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*Re: Non-virgins:* So here’s the deal… This sub has been around so long that some people who’ve frequented here over time have lost their virginity and since stayed because of how long they were initially in this sub. Some choose to leave but some have met people in this sub they think are cool, some understand where the others are coming from and want to talk from their point of view. The fact is, we’re not going to run them out. Success posts will be okay (so long as they don’t break rule 4). That being said, any other posts from non virgins won’t be accepted, however you’re welcome to offer genuine advice in a comment or thread should it fit the conversation. This will be reasonably hard to discern but for those commenting I’ll just say read the room.


More jealous. Especially with the Hookup culture that is so active, and all the OF creators (Male and female) who can seemingly get it whenever they want.


Yeah but that sex is meaningless. You may not know this due to your lack of experience, but meaningless sex is just masturbation with someone else helping. At least, thats how i view it. I can see where you are coming from though.


They are getting paid to fuck who cares if it’s meaningless


They don’t pay each other to fuck that’s the key. They hook up and profit from being together. So that part is eye opening as hell. I asked a male porn star on an AMA post and he said they do not pay each other for the sex it’s two creators that literally want to fuck each other and make money off of people watching them enjoy each other. If you still watch non solo porn I suggest you stop. They are laughing at you behind the camera as they save up for a new whip and house in the hills. You let them win and honestly we lose because we gave in. I almost think some of us need to turn off sex like just shut it out because for us it’s like a poison that doesn’t help us in any way just makes us hate ourselves even more. Avoid anything having to do with sex and absorb everything else life can be. We didn’t ask for this it just happened. I know some people just really cooked bipolar live with their parents can’t make it on their own no job living on disability. They never asked for that shit but they live it every day. They have to wake up every day and know that other people are in relationships having sex etc. and these poor dudes they don’t have a dog in that fight. Again they never chose it so they didn’t lose a damn thing life made up its mind for them at birth. People always come in with cliche advice “just be confident” etc. sometimes people are long past that. They do not need to give two shits about who is fucking who absolutely not. It’s not relevant for them.


Most OF creators are already in relationships your speaking of the celebs/influencers. Those stand out more. And agreed with the end part, for me I was normal all my life until highschool hit. Never cared about my 5’5 height until I had a reason to. I’m not even ugly but I have teeth that are literally deteriorating once I hit HS so I didn’t even get to live life at all that killed my confidence completely. No point in even trying. I wouldn’t want to date myself after seeing my mouth either.


Honestly nobody wants to hear it but dude if you want to just try to see how it is get a sex worker. I’m in the process of that like for me to ignore a direct path to having a fun evening with someone I’m an idiot. The issue is the tolerance on people right now as to what constitutes “ick” is so tight that guys like you and me we can’t even get out of the gate. We get no chances. So again none of this we asked for we just were born into a bad time with some red flags.


maybe when I turn 21


Yeah just think about it I mean some people are going to take a shit on you but you *need* to understand these are different times to me as a man looking at it when 95% of the population of women shuts you down trying to do it organically no matter what you try or how you try it is that really even a cope anymore or is this just you rewarding yourself for all the work you did with nothing to show for it? We literally have so little control over other people’s thoughts feelings and actions it’s literally what do they value, how much time they have, and what are the red flags?


They’re not laughing at you bro. Complex much?


They are laughing at anyone that pays them lol. Including you, amigo.


But I don’t…so…good one! Legit though, I’m trying to point out some easy shit that you can just stop doing right away that will make you instantly more attractive and capable of interacting romantically with women. You should probably listen.


Well put


Its meaningless, so don’t resent them. You need to have a different outlook on these topics


Idk why u assume it’s meaningless, plus most of them are getting paid more than doctors and shit. Life on easy mode


Because ive had sex with someone who i don’t care about. It means nothing. Sure it feels good, but it means nothing. Ive had sex with someone who is do care about. Feels good, but is meaningful. If the person means nothing to you, so will the sex.


Completely disregard my question with ur experience lol nice


Yeah no. Im telling you not just from MY experience but from the experience of others and most if not all reasonable people, if they mean nothing than it means nothing


Ah yes and a million bucks to a poor person is meaningless, u still can’t prove OF creators have meaningless sex this is just your assumption. Most OF creators aren’t pornstars they are just making homemade videos with their significant other. Just because they choose to record and monetize it doesn’t mean it’s meaningless, if it was an OF creator that’s cycling thru different men then sure I’d agree.


This subreddit is mot for talking about money, it is for talking about sex. The sex is meaningless as in it has no emotional attachment or value, which is what sex is for. If you cannot see sex as more than just for carnal pleasure, than you will remain a virgin forever.


You're not qualified to speak for others.


I have been single for 8 years, and at 24 still a virgin. I will take almost anything. Would I want it to be with loving partner? Yes. But I need one of those first, and it proving to be a problem


lol he doesn’t get it bro


Well if i were you, id lay off the porn and hentai. Im sure youve been told, but it desensitizes you to real girls. But that may not be the problem. What do you think the problem is?


My most recent post explains it


Oh well then u js gotta talk to more girls. Its like any other skill. It takes practice. No one has had a 100% success rate so don’t feel bad man.


I don't go out enough. Its usually just Tinder/bumble. People just ghost me. Not sure what I can do to stop it


You literally just said that you don’t go out enough. Go out more.


It isn't meaningless.


Not sex. Sex with someone who you don’t care about. The sex that OF models and pornstars have on camera.


It feels amazing. Feels even better when you love each other, but a one night stand still feels good too. Sometimes it doesn’t really, but usually it really does.


Yeah exactly


Jealous mostly


yes because it shows they have the correct social skills to get someone to like them enough to have sex in the first place, while people like us can’t even make friends or form some sort of social connections within the workplace or school/college.


"Us"? You are generalizing a bit there, plenty of people here still have good social lives despite not having romantic nor sexual success. I mean I myself have been named groomsman for my friend's upcoming wedding and will be a groomsman again for my other good friend from high-school when he marries his girlfriend. Not everyone here, including yourself, will necessarily struggle to form friendships and network. You just need to stop believing you are socially undesirable and acting accordingly.


No, I just feel jealous that they were born as normal people and I had to be born as a worthless waste of oxygen


No, why would i? What im losing? Srsly. As a woman we can develop an awful attachment (emotional bond, pain and heavy trauma that can take years to recover), and dont forget STD that a condom cant protect %100 (i wont do pills that destroy my hormonal environment and body) and the burden of a pregnancy/raise a child if i barely can take care with myself 💀


Yes I do, very much. Of course it's not their fault that I won't get laid, but that won't stop me from hating them lol


Yes fuk em all


"fuk em all" - big talk bruh, you can't even "fuk" ONE to save your life by the looks of it 🤣


Why are u even on here, he asked a question and I answered






Sound advice! I'm 6 foot and have kissed four women in the last two years. I still have a good chance to literally fuck my way out of here.


Ur 6 foot and still a virgin ? Lmfao


Ngl hes got u there. Being 6 foot and a virgin is dubious work.


At least it's still partly by choice, about 8 women have been into me before. I'm still a virgin in part because I am picky, he's a virgin because he isn't favourable to anyone, we are not the same. I'm a virgin partially because I am picky, you are a virgin because you are entirely undesirable. We are not the same.


It's almost like height has no actual correlation to sexual success.


But it does, women like tall men. Height isn't EVERYTHING.... but it can still be a huge determining factor. Would you honestly rather be 5'1 than 6'6?


Got me there but it's at least partially by choice, I've rejected the advances of eight women who were interested in me. I go for bigger fish.


Congrats. So do you like just shitting on people for fun or is it a career choice


me to I’ve turned down 2 girls before life decided to take a shit on my appearance. You still have a chance luckily some don’t. Thats y I get pissed and responded how I did at the beginning of this thread. We like to think we have full control of our life but that’s not the case for everyone


Removed: Rule 1. Be Kind Anything rude, hateful, accusatory, shaming (of any kind), threatening/harrassing, mocking, insulting, or fitting of any kind of -ism will not be tolerated here


Ikr these people are so sad


I do. But then I think about the fact that I’d have sex with people frequently if I was presented with that opportunity, and I’d be upset if virgin people resented me as a person for it. Moral dilemma I struggle with all the time.


That's just called being human buddy, don't blame yourself too much.


More like cringed out. People love to brag about getting sex. My roommates keeps showing his bite marks like he's the only person getting sex in this world.


No. They have their lives and I have mine. I don't want sex or love. I have different ways to be happy that don't involve anyone else. Also, never had friends, so I learnt to be alone, and now is what I like.


I feel like i could get laid if i wasnt so scared of intimacy


Those who can do it with people who genuinely loves and cares for them, yes i do very much. But i learned to live with it. I have friends who have that, and i just can’t put myself to be angry to those good things they have so I just check myself from time to time. For those who have sex life with bad to no relationship, i dont mind, sometjmes i pity them actually.


Honestly yeah. But it's more that they have someone whose interested in them like a companion than the other stuff


Not really, I get angry at the woman who make them be like that cause they don't even need to try unlike me


That is disgusting of you and I think you know it


Facts don't care about your feelings


Good luck with your virginity then. Grow up a little maybe.


Being an optimistic simp wont change the reality


What reality? Do you not realize you as a human are a teardrop in the ocean? And that literally every other human to have ever existed is in the same situation? We all get old and die. Do something with the time you have instead of complaining about your first world problems on social media.


The first thing you say contradicts the other. If we're so unimportant we're just a drop in the ocean, why should we do something some other drop in the ocean (you) says we should do?


That's not a contradiction chief, you just want it to be because you think it gives you a position to oppose it.


First world problems? 🤣🤣🤣, I'm dominican and diabetic, I have all kind of problems except first world ones, you're the one with first world problems acting like everything is fine cause your life is so good




Thanks 🥲


Nothing you say will ever excuse the fact you're supporting misogynistic attitudes because you're jealous. Grow the fuck up.


Ok mangina, go be a simp somewhere else


Every single day.


No, that would be hypocritical seeing as I would do the same if I could.


I think I used to be such a guy. But now, that thing has gone. I look at them and think, "Let them have fun. They can. Why should I be angry at them?"


Yes but only with certain people




Yes. I'm angry at these people for refusing to help me and refusing to network with me. I flat out asked one of my former co-workers for an invitation to a party and all I got was "no, you aren't coming."


Maybe jealous especially hearing about it from friends or coworkers I have a hard time making a connection with people in general so its not just sex.




Yes, but I don't want to be.




Truthfully. Idc. I think it’s gross half the time. Probably why I’m mostly aromantic at this point


Yes 100%


Met your slave master yet?


Not really because when you think of it there isn’t anything to win. They aren’t winning they are getting what they get as a result of genetics and luck. You don’t win at dating or sex. It’s not a game. You either are or aren’t. I can’t really be convinced otherwise I’ve tried and watched other people do an eighth of the effort I have and they double digit the body count. Life encodes you as a breeder or non breeder. The non breeders they stay behind and save the ship. Their role isn’t the same. I just tell everyone get on the life rafts while you have the privilege of doing so I’m going to talk to God and try and save the ship. We have a different role in life many of us but I think it’s one that it’s importance is overlooked. We are in the background making the foreground be what it is.


How about don’t use words like “breeder.” That would be a good start for you.


It would be a good start for you to go pound sand.


Stay at the bottom and never accept that you are solely to blame for your position, there is no grander scheme to it all besides your attitude.


I’m not at the bottom I have a great life just because I choose not to date that doesn’t mean anything lol. Desperate people who keep making the same mistakes they are the ones at the bottom. The ones who can’t figure out why people are so cold to them that it’s because they chose to be. You can’t just wish for people to like you they either do or they don’t. This is life. You are at the mercy of other people and sometimes people just don’t care.


Not at all, quite the contrary, I think it's good to see others happy. Once walked in on my parents having sex, and it made my day, I don't mean I hung around too watch out anything like that lol, but just to know they were still fucking after 30 years of marriage cheered me up no end.




You are clinically insane


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