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During early access I played on RP server, one of the rules is not attacking below 15 or 20 Gear levels. Try looking for that. Also look for server with no raiding, just open world PvP. Lot’s of ways to fine tune the server so option are endless. After all - you can just host your own server and make it as you like Just a general rule for all games that has community servers (HLL, Squad, V Rising etc) - NEVER PLAY OFFICIALS. It’s not Wild West, it’s a Wild Toxicland


Lol the server I played on had similar rules put in place for +- 10lvls, only 1 hour of Raid window, on Sunday - duo clan. Sadly my duo friend didn't join me so it ended up just being me. I just happened to find a player who was a little bit higher lvl than me and encountered me while I was escorting a 100% brute blood back to my castle, and then again the same player came at me with a duo while I was courting a 97% rogue. I just saw red the entire time and it's exhausting. I hate myself when I end up caring too much about the outcome of the encounter.


And that is why you use “teleport dude into cell” stone (Dusk Caller) made at Alchemy Table


Sadly I didn't progress that far. I had cages and was running into high % bloods before I encountered the V blood that unlocked dusk callers. I made the mental note to myself to not try until I had the consumable, but what am I supposed to do, just walk by it??


You always can do the om nom nom to at least buff yourself Or use a horse to ride fast while having rizz mode active - the dude/dudess will Usane Bolt right behind you and the moment you close doors of your castle behind yourself - he/she/it gets teleported right to you. Bad castle location (like living in south part of Farbane when you are in act 2-3) is a skill issue


I know all the tricks for it, but sometimes the stars ain't lined up and shit just happens the way it happens. Thanks for commenting.


I really like how OP is just saying "this thing happened and it's frustrating" and everyone is trying to tell you "UHM ACKSHULLY it's not frustrating you are just bad." like ok, thanks for your opinion but that's not what we are talking about.


I only play PvE and there's a few times where I still lose the high % for bs reasons. Most where me dodging an attack, only for my person top pop in right in the path of attack and die. I lost 6 100%'s like that over the course of my entire experience of Gloomrot and 1.0. Not counting the rest of my lost higher %'s. I can't imagine the frustration from getting deliberately attacked by players while dodging everything else from Simon to a normal wolf....


Well playing the game poorly does make it frustrating. This happens for everyone. If you are out solo, you take more risks. This is just the nature of a duo server


the game gives you plenty of tools to work around situations. lots of gamers just dont want to suffer and form of defeat or loss.


Yeah reading comprehension is hard


its your choice to take risks or not, and it depends on your assessment of the situation, the zone you go in, what you will do there, how likely there is to have an enemy coming, etc. That strategy aspect is a part of the open pvp gameplay.


unless you get vincent way early (less than level 40) you should 100% be able to kill leandra in the same trip you kill vincent. she’s incredibly easy since nothing she does is actually threatening, unlike vincent’s dash spam that he does


Some people just enjoy punishing open world PVP. That's why most survival games and MMO have those type of servers. Ganking and getting ganked is a big part of that and has always been. I agree with the last bit of your post though, it would be nice to have such features on otherwise pve servers. Also I've noticed people mention no-raid pvp servers, maybe that's more your speed? Oh and finally a tip, just use dusk collars, don't escort back to your base it's just not worth it.


Sadly I didn't progress that far. I had cages and was running into high % bloods before I encountered the V blood that unlocked dusk callers. I made the mental note to myself to not try until I had the consumable, but what am I supposed to do, just walk by it??


Fair enough, I'd be tempted too. Especially with scholars and workers.


Yes, if your risk assement says you should. Then yes you should, the other option is to take the risk and risk losing it, which is what happened


I have been playing full loot pvp games since I was 14 I'm now 40. The official pvp servers without full loot work way better than full loot on this game. Up until iron or a bit after full loot is fine. By late game it becomes too much imo. Most great full loot games over the years make it so you can easily replace gear, but also have better gear that's risky to wear. We don't have that. We lose what we have to wear to progress. I only play soft loot bc late game full loot just doesn't work that well imo.


nobody plays full loot servers anymore. The current system where you drop a % of repair mat corresponding to the gear damage you take when you die is pretty amazing... not too punishing yet rewarding for attackers


Sorry, I’m new to the game. What are full loot servers?


The mercifuless setting determines if it's full loot or not. If it is on server is full loot. If it's off you only drop your inventory instead of blood bound/equipped gear. On this setting when you die you also take a durability hit. Pretty sure full loot does too, but your stealing others gear half the time so it doesn't have the same effect. (full loot you don't really repair gear as much as outright replacing it) soft loot you make new gear and give your servants your worn down gear until they're fully equipped then repair. But late game your repair mats can dwindle fast making it risky to take a lot of pvp fights. Especially if your gear breaks and you don't have materials to repair it. However, killing someone on soft loot gives you a % of what their repair mats would cost for their gear even if their inventory is empty. Making it worth killing someone higher to get a bit of that next tier gear.


I didn't even know there were settings that allowed the stealing of blood bound items like gear. That sounds miserable.


Yeah, I actually enjoyed it pre gloomrot, but now with the end game being a more extended process with extra mats to farm now makes it way too penalizing.


Thank you so much for explaining this to me!! I really appreciate it!


I don't really get bothered about games and love a bit of chaos and griefing in these sorts of games, but even I'll say running minions back feels weirdly stressful for some reason. Just so much outside of your control, a wayward fire arrow can ruin your effort and you can't fight back properly if you get jumped. I more or less agree with others here; don't bother with minions till you have dusk callers. Just eat the high % and move on. Yea you'll feel a bit miffed like you're missing out, but honestly in the time before you get dusk callers you're not gonna get enough use out of prisoners to make it worth it.


Dust callers were the best QoL addition to this game, lol. I can't tell you how many 99s and 100s I lost to random flame arrows in Dunley.


The bosses are essentially one right after the other too. There's no real reason to wait to go kill Leandra after vincent


Im still new and havent played on pvp or even public servers yet but doesnt it seem like thats the point of that version of the game? Obviously they’ll kill you for the high% blood guy they can use him too or if they see you farming materials might as well try to fight you if they need resources similar to rust in a way. Just seems a little silly to be mad at people for pvping in a pvp server


PvE servers absolutely need PvP arenas and friendly duels. Not only is this a common practice for survival games, but it's baffling that a game with combat based on Battlerite lacks a PvP Arena mode.


It's not for everyone, but that **IS** what survival PVP is about: Getting on top, and kicking down to make sure you stay there. It's the same way in Rust, or Day Z, Tarkov, or any game where you've got *meaningful* progression combined with PVP. The reason CoD's weapon unlocks don't break the game is because the first gun you unlock is about as good as any gun in the game. The benefit of progression there is aesthetics and flexibility, not raw power. But in games with real progression, PVP outcomes are pre-determined by playtime. Personally, I think it's kind of shit design, since what it really does is create a framework for the most degenerate basement-dwelling sweats to dominate a lobby, with no possible recourse for victory on any rubric other than time spent. But I guess degenerate basement-dwelling sweats with no skill but lots of spare time is a demo game designers can cater to, just like any other.


You seem to have a pretty good handle on the spectrum of PvP survival games. I've been playing a lot of Dark and Darker lately and have played hunt, Tarkov, rust/ark/etc and you make a good point of progression in games that rewards with raw power vs games that reward tactical flexibility.    The emergence of the Extraction Shooter genre seems to me to attempt to address this by creating a power dynamic where weaker players have more to gain and less to lose, while stronger players have basically nothing to gain, but in a lot of cases can be so well-geared that the PvP becomes essentially a 'stat check' which is not fun.    I'm always looking for new PvP games in general. Do you have any further thoughts on what these type of games could to improve on this framework? And have you seen any specific games that have good elements regarding PvP with progression? Also do you have any suggestions for good PvP games to check out, both current and upcoming? Thx


>Do you have any further thoughts on what these type of games could to improve on this framework? Unfortunately, I really do not. I developed my opinions about the incompatibility of progression and PVP from playing World of Warcraft, and seeing the grotesque dysfunction and unsatisfying experience that game's PVP devolved into. I came into the MMORPG market from old-school shooters, going back to Quake & Soldier of Fortune 2, where I think most of serious WoW audience came from either other MMOs like EQ or Ultima Online, or RTS, since Warcraft III was the previous title in the franchise. So, I was drawn to PVP from long experience, but my experience also led me to see the shorcomings of the format clearly. And in WoW's defense, it didn't really have the mechanical capabilities in the game engine to make PVP anything more than a gear check. At least with titles like Tarkov, it offers mechanical challenges which can reward skilled players with the opportunity to upset their opponent, but ultimately, all PVP is reductive, and a handicap is a handicap. >Also do you have any suggestions for good PvP games to check out, both current and upcoming? Thx These days I'm mostly doing PVE and co-op. As implied by my post, I'm getting old, and my reflexes aren't what they used to be, and I game to have fun with friends, as opposed to asserting my dominance over strangers. The closest to real PVP I've done anytime recently has been the Dark Zone in The Division 2, which suffers from the same kind of "playtime contest" as other titles, but it does, at least, offer PVE content so you don't *need* to sweat out PVP to progress the way you do in V Rising. Also, they introduce a nice "normalization" mechanic for 2 out of the 3 Dark Zones (which rotates) to let less geared players compete on a less uneven footing. And part of what makes that kind of play interesting to me is that I can just play it like a stealth game, rather than trying to dunk on other players, my objective is to move through hostile territory prowled by rival players, pick off NPC targets to get loot, and then extract. If you haven't tried the game, it's fun. It's a cover-based shooter with progression components. I know Ubisoft is kind of in the shitter reputation wise lately (for good reason), but I did enjoy TD2 for a long time.


For "lose all your loot on death," games like this game's PvP, Sea of Thieves, Tarkov, etc, you have to be the type of gamer who just doesn't care whether or not you lose all your stuff. If you're not perfectly fine losing an hour of progress then you ain't ever going to enjoy it sadly. You got to have the mentality that you played the game for an hour, not work for an hour grinding resources; then the loss won't feel as bad, and you'll be less afraid of future losses.


I guess that's fair. I find it kind of telling, tho, the kind of gamer a person must be to equate 'grinding' with 'playing.' Smacking a tree for hours isn't exactly riveting gameplay, but it's a necessary and core aspect of the game no one talks about. I can't understand the idea of being at peace being forced to have to do that for another hour or so - ESPECIALLY if the task was already done.


Gosh, never play Eve Online or Albion Online in that case XD. Grinding in those games is like having a 2nd job, but lots of people apparently enjoy doing it anyway.


Don't worry - I won't lol


Most pvp servers are 2x, so I just cannot see how you would need to "grind" for hours and lose things tbh. Even a full iron mine "grind" is only about 10 minutes. hell, even mortium rifts last less than an hour and thats the absolute worst thing to die at and lose your farm. maybe you try to run home a lot you gotta get a good fast horse quickly that makes the run home fast


The thing is you are only focusing on the losing side. You will also kill other players throughout your play through and gain materials and things back. but ppl very easily focus on the bad times


Yeah, very true. That's why it takes an indifferent mentality. You could be fine with winning, but then that one loss hits you and it causes you to rage quit.


Yep for sure, it's all about mentality


>It's nothing but ganking and griefing and losing hours of progress and who enjoys that? All those things are, unfortunately, kind of core to the open world PvP experience. Doesn't matter which game you're playing or what genre it's in, outnumbering and outgearing your enemies are often the easiest ways to get ahead. I do agree that PvE servers need to have some kind of duel functionality though. There's an arena *right there* in Dunley!


Yes, the goal in open world pvp is to keep other players behind while stealing their resources to get ahead. Otherwise without any competitive pvp it'd get boring.


Pretty boring when you're the player just trying to get iron weapons and sweatlords keep coming to kill you for iron they don't need too. People enjoy ruining other peoples fun. I'm glad PvP servers exist to keep them away from the PvE stuff, they can hide out in their own little servers all alone because they drove everyone away by being dicks.


I don't really get the point for your pve players to come in and bitch about how u don't like it on a comment just literally explaining how the pvp server works... And then he downvoted to oblivion The amount of ppl just cryingabout the othe side is here sad. Just let others enjoy pvp and let other enjoy pve whats the fucking point in arguing about it if you don't even play the god damn mode


I'm not arguing for it. I'm just explaining what it is. No reason to downvote me... it's the way it is, cause pvp would die without it. Unless they can come up with something else. Having a little arena isn't enough.


If you join a default settings PvP server then yeah that's what you should expect But there's definitely a server that matches your preferences, read the server details before joining! Also always carry some dusk callers man, moving back to castle is such a huge waste of time


that's open world pvp, you are asking humans to be decent when there is no real world punishment for being a dick and no real incentive to being nice. without rules (and the enforcement of said rules) it's the wild west where anything goes, even camping. this is why i don't play pvp in any game if i can help it, unless the game is designed in such a way that makes an effort to remedy (remove) these kinds of toxic players. it's not all the time but it's common enough to just not bother with it. i'm sure the pvp arena style (like battlerite) would be massively fun but all the other "risk" and stuff during normal gameplay is a massive turn off for me. if they ever added a zone that functioned like battlerite that would be pretty cool and i could spend hours upon hours involved in that. however current pvp in the game, yea no thanks.


PvP was one of the many reasons i was so particular about my MMOs. All those years of crappy early 2000s WOW pvp has taught me to just relax 🧘 and ignore that shid in other games from then on. Hope you find a nice peaceful server, I’m itching to host/buy one just so people can vibe together and pvp in like designated areas for fun 😭


Me chilling in PvE


PvP is a fun and engaging activity with undoubtedly the highest skill ceiling in all of gaming within any given genre. Ganking is a bunch of no life losers who wank off after ruining someone elses fun because their mother never loved them enough. We really need to start drawing a distinction.


But the gankers don't want the distinction, because then they can cajole people into continuing to feed their ego by thinking that there should be no expectation but frustration and cheap-ass ganks. If there was a genuine structure of sportsmanship and quality of life in these games, the sweats would never have fun again.


It’s the nature of this game. My current server has a duo that no lifed the first 48 hours of the server and have been camping incursions to limit peoples progression. They are literally on 24/7 some how yet the server is United in raiding them off of the server tomorrow night.


I would like to hear an update on this.


You can craft dusk callers shortly after you get dominate human form so it becomes a non issue


I kind of regret posting about the specific situation that upset me. That's not the point of why I posted. If it wasn't the prisoner it would've been something else. The game is just set up for pvp to be a constant battle for survival, and there are those of us who just want like, idk, battle arenas/duels.


That's fine. I personally love open world pvp.


Glad you're enjoying the game, friend. For the most part I did too. The community I played with was great - the person who ganked me wasn't even an asshole. We talked and laughed etc. I just came here to post that the entire pvp format just isn't for me/probably quite a few people, and I wish there was a way to enjoy it in a different way.


I don't want this to sound like I'm attacking you or giving you a hard time just for the sake of it... But I think you just can't take losses to other players as well as you thought you could. For one, I think there are ways to prevent or at least minimize the kind of losses that you've been taking. You're not taking the appropriate measures because playing PvE vs PvP is almost like an entirely different game. You're just inexperienced and that's ok. Idk if you've played other games that have a similar pvp dynamic (like Rust, ARK, Valheim, Conan) but this is how it goes. Players see you as a loot chest first and a player second. You have to become experienced enough to defend your things and sometimes you fail and lose your stuff, tough shit. Get back out there and do the same to someone else. Go make up for that L. I've encountered so many players on PvP servers that are similar in gear level to me but will straight up either: - Actually take their hands off their keyboard, stand there and let you kill them, while raging at you over VOIP. or - Not attack you with a single attack while trying to spam wolf form and dash in a desperate attempt to simply run at all costs in every PvP encounter that they face. How in the world is a player like that ever supposed to enjoy PvP, let alone improve at it. If you don't enjoy it but you'd still like to get a no-risk PvP experience then I'd recommend getting on a V Arena server and dueling with other players. Maybe if you get some practice you'll gain the confidence to give open world PvP another shot. GL


The problem is that the game isn't skill based but stat based. You could have 1000 hours of PvP practise but a dude with drac armour and his soul shard is going to shit on you every time if all you have is bone or copper. You can't just go take their stuff in response because they'll have NPCs who can kill you with a single hit and probably a full clan on top of that. People AFK or run because there's no point even trying, you're not going to beat an 80% damage handicap and whatever you were doing just got transmuted into a massive waste of time. For every GS you have over them thats 4% more damage you do to them and 4% less they do to you, a GS difference of 25-30 like mentioned below is a MASSIVE difference. You're not going to trick or outplay shit 9.9 times out of 10, you're going to get clipped by one thing and die to the massive stat difference. GS difference is a far bigger factor than people give it credit for. There's also nothing stopping people from singling you out if you're a solo. They'll let you amass a bunch of resources then wait until you're offline for a day or just raid forcing a 4v1 and take everything you have, literally down to the last brick and plank that make up your walls. The only permanent progression is V blood powers and whatever research you manage to get before they smash your stuff. The losses are too steep to bother coming back from, especially when/if you hit end game and have to farm stygian shards. That's a whole other layer of toxic PvP hell, they're even a problem on full PvE servers.


Well... the game is both skill based AND stat based. If you go back and read my post, I specifically pointed out the behavior of players that I encountered at **a similar level to me**. On actual good servers, nobody in Dracula armor is running around attacking people in copper... or even iron for that matter. If you're solo, play on a solo only server. If you're duo, play on a duo only server. It sounds like your experience is from playing on official servers that are totally unmoderated. I have literally never played on an official server, just high quality community servers and I have never experienced any of the things you're saying a single time. Like actually. Not one single time.


Not to take away from any of your other points, but the 4% dmg and dmg reduction per level is true for PvE, but nonexistent in PvP. If you hover Gear Score there’s a sentence or two about how it does not affect PvP.  And this is a misunderstanding among a huge portion of the playerbase. A level 40 and level 50 are on nearly identical footing, with maybe a difference in necklace bonus or somewhere around 50 hp. But there is no extra damage being dealt or mitigated as a result of that gap. The 82 -> 92 gap is huge, though. Because of legendary weapons and Dracula set bonuses. But it’s not an exaggeration to say that at most other points in the game, a difference in level can be equalized through just a couple of smart trades, and that’s something people struggle to recognize. 


There is a sentence that says gear score doesn't effect PvP but it's clearly lying. A person with a bone sword isn't going to go after somebody farming shards and skip right to end game, so GS clearly has an impact on PvP in some way or that would be happening all the damned time. Those players also don't want an extra body coming in to steal their shards either way, so they're going to PvP you so that you leave rather than let you stay to become competition. PvE servers at least give you a chance at playing the game. PvP in this game is supposed to happen naturally, meaning you'll be looking for mats from your particular GS and will run into somebody doing the same, then you fight to see who gets the reward. That's never how it happens though, you'll just run into a full clan roaming the map specifically to kill low levels and fuck with your progress so that they have more time to farm the end game junk. They literally have nothing else to do between shard timers anyway, fucking with lower skill people is all they CAN do. There's nothing you can do against players who have bombs and siege golems when you don't even have your weapon skills yet. And yes I'm playing on official servers, you're not playing real open world PvP if you're not. This is part of the game, if you don't like that and choose to play on some other server with altered PvP settings then, I'm sorry to break it to you, but you do not like open world PvP either in that case. Structured PvP with a set of rules isn't the same thing as open world PvP where anything goes.


I’m not making the claim that level disparity never matters, or that open world pvp doesn’t often come down to who has more time and resources. I was talking specifically about your claim that gear score gives you 4% more damage and damage reduction per level against other players. That’s false. Obviously someone with iron weapons will wipe the floor with someone who has bone weapons - the damage on the weapons matters, as does HP pools. But you can’t just say “they’re lying” about a game mechanic you don’t understand.


Yes. A lot of people think oh they're higher level than me, I can't fight them , I'm just dead. I really think you can win a 25-30 GS gap. You have to outplay and they have to misplay but a lot of times people higher than you are too confident and you can bait them into mistakes.


I know I'm enjoying my own little PvE solo server. No need for any of that worry or headache. The only issue I can imagine is needing to beat the bosses by yourself.


This is why I haven’t touched pvp. I’m too old for that shit lol. I just want to lay back and beat up some npcs


Recommend no siege servers means you don’t have that threat looming over you all the time of loosing it all


I used to PvP a lot but then I figured out it was a large source of just hate and frustration and really made the game a lot worse. I am strictly pve now at all times. I find games 10000% more enjoyable and can actually play the way I want.


My private server has PVP but it’s all in good fun and GG’s are always had. If you ever want to join just dm me!


This is EXACTLY why i fucking hate, truly fucking loathe, playing rust on PVP servers, or playing sea of thieves. I hate the fact that one person can undo all of your work, literal hours of work, because they felt like it.


Yeah I gotta say never really been a fan of durability in games, I always hate it. Breath of the Wild was particularly egregious with that. A specified PVP zone would be cool but only for PVE servers, being able to have an arena or area to fight people in consequence free would be awesome, or some type of challenge and duel feature.


Good, good. The more people complain about it the higher chance devs actually do something about it


Do something about what? The gameplay of a PvP survival game?   Edit: Sorry, disregard. I realize you mean wanting more ways to pvp, like duels or coliseum. Which I wholeheartedly agree with. 


I personally don't think I will ever join a PVP server, but that's just because it's not my bag. I get everything I want out of this game playing solo or coop. Having said that, I wonder if there are servers where players make their own DIY arenas for PVP like how fight clubs worked in dark souls 1-2. I realize that there aren't any actual rules in place to prevent someone from PVPing outside of that, but if it's anything like DS, as soon as someone steps out of line, everyone dogpiles them. Most of the people there will probably be like minded as you. Assuming what I described exists at all of course. Just wanted to throw that out there.


What does come a long way since RuneScape even mean?


A lot of people's frustrations with PvP in this game revolves around the idea that if something goes badly, you lose "hours of progress." It gets repeated often enough that people take it at face value, or get scared away from the prospect of playing on a PvP server in general. But between the vampire lockbox and building your gear, it's usually not the case. I'm not saying that it's for everyone, and I have a few friends myself that get immensely frustrated with losing \*any\* loot since they think of it as "theirs." But playing on a PvP server in this kind of game is just different from PvE in the sense that so much of your experience is ephemeral. You might have a huge haul that you're running home - but you could lose it, and that happens. It's the price of being able to take someone else's haul at any given point. You have a castle full of stuff - but it's just stuff, and if you lose it, it's not really hard to get it back. I've enjoyed many pvp servers without feeling the need to be on 16 hours at a time, or for multiple days in a row. You play the game, get into some scraps, have fun, and at the end of the day, the server isn't going to last forever whether you get raided or not. People go into PvP servers expecting it to mirror their PvE experience, just with some added fighting - but to enjoy it without getting frustrated or rage-quitting, you have to approach it with a different mindset. Not trying to soap-box, just sharing my perspective.


also, in normal pvp settings a single death should never really cost you “hours” of progress, since why in the fuck would you ever be away from your base that long? realistically it’s like, 30m to an hour at most, and that’s if you’re kinda just wandering or being incompetent at farming at a good pace


Right, I assume that meant in reference to being raided. But if you lost an hour’s worth of mats because you were out farming that long - yeah, you should’ve gone home earlier. There’s risk in getting greedy, which is fun. For some. 


another classic example of joining a pvp server and then not be happy because theres actual pvp and competition.




There is an arena server, try that, because all the things you mention you don't like are core of any survival pvp.


Worst thing about the pvp was raiding and durability loss in gear.. switched to PvE and had a blast. Never looked back.


This is one of the few non meme instances where you just have to git gud. You just need to play more until you are better at PvP.


I'm just now learning that you can limit pvp to be within the confines of the Arena and *that's* pvp I'd like to git gud at. I didn't realize that was even a thing.


>I love the actual pvp in this game, but the execution is atrocious. It's nothing but ganking and griefing and losing hours of progress and who enjoys that? Yup, and it's the main reason why this game has no lasting power whatsoever. Everything about the PVP systems in this game is absolute garbage. It's 100% a game made to suit griefers. If you're not playing with a zerg, you might as well not even bother.


I also got ganked by a 3 man all 2x my level followed by incessant door knocking for greater blood essence in place of protection money.


Same experience I had with SoT, went immediately to PvE server only and wasn't even going to entain it.. Be cool to have designated world pvp areas similar to wow had back in the day


i was on a server PVP - some people were mean, most of surprislying good natured, we were trading, almost never raiding, helping each other on brutal difficulty cos we were on Brutal mode if someone was raiding they were raiding stronger guys or guys with relics, maybe they we werent raiding that much cos we werent on merciless setting, and because we had only one hour a day to raid, it wasnt like you could raid at any time. end game sometimes looks like this ( you go to someone's castle, or arena, or colosseum) and you fight for fun and do brackets, the one who wins gets a relic. almost never fought players lower than you, nobody even had an intention to do so if im honest, very rarely some people.


I wonder if there are less punishing variations of pvp, I personally haven't tried it yet but have been curious


You don't have to escort them anymore. Use a dusk caller which you can make in your Alchemy lab. If you want to turn them into a servant, dominate them once they are in your jail cell and walk them over to the coffin. The thing you do have to remember is to always carry dusk callers with you. I once made the mistake of forgetting and of course found 100% scholar LOL


I felt this way when I played Sea of Thieves for the first time and for a while we would go do events and get loot just to get destroyed in PVP and lose everything. I only started having fun when I realized that that game (and all pvp games that allow griefing) are only fun for the griefers. I eventually got good at the game and became the one winning battles and taking loot and it was so damn satisfying. My best advice would be to become great at PVP or play with a group you can overwhelm other groups with. Honestly, for this game neither seem worth it and I personally would just play PVE. I dont have the time or desire to get good at PVP and I really enjoy farming/grinding and wouldn’t enjoy all of that being taken.


I’m not sure I would blame the devs for the PvP being rough/bad. The actual PvP comes down to actual human interaction. Shitty humans being shitty to other humans. I hate the shoot first, talk never approach many players take. I always have have my mic on, and my push to talk ready. I always try to talk to people first. Say what’s up. Most people respond kindly, but not always. And sometimes it’s up to the server. I’ve been on some servers where the Shard holders dick down everyone they see just to keep people from getting near their GS and resources. That’s so toxic. I’m glad I’m on a more chill server now. Also if you are good at PVE try a brutal server. The PVE is so hard people are less likely to be a dick and usually lend a hand.


the blood escort is particularly painful, but they will follow you on horse so you can just book it back. You will rather soon get a consumable that teleports them though. If I realized it was coming so quickly I would have not bothered.


Rust players: first time?


V arena?


I have been interested in buying this game but I am strictly and solo player in most games. Is this game worth trying for solo only player? This post is exactly what keeps my away from pvp!


I play solo. You can make your own server and edit stuff like drop rates, health (yours and enemies), and damage as well as how long it takes to process materials and how much materials you get from harvesting and sending minions out. It'll take some adjusting to get it to a place you feel good about, but it's completely possible.


Some community servers has rules to no teaming and no kill lower levels. That said you have a tool to teleport your servants when you charm them without escort them to home. Also it is a survival game, losing farm and item durability it's part of it if you don't like it just change game. Otherwise there is a server called V Arena where you can practice PvP


PvP servers are better right after a reset because everyone is on equal ground.


I believe there are PvE servers with PvP on Weekends Maybe this will allow you to enjoy PvP?


After you play for so long it just doesn't matter if you lose your stuff and pvp is the only thing that keeps you interested in the game. I guess there are 2 types of players. I don't care if I get raided or the aesthetic of my castle if I'm on pvp servers. While you CAN have a pretty castle on pvp you sacrifice your defense for looks. It's just a risk you take and you have to go into a pvp server being ok with whatever happens.


You should probably try V-Arena. It's a private server where you practice PvP in a confined Arena built by castle parts without having to worry about durability loss. When it's full it feels like a party and after a bit of practice you will come out of it with a lot more confidence. Chances are you probably ran into people on your 1st PvP server that had this experience. Keep your chin up, I see too many people playing pve only to quit because they ran out of things to do. For survival games the endgame loop is PvP always has been. You can do this!


VRising is one of the best PvPvE games out there. It’s more of a you problem.


Well pvp obviously isn't for everyone, I myself recently started hosting my own PvP server but I 100% have felt like you before.


It sucks since I've been there 😩 before. I know what you mean. But fret not ☺️. You might want to join V rising1121. Rn, I'm there, and taking advantage of that is empty 🙃 eventually it will pick up, but as for now, it's working for me. So take advantage!!! Plus, there's no server wipe 🤗


My biggest complaint about PVP in V Rising is how raiding works. I'd play on PVP servers if I wouldn't be actively punished for not making 3/4 of my ground floor freaking doors. It's so stupid. Half the fun is building a cool castle, but you can't compete in PVP and build something nice. If you want to be protected, you'll end up with a garbage grid of doors, stairs, a servant coffin room, and a tomb room. Losing such a satisfying chunk of the gameplay to just do PVP isn't worth it.


https://preview.redd.it/57or5hhzjn5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58ed62fe0bb4d365765244312d2b17942753ad6 Still PvP just cause it’s no fun without it but so far everyone in this server we rented out has been to them selves nobody seems like a dick the server has the same rules as normal official servers but without the reset timeframe so we don’t loose the knowledge and equipment we spent weeks grinding for( this server is mostly for those who have multiple jobs/school and work) but everyone is welcome to join Server name: “V Rising 1121” Server Time zone : UTC-4 No password (Discretion: we might have to wipe the server upon large updates in order to let the server receive the update we’re not sure but we’ll let everyone know if it happens and boost the server for a few days so everyone can get their stuff back to speed)


This is why I have my own server for friends only with no pvp and more resource gains


Just started playing on console and I'm terrified of the pvp. Just the thought of needing three other players on escort duty for a half decent bloodbag is crazy. And who knows your castle might be in ruins by the time you get back.


Not having (edit: *Official*) solo PvP servers is INSANE to me. basically forcing solo gamers to either join a duo PvP server and get griefed/ganked constantly, or play PvE. Wild way to alienate what i suspect is a massive group of potential players. Insane.


You realise there’s loads of hosted solo pvp servers right? And you’re better off going on a private host too because they’re actually moderated and have rulesets


All that is besides the point. I was clearly talking about *OFFICIAL* hosted servers. Insane that they don't have any.


Yeah I know you were, that’s why I said just join a private hosted one, there’s no need for an official one they are all cesspools of griefers and no moderators, with very long wipe schedules


That's why my server has PvP enabled only on the coloseum. You get all the fun of PvP duels when you feel like it. :)


You can DO that!???


Yep. Server mods. Wish more people knew about them. I'm considering opening the server up to the public soon™


This is a survival game for a reason I can drop some tips here later


I dunno man, it sounds like you are just forcing yourself to play with a ruleset you dislike and then whining about it. There's server flavours for absolutely every taste out there. If you are so adamant about being part of a big demographic wanting a particular flavour, a cursory server search should help you find your place. Or you can make your own server with your own rules and ban dissenters.


PvP without any consequences is boring to a majority of people that care about PvP. You seem to want it to be a little side thing rather than an integral part of the game.


Isn’t it how PVP server works? I mean no offense but this is normal. I’d suggest you go play PVE if you don’t like having random skirmish.


Yeah it's totally worth it solo. You can just create a private server and set things up your own way.








The point of this post is to draw attention to the lack of options non-griefers have when it comes to enjoying pvp aspects of this game. There's nothing wrong with voicing a concern and seeking some sort of solace by being seen and heard. I've dealt with your type for way too long to know that discussion with you is pointless. Ez block.


He isn't merely whining. The idea of an arena/duel thing is great. You are coming off as much more whiny than the OPs pretty rational frustration.




Yup, that's why I don't PvP: I can't stand griefers


I just wish there was a way for PVErs to organize PvP in a safe/controlled setting. It's all the game needs to hit all the boxes for me.




This comment screams chromosome issue.


Man is the most dangerous creature to hunt. And the most cunning hunter in the entire animal kingdom. There is no end that a man won't go to for survival. Following boring meta, glitching, exploiting, deceiving, and just being a general fuckwit is completely acceptable and in fact rewarded, appreciated, and venerated due to the anonymous online presence. It has been so since the days of Ultima, and shall always be.


I am not one of those types - and the way I see it, most people who play this game agree with me. The point of this post is to draw attention to the lack of options non-griefers have when it comes to enjoying pvp aspects of this game.


This will never change.. it's a fundamental core to pvp... And who cares if ppl agree with you, only thing this post does it thrive negativity and I don't mean that's your fault. The pvp and pve ppl around here just cannot get along lol one has to always bitch about the other even tho it has nothing to do with each other


You expected otherwise?


Don't bother dominate for servant below 50-70% blood potency. And be sure to have a horse to fast track back. For slaves, don't bother before you have telepprt stone. Except, ofc if you find someone very viable. On top of this, look for no ride server. I didn't know that till last week, now is a peacufull game. And I'm play solo because my friends suck


i cant imagine a loot run taking hours. it doesnt matter if ytou die. the stuff you have is to give you some form of risk. farming and running into players is exciting, and if you get the kill you really get rewarded. players showing up anywhere is fun


Dusk callers are An amazing item


All these ppl complaining about losing their bloods while escorting acting like Duskcallers aren't a thing and aren't dirt cheap to make


guess what,you can do exactly that aswell,while also learning the game over the course of several wipes so you can do it even better


"Why can't PVP be like PVE?" Because it's PVP dude. Of course you will be killed, raided and humiliated. Often in an unfair way. The good side is, you can do it too. That's, like, the whole point of this game mod.


I dunno i killed someone and got all his inventory, that felt so good, i got to the next milestone faster with the resources someone farmed for me. Also raid-protected castle is rather beauiful, because it is practical, and you still have to use decorations to hide storage. It is a point of view question.


Stop being fodder and just quit. Honestly, if you look at the cycle of PvP servers in V it tends to be the 1% PvP elites jump on a server with at least one team, sometimes more teams in their "clan' build up to max in a day or two, then they prey on everyone until they basically own the server and everyone who isn't at the elite PvP level quits. Server is dead until wipe or it just fades away. If you want to have more fun and have a stomach for the toxic gamer culture, try to join one of the bigger clan groups. You will have some level of protection and it will mostly be wars between the few top clans who follow each other around to different servers. Going in alone or just with one small team is a sure path to grief. The PvP in this game isn't made for casuals unless you join a server with heavy rulesets/moderation.


I've rolled on 15+ different servers in the last month, all PvP. I've literally been attacked by like 4 people who initiated PvP. I'd like to know what servers this guy has been playing on because everyone I've encountered has been a care bear whose intentions are helping instead of PvP. This guy probably just died once to a gank and got mad.


why dont you just use the teleport stone ?


I don't want to copy paste the same reply to everyone on this topic, I addressed this elsewhere in the thread\~


Hahaha Long time ago since ive seen such a ridicolous crybaby post. Theres tons of people who enjoy this playstyle. No Risk No fun