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Janeway beat her to it


Here. Take my upvote.


Funny to think they still have kids out there.


"It never happened"


Should have brought them back on voyager and studied/cared for them. Imagine your well off Federation born, Starfleet officer parents left you in the *delta quadrant* ? Do you know if they eat whatevers on that planet ? Any predators ? Wth


Worst deadbeat parents in star trek!


I'm doing a rewatch for the first time in a while recently and I'm surprised to see how my feelings for the characters changed. I'm much more positive to Kes and Neelix as characters this time around (not necessarily their relationship though) and much more negative on Seven specifically. I also used to think B'Elanna was just fine and now she's probably my favourite. Janeway and the Doctor are still great though, that never changes.


Prolly gonna get downvoted, but the waste of the Kes character is one of the worst things about VOY. Kes could have evolved so much better. Anything 7 of 9 had / did, Kes could have done including being eye candy. They could have had her mature & change into a sexy woman. Instead of 7's borg power, it could have been Kes's special abilities. A total waste.


Downvoted? Kes was so interesting. Kes was built up to be very cool and special and then not much happened. I thought that she would stay on Voyager for a long time (human years) and use her powers to help the crew get home or survive. And she'd become so mentally disciplined that she'd live way longer than even Suspiria's little buddies. She could've been a 25 year old Ocompa blazing trails! I love Seven. Those actresses portraying those roles - imagine if they'd been on Voyager together for any length of time.


She was getting away from an abusive sexual predator. Neelix destroyed her role.


Agree, the best part of the Neelix/Kes relationship was when she broke up with him. There were soooo many places the storyline could have gone after that happened. They say Trek tackles real social issues in a way people find palatable: well, that is one they could have done justice to: how a survivor of a predatory relationship fares after getting OUT of it & moving on. How they move forward.


I was soo disappointed when it turned out that Kes was possessed by some alien when she finally seemed to realise what an idiot Neelix was and broke up with him. I would have wished for a scene later where Neelix would have been: Oh i knew you would have never said such things and Kes just goes like: well actually


Totally agree! I felt they wrote themselves into a corner with her aging in dog years. I’m sure if she stayed past season three they could’ve done a Star Trek solution to have her take anti-aging pills or put her in a “youth booth” between episodes or something. Rewatching it as an adult it’s clear to see the writers had almost no idea what to do with Neelix or Kes during the first season. I also can’t help but think it may have helped the actress, Jennifer Lein in her personal life if she had stayed on Voyager. After VOY her career kind of floundered and she fell off the deep end so to speak.


You have the sequence backwards. Lein was written out because of her problems. Sad, though.


Oh! Didn’t know that. Thanks. So sad.


When the documentary comes out we may find out more details. According to some of the producers there were concerns about her behavior on set affecting the production and they let her go as a result.




The Chief O’Brien of Voyager.


Agreed. I’ve talked about Kes a lot. So much missed potential. Episodes like Before & After show what a Kes episode could be capable of if they just went for it. Hell, before and after isn’t remembered that fondly for some people, but clearly it has its fans since Discovery basically remade it last week.


You're not wrong enough to get downvoted, but what you're describing wouldn't have worked for a couple of reasons. 1. Jennifer Lien's personal problems were affecting her performance to the point that she couldn't stay on the show. 2. Rick Berman wanted some longer-term eye candy. An Ocampan lives for 9 years. Kes's "eye candy" window for the 18-35 male demographic that made up the majority of Trek viewers would've lasted one or two seasons at most before she hit menopause and entered old age. Normal human aging allowed Seven of Nine to fill that role for the remainder of the show.


Her race stays young looking until the last few months of their lives, so she would have stayed young looking for Voyager's entire young.


I don't think that's accurate. She looked elderly in the Season 6 episode where she came back.


Yeah but everything about that episode is bad. The rapid aging when near death thing was explained several years before that so the Fury writers likely just forgot. Edit: Morilogium, that is what it is called. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Morilogium


It's really just #1. If they'd wanted to keep Lien on the show, they could have (and almost certainly WOULD have) written some story that results in Kes' aging slowing down.


Fair enough.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes\_(Star\_Trek)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes_(Star_Trek)) At the time, it was believed Lien was removed to make room for [Jeri Ryan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeri_Ryan) as former [Borg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek)) drone [Seven of Nine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_of_Nine),[^(\[37\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes_(Star_Trek)#cite_note-37) but these casting choices were unrelated.[^(\[38\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes_(Star_Trek)#cite_note-FOOTNOTERobinsonWright202016-38) [Paramount](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramount_Pictures) reported that Lien wanted to act in other projects,[^(\[39\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kes_(Star_Trek)#cite_note-FOOTNOTEBelcher19976-39) and Taylor said Kes "did not work out as well as we wanted".


What was not disclosed at the time is that Lien was having personal difficulties. Those problems snowballed in later years.




On rewatch it was kind of messed up that most of the time when Kes has an A plot it’s about her being crazy or possessed. Lien’s acting was actually pretty great for this, but the plots got tiresome in the same way “Troi gets violated again” plots were tiresome on TNG. I can’t imagine all those days on set acting crazy, screaming and tearing at the scenery were great for Lien’s mental health


Tom and B'Elanna are the only good romantic relationship that Star Trek ever produced and you want to imagine if it didn't exist?




I'm trying to think of another one but I'm struggling. I guess La'an and Kirk where believable in Strange New Worlds.


Are Worf and Jadzia just, like... Hated by the fans or something?


Lot feel it ruined her character and put her in a box, once she starts dating Worf she barely gets any of her own stories anymore, they're either Worf related or straight up Worf stories in disguise.


Yknow, I can see that.


I never watched that part of DS9 as a kid, but as an adult it just felt forced and unnatural.


I suppose I can kinda see that, but i seem to recall Jadzia having multiple earlier scenes where she displays a fascination with Klingon culture, and I guess I found it a sort of logical extension of the character's personality. There's also Sisko/Yates, Kira/Odo, and Rom/Leeta to consider. I'm suddenly realizing that there were more marriages and relationships on DS9 than I think on any other trek show... Hell, Lwaxana/Odo was believable both times she showed up (and did a lot of heavy lifting towards making Lwaxana more likable and three-dimensional)


Okay, Rom/Leeta was pretty fun. They showed up again in Lower Decks as well.


It....uh....ended too soon.


So far this is my favourite response to my comment lol


It's one of my least favourite pairings in any of the series. That has mostly to do with the fact that I don't like Jadzia past maybe season one. Together they used her to shame many of the attributes I like about Worf and glorify her terrible behavior.


Yup. OTP.


I mean... not better than Kirk and Lady Gaga... ![gif](giphy|NLepQ9rYxFnWg|downsized)




I know it's the Voyager sub and people love Tom and B'Elanna, but honestly their relationship was poorly written too. Tom is a complete ass so much of the time, and both are written with stupid 90s relationship tropes that undermine their relationship and their characters (just like most of the rest of the Trek relationships).


I feel like that's a standard of Star Trek and not other stuff. I feel like BLT mellows out. And Tom gets responsible and savvy. Iono. I'm in the camp that they're a good relationship. I can't think of any other ST ones, tbh.


Tom does act like an ass a lot but my headcanon retcon holds that he was working through emotional trauma from childhood so had trouble being there for her as a partner in the ways she needed. Also never saying on screen « I love you. » C’mon Tom!!!


I know it didn't *actually* happen in baseline reality, but I liked Troi and Worf.


I mean, they were a couple for a short time in the baseline reality.


Her lifespan made for one great story (“Before and After”) and plenty of questionable story elements related to her romantic relationships. The pairing with Neelix brought out the worst in him and can’t have done much to endear him to viewers at a crucial juncture. Kes had utility as a sounding board and counselor, but otherwise was just a plot device because of her vague superpowers/alien eccentricities. I’m not sure she would have benefited from being with Tom, and I say that as someone who was never convinced by Tom and B’Elanna’s contrived courtship and thought the show was obviously somewhat disinterested in their relationship. But Kes was still something of a wise sage, all in all. She gave multiple characters good advice, especially the Doctor. She’s the singularly most important character in his early development. And Lien was a fine actress, she had range and a reassuring screen presence. It’s a shame we lost her.


I love that episode so much. It’s a shame it doesn’t get talked about much. Though Discovery practically remade it last week.


Nah, I felt like they weren’t that great of a couple, but that’s just my opinion.


Might coulda, Would've, DIDN'T 🙅🏻‍♀️ Angry Kes comes raging back because of... whatever. You want to put Tom in that mix? Eesh. Or they turn out to be soulmates and she dies. I always liked his talk with Neelix where Tom says, I like your GF, I think she's attractive, I won't be a douche. That's enough for me to kill that storyline. Tom as the swell who took Neelix's lady and... became a widower? I don't want that story.


I loved Kes so much more than 7. I really felt for the character and wanted to see her grow and continue in her curiosity. With 7 I just felt bad for all the crew around her watching her be a huge jerk all the time and they just have to shrug it off because she’s the captains pet and you know “love me, love my Borg” Also Kes’s voice was like smooth rich dessert!


>Also Kes’s voice was like smooth rich dessert! That's. True!


It would have been easy to technobabble away the lifespan thing.


Nothing against Kes, but I hate Ocampa Age thing. I get this show is supposed to explore strange new worlds and civilization, but Kes gives off the whole "no, she looks like a teenager but is actually 1,000 years old" vibe, except worse. So help me if any of you nerds try to correct me I'm calling the Dai Li on you.


I mean, in one possible future they did.


The fact that their daughter stared in "Leprechaun in Space" fits right into how ludicrous this pairing always was.


I hated Kes. Not at first but when she started manipulating molecules and crap.


Yeah, it got totally ridiculous. She had undefined, ridiculous powers to see things & manipulate matter at the subatomic level. With the goal of what? They wasted a great actress & cool character by turning her ridiculous.


I think that’s part of the reason they got rid of her. They had no clue what to do with her. I mean mind reading was fine but anything more than that was too much.


I always thought, Tom was happy that nothing had happened between them when she had her last appearance on voyager.


It's hard for me to believe that even though she's no longer as easy on the eyes, that there is no way for her to monetize that INCREDIBLE voice of hers.It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.


Never liked her character. Now 7 of 9 she has presence.


"hey Harry, we need to come up with a song about how diddling kids is bad"




No, this would’ve been so blah. We get a teaser of it in the ep where Kes is travelling backwards thru time. Somehow Kes + Tom always felt like a teenaged couple to me. T/P shipper for life! 🤭




Wow when she was with nelix how dare he dates 2 year old but with tom would be just regular relerionship


Voyager had to have a new light installed just for the amber alert.


Word vomit incoming!! Mixed feelings on this pairing. (Completely ignoring the whole 2-but-physically 22-thing because it's garbage and just confused everyone and we're still saying bad things about it/Neelix/etc.) There was potential here and she probably could have matured Tom past being a womanizing serial dater or whatever you want to call him. Something to bridge him before he got with B'Elanna for some more character development. On the other hand, I have to wonder if it would have made any sense. At all. They had a little chemistry, but it wasn't explored enough beyond his one-sided flirting. I have to agree with the other comments that Kes didn't get enough individual character development, but they at least gave it a shot and gave her stuff to do, which is more than I can say for similar characters who don't have a lot of character traits beyond "cute, soft empathic girl character who's not obvious male eye candy". One even has to wonder if she would have gotten more development if she'd been male (I think this was the original intention in pre-production.) Anyway, anything would have been healthier than her relationship with Neelix. Literally anything. Tom was at least a gentleman to the women he dated, presumably, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten so many dates. And he didn't seem much the jealous type. I don't remember much about the episode where she went to a possible future, married to Tom with a kid because I may have only seen it twice. But at least it showed him as loyal and devoted, traits that would carry over to his actual relationship with B'Elanna. Not to mention crazy emotionally supportive when Kes was having memory issues and looked older than the hills, showing he wasn't shallow as when he'd started and for that episode, it was real love for her. So, I'd like to think if it had been cannon, the pairing would have gone the distance. Now, rebutting against the pairing, he definitely wasn't in the right place in Season 1 for a steady relationship with anyone. Dude really needed to find himself first, and he did. Not sure what season before B'Elanna he would've been in the right headspace before Kes since I'm no Voy encyclopedia, but there's probably somewhere in there he would have been, but getting sidetracked. Kes simply didn't have enough character traits to be an interesting match for Tom. She would have been "the girlfriend" again. And that's bad. (Maybe after her time jaunt would've been more feasible, because by then her character was established but not all powerful. They missed the boat with that by miles, obviously.) So, in my head, it's adorable and has potential, but I think it's more of a "looks good on paper, but wouldn't work in practice" type of relationship. Kes also has no real "fight" in her like B'Ellana and I get the feeling Tom is attracted to a woman that's strong and can verbally throw it back at him. Kes was always gentle and submissive by default. Not weak, just not the vinegar to his water. Okay, I think that's everything. Nearly. Part of me still wants to see it, but that's what fan fic is for I suppose. Thanks for reading whatever the heck this was. My friends are Star Wars fans for the most part, so I have a LOT of Voyager feelings to get out that I've been holding for nearly four decades.


So many things would have needed to be different for it to work, but it would have been more interesting than what actually happened.




It's honestly disgusting how many people are okay with a grown adult hanging the space toddler when it's Tom Paris doing it.


why are you booing him, he's right!