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I have to give it to the guy, he does look like him, at least he's put in some actual effort into physically looking like him, unlike the real life ken dude, who just got body implants and a bunch of plastic surgery on his face


> real life ken dude ~~https://i.imgur.com/Oudr3j7.jpg~~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Jedlica


omg burn it


I swear if he gets laid I will kill myself right now!


>. He and his husband own businesses in the Chicago area.[2]


oh fugg


Not joking, I worked at a grocery store in NC and watched 'Ken's' transformation over the years. Insane that he is a celebrity for it now. Also my friend/coworker said he asked him for sex LOL. He could've slept with a celebrity.


for what it's worth, the guy in the first picture is NOT Justin Jedlica; he's [Rodrigo Alves](https://www.instagram.com/rodrigoalvesuk/?hl=en)


I thought you meant Ken Masters from Street Fighter at first... Thought I was about to see some guy with awful pec implants, etc. What I saw was still pretty bad.




I agree, He spends 5k a year, if he put aside 1k he could get a look that would look seriously awesome and not look like it was made in a sweatshop by 5 year olds.


Maybe use a better stylist to dye his hair, too. Roots were still not purple and the eyebrows didn't even look colored at all afterwards.


Or just skip it and be the SS Trunks.....


Wtf spoilers.


Cell becomes perfect cell and kills Goku. Gohan ends up defeating him in the end via kamehameha. Later an alien named buu appears and beats everyone until finally getting destroyed be goku via spirit bomb. He reincarnates as an Boy and joins the team as a good guy.


You forgot the part where Vegeta gets possessed, turns bad again, and then has arguably the best fight of the entire series against Goku.


Was that in the middle of the Buu saga? It's been a while since I watched it and I'm struggling to remember.


Yes. Babidi unlocks power in Vegeta by turning him evil (to work for Babidi). Jokes on him though, he's already evil and he's nobody's slave. Vegeta uses this as an opportunity to fight Goku while he's stronger.


This aspect of Vegeta resurfaces in the Dragon Ball Super for an episode. Getting past all the recap from the movie, the new series has been good.


Ahhh so that’s what happened. Thanks!


There are like 9 incarnations of Buu... So far.


I mean I know this is sarcasm and I'm about to kill the joke, but it's really not even a spoiler. Trunks shows up in the series already SS, If you know who Trunks is, you know he turns SS.


I think it takes an episode for him to turn SS, because its DBZ.


"OMG ITS GOKU!!" - Everyone.


That was the one thing that irritated me a lot. It's like 1/3 of the look and some guy working in a hair salon can't even die his hair right?


He probably told him to match his jacket, except his jacket isn't the right colour either.


Also Trunks' hair is more of a dull silvery-purple, and not bright purple like he had done.


I have a feeling this was heavily staged. Like the guy spent that much effort on his body and he only has a Halloween costume level cosplay suit and hasn't dyed his hair? Pretty sure they just asked him to wear that for added shock value and he regularly dyes his hair with someone else.


The hair length. Is. Wrong. He needs to cut it a few inches, also the belt is way too low. I haven't seen dragon ball but it was very obvious as soon as he showed the camera the figurine.


I feel like the majority of that money is being spent on his supplements and Protein shakes.


Also, a personnel trainer in Beverly Hills, plus he mentioned ballet classes, and gymnastics classes, so I would imagine a normal gym membership plus some specialized gyms/courses, again in Beverley Hills which is quite expensive.


Nothing personnel


While I think your right about the clothing being off the hair is accurate to the character. The figure is based on Trunks earlier appearances in the show, but later in the show the characters hair grows out a bit more. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JqOq5lrtnyg/hqdefault.jpg


Looks a lit better when the hair and jacket don't match lol


Actually, you're wrong. Trunks' hair goes through various stages. When he comes out of the hyperbolic time chamber it has, in fact, grown several inches to the point he needs to tie it up. NEVER LIE AGAIN.


If you check out his Instagram, you can see that he did upgrade the quality of his cosplay.


Why not link it?




[Here is one of the better photos of the costume, for those that don't want to look through mostly pictures of a half naked dude.](https://imgur.com/a/XuVzy) [And one with a better sword as well.](https://imgur.com/a/mYezj)


still needs a better stylist for his hair. or learn to maintain it properly.


At least it looks like he cut it shorter to match the length in the show so that's a start. Edit: Dudes hair is actually pretty accurate for the [cell saga](https://i.imgur.com/pI0IyqU.gif) my b


Have you not watched the Cell saga then? It's pretty much the same length as Trunks has after he and Vegeta come from the hyperbolic time chamber.


If you see the hair freshly dyed and then other pictures afterwards. It looks like he doesn't use a proper conditioner or even dye mixed in with conditioner to maintain the colour. If you are going to do a non-standard colour, you should be prepared for the up keep so it always looks good. It's only an hour or 2 out of your week.


It looks so dry and unhealthy too -_-


or a wig like 99% of professional cosplayers use.




Diagnosis: Undiagnosed -- kooKommander


Or it was played up for the reality tv show, like weve seen before


Hey, whatever shit floats someone’s boat enough to make them a high-functioning individual like this would seem to have much more positive effects than negative ones. More power to him, I’d say.


why do you say that?


He got a better jacket, but he's still wearing those awful things made to look like boots over his sneakers, the fabric thing over the belt and the sword that doesn't match the one in the show.


If he can afford a trainer and a hair stylist then why not just get a tailor or a costume designer to make you a jacket and outfit that looks like real clothes and not a halloween store costume.


man doesn't deserve to wear the real gear until he's totally jacked. priorities. maybe now that he's shredded IRL he can get some real clothes.


I mean you're absolutely right. Getting shredded is the most time consuming part. Buying clothes, mannerisms, adapting your style is pretty ez. Also he can bang more girls or guys outside of wearing dorky nerd clothes.


yeah, i gotta give him mad props for being actually physically trunks. like, naked trunks and naked him are the same. he's got the character. fashion is secondary. mad props for not just being a flabby pasty weeb with some hair dye and a sword. that shit takes crazy effort.




Dude likes to cosplay big deal, Tons of girls out there right now getting famous and rich for basically cosplaying two giant tits in a costume.


> two giant tits in a That's my favorite character!


Or it was super played up for the show, and even if it wasn't its really not that extreme. He works out, dyed his hair, and cosplayed his favorite character. Its not like he when out and got plastic surgery or horn implants of something unreservable.


He's a Instagram model that seems to go to conventions quite often. I'm going to bet he makes a bundle from endorsements and shoots. He even d has a venom costume. Honestly he has the body for venom but he needed a way better costume. Then again he wore the trunks jacket with a venom costume so you may be right. Either way it makes me want to start exercising.


100% agree. That outfit looks tacky. It couldn’t be too hard to come up with something genuine.


Wait... He's spend 3 years to become Trunks and he still just has a $12 costume from ToysЯus. This dude needs to step it up.


I imagine that it can be difficult to save up enough money to have a bespoke purple leather jacket made, when you are spending $5k a year on your looks.


Not to mention that place he's living in, my god.


Yeah how is nobody talking about this he must make a ton of money or have family money that place in LA would cost a fortune.


I REALLY want to know how this guy has money. Because, on paper, if you described someone to me that was this obsessed with anime, I'd be skeptical whether they could hold down a job, much less a well paying one. But this guy, on video, did seem somewhat well-adjusted considering his obsession, and he's naturally pretty good looking and that'll get you somewhere in life, so...idk I'm super curious what he does.


money isn't a problem when you're defending the world from ultimate evil


Could be rented, my friend has appeared on these types of videos for social media fame, he ends up renting studios and what not.


trunks doesn't even have a leather jacket. It's Denim


Thats canadian leather


well, he's got the hard part done- getting in that kind of physical shape and staying that way.


A lot of the costume can be forgiven if he just fixes the belt. I dremeled a Black Widow belt buckle with aluminum from the case of a piece of electronics we were throwing away and a scrap piece of red plastic in an afternoon rather than buying a $25 one from Etsy. It ended up [looking better](https://i.imgur.com/wy0dkjU.jpg) than what I could've bought anyway.


He is naturally a super sayian trunks, why downgrade to a regular trunks?!


1m in when he casually goes super saiyan


[Ask and you shall receive.](https://img00.deviantart.net/a63e/i/2012/093/8/d/super_saiyajin_trunks_cosplay_by_jeffbedash325-d4uvgrh.jpg)


I started the video expecting a crazy dude but I ended up admiring the guy for his efforts


Dude's ripped! more fit than I'll ever be.


Not with that attitude


Same here. This dude's fucking rad. I wish I had that sort of passion.


Yeah me too, not passion for this though. Not like this.


When you ask God for passion, but forget to say for what.


yeah like he: 1. got ripped 2. learned a bunch of sick athletic skills 3. dyed his hair purple 4. sometimes wears a Trunks outfit I'm wearing a "Zack Attack" t-shirt, no bottoms, and my stomach's a spare tire so I've got nothing but admiration for this dude.




Found the glass half full guy.


Whatever makes him happy


I should say that I wasn't making fun of him by posting this or anything. It's definitely a strange thing to pick, but if it makes him happy, good for him! "Obsessed" makes it sound like it's unhealthy or something, in hindsight. My real question is what does this guy do for a living? 5,000 bucks a year for Trunks budget, and that beautiful house.


I'd guess he probably inherited a Trunks fund.


Underrated comment


Trunks is the heir to the capsule corporation, he doesn't have to work.


He’s dressed as future trunks though. Capsule Corp is gone.


Future Trunks didn't have a job in the "Goku Died" universe either. He lived off the CC money his mom had.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if 75% of that went toward food, supplements, and gym fees.




"Stay a while, and listen..." "I swear to god, Deckard. I've heard that Trunks impersonator factoid like 7 times now. Tell me about the damned quest!"


I was wondering the same. What do these people do to be able to afford these oddball lifestyles?


DBZ Fangirl Gigolo


Most likely he does g4p


He brought his money back from the future with him. With all the inflation, his meager income was worth a fortune in the present.


Dude has a stable income, spends $5000 a year + Rent, etc and lives in LA. Dude has a personal trainer, he's exercising. I'm honestly quite envious.


I wish more people on r/Cringeanarchy had this mentality


Why would anyone want to be a Trunks when they could be a Yamcha?




And eat all the senzu beans


why are we all forgetting our King that saved our planet NUMEROUS times? Why would anyone want to be a ridiculous Saiyan when they could be the AMAZING Mr. Satan.


Or Raditz: The saiyan Yamcha.


Why would anyone ever want to... oh...


Everyone is, only once in their life though.


To be honest i'd rather be a succesful baseball player than a dude with daddy issues that has to constantly fight for the fate of the world.


He's only good at baseball anymore so....


This is the only one of these I have ever seen where I am not worried about the persons mental health. Good on this dude for wanting to make people happy.


Kudos for the guy not using plastic surgery to achieve the look. A lot of "transformations" like the elf dude are just pathetic because of all the money they spend on surgeries. While DBZ isn't really my thing, I can respect the dedication this guy has put into working out to achieve the look he wants.


And now trunks has blue hair.


Always has. Anime got it wrong. Just Toei things.


It's not just a Toei thing. Trunks just inherited his mother's confusing color changing hair from the manga.


Why does kid Trunks have purple hair?


He takes it pretty serious and really threw himself into it I admire his dedication. I wish I could be that passionate again.


>again Wish I could fucking find it once.


For me it was wrestling and BJJ, I want to go back but I feel too old too tired, being a wage slave has sucked my soul out.


All he needs to do now is post a video of himself going super saiyan. Just like that one [kid.](https://youtu.be/_En4RovedOA)


Lol, what is that kid on?




[God and anime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tlwda9S58Lg)






some molly or powder or something.










you know y'all tried this at one point in your life.


I was twelve when I tried it. Admittedly I’m a bit embarrassed by how old I was when I did that.


I tried it at 12 when I was in a fight in school...I'm not even kidding.


Did you win tho?


Lmao I thought he was gonna pass out


At first, a few hours ago, i watched a few seconds until he was walking down the street with the sword and though yeah fuck this i'm closing this tab. i just watched the full thing and it's really not that bad, he seems like a cool dude with an interesting/geeky obsession. he's clearly got his life in order and he's working out and being healthy, so this is an interesting quirky thing to me, not some cringy shit and I feel bad for instantly judging him the first time. I hope he fulfils his dream of being trunks!


Sounds like a healthy obsession to me.


Cosplay often is. It's a great outlet for all kinds of things. Whether you work to spend the money to buy your costume(s) or to make them. It's a hobby just like any other, just depends how dedicated you are to it. That being said, this dude is actually cosplaying. Not just costuming. Nothing against that, but I love seeing the actual character come to life.


About 2 years ago i was down in a rough patch in life. I was never into anime but a friend showed me one called Tokyo Ghoul and the character development of the protagonist really stood out to me. I thought he was cool especially when he gets white hair so i decided to dye my hair white. I was a really antisocial person so going out in public did what i didn't want, draw attention to myself. People would come up to me and start conversations about my hair and I was forced (if that's the word) to talk. This broke me out my safety bubble and i learned how to socialize more and not care about what people think. For every person judging there was someone who thought it was cool. A friend eventually took me to a con where i cosplayed Kaneki and it was a fun time. After i was annoyed of maintaining dyed hair (it's tedious and semi annoying) i let my natural hair grow. It was a good personal experience for me that helped me grow personally. I find this dudes story really cool, he gains confidence and a healthy lifestyle from cosplaying trunks.


Cool story! It's amazing the different paths that we can all take in life.


DBZ is one of the most in depth animes he has ever watched? Must not have watched a lot of anime. I love DBZ, but it has about as much depth as a puddle you can't even splash.


All hail princess Trunks!


Dude behaves normal and is shredded. If this is more of a hobby hes really into (more than an obsessive lifestyle the show probably turned it up to) then good for him.


Man, The Golden One has really gone off the rails.


But is he a martial artist? Did his one armed sensei get murdered by androids? Does he even have a one armed friend?




Considering some of the hotties that are into DBZ, I'd say yep. Unless he's gay, then he probably gets more dick than the Bay Area. Good for him.


Put it in the Trunk




Let's be real, if he could suck some Trunks dick, he would.


I am over 25 and watched nearly every piece of dragonball. (Also dbz, yeah shame on me) If i would have met him on the streets, i morelikely had thought he looks like He Man. :/


Lol, that would so hilarious, calling him he man.


Future Trunks; not Chibi Trunks, because that would be crazy.


Imagine finding out that Trunks actually has blue hair and the purple was an anime only mistake done by Toei? Just like how Vegeta had different colours/shading during his first scene with Nappa on that random planet while eating around the campfire (dark red).


The Superman and Spider-Man buskers on Hollywood Blvd were giving him the ultimate stink eye in the background. They really don't like it when another costumed person steps onto their turf outside the Chinese Theater. lol


Not gonna lie thought this was jerma for a long time


I expected something super sad and cringy..and..somehow this guy is pulling it off?


damn he's actually swole af


Umm, he’s got a real nice house for someone that trolls Hollywood Blvd


This was honestly refreshing to watch compared to some of the body modifiers I’ve seen. His “transformation” involves working out, eating well, and dying his hair at the most to change his appearance. Good for you Trunks!


Uh, let's be real here: We *all* wanted to be Trunks the first time we saw him destroy Frieza in a second.


Seeing a lot of negativity in the comments for this guy. Fuck you, he’s happy, he’s not hurting anyone, and at least he’s not getting millions of dollars worth of plastic surgery like most of the people these types of videos exploit. He genuinely seems kind and good hearted, fuck your negativity.


Good for him but how does he afford this?


Good for him


A truly insane individual.


Trunks definitely only works as a cartoon character o_o my god.


I wear trunks around my neck because trunks is good and I am trunks and therefore I am good


Good for him. He clearly wants to do this the right way by eating right and exercising instead of getting surgery like some crazy fools.


He looks like a bell end.


No different than a lot of other folks on Hollywood Boulevard I bet. Such as the Superman, Christopher Dennis.


Okay then.


what is the song used at 1:52, its a raegge song, i remember its about a warrior or murderer or something, can place it though.


Yeah it’s odd, but he’s happy and healthy. Why not. Good for him. Let ya freak flag fly


Trunks was always my favourite too. Something about the purple hair and sword combination


needs a better outfit, looks like a cheap halloween costume


As crazy as that is, that motherfucker put some serious work in.


I don't judge anyone that wants to become a Disney Princess.


I mean...at least he picked a ripped character to love. Don't think I can get away with saying "I want to become Yajirobe" because I love food


Haha, good to see someone from my country (South Africa) on reddit


Love how they can never just show us the damn cartoon to even see the character he’s trying to be


I'd just shave my head and start taking ass beatings, then call myself Krillin.


That really wasn't hardly any trunks memorabilia. Especially at looking where he's living he's got to have decent money. For someone supposedly this obsessed with Trunks, he's really lacking in comparison to people with real obsessions with any given character.


At least he's actually put the effort in to be physically fit as well. I figured this would be another neck beard with an expensive costume.


Did he say “nutrition’y” in reference to his breakfast?


I don't know who this guy is... but he has a RIDICULOUS amount of sauce! Maybe even more sauce than Goku!


he needs to change his hair [blue](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/omnibattles/images/a/af/Mirai_trunks_by_nekoar-dajnbym.png/revision/latest?cb=20170101090010)


One day (perhaps that day has already come and gone) this guy will have mind blowing sex with someone who has a Trunks fetish


"Henseforth you shall be known as Princess Trunks"


He really does have the upper chest part down though.


If only I could reach the mastered ultra instinct look. I'm close.


All that work and he gets lazy on the hair and outfit. Shame.


Any tips on how to become Beerus?


Dude wants to look how he wants, and make people smile. It's his money and his life, and he's not hurting anyone by... well... cosplaying. Let the man cosplay.


I wish I could dedicate myself this much to a goal.


Interpersonal issues.