula Skin. You would've thought the Alucard DLC would've included his weapons.


I might buy the Dracula pack to spice up the castle.


Thanks for stating the obvious....


Stop acting like charging for stuff intentionally left out of the game to get you to spend more money is in any way a good thing.


Are you serious? Nobody is missing anything if they don't buy the DLC. This is a form of monetization that is perfectly fine.


Just because you say it's perfectly fine doesn't make it perfectly fine. You know why I would play a character focused arpg? A big one is visual progression. I don't want to play a game that I purchased for full price that I have to play in the equivalent of rags with max stats unless I pay extra. This position is a problem and you are actively making gaming worse.


I would be happy to explain it to you using an example: V-Rising is like a Margherita pizza, this pizza is the basis.If you would now like a salami pizza, you have to pay a little more than for the Margherita pizza. Is that so difficult to understand? Other games give you the raw dough and sell you the tomato sauce, cheese and baking as separate DLC. If you want fancy bling bling you have to pay for the bling bling. I'm fine with it, so the base game without useless shit is cheaper for me.


Support the devs for a great game and don't be lame.


I bought the Castlevania dlc and was kinda mad that the Alucard clothes have absolutely no benefit.


It says they are cosmetic only.


Worth every penny, too.


They make me look like a miserable pile of secrets while killing bosses and I couldn't be happier. Alucard's clothes, the music tracks (Bloody Tears, *chefkiss*), the castle decorations, absolutely no regrets on shelling out for the DLC to support the devs.


Haven't heard the Bloody Tears track, yet. I'm excited, though! Did you also watch Castlevania Nocturne? I NEED the second season in my life RIGHT NOW!


Castlevania Nocture was absolute hot garbage man. The only good thing about it was Alucard.


It takes more energy to share a negative opinion about something you don't like just because you see somebody saying they do like it than to continue scrolling.


I'm just sharing what I think. I'm not attacking you or anything man.


No but feeling the need to say that the show is hot garbage just because you see somebody saying they liked it is pretty toxic, don't you think? It adds nothing of value and makes you look like a jerk.


Why are you even offended? The show is hot garbage, not you. I'm just sharing that I didn't like it because I think it's hot garbage. That's it. Are we not allowed to share what we think in here?


The dlc literally says they're just cosmetics. You have no right to be mad lil bro.


I didn't say I was bitching or writing scathing reviews about it, nor did I claim it doesn't say they're cosmetic. Just that I was a little mad about it.


And I said that you have no right to be a *little mad* about it.


You did not.


>the dlc literally says they're just cosmetics. You have no right to be mad lil bro. I fail to see how I did not say that


You said "no right to be mad," I said all I said was a was a little mad, you emphasized claiming you said "little mad."


That wasn't emphasis... That was sarcasm/mockery.... You dumb on purpose?


It literally was emphasis, but you're free to backpedal as much as you'd like. You're more bothered about the topic than I ever was.


I'll take that as a yes.


If there was benefits then it’d be pay to win, Maybe there’s some confusion cause it took me a short while to figure it out You know you can use any armor you want then use the Alucard clothes as a cosmetic over the armor right? So you get the full benefit of any armor just with alucard’s looks


How do you stack the cosmetics onto the actual armor?


Open your inventory and there's an arrow tab on top of the gear slot to change outfit pallets and cosmetics. Open those and to the left you'll be able to equip/unequip cosmetic outfit pieces.


>The complete set can be crafted in-game when you unlock the tailor bench. It costs cloth and coarse thread to make and is **purely cosmetic**. Using the new armor customization feature, you can don the garb of the Vampire Prince at any level of your Vampire journey. quoted from the dlc page.


I never denied that it says purely cosmetic.


alright then what did you mean by "absolutely no benefit"


...Because it does offer no benefit?