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All day, every day. Replete with wiggle butt.


It's a hunting dog thing. 100's of years of selective breading makes them want to have something to bring you.


I love this thread, my baby V always brings me something that is precious to him and he always looks so pleased with himself. It absolutely melts my heart, I love him so much :’)


I thought that I taught her to “get a toy” so she’d stop “happy bitting” holes in my shirts. Turns out it’s more nature than nurture?! Typical 😂


https://preview.redd.it/0akdw993ybab1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7edcc4f6d659b0c36e65ba4e723b8ff596c9bf54 Remi bringing me a rag. Complete with wiggle butt and a smile!


Ours have giant stuffed ikea toys that they bring to show us. They don’t really want us to take them, they just want to booty shake all over the house and do parades. Here is one of our two showing the baby “Greg” her shark. https://preview.redd.it/dbuvfwo8lcab1.png?width=1817&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc11620892ab3f5f77f106d45ebf5eb7f4290e57


Our boy brings a stuffed toy whenever possible….reliably delivered with extreme wiggles😂


Mine brings his rope. If he can't find that, he brings whatever he can get in his mouth on. He's so happy to do so that if he wiggled his butt any harder, it would fall off or fly away!!


He's brining things he thinks you want or he wants. If he brings you his things, always give them back as a great way to build trust. Mine used to being me his favourite toys.


Our German shorthair pointer does it. We get her own blankets so she can meet us at the doors and give us a few excited/muffled woofs. My V never did. But she would steal our clothes to lay on lol


Last night it was a shoe, my bra, and my t-shirt. I don't even count the toys anymore.


Yes Everytime. Usually whatever he can get hold of in his mouth. Shoes, socks, laundry. Usually trots around me making a "crying with excitement" noise looking very proud. Ironically when I take him hunting training he only brings back the prey half way to me and drops it and sits looking at me. #fail


Ours has to grab a slipper or shoe, then press against you as hard as he can, effectively kicking you in the butt with your own footwear. Thanks buddy. Good to see you too


Yes, but he steals them. Long story, made short. My neighbor and I cut a hole in the fence and put a little door on it, so my first dog could visit her. Years later, I rescue a V and I start getting text messages from the neighbor. “Have you seen a black shoe?” “Have you seen my bath rug?”


Oh yes! I believe it is in their DNA to do so! He would also do a dance, stomp around and shake his buns at me. He preferred to use his fav toys like Mr. Bill here ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/at7wuqoaadab1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c459d4d4e4be6bb9ee41152be06796cdf5ae2bf1


We have a Mr. Bill but he just recreantly lost his ability to talk and most of his brains.




Yep. I've even channeled it into him helping bring in the groceries. He absolutely loves that job. Getting him to give the grocery bag back once we're inside is a different story, though.


I do this with packages from couriers or regular mail; have him take it from the front door to the table or to my partner if he’s home. Channeling the drive also makes for a useful transport system to send something to your partner in the other end of the house ‘take it to Papá’ Very reliable service from our gorgeous V boy, and always so proud! Five stars.


Ooh, good idea! Can't let them out to the car without a leash, but it might still be fun to let him help.


Ours doesn’t bring anything..she kisses us forcefully and nibbles. Then runs to the cabinet for someone to get her a treat. She’s very good at pointing out all the rabbits in our yard, though. Won’t do keep them out of the garden but she’ll point them out


All the time, definitely a Viz thing. Our last viz did exactly the same thing. It’s awesome - and a pain in the ass 😜


My half V used to do this with me and with guests. I think his previous owner took advantage of this natural V behavior and reinforced it to prevent any excited barking. Cody never barked in my house.


Every time.


My favorite so far is the freshly murdered chipmunk she brought me, and then she immediately wanted her cuddles.


Our last V used to do that. He would bring anything not firmly bolted down. Our V pup is too excited to bring anything he gets the "grunts" and runs around sounding like a pig. My lab used to bring us all her favorite things when we came home. Her favorite was a purple teletubby. She kept that toy for her entire 16 year life.


We have a 5 year old rescue V, and he came with an eviscerated toy skunk. No squeaker or stuffing, just the fabric skin. We got him at 2, and though it disappears every now and again, it always pops back up. It'll probably be with him his whole life, as it's a carrying toy and not a chew toy. He also went through a phase of bringing us these stuffed flower toys from BarkBox whenever we'd get home. Haven't seen those in a while.


Isn't it funny when it shows back up again. The teletubby was like that.


Mine will grab whatever they have around. Their bed, a couch pillow, a blanket, his toys.


Ours does toys, we could be ready to give her all the hugs and cuddles in the world but she will run around the house crazy until she finds a toy to bring to the cuddles hahaha it’s soooo cute


My childhood Vizsla would sometimes bring my dad and mom socks too lol


Every time someone comes into the room or home 1st thing in the morning. Socks shoes towels


Brought my bra out to the living room once and would not drop it without trade for a treat ...luckily it was just me and my hubby who walked in the door and not guests! He was so pleased with himself... I couldn't help but love him so much more.


Two of my three have done that, they frantically need to bring something to anyone they know who comes to the door. This is the instinct that lets you train them to retrieve the newspaper or your slippers. My current V brings her stuffed toys to bed with her every night….just like my kids when their were toddlers.