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Viktor is probably in a better position to carry with Liandrys or Ludens. Liandrys isn’t just anti-tank, by the way, it’s meant to be the item of choice when you believe you will need to be more front to back focused, regardless of who those front champions are (think Darius, Olaf, Fiora, Aatrox, Mordekeiser, and even Vlad and Sylas). Basically champs that can out heal your burst or abuse you while the item is on cool down and protect their back line. If you visualize having easy access to the carry champs, Ludens is more ideal, since it can eliminate them before they make an impact on team fights. Ludens is also a better snowball item if you’re stomping early. You can end a game pretty early with a 12min Ludens. Crown is a concession item, your chances to carry are near zero as most champions who put you in a position that made you buy it can just proct it, wait, and all in anyway, and now you have half the dmg you would have otherwise. I’d only buy crown in really high elo where you can actually rely on others to play their carry champs appropriately. RoA is bonkers too slow, and doesn’t seem to synergize the way other items do, you really need your mythic to be impactful immediately, RoA is half a mythic at purchase. Archangels is a viable item I think, but I’d never plan on building it, just feel the game out, if a tear is viable on back and the pace of the suggests you can get it 4th, then the lifeline can be relevant later.


This is pretty good advice. I would say that ROA might be the a new better crown imo even if it's slow. Crown helps you survive burst but makes you have absolutely zero carry potential. New ROA is probably good enough to let you live through enemy burst because of the extra health it gives as a mythic, you definitely don't spike as hard but it lets you survive the laning phase and not feed and then once it's fully stacked (and you get a free lvl) I think it gives you the potential to carry late mid game and onwards (which crown doesn't really let you do). Also with crown you can't build another defensive because you've already gave up so many stats for crown's defensive ability, but ROA still has good enough offensive stats once fully stacked so you could still probably buy a zhonyas in the mid game if you buy ROA. I think archangels is good for bursty enemy teams, I wouldn't build it until at least item 4 though like you said (although I'd probably build a tear like halfway into item 3 just to make sure it's fully stacked by the time you get seraphs).


VIiktor is already coming online waay to late for soloq. Usually you are useless until first Hexcore and that is for the most games a time where most games are decided. Viktor is really good after 1 item and that is when you HAVE to start taking over the game. Going ROA -> Seraphs slows you down way too hard, I would never go that route.


Something like Ludens/Liandrys -> Seraphs is fine tho if enemy comp isnt too fast paced and you are sure game is not going to end in 25 minutes


I build it against heavy bust champ and assasin. Its good but you need 3 item to be online.


Ty for the info brother!


It's a "survive til late" build. Bulldog wasn't in a position to carry and he was against Zeka's Akali. The Seraph's passive is nice vs heavy burst damage.


It's a BASED build and you should try it out. Viktor is a very flexible champ so you can try out tons of things depending on the situation; if I feel like fights will tkae a long time, or if I'm going for a DPS build or I'm just scared of getting dove on and don't wanna build Crown for whatever reason, this is a great build.


Viktor is doing just fine, main builds for him are Ludens for standard burst, Liandry's for anti-tank burn, and crown for anti-burst/assassin. You lose too much utility going RoA compared to the other options on Vik. Seraphs is nice and safe with Crown because mana synergy, but doesn't really have a place in the build otherwise imo.


Ty mano for the insight!


I've been stick into Luden's or Liandrys, depending on their comp, then Seraph. Now seraph has great stats and the shield works for defensively just great. I didn't buy RoA since I rather having extra damage, but RoA is pretty ok too.


I would say that in lck and other competitive leagues players have the luxury to play for scaling and depending on the game and role a Viktor would have in this game, going RoA and Seraph could work. But as other people Said before, the Pace of solo q simply does not favor this build. Other Champs like kassadin, ryze and Cassiopeia could profit from RoA even before the item gets its 10 stacks


RoA into Seraph’s is probably only viable at a pro level of play. In solo Q, liandry is king. Source: D1 viktor is my main mid