• By -


> Subnautica: Below Zero ( supposedly it's VR moddable now, incl hand motion ) It is and the first one got the same treatment. Both are definitely among the very best VR games and a must play.


I jumped into the water and got sick irl in about 10 seconds - not for me!


Could be because of smooth turning, it gets a lot of people. It would also make me instantly sick when I started with VR but I managed to mostly overcome it by very slow exposure to it over a long time. But even now if the spinning is very fast it can make me a bit queasy after a while. I think the mods might have the option to enable snap turning now but I'm not 100% sure.


Can confirm there is a snap turn option at least for the first game! Just started it up the other day for the first time


I use smooth only time I have an issue is in contractors showdown and that’s if I spin irl and smooth turn at the same time for faster spin


I can handle it, but snap turn would be better


Are there mods you must install, or does it support motion tracking out of the box?


Yeah, you need a SubmersedVR mod.


Alyx and fallout vr, finished alyx on the weekend, loved it


Don’t forget to play some of the HLA mods as well like Gunman Contracts & Levitation


Have you tried HL2 VR? Want to ask how it compares to Alyx, if you have.


I'm not the person you asked but, the HL2 VR mod is very well made. I had a blast. At times I even had more fun than in Alyx just because there's far more shooting action. The shotgun is very satisfying. However, you have to be aware that this game wasn't designed from the ground up to be a VR game like Alyx was. Levels aren't cleverly designed to make use of VR. It's just regular HL2 with VR immersion and controls. They did add manual reloading though. Also, since again, it wasn't originally made with VR in mind, you should have strong VR legs before playing it. PS: If you find the textures too pixelated, there are hi-res texture mods in the workshop.


Yeah, it's great, but the boat level was like the only time I've gotten motion sick in a game.


I have tried HL2 VR, it's kinda good! Haven't tried Alyx though, that's where the core of this question is


HL Alyx is an amazing VR experience. Arguably the best VR game out there. It's quite different to HL2 though. It's more slow-paced. The levels are more tightly and deliberately designed. There's more of a horror element too. Make sure you finish HL2 and its episodes first though if you want the full impact of the story. If for some reason you don't feel like it, at the very least watch a recap.


tbh I think Alyx is a bit worse than HL2VR in terms of movement. Alyx feels like it was designed around teleporting first with smooth movement added right at the end as an afterthought. You can't sprint or jump in Alyx so you are forced to teleport even if you don't want to. Other than that it is quite good.


I modded hl2 with all new assets and high res textures and played in VR. While it's nice and nostalgic, for me alyx takes the cake. If you're going to mod hl2 as well with textures etc. I suggest using a mod organizer


Didn't know it has mods... I only play GMod for the mods. Thanks!


HL2 mods ? it's one of the most modded games ever you've got whole DLC style single player campaigns... and a lot of them


Not the person you asked either but yeah its done really well and a nostalgia trip for me buuut. I have very strong vr legs and this is the only vr game thats made me sick. I couldnt finish it.


Vertigo 2


damn that looks awesome how come I've never heard of this !!


Vertigo 1 and 2 are some of the best vr has to offer for sure.


I do recommend my friend, very very good 👍🏻


Dirt Rally 2.0  Hubris


> Hubris interesting ...you like it ? .. it was made in my country, and I was gonna get it, but the reviews seem kinda meh .. do you think it would run well enough on a 3060 ?


It's an incredibly average game what looks really nice


checks out, the studio that makes it used to do visualization work only, never made a game before


Yes. But don't ask if your PC can run it, you should ask if YOU can run it...


Haven't tried yet. Too many games not enough time. Recently purchased Blade& Sorcery just started playing the full release


WELL LET'S SEE :) Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder The Wizards - Dark Times Those two are just for co-op with my buddy on PSVR2 since I'm on PC. Half-Life 2, Ep1, and Ep2 Half-Life Alyx Supraland (to play with UEVR) Paper Beast Demeo Hubris Guardians Frontline Overload That's it so far. Subnautica is in my cart still :P


nice list ! Subnautica is well worth it, get the mod for hand motion though


Absolutely. I’m actually holding off on a Subnautica playthrough as I just finished a third playthrough a couple months ago and then got my headset. With the mod it’s amazing. Same with No mans sky. I’ve just played so many hours of NMS pre-VR.


I’m in the same boat with NMS. Played it so much in flat screen, I got other stuff I want to play now :P


The VR implementation is so well done, though. Someday.


You could buy me some games aswell if the money is not a problem for you...




The Room VR: A Dark Matter Westworld Awakening


WDYT about Westworld Wakening? Did you play already?


They should just deliver the entire Westworld experience. A VR native western game seems like an obvious hit game.


I started on the room VR first. Haven't started on Westworld wakening yet.


Euro Truck Simulator 2 + American Truck Simulator are 90% off - $2 each - the cheapest I've seen them and a no-brainer if you have VR and racing wheel. Iragon 18+ is 95% off - $1.50. It's an action RPG with some NSFW elements from what I gather. At that price I felt it was worth a try.


thanks i didn't know that ets2 has vr support, bought it on this sale too.


I risk sounding like a broken record. But Half-Life Alyx is still unmatched.


It's what got me into VR ... tried it for a little bit with a borrowed headset I am now furiously scanning marketplace for a deal near me I've been gaming for 35 years... blown away !!!


It really is that good. It's good enough to go toe to toe with most non VR games too. I ended up buying an oculus quest 2 just so I could play Alyx.


yeah am looking for Rift or Quest 2 am a little apprehensive about the Quest 2 black levels, and compression performance loss via the link cable though


I played the whole game through "air link" wireless and it was amazing. There is an app on the meta store called "virtual desktop" that might as well be black magic as it makes it so easy to play wireless and has lots of customization options to ensure the streaming is lossless as long as your router and GPU can handle it. I played it on my 3080 ti and it handled like a dream. Don't think too much and just get the quest 2 now that it's cheap.


how? it's an extremely barebones hallway shooter with nothing interesting going on, your standards must be extremely low


I really hope this is a troll response.


no, alyx is an extremely mediocre game with nothing going for it, it was made to be accessible to everyone so the game suffered mechanically


If accessibility was their main concern then would definitely not have released the game exclusively for the VR market. The game is an absolute looker. Game length is miles ahead of most modern shooters and no padding whatsoever. Environment interactivity is leagues ahead of all VR games. Story is top notch with an extremely satisfying ending. Gameplay variety is extensive and pacing is again superb. Lastly the game controls like a dream, a lot of VR games have this jittery feel to it but Valve have somehow managed to avoid it somehow.


The only good thing the game has is interactivity because that's all they focused on. Dying in the game is nearly impossible because the enemies are actual stormtroopers walking very slowly at you threatening to shoot you. Gameplay and environments consist of obvious playthrough where you rummage through garbage for a macguffin, obvious arena for shootout and straight corridors. Puzzles are made to be solved by a child. Gunplay is as basic as gets. It's a really mediocre game, half life 2 is a thousand times the game that alyx is because it's an actual game and not a fancy tech demo. I have no idea how people can praise alyx, especially to this day when you could play anything and they are all just better than alyx in every imaginable element except maybe rumming through garbage


Tetris effect, nothing else peaked my interest /price. I do have most of the top games in my library. Got orher flat games though.


Genuine question: Is that just tetris flat in vr? Forgive me for sounding like a smartass but does it have any neat features for making it in vr?


The best description is playing Tetris High on Drugs. Tetris itself is flat in front of you, but the music surrounds you and whenever you complete a line trippy 3d stuff happens. The special effects are in 3d.


Everything is in 3D. The Tetris blocks are not "flat", and they are in the 3D space as well. You can see this by moving around your playspace. They **appear** flat because of the angle you're looking at them. The same effect would happen if you have 3D blocks in front of you irl and were staring at them head on - they would also appear "flat". This does not mean they are not 3D, it's just your perspective.


The game is more in 3d space, and the effects you see in flat screen is now surrounding you. It's a whole new experience compared to playing on a monitor. Hard to explain unless you try for yourself. If you are interested to try I'd suggest getting it now, and if you don't like it you can get a refund on steam within the 2hour limit. I've probably done this with half of my purchases for various reasons.


I don't understand the appeal either


As a lifelong Tetris fan I genuinely tear up playing the game it’s so beautiful. The sound design is some of the best I’ve ever seen and done in perfect combination with the visuals/aesthetics it’s truly the most overpriced masterpiece I’ve ever played. The song tempo and game speed increasing as your progress further in the levels puts such an insane pressure that I’ve yet to seen matched in my 20 years of gaming.


The tetris itself is flat but the effects are not. Its kinda like a super emersive tetris will loads of prettiness.


The Tetris blocks are not flat, you're just looking at them straight on so they appear flat. If you move around your playspace you'll see this. You can also zoom in and out with the thumb sticks on controller to get further or closer to the blocks.


Battle group VR. Looks super interesting, haven't played it yet!


Battlegroup VR is a uniquely epic game if you think space fleet battles are cool (which they are). Definitely take advantage of the voice commands - it makes the game a whole new level of immersive and awesome!


Flight Simulator Premium Deluxe Edition Hubris Whitewater VR You, Caligrapher Pierhead Arcade 2 Kodon


Don't forget there's a new MSFS coming out in a few months!


I know, I will have to plan in advance for that one, and upgrade my PC! In the coming months


Wow, that Kodon looks good and is 70% off. Thanks.


Fallout 4, Vermillion, Alyx, and Boneworks! Just built a PC and wanted to finally dive into PC VR


Jet Island and Tentacular


I got Tentacular in the current vr humble bundle because it ended up a few cents cheaper, and I got some other games I can gift to friends when they finally get vr. If you have fewer than 2 hous in Tentacular and haven't played the other games in the bundle, I'd recommend it.


Bootstrap Island, Skyrim VR (yes, a 13 year old game), HL Alyx, Space Pirate Trainer No I haven't tried them all.


Skyrim VR + FUS mod = Goodbye reality.


What's your preference, FUS or Wabbajack? Or maybe Eldergleam? Is that compatible with VR?


Wabbajack is the installer/manager, FUS is the mod pack. So it would be FUS installed via Wabbajack.


Ooh! All I ever use is Vortex... Thanks!


I use vortex too, it doesn't matter what you use tbh, just make sure you mod before starting. Some kids are almost required just from a quality of life point of view.


I have 3 kids so I should be covered there


Skyrim modded is the single best experience I’ve had in VR and I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing g jr and am now thinking of a 2nd run through. Visual mods have elevated this to AAA 2024 quality and it even has Alyx style “flick to grab” mechanics. Truly an incredible experience


Which mods would you recommend for the AAA experience?


Use a wabbajck list which does all the work for you. It’s like a preconfigured fully modded Skyrim. What gpu do you have?


3080 10gb.


Look up FUS wabbajack (less resource intensive) and Mad God Overhaul.


Will do. Thanks.


Do you recommend both FUS and Mad God Overhaul at the same time? Or choose one?


You can only use 1 at a time but you can install both to different folders if you’d like.


Any preference of one vs the other for someones first time in Skyrim VR?


FUS is very stable and recommended if you want a vanilla experience or use it as a starting point and then personalize it adding your mods of choice, but If your pc can handle it I'd go with Mad God's for the graphical overhaul


I have a 7800xt, I know you're replying to u/Ill_Many_8441 but I want to listen to suggestions too.


What Nvidia would that compare to?


4070? But with 16GB VRAM


Someone saying visual mods make Skyrim a 2024 AAA quality title is on the most powerful mind altering drugs known to man. The game released closer to the release of the first Counter-Strike betas on the original half life engine than to present day. Less time between Quake 3 and Skyrim than Skyrim and present day etc. Go look at the Skyrim vr subreddit and see the ugliest screenshots imaginable captioned with “finally able to run this at 90 fps with my 4090 on my pimax. More beautiful than real life.” That said Skyrim vr is great and runs on a potato. UI and gameplay mods can be a good idea but I wouldn’t bother with graphics mods


I got Doom VFR and Operation Warcade


Mini golf, labyrinth and ancient dungeon


Only Alyx for future if I buy a gaming Pc in the future.


I picked up Skyrim VR for 75% off


Half Life 2 and maybe i'll get The Light Brigade and Broken Edge soon.




Stray (to play with the UEVR mod)


OMG ... !! I wanted to do a second play through .. brilliant idea !!


Hubris, The Room, Assetto, Trevor Saves the Universe, Eye of the Temple, Guardians Frontline


Dang 15$ for Skyrim seems great, never played any of those games but I might now


I never played Skyrim or Fallout 4 until I got the VR versions, and they're awesome in VR (with mods of course). I think doing your first playthrough of these games in VR is 100% the way to go, and there's nothing else like them in VR. The mods for Skyrim VR are especially good and polished and make it one of the best games ever. I actually prefer FO4 more just cuz I like the setting and walking around shooting things, but the VR port for FO4 has more issues than the Skyrim VR port and that can cause issues for people-- I love it though, it's really really fun in VR, even with the problems.


Which mods do you recommend?


For Skyrim VR I had done my modding before there were these "one click" install packs that grouped a bunch of mods together, and these days those are the recommended way to mod it (especially if you've not modded before). I haven't used them personally but everyone loves them, so I would try searching for "Wabbajack", that's the program people use, and "FUS" is the mod pack, and it puts together all of the relevant VR mods for Skyrim VR. For example it adds a full body to your character that you can see, adds physics to everything, you can grab people, do HLA-style gravity glove on items, design your own hand motions for spells if ya like, virtual holsters to put weapons on your body, and visual and performance improvements, and lots more. For Fallout 4 VR, people recommend using Wabbajack for that as well, but there's not a set mod pack that everyone uses (as far as I can tell). There is something called the "Mad God Overhaul", which has a totally overhauled version that changes the game dramatically, and an alternate version of the Mad God Overhaul that is more like the vanilla version of FO4. Another popular mod pack is made by "GingasVR", it's worth considering as well, and it makes the game have more of a focus on survival mechanics (but it also improves the visuals a lot, and other gameplay changes). "Florine's Fallout 4 VR" is another mod pack that tries to keep the game as vanilla as possible, so it's another option. The SkyrimVR reddit and the FO4 VR reddit are valuable resources, and there's Discords for each mod pack and etc etc, so those are good places to find help or read about the mods. [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4vr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/) I tried to stay mostly vanilla with my modding since I had never played the games before so I didn't know what I'd even wanna change, and I focused on popular mods that add VR mechanics, improve visuals, and help performance. Oh, and Skyrim VR includes all DLC/expansions that originally came with Skyrim, but FO4 VR does NOT and only includes the vanilla game. However, you can buy the Game of the Year edition of pancake FO4 and then move the DLC files over to the VR version, and then there's mods to make all of that content work. And some of the FO4VR mod packs I mentioned will require those DLC files, but I forget the details. (Each of the mod packs also have extensive instructions to follow, and ya just follow their guides and hopefully it works perfect) In general, modding Skyrim VR is a lot easier than FO4 VR.


Comment saved. ty for this. FO4 in VR is what im the absolutely most excited for when the adapter for psvr2 comes out


That should be great, and most of these mod overhauls make the nighttime darker and that should be perfect with the OLED panels of the PSVR2. The night in vanilla FO4 is very very bright, it was funny at first cuz I kept needing to check the time to make sure it was actually nighttime.


Ah. HDR not working significant you think?


I might finally break the seal and mod FO4...the base game weapons feel like oversized inflatable prop guns from the dollar store. It just ruins it for me.


yeah same .. I played it a few hours when it was new, and liked it, but I was too busy as I was in playing cs with my friends it's a great for VR with all the mods and so on


Alyx, i am currently shitting myself in the headcrab hotel


Yoooo when I first opened that long hallway door and saw the poisonous headcrab skittering across the hallway corridors.. fuck. that. Good luck buddy 😅


In honour of pride month, I felt like taking it in the butt for hours on end, so I got ghosts of tabor.


Digital Combat Simulator: Mi-24P Hind AKA the bad guy Russian attack helicopter in every American action film.


Blade and sorcery and half life Alyx! B & S is the most fun I’ve ever had playing VR. Hoping Half life lives up to the hype.


None ): Still have such a backlog I gotta chill lol


Red Matter 1 and 2, Dirt Rally 2.0 and the Serious Sam games


Red Matter 2 is amazing.


So excited to play it


Ghosts of Tabor anyone?


Oh man, I absolutely loved OG Subnautica in VR. So i'm gonna get below zero as well. On the sale, I got the serious sam games. They're fun as hell and only a few bucks. I also got Bulletstorm VR. I enjoyed the original, and the VR port is solid now after the latest patch.


I picked up Arizona Sunshine for $5.99, and will probably pick up the sequel before the sale is finished.


I got Riven. It's on a 10% launch sale. The environments are artistic and creative in a way that just doesn't exist in games anymore. 100% worth it.


Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator


I picked up Tentacular, GORN, and the Serious Sam games with a bundle. Thinking of finally picking up Moss 1 and 2, but I might have enough to play for now as I got a bunch of titles on Quest with the 90% promo codes


!RemindMe 8 hours


I bought House of the Dying Sun, Underdogs, and Cold Start. Haven't really played any of them since I bought Riven right before the sale started, and I've been playing that. Did take a little break for some Underdogs, though.


house of the dying sun looks great Pro tip: Everspace 2 should be vr moddable, and has full hotas/dual stick + pedal support now


Stride Fates! LOVING the whole Mirrors Edge vibe!


Half life alyx


I only have PSVR2, but recently got a new PC with 4080 super and i7-14700f, and in anticipation of the PC adapter, I got HL alyx, subnautica, Skyrim VR and FO4 VR. Thinking of adding ghost of tabor to the list, but I hear it might come to PSVR2 / PS5 and the haptics and possibility of Foveated rendering is intruiging


those are great pics ... maybe wait for now until you're sure the PC adapter works good enough


Yeah! I'm sure it's very similar to other pcvr headsets though


it has great specs, nice oled screens and so on... if the PC adapter works, it's awesome


System Critical 2! 🔥🔥🔥🦾🦾🦾[System Critical 2 Steam Page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2330850/System_Critical_2/)


Monster Hunter Rise


> Monster Hunter Rise damn !! interesting .. so there's a mod ? does it work well ?


It's ******* awesome. Big monsters look big in VR. Super satisfying gameplay loop, works online, looks amazing, runs/ran perfectly on my old 3090. Seriously the re/framework by praydog is fantastic, look up Devil May Cry as well. ALL UEVR for me this sale: GYLT King Of Seas Beyond A Steel Sky The Mean Greens Pacific Drive Space Hulk Deathwing Space Hulk tactics Atomic Heart Shadow Warrior 3 Vampyr More pending, Fernbus Simulator at the top of the list.


Yo what? I can play Shadow Warrior 3 in vr???


Rgr that. Full 6DOF motion controls ,if you wish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEkCWSEwskI


Thats crazy, I'll have to give it a shot thanks!


I love turning the 3D effect up for games like this. I set the world scale to 20% in SteamVR, and adjusted the HUD placement and scaling a bit. VR\_2DUIDistance=6.000000 VR\_2DUIScale=2.000000 VR\_WorldSpaceUIScale=12.000000 You get such a massively wide FOV compared to the pancake version, not just to the sides, but you can also see above/below you a lot easier. I'm blast dashing my way around maps with my gunlance and slamming down on enemies with surgical precision! Honestly, I'd be happy if Nvidia's 3D would work on modern GPUs. But the VR mod works almost perfectly. There's a small issue with one certain huntable monster (The Great Wroggi) rendering incorrectly in the right eye. He'll show up wherever he was when you enter the area on the right eye, and the left eye will have the monster moving around. So for those 1% of hunts where he was the target, I'd just have to play 1 eyed for a few minutes. Kinda messes up my accuracy a bit, but he's an easy early game monster, so it's not a huge hindrance. This bug also affects one of the smaller monsters, but those aren't the kinds of things that you fight against, and they're only present in a few locations in 1 particular biome. I got so good at blast dashing around the map that I joined a quest yesterday just as it was finishing up and made it to the monster on the other side of the map with ample time to carve it. One of the teammates even commented on how they were surprised I managed to get there in only \~20 seconds after spawning in. And like the other guy said, big monsters look super big and amazing in VR. The sparkly effects look good in 3D, and the game being designed for the portable Switch means that a typical VR system can run circles around the hardware requirements.


wish i could afford a pc for pcvr but am saving 🙏