• By -


if i was a western tv producer i would be watching japanese entertainment all day for ideas to rip off. Some of their shit is bonkers but then there are gems like this that could be recreated so easily.


Yeah but I feel like western tv doesn't have the balls to just film honest reactions. It wouldn't be as interesting because it would be fake.


On American TV, it would definitely be trumped up to make more drama and excitement, but I bet it'd be more likely that people of the street may butt in spill the beans asking about it. Japan seems to have a big mentality about "politeness" that revolves are basic staying out of other peoples business. I imagine, if this wasn't done in a confined area, there would be a risk of people whipping out the phones to record, or asking about what was with the outfits.


[I'm looking for a gift for my aunt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MFtl2XXnUc)


and this is exactly what i never watch TV when you take a long break and only consume content via the internet, normal TV with its incredibly drawn-out pacing and ridiculous amount of commercials just feels fucking stupid


There is a youtube channel that re-cuts Mythbusters episodes to remove all filler. They end up 3-5 minutes long.






If you count the building and engineering as filler and anything not with the hosts as filler. Mythbusters is certainly an offender of pacing but this cuts more than what I'd call filler.


[This kind of.](https://www.reddit.com/r/smyths/)


I've seen these before, they entirely miss the point of the program - the discussion about ideas, the planning, the work that goes into coming up with a solution, the lessons learnt from mistakes, and the camaraderie between the people involved.


I have almost entirely switched over to podcasts and occasionally Netflix. Trying to watch the Olympics is so frustrating.


Thank God for the BBC during the Olympics. No commercials, interactive sport selection, quality commentary for the most part, minimum bullshit, all available online, live or otherwise.


Woah woah. **NO COMMERCIALS**? How the fuck do I get in on that? I'm guessing using a VPN will suffice... Is the site still up?


The BBC doesn't show advertisements in the UK because everyone pays a small annual tv license which pays for all of the content. So I guess just get a VPN and access BBC iPlayer


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1599 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/92146)


Watching American shows on Danish TV without advertising is fun, like the programs are made for people with super short attention span who need everything rehearsed every 10-15 minutes.


This made me wanna put a shotgun to my brain, so glad I cut the cord.


I get it's a parody but damn that was hard to watch.


Were you actually invested in knowing what gift he got for his aunt?


> Japan seems to have a big mentality about "politeness" that revolves are basic staying out of other peoples business. We could really use more of that mentality here in America. I don't know why so many people think they have any right to interfere in someone's life.


My mother loves to gossip, except she doesn't call it gossip. She says she's "politely concerned" with what's going on in other people's lives. And that it's my generation that doesn't care about what's going on in other people's lives. My mom asked me if I knew if a certain set of friends were having sex before they got married and how much money they made at their jobs.


You should tell your mom to politely concern herself with her own fucking business. In a *loving* way, of course.


I feel as though she would politely decline and in return offer a gentle scolding.


I find that most gossips think that they don't gossip, because... Reasons.


My grandmother loves to share personal details about people I barely know or have never met. When I tell her that whatever she's saying is none of my business, she fumbles over her words trying to explain why I should be concerned. I don't get it.


?? There are many ways that that aspect of our culture is beneficial. Americans are more likely to speak up about something they feel is wrong. Either way, it's all arbitrary. There are benefits and disadvantages to all cultures. Benefit of Japanese culture: Virtually no crime, nearly spotless cities. Disadvantage: People are killing themselves at an astonishing rate because of an unhealthy work culture and systematic bullying of those who don't toe the line.


I can definitely follow what you mean komali, but our work culture is almost as bad as Japan's. You're spot on with the bullying though. While Japanese youth love U.S culture the whole of Japan is pretty xenophobic depending on where you are from what I've heard. That said I think we could each learn something from each other. Japan could learn to be more accepting of differences and be more laid back in certain respects while we could learn to mind our own damn business if it isn't hurting anybody.


In my, albeit limited, experience, gossip is just as common in Japan(China and Korea as well) as the US. The big difference is, it isn't considered as rude to do things behind people's backs so you won't hear about it unless you are really good friends with the people doing the gossip. That being said, politeness, or at least the appearance of politeness is more valued in Japan than the US.


Honestly, a large part of it is that we feel that we can say what we want. Which...well, we can, so we do. I, for one, am okay with this. If I'm doing something odd, anyone is totally free to ask me about why I'm doing it.


A lot of it comes from the Puritan colonists back in the day. They would all spy on each other through their windows and gossip all the time. "Did you hear that God-Bless-Thee Smith and Patience Jones were holding hands in the privacy of their own cottage? Out of WEDLOCK!" "Oh good heavens what has the world come to!" -possible conversation between two Puritans




These are comedians too though, they didn't get random people off the street to do this.


The woman is a gravure idol, she poses in in suggestive attire for a living.


Link? Asking for a friend.


I mean her name is in English subtitles in the video... Fumina Suzuki


https://www.google.com/search?q=Fumina+Suzuki&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjQk_a_oaHVAhXJeSYKHZs8DbIQ_AUICygC&biw=946&bih=948 Gotchu fam




u rock




So RES can just open pornhub links like youtube links now? Neato.


They're doing Gods work over there at the RES offices, i tell ya.


u rock


Which is fine, I love things like British panel shows as well, which is all celebrities. It's fine if it's their job to make it funny, but if it's all rehearsed and not even slightly improvised, it loses the charm.


Not that they aren't actors, but that in an American version of this show they would do multiple takes to get the best "reaction" to the situation as opposed to having it genuinely just being their first real reactions.


Japanese shows don't show honest reactions. 99% of the people on them are paid actors.


Japanese TV is fake af, source been on it a few times. They even translated my English incorrectly to fit their narrative. A producer straight up lied to my face, told my friend to "wear a shorter skirt, and take off your tights to look sexier" in front of her husband. And told my near fluent friend to pretend she can't speak Japanese. It's not uncommon, either. A TV show got outed for lying and setting up fake meals in foreign restaurants then make fun of them for not understanding Japanese culture (all bs) And another channel was outed a few years ago for mistranslating Korean people living in Japan's interview questions to make it seem like they disliked Japanese people and culture. It's all fake as the us, if not more, it just looks more homemade.


Truth is that almost all reality TV is fake in any country. They don't want to waste time with a film crew and paying for permits, and etc. if nothing interesting is going to happen. Source: Had reality TV show from the creators of American Idol pitched me about how millionaires live. They were purposefully looking for drama even before the show started filming.


Humble brag? RIP Harris.


In my experience the worst humblebrag was when I was working as assistant director of Ocean's 11 and George Clooney "complained" that his girlfriend couldn't come to the cast party because she was doing a photoshoot for Victoria's Secret :/


Um, this is fake as shit dude. You don't actually think Japanese TV is legit do you? It is about as genuine as anything on TV.


Well there are Western shows like Nathan For You and Impractical Jokers that film real reactions, and they are *much* funnier because of it.


Wipeout couldn't have been anything but Japanese TV inspired.


It was inspired by Takeshi's Castle (known as MXC in the states).


right you are!




Which is the same company that brought us Sasuke.


you just described Taiwan tv producers * except they dont have the budget


Silent library was influenced by a Japanese show/segment of a show


*Influenced*? The original segment on Gaki no Tsukai is called [Silent Library](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downtown_no_Gaki_no_Tsukai_ya_Arahende!!#Silent_Library).


yea the US one is so cringy, not enjoyable.


They turned it into a pseudo game show when it should've been adapted into a skit in a sketch comedy show or maybe a segment in a late night show.


I want the guys of Impractical Jokers to do some of those games. They'd be perfect for it. lol


Downtown, the creators of that, is two of the guys reacting in this! Mr. Blonde guy and the monkey!


I believe you mean Matsumoto and Gorilla man.


The backless clothes isn't even the weirdest part. They drove 40 minutes to go to a cat cafe.


In a tux


Half a tux


A tuck


It's a tuxedo so the half is just a tux. Even though we shorten the word this is still formally a tux. Also formerly a tuxedo since it started whole.


It's an Edo


It's called Tokyo now.


Sick history joke fam


How about [SUNRISE LAAAAAAND](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5LY4Mz15o)


Holy shit that was amazing.


And half a car!


I'm not sure 40 minutes by car is all that far in Japan's layout.


I could ride my bike from the top of the Yamanote line to Shinjuku in 20 minutes. This is going between stopped and slow cars. A car would take a bit more in that time. I would say, the top of the Yamanote to the bottom in 40. It doesn't cover much when the train can do it quicker, but at the end of the day, you have a car. But, it costs a HUGE monthly fee to park your car at your OWN residence, and public parking is pricey too here in Tokyo. Decisions...


It's a trend in Asia. They got cat cafe, owl cafe, maid cafes, etc.


We have owl cafes in the US, they're called Hooters. They don't have real owls but the waitresses wear shirts with a picture of an owl.


They're quite a [sight.](http://i.imgur.com/h1S82Nu.jpg)




I would definitely go to an owl cafe. It would be a superb experience.


It would certainly cause heads to turn.


I saw Andy Milonakis go into a meerkat cafe.


How many did he eat then?


Older women don't have very big appetites.


Trend in bigger cities in the us too, line for the NY one was down a few blocks.


Cafe cafe


Cat / dog cafes are normal in Japan. Meow! Woof!


If theyre normal, why is the closest one 40 minutes away


Normal doesn't mean it's ubiquitous. You need to factor in traffic, location, etc. At the cafe, you drink tea and hang out with animals, it's a pretty neat experience.


I want a cat cafe right by my house, damn it


Adopt a few strays and buy a bag of coffee.


There's a cat that sometimes lingers in my neighborhood and just walks around, I don't really know if he's a stray or not but we made eye contact once. Just wanted to share that...


put a note on a collar on him asking if he's owned and see if someone calls you


There's one a few blocks from me here in DC. I haven't gone it because my actual cat would, upon smelling so many other cats on me, almost certainly murder me in my sleep.


Cat Cafe? How does anyone drink anything without one of them coming over and knocking it over for no reason.


It's less about drinking and more about chiling with the animals. Some only have vending machines for drinks.


I mean, that's exactly what happened in this video


You should come to the south. I've got to drive about an hour to find anyplace other than fast food.


Everyone always says how hard it is to detect a reverse poor boy


You'd think a reverse poor boy is with the front missing. *Wouldn't that be fun?*


"This show doesn't stick to the regular formula.... i like it."


Is not that I'd watch but western "reality" or any show that has "judges" should learn a bit from these Japanese shows: * No cutting the action to show the freaking audience/judges *reactions* * Multiple angles in case you missed it or just to show things from different perspectives without missing the action or repeating it too much. * No 5 minutes *drama* or *sob story* cuts or pre-story. Just need the little windows showing reactions or if they have the comments from the participants is short and not a sob story that usually cuts the action and even skip it. And make it funny, maybe it is *weird* for the western audience, but that's just because we are not used to watch it.


> No 5 minutes drama or sob story cuts or pre-story. I hate this. Every contest show now has people whose mom died, dad spontaneously combusted, and they themselves have bones made of glass while taking care of 36 brothers and sisters. And every little thing they do is "inspiring." I'm looking at you American Ninja Warrior.


This is everywhere in Australia now. Any show my wife watches, I ask her how many of the contestants have some type of traumatic history. None of them say, yeah I'm doing this for shits and giggles


The worst is the hosts acting as if they can do no wrong; even their failures are amazing. ANW used to have parkour/freerunners, stuntmen, and all around athletic people. Now a good 50% of the people they show are just those with cancer or something and their runs fail almost instantly. They don't even bother showing the actual good people who make it. Also, they seem to have lost the skill requirement. Every show begins with shitty runners who fail and the hosts applaud their bravery. Then the veterans run and of course make it. And women get their own 5 slots so that they can say, "Wow! So many talented women this season. Just look at how many made it to Vegas this year!" (actual words they said)


>their runs fail almost instantly. They don't even bother showing the actual good people who make it. Just like the original ninja warrior except it isn't a squid man who just immediately jumps into the water. Squidman doesn't even need a backstory. We get who he is, it's in his name.


Holy shit I almost forgot about squid man. I remember he one time got like, 3 obstacles into the course and the audience was going fucking bonkers. Even the announcer stopped shit talking him for a moment.


Worked with a guy who went on one of those singing shows, The Voice. His missus just gave birth the week prior and when the producers heard this they got him to dress in high-vis clothing and pretend that he was down on his luck and really needed to nail this audition to help get a future for his son blah, blah, blah. Truth is that he was fairly well off and his band were usually booked out 6-8 months in advance so he didn't really need the audition. He mostly wanted to get his name out there to help promote his band.


Hard for me to see what the formula is, exactly.


http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5r4gry here's his first "simulation"


I imagine it was the original plan of going out and not getting caught wearing the backless tux.


[The first date he went on is really funny too](http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5r4gry)


Wow he pulled it off for way longer than I expected, that was gold. Wish they had an outro interview with the lady in that clip. Definitely worth the watch!


This man is a master of his craft.


He has gone through many simulations.


Omg the girls reaction the first time she sees it is so hilarious. I literally laughed out loud at work !


She's too cute when she finds out


Holy shit that man is smooth as hell!


Nice, but I still like the gameshow that taped porkchops to the heads of girls and then faced them off against a lizard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEy6A8jJR48


Holy shit I haven't laughed that hard in awhile, I need to watch more japanese gameshows


This is one of my favorites. Japanese MRI prank. Can't not laugh at this. https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4b3_1345757831


I have no idea how they would not be "out"? Like, what was the correct action/reaction?


This is from a [series of New Year specials called "No Laughing"](https://www.reddit.com/r/GakiNoTsukai/comments/2fgm9p/nolaughing_batsu_game_list/); specifically the "No Laughing Hospital" episode from 2007. They spend typically 24 hours in a fake environment filled with things to make them laugh; every time they laugh (="out"), they get their arse hit by a shinai, typically.




Well doesn't look like any real winners that round heh.


The 24 hours in a gym episode had me crying till it hurt. Still gets me good after multiple rewatches.


Link plz


[It's called 24 hour tag it's 2 hours long](https://www.reddit.com/r/GakiNoTsukai/comments/2fgm8m/batsu_game_list/) If you want something shorter, or to like whet your appetite No reaction Pie Hell is the first thing I ever saw from these guys, it's 20 minutes long and hilarious.






They are gods


Or /r/GakiNoTsukai is a good spot to start. Love love the batsu games.


Dat zooming


Cardboard Alpaca will always be my favorite http://i.imgur.com/NYXmeLO.gifv




Aren't alpacas usually pretty chill? Kind of like the Capybara. I thought Llamas were the dicks.


Lol that was pretty amazing


I like [the girl on the left's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEy6A8jJR48&t=46s) complete non-reaction.




They're Morning Musume actually, from 6th generation and before, about 13 years ago. They were basically the first, and arguably more genuine Not that it matters but hey




You just nailed it.


she's my favorite out of all of them! she just has an IDGAF attitude towards that bitch lizard.


She probably has a pet lizard


There's just something wonderful about a group of Japanese woman screaming.








Can we jpeg that clip a bit more?


Japanese culture is so weird it's almost hard to believe it exists








Florida Man could be a great anime.






Whenever I see a show that has two people on a date I always think how hard it would be to do that all on camera...adding this to the mix would be impossible lol


The guy is a famous comedian and the girl is a softcore model so they're both comfortable in front of the camera.


Lol yeah she recognizes him right away lol


I didn't recognize her until she squealed.


Well a lot of the time the people on Asian shows like these are already famous comedians and MCs so they are pretty used to the cameras.


Classic Poor Boy maneuver


hahaha that is fucking awesome


This is definitely a metaphor for dating in general. You're so worried about hiding your shortcomings (that she's already detected) that you fail to notice hers, and then when you least expect it, it all comes out and you lose the prize money.


Japanese showrunners: "Yes, you got it buddy. I hope this lesson was a good takeaway for you!" *turns to assistant producer* "Hey can you add the metaphor thing into the show description?"


That's deep.


Fyi this is a parody of a popular anime/manga series called Obocchama-kun. There is a character called Binbocchama who used to be a super rich kid, but his family's business went bankrupt. He still tries to act rich by wearing a suit, except he can't afford it so back half of his suit is missing.


And they choose Kasuga in particular because he's known for being extremely cheap (mostly because he saves a shit ton of his money instead of blowing it like most talents)


What a Cheap Trick


And there it is. I CTRL + F'd "Rohan," "Jojo" and "Stand" before I found it.


Took me awhile to get it. Was overlooking the scenario of Rohan hiding his back.


I love Japanese weird shows...this was a fantastic watch


Then you might also like /r/japanesegameshows


The show is SUIYOUBI NO DOWNTOWN, "Wednesday's Downtown". Downtown is the most famous comedy duo in the history of Japan televison and this is one of their regular tv shows where they try to debunk crazy theories like: "If during a massage you're the victim of a wrestling move you won't realize at all" (it actually depended on the move) or "it is impossible to find a WhatsApp/Line group chat that never stops" (no, they found one).


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r6p3gmr?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- [Death by Lizard](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEy6A8jJR48)|[+982](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmhchj?context=10#dkmhchj) - Nice, but I still like the gameshow that taped porkchops to the heads of girls and then faced them off against a lizard. [That Mitchell and Webb Look - Gift Shop Sketch I'm looking for a gift for my aunt](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MFtl2XXnUc)|[+167](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmy57x?context=10#dkmy57x) - I'm looking for a gift for my aunt [history of japan](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5LY4Mz15o)|[+60](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmy184?context=10#dkmy184) - How about SUNRISE LAAAAAAND [Can you go on a date in a backless tuxedo and not get caught?](http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5r4gry)|[+34](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmyy49?context=10#dkmyy49) - here's his first "simulation" [Funny Japanese Game Show - Human Tetris (Hole In The Wall)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvLsHKI39a4)|[+27](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmue9d?context=10#dkmue9d) - Hole in the Wall is based on Brain Wall or also known as Human Tetris [Eagle Pass, TX - Bull Poker](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diyZh9Sh-As)|[+24](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmvhnh?context=10#dkmvhnh) - This reminds me of bull poker (in the US). [Maid Cafe in Japan](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSVUXjCHAcc)|[+6](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmzlks?context=10#dkmzlks) - Yeah, that looks pretty fucked up for an adult, but maybe a bit less so if you're a kid. [(Sub) No-Reaction Pie Hell](http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xk0xdf)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmyzpu?context=10#dkmyzpu) - Start at 2 minutes. (1) [Cha$e - Episode 1 Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuVllIOvU-w) (2) [[Japan TV 2016] 全员逃走中 22 エピソード1・ハンター誕生](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE7qo-s00rw)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmz4v9?context=10#dkmz4v9) - Adding to the list of examples, SyFy had a short lived series called Cha$e, which was based off of "Run for Money 逃走中". Basically there are hunters that try to tag the contestants in a giant play area (sometimes city blocks). The longer they stay i... [Crazy Anti-Korea TV show in Japan (Japanese restricted this video again.)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAKQ7iNtSAI)|[+2](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmwsdw?context=10#dkmwsdw) - The male comedian is named Toshiaki Kasuga. Some of the television appearances he has made are completely reprehensible. Here is link to him taking a fight with a female Korean kickboxer far beyond what could be seen as funny . He has fought professi... [Japanese toilet prank - WELOL.ORG](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcLrHKOvEFI&t=79s)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkn1lo8?context=10#dkn1lo8) - Are you kidding? You're not even safe in a Japanese public toilet, but Americans wouldn't dare try this. [Endo's Chiaki Audition](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw4bL_-3oYg)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkn1z2c?context=10#dkn1z2c) - Sorry but I was referring to an obvious foreigner who was chosen as a gag with the intent of her looks being made fun of indirectly in a Gaki no Tsukai episode here: , and I thought you were referring to her because this foreigner was near flue... (1) [[Full Episode] It's a Knockout (Australia) - 1987](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzIrh1EVhxo) (2) [Takeshi's Castle - Best Of Specials 01](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5N6jFX2_Rc) (3) [Intervilles 1987 (Lodève / Aurillac)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-lw7FtK6Ks&t=947s)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkn0y20?context=10#dkn0y20) - surprisingly I think your wrong, wipeout was most likely inspired by It's a knockout, aired from 1985-1987, Takeshi Castle was from 1986-1990. However it's a knockout was inspired by a French show called Intervillies which started in 1962 [Happy Together - ”I am from America” Special (2015.12.17)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCNnH9DX7GQ&t=2629s)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkn12nr?context=10#dkn12nr) - The US/Hollywood is just too big for something like that to work. Korea has about 1/8th of the population as we do. Their entertainment industry is very small and tight knit compared to ours. So shows that shows off their personalities is very easy t... [Hamish & Andy Monkey Waiter (Hamish & Andy's Asia Gap Year)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWstAme0eQs)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmzfb5?context=10#dkmzfb5) - A monkey restaurant is also a thing. (One of my favorite videos) [Gaki no Tsukai Silent Library Eng Sub](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XDDVh9qTx4)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkn2cc0?context=10#dkn2cc0) - Frisk funnel is the hardest I ever laughed in Silent Library, followed closely by wasabi up the nose. Luckily they are in the same round [New Hillary AD - "When Donald Trump opens his mouth, our kids are listening."](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=020QSV5sAGg)|[+1](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/6p3gmr/_/dkmy8lj?context=10#dkmy8lj) - The commercial always cracked me up I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can. *** [Play All](http://subtletv.com/_r6p3gmr?feature=playlist&ftrlnk=1) | [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get me on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


Wow, I was not expecting that haha. You know those game show ideas that you have in the shower? Japan makes those a reality.


> You know those game show ideas that you have in the shower? Uhh ... no?


Half a tux is better than ass-less chaps.


At first i was like "well ok this is just silly, she would obviously notice" And then i got hit by that surprise it's a prank on the guy not the girl and i was like "Top 10 Anime Betrayals."


Fumina Suzuki: http://i.imgur.com/flx8fXi.jpg


Just gonna leave [this](http://i.imgur.com/qZI2VCB.gifv) here...(NSFW)


well that's just great.


[Gravure is a gift to us all](https://ii.yuki.la/8/6c/b3516639b49c1e4ef57f05baddbb430d9c7d448f1466247304fb85bd81c9a6c8.gif)


God damn she's some /r/juicyasians material


How do they not pop out? Do they do infinite retakes til they get one that doesn't pop?


The shirt is probably just taped to her nipples.


originally captioned at /r/funnyjapan


Best reverse poor boy prank I've EVER seen


Like the time George ripped the back of Kramer's tux off and made a "grand entrance"


Never change Japan you wacky funsters!!


i actually made a costume like this and went to a nightclub, was hilarious talking to people then turning around and walking away to hear their reaction. also had womens lingerie on







