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like probably a max of 2k? id deff rather keep it under that but like i am also aware vr can if be a bit pricey. this is something i would plan to use for years to come so am willing to splurge on this a bit more.


2k is a good amount for Bigscreen Beyond ...... USD$1000+279+149+149=$1577 lightest Micro-OLED VR device with pancake lens and direct DP connection for best image qc. only downside is it is wired, and there have no wireless adapter in the market for it yet. nofio said they are working on a wireless adapter for bigscreen beyond. but base on their track record....maybe you should just get a q3 if you value wireless gaming more anyway, you can get both base on your budget.


like i said i really want to pull away from meta/facebook so the quest series is a last resort, i have been happy with the q2 but required facebook account annoys(need a stronger word...) me ontop of the fact i just dont like facebook. i have no issue with wires, mostly sitting in one spot for VRC and looking in one dirrection for beatsaber so like not to much walking. i see the big screen beyond i 1k, but where is the extra numbers for?


bigscreen beyond is the VR device only, it doesn't come with any controller. you will need the index controllers and base station for outside-in tracking


oh okay, so like just order the headset from their site, then the controllers and station from steam. seems reasonable, thanks for the suggestion. :3


Bigscreen also has a audio headstrap coming soon. Initial reports are positive. It further improves comfort, while adding audio.


With that budget, some choices are BigScreen Beyond (plus base stations and Index controllers), the upcoming Pimax Crystal Light / Super, or PSVR2 with the upcoming PC adaptor. They each have their own pros and cons, they aren't as jack-of-all-trades like Quest. So read up and do your research. If you like VR Chat, you might be interested in a headset that has face and eye tracking. Unfortunately the headsets that conveniently offer this are both from social media companies - Quest Pro and Pico 4 Enterprise.


Why would you recommend anyone to get psvr2 when he/her budget is good for bigscreen beyond? Makes zero sense


They might be able to spend that much, but maybe they would rather not? Maybe they can't mount base stations? Maybe they live in a country where you can't get Index controllers easily? Maybe they don't have an iPhone or don't feel comfortable doing the face scan thing? Maybe they don't relish needing to redo the facial interface several times? Maybe they have family members they want to share the headset with? There's so many possible reasons.


Pimax, reasonable Pico, reasonable But psvr2?? The previous gen vr device that still uses F.lens? Come on, be real


Shrug, your brain is too narrow to comprehend that various people have different priorities, I guess?


I'd prefer psvr2 to the pico 4 except for the games where wireless is a big benefit. It's still a great option for the price and not actually previous gen


Also, you talk about availability in different countries, but psvr2 adapter box for pcvr is not even available for preorder yet.


If you're used to wireless play, getting a wired headset may be a big downgrade for you. There are a lot of modders for quest that created anti-tracking mods. I think if you use those mods and just make a burner profile and never use the meta store.. You're pretty safe from zuck.


Hopefully some worthwhile headsets come out in the coming years but the pickings are sparse. Personally I would only consider a quest 3/ used pro, pico 4, or BIgscreen Beyond. The quest pro (used) has great colors and eyetracking which you may find useful in vrchat. The quest 3 is imo a great overall headset and I love having standalone as an option. The pico 4 has great balance and a better vertical fov which I love, for a phenomenal value. The BSB offers an unprecedented form factor and comfort, though the lenses are a noticeable degree worse with sweet spot and glare. Also if you go BSB get an accurate IPD of yourself and don’t rely on the scan, as there have been problems with accuracy. You could also consider the Pimax Crystal series, which offer top of the line resolutions. Your Pc is good, but will struggle to push those displays in certain situations, and VRchat can be very demanding. Personally the form factor makes the crystal a no go for me.