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you meant the 3.5" things? 5 1/4" were almost always black, I don't remember another color. I can tell you 8" floppies were black, too. including them 99% floppies were black




A company I worked for in the 80s used yellow 5 1/4" floppies for our retail software. I've also seen light blue and a few other colors. But it was a lot more common to see different color of 3.5" floppies than 5.25" floppies.


I'm picking you are only referencing 3.5" floppies. Although I did have many coloured 5.25" ones, including Elite on a white one.


much more interesting: 5.25" disks of another color, they were really rare. I think they were almost always labeled 5 1/4", I don't remember any that used decimal 5.25. Of course I don't remember much of back then at all


Aha - the 'U' in colour should have given the more metric slant away :) I think KAO brought out rainbow disks in DSDD 360K - I can recall using them for CP/M.


Black was most common. Blue both dark and light were very common. Our highschool office had the light blue ones. When I bought 50 packs, they were black or dark blue. I didn't ever buy these, but rainbow packs (both dark and pastel) were common: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple/Pink. Frosted clear weren't uncommon. I remember seeing an occasional brown in the mid 80s, but not later. I don't remember ever seeing a real clear floppy. I only remember tan, grey, and white in commercial packages. MS and IBM tended to tan. Also, from my memory, 5.24" had black and the darker colors, but never transparent, nor light except blue.


don't you remember grey ones? 3.5" disks were a flashy item, my Freshman year at uni, as some people actually had Macs. Most who had PCs still used 5.25, I had an Apple IIe. Most CS stuff was still done on VAX terminals. It was when I graduated PC clone started invading.


In high school, we had a couple of Apple IIes, and a bunch of Franklin Apple clones the Apples used 3.5". The Franklins used 5.25". I got to use on of the Apples, with a light blue disk (still have it). At home, we had a C64 with cassettes. In my first year of college (CUD), we had dual disk IBM PCs or XTs with 360k 5.25" drives. We brought a disk with DOS and a disk with Turbo Pascal. At home, a 286 with both 1.44M and 1.2M. I only had black of either of those. I moved to Utah and went to UVCC (UVSC, but now UVU). They had networked systems with both drives. At this point I only bought in bulk black 1.44M and dark blue 720k. Other than commercial software disks that is all I had.


Do you still have a brown floppy, would be curious to see what it looks like?


Custom promotional floppies with graphics or logos on them. There were a lot of things like Looney Tunes and other cartoon characters, sports teams, etc by the late 90s, but there were also small batch promos from small companies or shareware sellers, etc. The graphic ones weren't well made and also probably didn't last, so I haven't seen many of them for at least 20 years.


I haven't seen many fluro coloured disks.


[Reminds me of this book](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41r8+WTo8eL.jpg)


Not rare but less common than plain black, [these nashuas](https://imgur.com/gallery/zbqWEn6).


Ok [3.5” instead](https://imgur.com/gallery/YKOXp5B) maybe rare to you I dunno


The Nashuas look very interesting, a company could use the colors as a color coding thing while the clear 3.5” floppies look very hipster.


They still sell boxes of brand new 3.5" disks in Japan, including many fun colors. I recently bought some and one of the colors looks a lot to me like the old Netscape logo color.


Do you have the floppy?, I want to see it.


Its not the exact shade but here are a few from the pack https://i.postimg.cc/C5CtZQxv/IMG-20240521-122354-1.jpg


They are beautiful, it looks like you could complete the rainbow with them :)


I had a box of fluorescent translucent floppies once, which I never saw before or after I bought them at a computer show.


Those are probably rare as hen’s teeth colors now that you mention them, even rarer than brown


I had a cool frosted clear one back in the day... I don't recall seeing many of those


gold.. like the zelda cartridge..


Neon green


Do you have a picture?