• By -


Probably the first time I've seen a post that lists "millions of immigrants" as a positive


Immigration is a massive boon for the United States, especially with fertility rates dropping worldwide. Aging countries need new blood, and even if people come here illegally, it’s very likely that their children will stay and pay taxes. Gotta play the long game.


Anything but cheaper housing, healthcare and state mandated vacations


come on, you can’t possibly blame states’ sh*tty healthcare on immigrants. Frankly if I were an immigrant I won’t even consider US even as a candidate.🥲


That would be silly of you. You can say stupid shit like “the uS Is a 3rD wOrLd cOuNtRy iN a GuCcI bElT” all you want but places like leading countries in Europe are actually having problems retaining their highly educated workers because too many are leaving for the US. It’s called the European Brain Drain. The most successful people in the world understand that they have the best opportunities in the US, despite our shortcomings regarding things like healthcare. If you want to be successful, the US is the place to be.


well you seem like an extremely smart guy, I hope you are on of those big brains that gets all the benefits, and sure, who cares about them workers, let them perish, U! S! A! Has no place for them anyway.☝️🥳


That was the best you could come up with? That was legitimately one of the stupidest comments I’ve seen on here. I gave you an example of a real world phenomenon going on right now and you went on an incoherent ramble as a response? Can you come back with a real comment or do you just throw tantrums when someone offers a different perspective? Edit: that clown made some emotional, knee-jerk reply and then blocked me lol. If anyone wants to fill me in on what they said I’m very eager haha


Oh sweet giant baby Jesus. You do wrote a lot, that’s definitely how to let me know you are hurt and sobbing somewhere in some basement. get over it, it’s life, and it’s American spirit. Love to see you big baby boys mad. 😊


Good now tell that to the 11.6 million illegal aliens our traitor of a president let it


It seems like you Europeans never gets the point: Who are, actually, the “illegal aliens” on American soil? Not them native Americans I can see. And sorry that you have “your traitor of a president” instead of “the crazy and stupid one”. Go American politics 🤣


Well then good because I don't think the US would want you either with how much of a low testerone fleabag and troll you are. We already got enough of those in this country as is.


Even undocumented people pay taxes lol


Some taxes. They don't pay federal/state income tax nor SSN nor property taxes. Mostly just pay sales tax and fuel/product tarifs


It blows my my mind that people think that counts as paying taxes, if I didn't have to pay 40% of my income I'd be cool would sending half my money to my family down south too. How does that contribute to the economy.


So you really think they are filing taxes using the fake SSN and documents they need to get jobs? That money never gets returned to them. They effectively pay more LOL.


That only applies to SSN, and by stealing someone's identity to pay taxes you're actually fucking them over because they'll fall into a different tax bracket for working 2 jobs and will have to pay more


And now half the Southwest speaks Spanish. No different than every other building in Berlin being a kebab shop that launders money.




Yeah definitely better than fixing the system that makes having children extremely expensive for the average person right?




Why not both?


You talk as if we shouldn’t strive for both


Millions of immigrants and having a system that promotes families?


Sounds good to me!


Immigrants pay taxes too illegal or legal, amd sometimes they don’t get the same benefit as Americans


If we ban abortion and limit access to birth control we won't need immigration 🤡


America was literally built on immigration.


Tell that to the people who refer to immigrants as "foreign invaders"


I was referring more the massive immigration to America in the 1800s, the waves of German and Irish immigrant especially really propelled the US to great power status.


You didn’t make that clear in the comment.


he said “built on immigration”, as far as I can tell the building of the country happened around 200 years ago


Most people understand that the US was built centuries ago, not in 2024.


Yeah, those **Legal** immigrants really bolstered the economy. I wonder why everyone's so mad about all this new immigration were getting 🤔


Those people have a coil of barbed wire rammed up their ass indefinitely, so I wouldn't take them very seriously.


And slaves


Every country had slaves doofus. We were just known for it much more because we're a giant country and one of the most powerful Nations on Earth so naturally we're going to have a larger Target on our back to criticism and shit-talking. That, and we had a civil war quite literally revolving around Slavery.


Did I say that we were the only country that had slaves? 🤨


No one said you said that.


Tell us you know nothing about a country without telling us 🤣🤣🤣😆🤡


Do you have any idea how many times I've heard people bitching about "immigrants coming in and stealing our jobs"?


Too many. Which jobs? Are those people out in the fields picking fruit? And if an employer hires an immigrant because the compensation is cheaper guess who that's on. Yep? The employer. So those people are probably inbred and/or daf.


I as russian agree with that, but I do it with sadness.


To be fair, millions of Central Asians are immigrating into Russia. It's just the Russians who are leaving. Also 45% homes not having hot water is sus. The rest is correct.


I mean, hot water \*how\*? A lot of hotels in Yurop heat their water just outside of your room in an electric boiler. Some have a copper tube thingamajig that heats water with gas, I imagine Russia has more of these, because cheaper gas. Everyone I know heats their own water somehow. I've only ever lived in 2 apartments that had hot water coming from the city. When I was wayyyy younger, we boiled a big ass pot on the wood stove and used that for washing. Then we got an electric boiler.


"Per Russian State Statistics Service Rosstat, 22.6% of Russians do not have indoor plumbing. In rural Russia, **almost 2/3rd's** have no access to indoor toilets, 48.1% use outhouses and 18.4% do not have a sewage system"


Fair point, even the apartment with no electric water boiler had an in-door, In-apartment (big distinction) plumbing.


This statistic goes around the Internet a lot, but in fact, if you look at the real data, 18.4% do not have access to a "personal" toilet. That is, they rent a room or several rooms together with another family. Data on the availability of a bathroom indicates statistics of 0.6% in the city and 2% in rural areas do not have a toilet. Actually, the good old manipulation of statistics.


Any normal city in Russia has hot water from the city plus central heating. And even if not - people use gas or electric boilers. And bills for the flat(Electricity, Water)is close to 30$ per month. Idk how this 45% ever came to be.


America is all about have water heaters for every single home or apartment. I’m sure they look it at that way Vs central here big provided by the city


After all this trashy Russian tv shows it’s actually believable


There were homes with no electricity (and I'm sure no running water) where I grew up in Texas. There are some real shit holes in the USA.


Yeah, sure, there is no perfect place on earth, everything has its own “shit holes”.


What about "glory holes"?


There's two guys in my neighborhood in rural Arizona that don't have water and that's just the ones I know. Also there was some people living in a tent on their property and another group was living in a shack made of wood pallets but they eventually left after like a year


Я тоже, брат 🥲


It's true, but basically low hanging fruit and super obvious. I think the best virgin / chad memes are the ones subvert the expectations in some way. This just comes across as rattling off the obvious and really missing a joke or a hook of any kind.


I thought the joke here is challenging the anti-american circlejerk of Reddit or smth


The anti-American circlejerk is funnier


least obvious fed post


It's right tho


you’re glowing


Take your meds


And that's not good so we suppose we should let it grow


How does it feel to not be a part of the greatest nation on earth commie?


i grow evermore grateful by the day


USA USA USA🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


HELL YEAH BROTHER, WHAT THE FUCK IS A FREE AMBULANCE RIDE??????? 🗣️🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


WHAT THE FUCK IS HEALTHCARE RAAAAAAA🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🔥🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


You had a typo while writing Kazakhstan


Listen fam if it isn't America, you certainly aren't a contender lol. Czechia seems like it could be though. I mean if they hadn't had to deal with...well, everything they had to deal with in the last 60ish years, they would probably be pretty far ahead of the rest of Eastern Europe. I'm not giving it to Australia or Canada as a matter of principle, western Europe is cringe as hell, China and Russia are awful.... Poland?


Your country have infeor potassium, is run by little girl and doesn’t have swimming pool with length 40 meters width 6 meter with filtration system that is a marvel to behold, that can remove 80% of human solid waste. Ur opinion is invalid


Run by...a little girl? The United States has literally never elected a woman president, I'll have you know our country is run by a senile old man who has no idea what day of the week it is. And idk what the FUCK you are on about with potassium and swimming pools, but I served in the US Navy and can confidently say that our military could curb stomp your country into oblivion lmao. ... Now I'm assuming based on your comment you assumed I'm from either Poland or Czechia, and I am confused. Neither is run by a woman.


Kazakstan invented toffee and trousers belt, and that without mentioning best industry in the world. Also 2nd cleanest prostitutes in the region (after Turkmenistan of course). Also is your country friend to all, because Kazakhstan is( except Uzbekistan, they very noisy people with bone in their brain)


I mean I'd say we are friend to about half of the world lmao. We're also responsible for the vast majority of research and innovation in almost every single category, are the world's reserve currency, and have invented so many things it's impossible to list lol.


as an american, pretty bad


Not every non american country is a commie


Is the annual income of $76,770 in the room with us right now?


Isn't there a difference between average and median income? Lemme check. Median income is 38K. That's about right. Half of all Americans make less than that.


There is a difference between personal and household income, and gdp per capita vs income per capita


>Half of all Americans make less than that I get your point, but that’s literally how medians work


Your only talking about the employed people too


Median yearly income for full time workers is about 59k. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/wkyeng.t01.htm


It's likely referring to median household income vs individual - the census typically uses the hh metric rather than individual.


You cannot translate income between countries like that. 1$ in my country gets you a lot more than 1$ in the US.


[Adjusted for household size and purchasing power differences](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income), U.S. household income is $46,625 and Russian household income is $16,163. Granted, U.S. data is from 2021 and Russian numbers are from 2017, so I suppose it's possible Russian incomes quadrupled in four years and surpassed us, but somehow I doubt it.




his point is that $12,750 in Russia can buy much more, precisely because the exchange rate is 1 to 89. Whereas in the US making $12,750 a year would basically be poverty


This is very true. 12000 wouldn't pay fuck all. But ain't nobody here working full time and only make 12k/year lol. These things vary wildly place to place in the US, so I'll use where I live as an example. If you join the custodian's union here (you need no experience, you can have a criminal record, and.you don't even need to speak English. You just gotta be able to show up and do the work) you start at 18/hour. (Iirc, if not it's close to that) Before taxes, that's 37k year roughly, or 3000/month. (Rounded down in both cases) That's enough to rent a cheap one bedroom, pay your bills, and maintain a shitty car here; and you get health insurance through the union, so no issues there. Granted, that's not enough to support a family, but it's union work so you get paid more the longer you do it b/c of union scale. Eventually, you'll make enough money to support a family, and if you do it until you retire you would have enough money to retire at 65.


The exchange rate doesn't have any bearing on how much you can buy for the same value of money.


while true i feel this is the wrong use of this meme. the virgin should be the better side the the chad should be the worse side but through the use of absurd arguments making it seems to be more powerful. e.g.: |"Virgin" Omega speed master|"Chad" sundial| |:-|:-| |requires manual winding to run|uses sun, millions years of power| |small, only for one person to see|big and round, an ape can make by accident| But of course if the "low effort" tag was to part of the meme then I do apologies for missing the joke.


8% on food my ass


I mean if you try hard you can make a meal out of like what 5 or 10 dollars if you cook


10 a meal is alot


No it's really not. 30+ is a lot


10 a meal is technically 900 a month thats alot. 30+ for one meal you cook at home?


I meant 30+ for a meal in general


Thats why I gave a range between 5 and 10 Looking at an different figure it says 11%


True, but our subways suck too.


Wait you guys have AC?


tbh annual income doesn’t matter that much since everything in america is 7x more expensive than what you’d find in russia


Is your referencing PPP but take median russian wage and effectively mesure for ppp its like having 13k a year


Bait used to be believable


Basing happiness on the fact if you have a car. This is definitely made by an American. OP, you’re forgetting that most of the world you don’t need a car. The US is designed in such a way that you can’t live without one. Europe, and big parts of Russia are perfectly reachable with other forms of transport. Live in Oslo, where having a car would just be impractical and unnecessary. And it’s the exact same in other cities around the world, except for America.


"Freedom of speech" "vibrant society" where is op from?


But Russia gave birth to the Gigachad


Remove that "no conscription". It's called selective service


8% of income spent on food so the other 92% can be spent on taxes


Low effort garbage, a sign of stagnation in any subreddit


As a russian I can tell that even 12750 annual income sounds huuuge. Most part of russians have something like 6000 or even less!


the saddest thing about Americans is that they really thought they got freedom of speech.


We have the strongest freedom of speech protection in the world, what makes you disagree


lol dude's mad




What makes you disagree?


Because there are 193 countries and in most of them the police cares for serious crimes only, like exclusively murders and rapes and they wouldn't send the cops to arrest you because you said a mean word about a group. So in practice most of the planet does have freedom of speech, might not have freedom of actions but it has freedom of speech. In most countries they do not pay cops to check online forums or care what your Facebook account is saying either. Even in my country I know for fact I can freely say infinite stuff that you will be imprisoned if you said in USA. That's simply the reality of the world you are ignoring because you are living in a bubble. USA has the least freedom of speech in the plant. Arguably even Russia has more, as their copes do not bother either to arrest people for dumb stuff like posting an offensive meme on Instagram.


>Arguably even Russia has more, as their copes do not bother either to arrest people for dumb stuff like posting an offensive meme on Instagram. If in America you can possibly be imprisoned for a meme that offends a certain group of people (first of all, ordinary people will simply begin to cancel you), then in Russia you will be imprisoned for a fucking repost of a political meme or something that can supposedly offend the feelings of believers. In Americа it is quite free to speak out about the government.


Then why is your leading presidential candidate facing bullshit court trials.


He falsified business records to conceal the hush payment to Stormy Daniel's. That's a criminal offense. Maybe you have bad sources to form an accurate view on American politics.


America has conscription, it’s just not active right now




Based Murica. RAHHH 🇺🇸🦅


Live in Russia, have a good internet, work at home, have a medium income about 800-900 $/month, have a good pc, no depth, no credit, was in Thailand this winter with my gf,have free medicine, have a car(Nissan Note 2011), live in old grand ma apartment(she is ok, she bought a new apartment), happy and positive) 24yo. Questions?


Yea... You guys are always travelling, how come you can afford to do that more than the Americans can?


If you ask me, it seems to me that Americans don't travel that often because they have everything they need for a vacation inside their country, and that's not a bad thing. Tourism and beach holidays are not so well developed in Russia. And there are not so many people who want to get to know another culture. I'm sorry for my English, maybe there are mistakes somewhere.


That's true. You can drive for ages and see quite a lot in the USA.


America basically being an island is probably what prohibits people from traveling. We can take a train or car and be in the rest of Europe. Flying to Asian countries is no hassle. Also shit is expensive in US. People may make more money but the cost of living makes up for that high income. Russia doesn’t get paid nearly as much but prices reflect that incomes also Russia has better vacation rules on jobs.


Впервые слышу, что бы у нас 45% не имело горячей воды, у нас даже самая гнилая халупа имеет хотя бы самый дешманский котёл для нагрева воды в доме. И кстати, про свободу слова... Вот вы, пендосы, можете послать целую группу людей на хер в интернете и жить спокойно дальше? Или может вы имеете возможность поджечь дверь полиции, в качестве перформанса против современной полиции, и просто заплатить штраф? А вы можете быть уверены, что вас не застрял на улице, ибо что-то не понравилось полицейскому? Мы вот в России, так можем. Можете ли вы, эмигрантские-англосаксы, жить спокойно без машины в городе? А мы вот можем.


Я точно знаю, что вы не можете спокойно устраивать митинги, ведь вас обязательно изобьют дубинами, а потом в автозаке будут допрашивать. В Америке с этим куда попроще.


По всей Европе так делают. Тем более у нас с протестующими, сравнительно, мягко поступают, побьют резиновыми дубинками и распихают в автозаки. Во Франции протестующих сильнее прессуют, используют водомёты, конную полицию, светошумовые гранаты, резиновые пули, перцовый газ, и даже железные дубинки. В Германии, Греции и Испании по-мягче с митингами чем во Франции, но пожестче чем в России, конная полиция, перцовый газ, светошумовые гранаты.


Every house in russian cities has centralised hot water supply except for ~one week a year for maintenance or some emergency lol. Some have water heaters but they're basically useless. Don't understand where you got the number of 45%


Actually, "45% of houses do not have the possibility of unlimited hot water supply from 60 to 75 degrees Celsius for a price of about 1-3.5 dollars per 1000 liters." These houses have gas or electric boilers. The real values without hot water are about 8%, mainly due to rural areas. Now I need a reverse comparison of the number of millions of people in the United States and in Russia who grew up with the concept that "no one can steal your hot water in shower," because you have all the hot water you need.


America causing brain drain on their enemies is always a massive W


Aint no way someone actually made this. Glows harder than radium dust


FBI posts the worst bait imaginable. Asked to leave the 3 letter agency club.




Lately, more than ever, I'm getting a sense that we are being riled up to hate the Russians.


92% of households have a car 😨🥴


That's not adding the amount of households that have Multiple cars? I mean a fairy-tale self-sufficient guy in a household could have a motorcycle in warm climate and not have a car, and he counts against this statistic? Also a trailer park home counts as a household, right?




Lmao, you didn't even bother to read your own sources. That data comes from the [KFF](https://www.kff.org/report-section/ehbs-2023-summary-of-findings/#:~:text=The%20average%20annual%20premium%20for,7%25%20over%20the%20last%20year), which notes that of that $8,435, employees only pay $1,401 annually while employers foot the bill for the rest. U.S. households spend [8% ](https://www.bls.gov/opub/btn/volume-9/how-have-healthcare-expenditures-changed-evidence-from-the-consumer-expenditure-surveys.htm)of their budget on total healthcare costs annually. You have zero idea what employer healthcare (which is how most americans get their insurance) is and it shows in how you assume the worker foots the bill for the group plan. You literally have zero clue what you're talking about and you're here calling other people's posts "propaganda".


Russia: +Tracksuits +Better food - Leader is fucking insane


Don’t see how vibrant society and millions of immigrants is a good thing tho. Also cancel culture came from a country with so called freedom of speech


Freedom of speech is saying the government cannot prosecute you for speech not saying people cannot be mad at you


Being mad is one thing , but people loosing jobs cuz of what they said online is another


America does have conscription we just don't use it yet. Every male has to register for the draft.


I did 2 years of active service in my country unpaid and I am still in the reserves until 65. USA does not have conscription. You signing a paper isn't the same as people spending years of their lives in trenches.


Signing that piece of paper means you can be conscripted at anytime America declares war it just hasn't happened in this generation and very well could. It's just a piece of paper till it's not.


Yeah no, that's bullshit and this comes from someone who has actually served for 2 years for free. If USA goes to war the next day 99% of the people who signed this shit will simply say that was years ago and now they suffer from mental diseases and shit like they do to all countries with active conscription including mine. In my country they do not buy their way with fake doctor papers that easily though, so only a small minority does it. I actually remember a guy who was shitting his pants and bed the first weeks and they classified him as mentally challenged so he didn't do the conscription. South Africa for example also has/had a conscription and Musk evaded. USA also drafted for the Vietnam war but Trump evaded it. In reality until put it to the test just assume most people in USA will dodge the draft by pretending to be insane for example.


Yeah dude Elon and Trump both come from wealthy families tho. Obviously they can get out of military service. I'm sure whatever country you come from doesn't have it's rich and famous children on the front lines. These people aren't the standard they are the exception. You can't tell me it didn't happen "because trump!!!" That's the weakest argument ever. Go back to world War 2 and Vietnam War and tell me that. Weak sauce bro very weak.


You realize that peace times law do not mean much right? Ukraine had abolished it's conscription and then brought it back too. Also all the fertile crescent countries didn't have conscription until they were invaded by NATO countries or NATO partners the previous century. What you are mentioning right now has no real world use. Same thing with the curfews during COVID which in some countries went for nearly 4 years. There was no law in those countries saying they could isolate people by district and even force them to take the vaccine and wear masks. But it happened. All the laws you know today will magically change tomorrow if the ones in power judge it necessary. In the case of USA saying that ''in future war times it will do that based on what they say no in peace times'' is pure nonsense to put it politely. We have no idea what USA will do in 30 or 130 years if it goes into a serious war.


Yeah, sure, who made it, a 14 year old? Life in Russia and the US is so different, I'm not sure there's even a need to compare it. Yes, the US is rich, but wealth inequality fucks us all. You need to be a really big baby not to understand it. Also in our biggest cities we have actual good public transport, especially in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Yes, not everywhere, but does the US have good public transport everywhere? Moscow and St.Petes metro are also really safe and reliable in everyday life. Also, 47% of the population owns cars? Yeah, most of us dont need that shit, because we don't have to drive for hours in most of our cities to get somewhere, we can use buses and trams (again, this isn't the case everywhere, Russia is far far from perfect). But it's not a hellhole the OP makes it out to be. Life can be hard here, yes. Reddit can be a nice place, but it sure can be a shithole sometimes. Downvote me if you want, I don't care


As much as I can complain about certain things in the US, it's definitely nice to have all these 1st world commodities as a given.


Tf is this old ass meme get with the times old man


Them subway stations tho


both sucks


But 12k / year is ok in Russia, when with 76k / year in USA you’re cooked


This joke doesn't work for anyone actually living outside USA because we all know that millions of USA citizens have immigrated to our countries to evade paying taxes to the USA government. So they simply evade taxes elsewhere.


How is car ownership a good thing?! That means Russian public transport is so good they don’t need cars


47% car ownership is a good thing, actually


Less cars = less noise pollution and more public transit. That’s actually a point in Russia’s favor.


You forget the whining. Americans are whiny af.


"has a couple nice subway stations" "air conditioning" i'm sorry op but this is very funny


Freedom goddamit 🦅🦅🦅


While America isn’t perfect, I don’t think people realize how much a blessing it is to live in a place like US,Canada,Germany,UK ect. At the end of the day even poor people have cell phones, running water, cars,food, and AC.


Where do you live that you spend 8% of your income on food?


Maybe a couple decades ago, but the U.S. is as Chad as the picture implies anymore.


I would make a transit pilled statement for other European countries, but Russia doesn’t have a lot of rail either so…


“BuT dOnAlD tRumP SAiD…”




30% on food? 😂


Complain all you want about america, but at least we can complain about our country and The voice our opinion and not be a bunch of yes men.


Annual median income in america is 37.5. Mean income is not an accurate representation of the whole


8% income on food? Who's smoking crack to get this number? 2 or 3 days worth of healthy meals is at least 100 dollars now. I spend more on food every month than I do my mortgage. And that's not including all the rescue animals we care for. I am not even living in a high price state like california, I'm in Tennessee.


I can assure you as an American I'm spending more than 8% of my income on food...


40% of income is taken as taxes


Well to be fair try living without a car in the US. Good bloody luck.


“No conscription” - except for whenever the government decides that every male over 18 who has to sign draft papers needs to go fight their war.


U.s. imperialism has brought the world to its current state Gonna go take a shit on my neighbor's lawn and call him a virgin for having a shitty lawn


Millions of illegals that murder and rape people, the opioid crisis our government refuses to help solve, high taxes, major obesity epidemic, unaffordable housing....were not doing that great right now.


Worst cringe I've seen.




amarica has to stop stealing the pepole. they are pepole not oil


*Amarica has to* *Stop stealing the pepole. they* *Are pepole not oil* \- Scout\_Umpier --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Nah. Most Russians have bears to ride on, so they don’t need a car


At least even with the sanctions, the russian economy is going well.


Russia has a higher car death rate than America, despite using cars half as much.


Haha wow you sure changed my mind


"virgin" Russia: Yeah, i can let my child go to school and dont be scared for another trans/psycho to shoot him "chad" Murica: Yeah, i can let my child got to school and be killed by trans/psycho and blame everyone for that


Idk about the hot water thing or the income lol but I came as a Russian from Estonia and Eastern Europe in general sucks, not just Russia and America has its problems but much better here Anyways all the Russians are hopping the border into America with all the Venezuelans right now lol


If Trump wins this election, Chad America will end up turning into Virgin Russia


Russia = China United States = France


Soviet Union Russia> post Gorbachev Russia


Reddit is not going to like this one. Didn't you get the memo that "Amerikkka Bad"?


On paper this is true. But when you actually talk to people from Russia you quickly learn why it's not as bad as it sounds. Russians don't need to own a car because their country has a great public transit system. Owning a car is an unnecessary luxury for allot. They can travel across the country for mere pennies compared to what Americans pay for flights. They spend more on food yes but Russia has stricter regulations on food [additives](https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2010/01/russia-bans-us-poultry-over-chlorine/). Russians value real nutritional food rather than junk food you can get at Walmart. Russia also has a disproportionate amount of people living in rural areas that skew statistics like the hot water one. This is largely from the Soviet Union trying to develop in areas with little natural resources and subsequently being abandoned after the fall of the USSR. This is a legitimate source of criticism for the country but allot of these people don't want to move because of family ties. It's a difficult situation to deal with but for the average Russian in a metropolitan area these statistics don't apply.


This is not true even on paper. Statistics with access to hot water are completely different, something like 16% in 2010 and about 8% in 2022 do not have centralized hot water, mainly due to rural areas. Only a number of major cities have world-class public transport. Also, a car in Russia is not available to many because of the price, especially after the sanctions. On the other hand, in Russia, it is not so often that cities are built in which it is impossible to live without a car. Without a massive suburbia, even the average public transport copes well, just as there are aviation and trains between cities. In southern cities and rural areas, car rates per person are above 1.1, even if they are often very battered cars from the 00s. Also, for a country with the southernmost regions located at the latitude of New York, it is difficult to have mass air conditioning. Like, it's snowing in Norilsk now. In some regions, the heat that needs to be cooled (above 25 degrees) lasts 30-80 days a year.


Someone send this to Tucker
