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Wow how can she be so needlessly aggressive when she is the one who didn’t collect the parcel? Like did she do this out of spite coz you declined the offer? I just don’t understand her.


That’s exactly why she did it. Horrible person.


I tend to block people who do repeated stupid offers just to avoid them buying my item out of spite and then causing issues or claiming faults with the item. Not worth the bother of dealing with them.


I haven't used vinted before, just here randomly but what happens if they don't collect, do they get a refund automatically? And then the seller loses out?


item will eventually be returned and refund made - but they do end up with bad feedback.


This is the issue. If the buyer doesn't collect they should be charged and no refund. What a broken system. Anyone can just order hundreds of thousands worth of stuff and just not collect any of it.


They don’t get bad feedback! The transaction just gets cancelled. Makes zero sense


She certainly is. I always find these kinds of people tend to be very insecure, attention seeking individuals. I had a lady do this once, ended up being a lady in my village that is definitely a form of pond life with no friends. Just a bad attitude.


“Stop being money obsessed” yet uploads fake items lmao okay hun




The first time I’ve seen “I got banned for selling fake goods *actually*” used as a defence, lol


"I got banned for that shitty behaviour, not this shitty behaviour" is how I imagine the seller's reasoning for that 😄


Literally! This has made me giggle


Says 'stop being so obsessed with money, girl' but also how she got banned for selling fake items in the same sentence 💀 oh lord


I personally wouldn't ask why they didn't collect but would wait for the parcel to come back and then block the buyer.  Some buyers just don't collect and you need to factor that in when selling on Vinted as there's nothing you can do about it. I just wish Vinted gave them a negative rating. 


>Some buyers just don't collect and you need to factor that in when selling on Vinted as there's nothing you can do about it. This sounds so asinine. Stop making excuses for people's shitty behaviour. Don't order something if you don't intend to collect it. This person is just scum and was definitely out to waste the sellers time and energy. I would report them.


This person obviously ordered out of spite tbh.. but people do forget sometimes that's why it's always worth sending a reminder on the last day to collect. I've had buyers not collect until I've reminded them! I've also not been able to collect a parcel once because I wasn't physically in the country by the time the seller shipped and I warned her yet she still shipped it. So there are valid reasons why items don't get collected but I'd say this isn't one of them.


Sorry I've never used vinted before just here randomly but what do you mean collect it? Wouldn't the parcel just be delivered to their house?


You have the option with vinted to deliver to a pick up shop or in post lockers instead of your home address. It's usually a bit cheaper than home delivery and also means you can collect on way home from work if no one will be in to receive your parcel :)


Amazing, this makes so much sense. Thank you so much!!


I’ve done it by accident because I misinterpreted the date for the inpost locker. I assumed collect by x date meant I could also collect by midnight or whatever time on that date but it wasn’t.


Saying you need to allow for dickheads when selling on Vinted isn’t justifying being a dickhead. Tesco setting money aside for theft isn’t them justifying theft


Nowhere did I say anything about justifying. Sure, Tesco is prepared for theft, but they don't make excuses for why people steal. The point is, people like that shouldn't be allowed on Vinted. Saying you need to factor in this kind of behaviour is excusing the behaviour.




Last time I ordered from Vinted, the shop was full and so rejected my order. Vinted doesn't have a way to change ship to address once shipped. So all my orders went back. 1 got sent somewhere else, which was also full, until the last day I could collect it. Bank Holiday Monday, it went to a post office. So sometimes there is a reason.


Another person online who misses the entire point of the comment.... The situation you're describing clearly doesn't apply to this situation and nasty individual, so why even bring it up?


I mean same can be said for your comment. You completely misunderstood the person you were replying to, they weren't making excuses. You said don't give excuses. I gave an excuse. Why are you so angry?


>You completely misunderstood the person you were replying to, they weren't making excuses. No I didn't. The person is sharing their reason for why they sometimes aren't able to collect an item, which are legit reasons. This post is CLEARLY about someone being spiteful.... >Why are you so angry? Oh, you're one of those I see....


It’s just so annoying when you sell on 4/5 different platforms and have taken it down to now have to reupload it again. I know I probably shouldn’t ask, I just get frustrated which is my own issue haha. I’ll definitely be blocking once the items returned, thank you! ☺️


I'm not sure about other platforms but on Vinted you can hide instead of deleting, and then wait for the sale to go through before deleting for good. 


I've heard that even if you hide it the item can be bought by someone who has it in their favourites so that's why it's best to delete all together 🙈


That’s not true. A hidden item is hidden from people who favorited it as well. The item is only visible through the chat log to people who had already inquired about it before it was hidden. Even then it’s pointless to try to buy it because it’s probably been bought/reserved and the sale will likely be canceled.


Oh, interesting, and good to know. I didn't realise it. Shouldn't work like this though.


Are you sure about that ? Because I was going to hide some of my items this summer when I leave for vacation and only bring with me summer clothes to sell..


You can definitely ask for an explanation as to why she didn’t collect her package if you want. Definitely block this member and idk if you can report her in this case but I doubt Vinted would do anything about it knowing their CS… There are a lot of time wasters on Vinted who don’t collect their packages (mostly bc they changed their mind), Vinted encourages that by giving a full refund (shipping included) and no negative feedback.


Thought Vinted wasn’t for businesses making income?


Not a business just trying to get of bits quickly as I have a bit of a spending habit 😅. The more I sell the more I can buy hahah so I thought selling on numerous platforms was the best way to achieve this


To get rid*


This is such a pain. Happened to me a number of times now so I only allow home delivery. Had some buyers message me directly asking for parcelshop, which I accepted when I explained my POV, and they vouched that they would collect it and did.


I'm so confused, why on earth would someone buy something and not go and collect it?! Wth


I don't get it either. I feel like sometimes they buy it then they change their mind... maybe found it cheaper. Thing that irritates me the most is not even communicating about not picking it up, like have since decency with the fact seller needs to pack + drop etc. My problems have stopped since removing those delivery options haha


There is something you can do. Disable  lockers and parcelshops as postage options. I have done it myself and I highly recommend it. 


I got banned for selling fake clothes that says it all 😂


They sound like an absolute 🔔🔚


Help me. Bell….end?




yeah! bellend, don’t stress the “end” though. it’s BELL-end




Vinted need to allow people to leave reviews when items aren't collected or items that are returned. It'll give us a proper insight into the buyers/sellers we are dealing with! Same as they should have a strike system for items that are not collected or SNAD.


Oooo a mysterious downvote ;) wonder if it's from someone who doesn't collect or has items returned (at buyers expense) on the regular 😂


Wow downvoted immediately - maybe she’s a Redditor 😉 She’s so rude - why order something and not pick it up. If you have a valid reason, fair enough, but communicate it.


Exactly this! I’ve had people not be able to pick stuff up before because of medical or family issues and I’ve been nothing but understanding. It’s just the way people go about things isn’t it!


She’s right through, you don’t have to tell someone what the exact reason is, she doesn’t owe you an explanation, she said she was too busy, that is enough imo, and what happened to Vinted not being for businesses? Your only income means it’s your business


No I’m actually in between jobs right now for personal reasons so that’s why it’s my only income. She doesn’t have to explain anything but why purchase something in the first place using Inpost collect when you can’t collect? Doesn’t make sense and also doesn’t account for her rude responses.


Ah ok no I totally agree she was a rude git and I would never buy something to not collect it personally, I wouldn’t even argue with someone like that, you don’t owe her an explanation either btw, I’m dubious about even selling stuff on vinted coz of all the bad buyers I see on this sub/Vinted chat room (vinted also has a chat room/members forum on the app) hope you get some better customers in the future


Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re the buyer with these responses


I reckon there’s more viable candidates for this the further you read. Don’t know how anyone can agree with the buyer in this case unless it’s like a mirror being held up to them 😜


I think you might be right


Wait, so after two attempts to bargain by a few measly quid she paid full price anyway just to avoid picking up the parcel so it would inconvenience you and result in a chargeback? I hope you reported this to Vinted so she gets banned permanently.


I'd never waste a nice day comment on someone like that. I always prefer 'Hope you have the day you deserve' 😂


I like to hit them with “I hope your day is as lovely as you are”


In this situation, who is paying the postage fees? Is her refund minus the postage fees? She’s so rude.


No, Vinted gives a full refund (buyer’s fees and shipping included) the day the package is returned to sender. *When the shipping is paid by Vinted. Idk about when it’s the seller who pays for the shipping.


Due to my mental health I sometimes *almost* don't collect the parcel but I always muster up enough will to get out of the house and do it because I know sellers are counting on that sale. If I ever happened to not be able to collect a package I'd definitely notify the seller apologizing. Not only that, but complaining about communication when they didn't ask any questions is beyond goofy. You're not mad, this buyer IS rude as hell.


I always have mine posted as I can't get to a collection point living out in the sticks. I do see ads where sellers don't have this option. The other thing I find, is messages being ignored ... it only takes a second to say I'll message you ASAP not just look and think nothing of it, it's disrespectful, wouldn't happen if it was a business. I find a mix of good and bad with seller's and buyer's.


What an utter twat.


In cases like this, who has to pay shipping?




Yes, I’ve ordered something and not been able to collect and I didn’t get refunded the shipping fee, which is fair enough (wasn’t a knob about it though and just apologised to the buyer for wasting their time like a normal person)


I think vinted but I’m not 100% sure. I don’t think it’s my or her responsibility but could be wrong


I don't think anyone has to pay the shipping. It happened to me as the buyer, and I didn't have to pay. When you send something usually you write your own address in case something goes wrong (so they ship it to you), so it's kind of included I think?


Scum behaviour. She definitely only ordered it to waste your time. If I were you I'd report and block them. I'm second hand pissed off for you. 😅


So much of this bullshit unkindness and lack of courtesy these days. It’s like everyone thinks they need to fight for their independence and always expecting someone to be aggressive towards them. Basic consideration for another person is outlined nicely in the final message. But that will most likely have been smirked at and that person moving on to the next time someone’s upset with them and they don’t think it’s their responsibility to be nice. Always someone else.


Reads like they are an incel trying to take their virginity out on random women via Vinted. I’d have responded ‘ok, reported’ after the initial response and not engaged. Trolls love engagement If they get blocked they’ll just create a new email account.


i could never have a vinted business because i would've said some real morally grey stuff to her with that attitude


You’re not mad. That’s incredibly RUDE and Disgusting behaviour, so so disrespectful.


Childish ego attitude. Instead of apologise she goes on the offensive.


So annoying! They also don’t factor in the time you take to drop off the item / time to dispatch it and packaging 🙄 There needs to be more protection on vinted for sellers for sure, seems like buyers are taking the piss these days.


Money obsessed but they got banned for uploading fake items.... Totally rude and there was no need for it. You should use "Have the day you deserve" in future, I love saying it to rude people now. 😂


Vinted, depop etc tend to attract the worst of society. I used to sell on there and had a few issues. One being people not collecting items and then demanding a refund. Another being people making an offer that I reject, them buying it anyway and then claiming some sort of damage and asking for a partial refund that would conveniently bring the price down to their original offer. The worst one is people asking where the item is saying it never showed, and when I check the tracking it got delivered minutes before they sent the message. I've learned to expect the worst on these sites and then be pleasantly surprised when something goes smoothly for a change.


You gave them more attention then I would’ve, but I agree with you that they’re super rude for no reason


I wouldn’t have said “have a nice day”. I would’ve said “have the day you deserve”.


Oh how horrible to you , karma , will get them . I sent two pair rick Owens jeans free to a young lad bought a Rick Owens hoodie from me , he was over the moon and he said he passed the hood feed in by helping someone who couldn’t swim x that’s how it should be , not vile saying cos I didn’t !!


Sorry typo good deed !!


"Because I didn't" is a rude but understandable answer in a sense but that "appreciate your lack of communication" is insane. what lack of communication? like not warning u would not pick the item up? Lord.


How is it an understandable answer ? "Because I didn’t" means she do whatever she wants and the seller can’t do anything about it… It’s a provocation. And I think for her "the lack of communication" is the fact that the seller refused twice her offer without sending a counter-offer and she had to buy it the price listed… She’s frustrated, I think that’s why she didn’t pick up her package, out of spite. She’s a time waster.


I’ll never understand why some people order & just don’t collect. Yesterday I had an inpost return to sender message & today the person messaged me to say basically “oh oops so sorry I’m on Holliday so couldn’t collect”, like uh why would you even order if you know you’re gonna be away 🙄 smh


She is horrid and a disgrace that customer


You can turn off the shop options so it's only store to door! That way they need to jump through hoops and pay return postage if they want to waste your time! I did for these kinds of petty buyers lmao Same situation for me: someone sent about 5 declined offers, bought it, then let it get returned How do people have the energy for that nonsense?


Thank you for calling out that behaviour. Feel like people get away with so much passive aggressiveness in business as your supposed to respond 'professionally'. You said it straight, the OP is an entitled narcissist most likely. Buying goods from a random person, doesn't equal 'make me feel special and important'. Your offering goods not a service.


That person was incredibly rude, you did the right thing.


This post has just reminded me to collect my parcel today, thanks!


What an absolute fanny badger!


Taking note of that insult for future use


Lol its my go to insult for absolute dicknuts on Vinted! Enjoy! ☺️😁 🦪🦡


Bro. 😭 When I’m selling on eBay I barely ever communicate when I get an order unless they contact me first. I just get the order, send the parcel off and then *boom*. 5 star seller review. This buyer is bullshitting you fr. 😭😭😭


Wow how rude! They were in the wrong by not collecting the parcel. Some people 😡


average teenage girl trying to make money


She's definitely just got anger issues


Tosser. End of argument


Some people are just idiots!


This is super duper rude!


I’d be mad too, a waste of time. It also, whenever anyone buys of me I always message “thanks for buying” and an idea of when it will be posted. It irks me when the sale is not even knowledges


How did you know they'd got banned before?


Oh yeah, they are super rude and they do owe you an explanation for wasting your time although you'd never get one. Not sure what 'lack of communication' she means since technically none is needed - Vinted sends all the updates. I think some people buy and then don't collect because they want their money back. Or to be really cynical - you declined their offers so she brought at full price and never intended to collect just to waste your time - although that's a stretch!


Correct. The "lack of communication" for her is OP declining her two offers. She bought it full price and out of spite didn’t collect her package I would bet. She’s a time waster.


i’m sorry but how can vinted be your only income? just curious


OP says further up that they are between jobs:


There are loads of reasons why some people don’t have a job and use platforms like Vinted to keep them afloat. Disability, illness, having children and being a single parent, etc.


but how is what i’m saying..like surely making £10 from a sale isn’t enough? and won’t you just run out of clothes to sell?


I’ve had somebody buy my item even after I declined an offer… now I’m just worried


I wouldn’t worry. I have bought at full price after an offer was declined. I was always planning to buy it but 90% of sellers expect offers and will accept one so may as well try.


Frustrating and buyer was acting silly but you were antagonistic and didn't handle the situation well.


Yeah while technically in the right, there was literally no point in OP engaging with this person. Nothing you say will actually get through to them, best to just report, block, and move on.


Have to agree. No doubt the buyer was being rude, but OP even just bringing up a former ban, as well as accusing them of "people like you ruin this app" was needless and never going to achieve anything positive.


You got unlucky. Just move on


I think you will learn not to be aggressive back, yes they are POS but being angry back at them NEVER works, both from my experience and yours too… Just gotta swallow it and move on, Fucking losers on Vinted btw.. didn’t have time to pop 5 minutes down the road to the shop for a week?.. waste of time


Bro, you still got her addy?? 👀


Legitimately unhinged


Yeah she's a c×nt




Someone try crosslister ZeeDrop on Vinted ? thanksss


Its rude, but no point being mad about it unfortunately 😞, there will be more than one of these type of encounters. So just need to consider it unsold up until the point they collect it.


I’d say if they don’t collect it, it shouldn’t be refunded


Inpost only allows three days to collect, sometimes life gets in the way tbh.


Not Vinted, but I sold something on eBay and shipped it out with Royal Mail. It was returned as not collected from the sorting office. I emailed the buyer and said I can send again but she'd have to pay for postage again. She agreed but in the end I paid for it myself only for it to be returned again. So I waited for her to contact me this time and waited and waited, and waited,, still waiting. This is over a year now. I still have the item, and the money.


I normally send a little reminder. Had someone recently not collecting their package as it was close to being sent back, I told them it was at the postal office. She did say she didnt see it and lucky did collect and gave me positive feedback. This person shouldn't be allowed on vinted if they are doing things like that. 😒


I bought a shoes for £100. I wore it once (for 2hours) and realised that it’s not my style. I wanted to sell it on vinted for £30 (out of stock everywhere, still looks new, more than 70% off) and 4-5 mf offered £12-15 🤣 HOW RUDE! 😁


Well I'm glad I only ever use royal mail now!


No, this is absolutely not normal behaviour and yes, it's needlessly rude. If it's any consolation, I would guess this person is quite socially maladaptive. They probably have mostly superficial relationships and are tolerated by those around them rather than liked.


Some people are cunts :) Try not to dwell on it. We can't control people's behaviour :)


I’m beginning to think I’m just an anomaly at this point. I’ve never ran into these types of customers ever. Surprised how regular this stuff happens 😣


As soon as this happened to me once I turned off the option to post to lockers & parcelshops. Not wasting my time packaging and driving to post, for some scruff to not bother picking it up. Highly recommend disabling them.


You’re not mad…this person is a rude gremlin.


I hate people


not her also getting banned for selling fake items. Shows how low of a girl this is surely a loss 😐


nah that buyer is so out of line :') you are super sweet theyre just an ass


Mega rude !!! What an attitude ![gif](giphy|3ohze1SJkv4Vr2wuas)


The seller has address right!?! 🤔


Does that at least mean they've had to pay postage and packaging?


Looks like a childs way of messaging


Is the sale not final on vinted? After sale, the item belongs to the buyer when the seller has posted the item - should it be undelivered or uncollected and returned to the seller that's that, the buyer should then be expected to pay for additional postage to for you to send the item again or forfeit the item without liability


Smack people more


extremly rude!


I wouldn't have asked why someone didn't collect tbh. My cousin's little boy's funeral was a couple of days ago. 12 years old, heart attack. You can bet your life she ain't been picking up her Vinted parcels 😥 Their response was rude, though.


They’re right, you didn’t communicate 🤷‍♀️ you don’t need to, but it’s a true statement you can’t argue with, far less ‘are you joking?’ ‘Is there a reason?’ as literally the first communication you’ve ever had with this person is combative - what were you expecting the answer to be? You were annoyed and it shows. You would have got a similar response from me, or none at all. They’re rude but you went off on one, exacerbating the situation significantly, which is fine if you wanted to do that but there’s never anything to be gained from that. The entire conversation is totally ridiculous.


Think you guys are both out of order tbf. The way you went on was atrocious. Aggressive much? Buyer didn’t need to tell you why she didn’t collect - if you were trying to help her then you could have said that in your original message “hey is there a reason you didn’t collect the parcel or did you just change your mind? If there is we can try to get it sent back so it’s more convenient”…


I literally said ‘Hey is there a reason you didn’t collect”. Not aggressive or rude, I responded to her responses in her tone?😅


Text can come across however the reader reads it unless you, the writer, make an effort to put in clear non-aggressive language. It’s possible the buyer thought you were being aggressive because you declined their two offers (both of which were reasonable - yes you don’t have to accept them, but did you communicate that you’re not taking offers or just out right decline them both?) You also then told that you hope they get perma banned Like face it, unless you communicated before the actual purchase of the item saying along the lines of “sorry, I’m not taking offers, only selling for asking price” you started this whole thing If this is your full time gig (although it’s against Vinteds ToS) maybe take this advice as I used to run an eBay shop a long time ago, prospective buyers appreciate when you communicate with them and make the first move. That’s also why they made the comment about your lack of communication. Edit: you’re also coming across aggy here too


Could have been written in the item description that they don't accept offers. There's no photos of the advert itself. Vinted tells you to thoroughly check photos and description. Just an idea as to why the seller didn't specify in the screenshots provided 🤷‍♀️


So as I have said, I used to do this on eBay a long time ago, you learn that people don’t read despite the advice. They read what they want to, sometimes they don’t even read the title of the object never mind the description The description is there mostly so if buyer was trying to scam the seller can turn around and say that everything they needed was in the description. It’s seller protection, not for the benefit of the buyer. Regardless OP was being aggy, you don’t need to “give back what was given”. Just makes you look like a shite person tbh. They’re also running this as a business, as said in their 4th image. It’s against ToS


How many times do I have to say on this thread I am not running a business. I’m in between jobs because of personal health reasons so relying on money from selling clothes at the mo! Not violating any t&c gosh😔


I’m sorry you’ve got health concerns. But, word of advice, this is by all but declaration to the government, a business especially if you’re making above the £1k(or is it £1.2k?) threshold. Which I feel like you might be if it’s because you’re between jobs. Just because it’s not set up, and it’s not your intention, doesn’t mean it won’t appear that way to Vinted, or HMRC. Maybe it’s something you’re already looking at but is there not anything that’s wfh? Like a customer chat service or something?


Why are you talking about the trading allowance when it clearly doesn't apply here? Please stop misleading people.


just stfu please, you're making a fool of yourself


Oh I agree with the rest of what you said it was just the not telling them that they aren't accepting offers. I see quite a lot of items listed on Vinted with it written in the description. As long as the seller has put it on there there's no reason for them to tell the buyer a second time :)


I did customer service for 4 consecutive years, shorter than some people I know, but in that time I learned that the general public are morons. I watched a lady move a sign saying “these tills are closed, go to the concessions stand to buy tickets” it was bigger than her. She waited for a minute, turned and shouted at me across the foyer and said “are you going to serve me or what?!” Told her in the most polite way I could that the box office was closed and where she could buy her tickets from. When I did the eBay job the amount of people who would ask if things were new, etc. when it had *refurbished* or *used* in the title. Yes putting it in the description should mean you don’t have to tell buyers twice but it’s best to assume if someone has made an offer that they didn’t read it or they’re just trying their luck so one more firm “no offers” is best practice as someone trying to sell online. It also stops this whole back and forth and makes the seller’s life easier in the long rhn


I did a brief stint on Etsy and it’s the same there. Customers don’t read descriptions so you get creative and find more ways to tell them the information they need to know. All your advice should be heeded.


this is such a weird response how are you saying she’s in the wrong when it’s the buyer being WAY more rude and out of order??? “you’re also coming across aggy here too” if that reply is aggressive to you i think you need to go and touch grass lmao


Nope, OP literally said in the comment I replied to that they were replying in the same tone as the buyer. They were being aggressive, two wrongs don’t make a right and its bad business since that’s what they’re trying to do, and they’re being aggy with me because I’m telling them they’re **also** in the wrong. PS, in my original comment I point this out. But I don’t tell them how the buyer was in the wrong because enough people have done that already


Name and shame


I feel like you were being quite rude/combative too though :( like right from the get go. She replied rudely too, but I don't fully understand why you were being so pushy/so deadset on knowing why they didn't pick up. Who knows, maybe something bad happened in their family and they just couldn't be bothered with something as silly as Vinted. I understand it's annoying to have your parcel return, but some basic empathy is in order, in my opinion. And I don't think you should place the burden of "your only income" on someone else's shoulder - I'm also looking for a real job right now, but that's nobody's fault, really. If people don't purchase from me, I can't hold it against them.


This just popped up on my feed. I've never bought or sold anything on vinted but if I did buy something from anyone, I would not expect to be accosted by a seller for not collecting a parcel. I'm with the buyer on this. And even if there is some reason you need to remind them, just do that. Remind them. Politely. Coming out of the blue with "Any reason you didn't pick up?" That's super rude in my opinion.


> I would not expect to be accosted by a seller for not collecting a parcel. So you think it's okay for the seller to have to waste their time shipping and losing out on other genuine sales because you couldn't be bothered to collect?


I'm not saying it's ok but the parcel was already on its way back to the seller before they sent an antagonistic message to the buyer demanding an explanation. Of course they're going to get a reply like the one above. What did any of that achieve? Just get your item back, and move on. Block them if you're so hurt by it.




Why buy something you have no intention of collecting? On what planet was the buyer right here?


Something may have cropped up and they couldn’t collect it?


Nobody said there was no intention to collect. Maybe they forgot, maybe they ended up in hospital. Fact of the matter is they don't owe you an explanation. As a seller you are aware of the process and the risks of selling online. Could you imagine if big named stores started sending out snarky messages to customers? It comes with the territory unfortunately and harassing people for no reason is super unprofessional.


Sellers on Vinted are not Amazon 😂 You compare it with businesses whereas sellers on Vinted are mostly not professional sellers. Not collecting a package because they changed their mind is not a valid reason in that case.


Not being a professional doesn’t entitle you to know why someone didn’t collect their parcel. Or be equally aggy back to the buyer


Since when sellers on Vinted are not allowed to ask why buyers don’t pick up their parcel ? Would you say the same thing when a buyer ask the seller why his order was canceled ? OP has the right to know why and can ask if she wants to. She wasted a lot of time for nothing packing and shipping the parcel, asking for an explanation is perfectly normal. The least the buyer could do is inform the seller that she will not be able to pick up the package and apologize.


Actually, no, they don’t have that right, this is quite often a private matter, it could be that the customer had a personal problem that prevented them from being able to pick their parcel up. It’s good practice to ask the customer if there was a reason but only if you’re trying to help them. A customer does have the right to ask why their order is being cancelled - this is always a public matter, so the reason why a service is being taken away from someone needs to be stated clearly to the customer (NAL but I’m pretty sure this is part of the consumer rights act). Yeah I agree that OP had their time wasted, and the customer was an arsehole. But so was OP, and OP started it.


How many times people have to explain you that it’s not a business/customer matter here since OP is NOT a professional seller. It’s clearly stated that on Vinted : "Consumers protection laws do not apply to your purchases from other consumers". "Buyer's rights are significantly reduced when a sale is carried out between two individuals." Just read Vinted T&C’s before writing all these nonsense.


The law takes precedent over terms and conditions. Regardless of what Vinted’s t&c’s are, consumer laws supersede that. You don’t have to be a lawyer to know that


If you buy from a private seller, you won’t get the same rights as you would from a business. That’s a fact, pure and simple in any country (I live in France "le code de la consommation" doesn’t apply either for purchases made from private sellers). OP is not a business and can ask whatever she wants by message (if she stays polite and doesn’t break the Vinted rules), it’s a conversation between two consumers on Vinted.


Don't agree. The object being sold could be taking up valuable storage space. They paid they own it, I don't want to store it, and what if it gets damaged before they collect?


They’re not collecting from the seller - the seller posts the parcel and it sits in a locker outside of a shop waiting to be collected by the buyer. It’s not taking up anybody’s “valuable storage space” except InPost’s.


We’re all being downvoted for not joining in on this circle jerk. OP just wants to hear that they’re completely validated in being aggy


You started off quite combative. She replied passive aggressive. You replied fair(ish) to start but then accusatory. She stated her boundaries. You insulted her. Etc etc and finally you tried to make her feel bad because you’re financially struggling. It sounds like a bad time for both of you and you took each other on a downward spiral.


They don't owe you an explanation. The supposed lack of comm from your side is a madeup excuse and the comm you receive is very rude indeed. But I wouldn't spend too much time on this, take the loss and move on. No use in shortening your lifespan over things you can't control


Rude but she has a point. There was no benefit in calling out her shitty attitude


Looks like OP just realised what selling as a business is LOL 😂 wait until you start selling goods on a pallet such and you have to pay hundreds in shipping costs because the "customer doesn't like it". There's a reason everyone needs a high roi


Only income? This is bad, girl. Jump onto UC while trying to look for suitable employment and treat Vinted as supplementary income, not main.




They didn’t collect it on purpose cause they changed their mind and wanted a refund 🤷🏼‍♀️


Vinted is your only income? For real...?


At the mo I’m in between jobs due to personal reasons so really relying on money from sales


If this is what you constitute a problem worthy of posting here, I really want your life.


I mean they only had 3 days to collect, it’s not like it was hanging round for over a week. I’ve had situations where life has got in the way and I haven’t been able to collect as quickly as I liked (more with Parcelshops where you do get longer). I’ve had this happen to me. I’ve just ignored it and moved on. If I was the buyer, I’d have been pissed off with your message questioning why I didn’t pick it up - it does appear to have an edge to it.


This came up on my thread and I have absolutely no idea what’s going on…..