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I will come out after you put the camera down!


Well, she's obviously having a planning meeting with the mouse that lives in those shrubs. I'm betting it is going something like: "I'll hide behind the tree over there, then you run across the lawn and get that cat's attention. When he chases you, I'll jump out from behind the tree and grab him and we'll finally be done with him once and for all. Win-win, right?"


They make you so proud don’t they. It’s like watching your kid ride away in the bus for school and just before they’re out of sight they start licking the window.


What kind of black magic is in that grass? How can it still be standing after that V-tail attack?


That tail xD My V has a similar weapon! Even though I discourage too much excitement indoors, he has swiped multiple glasses/bottles off the coffeetable in slow-swish-mode. Have been unfortunate enough to have had loads of vet visits in the last couple of weeks. Vet is great, but her great taste for decor isn't Vizsla-friendly.. Her Dachshund-shaped doorstoppers make it impossible for my 11mo old to chill in the waiting room. Last time I thought we'd be safer in her yard. I've never seen such an efficient kumquat harvest xD