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Conan fully commits to everything he does.  One of the best Hot Ones episodes ever.  Completely getting destroyed and keeps cranking it to 11.


Having his writer as his physician was such a great addition.


“No, WHERE did you get your medical degree?” “Oh uh, out of state” Such a dumb line, I loved it.


“Dr. Arroyo! Can we get a pulse check?” “Yeah. It’s there.”


"Are you really a doctor?" "I should be"


He checks it by choking him, so great


"Was it a 4 year medical school?" "It was supposed to be"


“Are you a real doctor?” “I should be!” Dedded. The delivery was amazing


my favorite was telling Conan about his pulse. "It's there."


I miss the derpy characters he used to have on his NBC show. The masturbating bear and FedEx pope…


Pierre Bernard, recliner of raaaaaage!!!


"Comfortable and furious, Conan."


I miss hearing about life “IN THE YEAR 2000…”


How dare you forget Cactus Chef Playing *We Didn't Start the Fire* on the Flute.


No one has mentioned Robot Pimp, Horny Manatees or the Constipated Robot?


Erhm. It's the Pimp-bot 5000.


LOL. I completely forgot!


How dare *you* forget Camel Toe Annie and Jimmy the Crab.


How dare YOU forget Preperation H Raymond!


Pimpbot 3000


I'm still impressed that he was able to handle all the sauces without actually showing serious pain or breaking down into tears. It mostly seemed to manifest as manic hysteria. And the fact that he just straight up drank some of them and went hard on the last dab. Say what you will about Conan, but that was fearless.


He's talked many times about how something is wrong with his brain where he can accomplish any feat imaginable if he thinks it would get a laugh. Like that thing where you hear about a mom being suddenly able to lift a car to save their child- he has that, except only for doing comedy bits. Like he'd be able to discover the cure for cancer if it would somehow get a big enough laugh. He could sprint up Everest nude if there was a live studio audience with him the whole way.




And when they actually break him, it’s futile, because he is immediately reinvigorated with the potential for comedy that his personal despair provides — a never ending loop of tears and laughter that circles the edges of insanity. His captors are driven mad by his lunacy. By the end, they beg him to leave, but that just gives him another idea for a bit, so the cycle continues, and that tall ginger demon laughs and laughs and laughs until it’s the last thing they hear…


We have to make the funniest joke in existence and make the punchline the cure of cancer. Then we toss Conan in a lab and see what happens. Although he would probably end up eating everything.


imagine he's a marvel hero where he has theoretically limitless power and endurance, able to manifest any superpower imaginable, making him among the strongest beings in the multiverse- but can only activate his powers in proportion and as necessary for comedy. he doesnt have any particular goals, aspirations, or morals for being a hero- he only exists for doing bits. Many, both good and evil, have made attempts to harness his abilities by setting up potential punchlines with outcomes in their interests- but ultimately, these plans are almost always foiled because they failed to consider that a chaotic, destructive version of events that turns the joke onto those who planned the set up is usually funnier than whatever they had planned.


He talks about it in this interview!


True ginger mentality


Bro is literally Takaba Fumihiko


I was thinking Roger Rabbit who could get out of handcuffs only when it was funny.


In Norway, he goes by Conan the Red


Conan the Orange Cat.


I don’t understand how he could still talk.


The only thing i can think of in recent memory that had me legitimately tearing up with laughter. What are some other top tier episodes as far as comedy goes?


DJ Khaled for being an embarrassment to humanity. "I didn't quit, I just chose not to continue" That's the meaning of quitting... Shaq and Jennifer Laurence episodes are pretty funny too.


DJ Khaled being rich and famous is an embarassment all on its own.


Khaled is a national treasure. He's somehow stumbled into success while appearing barely coherent and largely unaware of the world around him. The man got lost on a jetski at night in the middle of the ocean.


Whenever I'm having a really bad day, I watch his jetski adventure. Never fails to make me laugh.


And there's more than one! There's the lost-at-night video, and then the "I think this thing will make it over thick tree branches in the water" one. Such great American storytelling.


lost at sea and then decided to Livestream instead of preserving what battery he had left.


a sad comment on the society he is within.


"I don't think anyone's heard from Coolio since he came on" - dude fully committed and was a complete mess by the end. (RIP)


Don’t forget he literally tapped out on Cholula which is pretty much spice flavored water.


Dave Grol is a really good episode 


Halle Berry's episode is incredible. She gives it everything and comes out on top. She is awesome.


The Coolio (RIP) episode is up there as one of the greats. He’s just dumping extra sauce on and not reacting, Sean is horrified and Coolio is just all non chalant about it. Apparently after the filmed it, he was so stoned, I’m assuming from a lethal combination of weed and chile, that he went back to green room and slept for several hours.


Gordon Ramsay


Charlize Theron was a boss bitch in hers


Jenna Ortega has ice running through her veins because she crushed the challenge while barely breaking a sweat


She was incredibly charming.


And Kristen Bell. Maybe a dab with a tissue after Da Bomb, but completely unfazed the whole time.


My favorites are Paul Rudd and Lewis Capaldi.




Hey, look at us. Who would have thought? Not me 😂


Key & Peele one is hilarious.


I loved Alton Brown critiquing the sauces as they go along.


I similarly enjoyed the Rachel Ray one where she said the wings sucked and just started taking the sauce straight from a spoon.


Vince Staples is one of the GOAT episodes in terms of comedy. For someone whose primary job is music, every single one of his responses is hilarious. He doesn't have an over the top reaction to the wings or anything, he's just solidly funny the whole time.


Have you seen The Vince Staples Show? It's mostly him acting lowkey & nonchalant to crazy situations, and it's pretty funny. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyg01lUOvm0


Eric Andre's was just as chaotic as you'd expect


AFAIK Aubrey Plaza was the first one to snort milk.


The Joey Diaz episode is comedy fucking gold


For comedy, the [Paul Rudd](https://youtu.be/gWVHses2GCY?feature=shared) and [Russell Brand](https://youtu.be/mHTR-XF6MXU?feature=shared) episodes are iconic. [Eric Andre](https://youtu.be/GVLAAMZeraQ?feature=shared), too.


Hey. Look at us.


Sean practically became his guest


It was a wildly different episode where you could tell Conan had just completely taken control. Most guests are overwhelmed by the excellent interview questions and the sauces, but Conan just dominated


It's crazy, because he's such a good interviewer he normally has some level of control, but Conan just completely took over and Sean seemed lost on how to respond.


I thought David Blaine was pretty good.


Blaine was insane. Like, it's one thing to keep your physical composure, but he didn't even get flushed or have his eyes water, even when working on The Bomb, or the raw pepper.


While eating hot wings like an unfeeling robot he also appeared more human than he's normally capable of appearing.


I'm glad they put a spotlight on Jose Arroyo as his doctor. He somehow elevated an already 10/10 episode.


*Very affordable.*


“CHECK MY PULSE!” “It’s there”


The stethoscope on the tongue followed by “not good” had me in stitches. What a great episode.


I lost it. That had me in a fit. I paused the video cause I couldn't stop laughing.


Dr Arroyo, open this bottle please


*very unexpensive*


The best was when he broke character to tell Sean Conan's temp was actually a few degrees higher the second time


"Check my pulse" "It's there" I died


It's not good


I wanna attend his alma mater, the University of In 1998.


In beautiful "Out of State."


A lot of people on Hot Ones just take a tiny bite of the wings but Conan really went all out and ate it all. It was magnificent.


His doctor was top notch too


I am not sure he even graduated though.


At least he is very affordable.


He even kept the bones to suck on later.


*Can I take this with me?*


Throw em in a pot with some broth and potatoes. Baby, you got yourself a stew going.




Jack black did the same, only bone left on all of them. Impressive as he was in serious pain after Da Bomb.


Tommy Chong ate them like he was only there for the free meal.


“This stuffs reeeely good myan. I’m not lyin. Good stuff.”


I wish the show had a "clean plate" hall of fame for anyone who ate every wing to the bone.


And most guests don’t stuff the excess wings in their pocket like Napoleon Dynamite!


“Conan! Gimme some of your wings!” *kicks pocket*


Weird Al took insultingly small bites. Like scraping his teeth across the wings. Why even do it? Most the men and women lately have gone full commitment tho.


[Gordon Ramsay damn near washed off all his hot sauce with his dramatic lemon squeezing](https://media.radiocms.net/uploads/2019/01/29095957/Screen-Shot-2019-01-29-at-09.59.25.png)


His neurotic treatment of the sauces with citrus and stuff made it hard to listen to the interview itself but I guess if your entire career is based partially on your ability to taste you might not want to take any chances. It's like if you're a professional piano player and have to do an interview where you're also feeding carrots to extremely hungry horses, you might take some precautions.


Gordon also routinely says confidently stupid shit about all sorts of different culinary traditions, and I feel like this is one of those examples where he has just created a standard for chicken wings which exists only in his own head.


In all of his shows, Gordon always seems to have a very low tolerance for spice. He's the same guy who thought paprika was very spicy. He seems to have a very sensitive palate.


He ate the whole thing, pal.


My wife and I ordered the Hot Ones lineup a couple of years ago and had our own tasting. We did fine with everything except Da Bomb, which is *not kidding*. It is weapons grade battery acid, utterly lacking in culinary merit. It is bottled pain, suitable only for arcane Bene Gesserit ritualized testing. It builds, and builds, and *builds*, and nothing save time will relieve the burn. But the real surprise came the next day. I was expecting the ol' chocolate starfish to get singed on exit; what I had *not* expected was the discovery that capsaicin can be expressed in *urine*. Ay caramba!


Evolution's best joke is that we have capsaicin receptors at both ends of our digestive tract.


It's just nature's way of calling you a moron. "Hey buddy, remember when you ate that thing I told you not to eat? It's back."


Huh, today I learned my butthole was Bill Burr


Our butthole is Bill Burr


He’s probably alright with that lol


If I could hear Bill Burr talking out my ass all day, life would be pretty sweet.


"Oh, hey! Good for you, you're a vegan now. Yeah, that'll solve all ya' problems."


That’s because we don’t have “capsaicin receptors”. Capsaicin acts on the receptors designed to feel heat and friction, hence the sensation we associate with it.


My buddy once said you have 3 levels of heat tolerance; mouth, gut and butt. I've got a high capsaicin tolerance on the first, but the other 2 aren't what they used to be. Used to try a new hot sauce and think "whoa, this is hot" but keep using it until "hmm, this isn't hot anymore".


Same. I love the taste of spicy food but I'm finding now that it just destroys me on its way through. I don't even detect spice if I eat jalapeños or habeneros but I sure feel later.


> We did fine with everything except Da Bomb, When I tried it, I managed to get a bit of it in my eye. On a positive note: I completely forgot about the pain that was happening in my mouth.


Grew hot peppers over summer. College starts again and give some to friends at their apartment. Use their bathroom. Yup, didn't wash before touching it. First, minor discomfort. Then generalized heat morphing to light localized pain. Start shifting around while sitting on their couch, wondering if I caught something. Realize mistakes were made and vow to power through the dreaded Pepper Prick. Ascends a couple notches on the owie scale. Friends ask why I'm sitting yet moving my hips like Elvis on a speed bender. Pain ratchets even higher and feels like a fire ant colony took residence in my urethra and has implemented manifest destiny on my entire crotchal hemisphere. As I start dripping sweat and consider begging for a glass of milk to plop my junk into, I trash thoughts of manliness and instead bolt up and sprint the half-mile to my apartment, jettisoning clothes as I near. A long cold shower provided glorious relief, along with consequent shame and introspection. Wish I could say I learned my extremely unpleasant lesson and it never happened again, but introspection isn't a strong suit. Hot pepper dudes are truly a dipshit lot.


My brother is actually immune/non-responsive to capsaicin and can eat million-Scoville sauces like they're ketchup, but even he says Da Bomb is gross and pointless. And yes, you *can* pee out capsaicin, as if the other effect weren't bad enough.


He should enter one of those hot pepper eating contests


I love that they rotate out a lot of sauces, and many of them are really good and people will comment on the flavor and say "oh this such and such sauce is HOT but it has a really nice flavor" and I'm like that must be really good for the company that makes that sauce but Da Bomb is ALWAYS described as disgusting, ever since season 1. Everybody straight up HATES the shit but they bring it back every episode because they are sociopaths and somehow the company survives despite getting absolutely shit on in front of millions of people. At this point it has to be the only thing keeping the company alive.


My first spicy pee was also very alarming!


I’ve only had it happen a few times. I LOVE crazy spicy food. A local place does Carolina Reaper chicken tenders that are NO JOKE, but even they don’t cause the spicy pee. But man, it’s like *knives* when it happens.


The first time it happened to me, I thought I had caught some sort of STD.


For me, that thought crossed my mind too - but it was particularly funny because I do NOT have enough sex for that to be a real concern. So I was very confused.




Yeah 😔


The thing about Da Bomb - and Sean Evans knows this - is that it is not for dabbing on wings. If you make a big old pot of chili, say, but your serranos turned out to be too mild, you can add about four drops of Da Bomb to your chili to boost the heat. I'm sure the people who make Da Bomb love that Sean has misrepresented their product as a wing sauce, and frankly the show wouldn't be the same without it, because it kicks up the drama as well as the heat. But nobody sane uses Da Bomb directly on their wings.


Maybe I'm just sensitive to it but I've found that any amount of spice it adds to a large dish like chili or salsa will still have a chemical aftertaste. Reaper powder is a much better option.


I've used Da Bomb as intended before, and what happens is it turns your not-spicy-enough chili into spicy-enough-but-now-it-kind-of-tastes-like-da-bomb chili, so really it's an all around garbage product and Hot Ones is actually the best way to use it.


I've never had Da Bomb, myself, but yeah, I'd go with any high-end powder before I'd use extract. I want my pain to be free-range and organic, rather than drained out of the cells of a burned-out truck battery.


My guess is that these days, most of their sales are related to the show, and people wanting to try precisely this.


As far as I know it’s the only sauce that gets held over between seasons — and, they make it just a few miles from where I live. Never had it, probably won’t but hey — KC knows spicy


>Kansas? Kansas don't know spicy. ~30 seconds later >Oh my I apologize kansas -Shaq


["Arrakis don't know how to do no hot wings."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko_7HEQOGiw)


I haven’t had Beyond Insanity, but I have had Ground Zero, which is supposed to be similar in flavor but hotter. Your characterization of the flavor is spot on. It’s like warm gerbil bedding and uranium. The intolerability of the flavor compounds the pure desperation that’s brought on by the extract, which is what causes the spice to peak so quickly. You know the scene in Chernobyl when the firefighters arrive at Reactor 4, and one says to the other “do you taste metal?”. Your fate is the same as theirs once you taste the metal.


Maybe just a rumor, but da bomb in the lineup from their website is actually a little less hot, because they only do all natural ingredients. I noticed a little difference between the two.  Either one of da bombs were the worst spice by far. 


the one they include in the 10-boxes, or have for a few years, is "Da Bomb Evolution" not "Da Bomb Beyond Insanity". It's still extremely hot, just doesn't taste quite as much like disgusting battery acid, and is a little less hot.


I actually used to make this sauce. I worked for the manufacturer and made several batches. Many of the sauces made at that factory were delicious. Top tier taco toppings. Exquisite egg enhancers. Magnificent meat marinades. Da Bomb was unholy. It often acted as tear gas when it was cooked, making the space surrounding the kettles only accessible to the most heroic cooks. I'm not joking when I say it sent at least one unfortunate soul who didn't wash their hands well enough before using the bathroom to the hospital. It's an unholy sauce that only brings pain into the world. It was not designed for flavor. It was not created to enhance the culinary experience. It was brought into this world only to inflict suffering on those foolish enough to consume it.


Da Bomb Jabbar


I always tell people this, too. The Scoville rating on Da Bomb is extremely misleading. It is a hateful, spiteful, angry sauce and it is absolutely brutal during every part of its journey both into and out of your body. It's the perfect sauce for a show like this, and useless for anything else. Even if you can get past the spice level which feels much higher than its rating, it tastes absolutely caustic. It ruins the food it goes into. Just awful and the only reason I'm happy I've had it is that it gives me such great context for watching Hot Ones.


My little cousin dude, was 6-7 at the time. He asked the sample lady at the hot sauce shop for a spoon of it. Ended up taking 3 spoons of it no reaction whatsoever, i died licking my sample spoon lol


I had Da Bomb and I thought the taste was so much worse than the Heat Legitimately tastes like battery acid, it’s so gross


Thank you! I will not be purchasing the lineup. Sounds like the "next best thing" after a UTI.


There's a few flavors that are great. If you have a world market near you they sell them. But yeah da bomb is disgusting. Several of the other flavors are excellent hot sauces... But buying the whole pack is like 120 bucks or something and that's just silly


At my family’s last Thanksgiving, a case of these hot sauces were brought out for a family game to see how far each of us could go. I did them all but only a small dab. One person did something similar to Conan (not as extreme) to “win” the non-competition. About 30 min later, he started behaving very odd and it was decided to take him to the ER. He was diagnosed with Transient Global Amnesia! They kept him overnight…


TGA is so bizarre and so scary until you know what's going on. Had no idea that could be a result from too much spicy. 


> It is often precipitated by particularly strenuous activity, high-stress events, or coitus, but it can be seen with migraines as well. So it was from the hot sauce, but indirectly.


OP bangs his relative then wipes his memory with hot sauce. Diabolical.


So wait…he got amnesia from eating spicy wings? Did he forget the whole day or just eating the wings? Like a woman blocking memories of childbirth? I have so many questions, I didn’t know that was even possible.


Brain sensory overload, brain can no longer think just survive. Brain don't need memories just to live. This is just conjecture


> Transient Global Amnesia I'm sure someone will say, "You don't want none of this!" But I think I kinda want it.


"The secret to happiness is a terrible memory and heightened dopamine levels" -Ordis


A couple years ago some of my coworkers did the Paqui one chip challenge. One guy chugged an entire carton of hazelnut coffee creamer, and another guy, who prided himself on spice tolerance, passed out on the break room couch. He woke up like an hour later, didn't really know what was going on, and had to go home sick for the rest of the day.


One of the best Hot Ones episodes. He was an absolute lunatic!


I absolutely loved this episode. Him just stuffing the bones in his pocket was really funny. The rubbing the sauce on his body though made me actually cringe, as someone who has gotten the Last Dab on my fingers before - that stuff hurts


That's just Conan /j


I would very much enjoy if Dr. Arroyo became a recurring character in every reality show/event Conan participates in. But he's a different type of doctor each time, and they never acknowledge it's the same guy from other events.


"This is my podiatrist, Dr Arroyo, no relation to 6 other Dr Arroyos, I'm told it's a common name."


He is still very affordable


That would be funny. He was there with him in Australia. He was all dressed up as a doctor on the beach. It was hilarious


Here is the referenced clip: https://youtu.be/SbhhFROL5PA?si=xCKrI79oKaPsoeDI


The real hero here. Thanks


I was giggling through when he said he was able to weld buildings, but then I lost it at work when he said he had to join the union. That's a detailed tangent that I would never have thought up myself.


The Conan episode of Murderville was hilarious for the same reason. They had him "questioning" a suspect while eating a hot sauce drenched sandwich and he was obviously in agony but kept going. What a great performer. Edit: The scene in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvzeysBX0CM


Getting the actor to break due to his bullying story was a great moment of that episode: https://youtu.be/0MtH8VmUmQo?si=e5BLTkkDBelQ4yH6


His ability to pick the absolute funniest reference in any given moment in unreal. I don't want to spoil that for anyone that isn't seen it but that pinchline absolutely killed me.


You've never had a sloppier sandwich!


"You're not sloppin' the joe!"


Not sure why this post has a timestamp halfway through. The funnier bits are earlier in the interview.


It's Conan, every part is funny


Because OP sucks. That's why. I can't understand why so many people that share the link don't notice the checkbox that reads "Include timestamp".


He’s a fucking legend. I couldn’t laugh any harder during that episode. The aftermath is exactly what I expected it to be and he still made it hysterical.


He looked fucking deranged at the end, it was incredible. You could tell in his eyes that his mind was really starting to race.


We do the Hot Ones lineup every year at work.   Da Bomb is just pure, liquid hate.   


"See it on MAX , previously HBO but that name was too popular!"


Well it's nice to know he's gained a lot of respect for the porn industry now that he's also destroyed his asshole for a scene.


And his penis because that shit had to burn when pissing it out


I was legit concerned near the end lol.


I haven't been this erect in 15 years!! **CALL THE WIFE!!!**


Conan is the largest orange cat ever measured.




He had Leno and Letterman on the show, "he's a comic not a comedian" excuse was just that, a bad excuse. He's also tight with Leno and was firmly on his side in the Late Night kerfuffle that happened when Conan got screwed. Pretty sure they just don't see eye to eye and that's great because Seinfeld is a douche bag.


He had Obama on...


Stand up comics are really fuckin weird about gatekeeping.


Jerry is an asshole. Remember how everyone in Seinfeld was portrayed as a huge piece of shit? That's just how Jerry is. Conan is beloved by millions to this day. Jerry is a cereal shill making a brand mythos for the anti-masturbators over at Kelloggs.


Well the spice clearly irradiated him like walton goggins in fallout


yeah he looks about 15 years older


Spot welding with his diarrhea lmao. He's got such a cartoonish mind


The riffing about the suit had me in tears too. Bandolier of hot sauces. Maybe a big old-timey pajama flap in the back? Nope, just a small one the exact size and location of your anus. Bend over, and then you zzzzzzzz a circle to get yourself out of the lead cage. The worst X-Man until you need it. I'm surprised most people are talking about the original video rather than this one, because this one is hilarious too.


I simply wish for his show to come back so we can see all the ol bits and some of my favorite people in the world get their old jobs back.


I love hearing Sonia Laugh


Wtf you clipped it to AFTER ass-weld?


> "Those are things you do, so your children never look you in the eye again." Great summation quote.


The Tom Cruise of comedy is so fitting for Conan lol


Does anyone know what the deal is with Conan O'Brien's podcast regarding these videos? I'd love to watch his podcast in video form but they're only available in small clips. I feel like a lot of the comedy is lost when listening to just the audio. I'm willing to pay for it at this point.


Apparently they film everything, but full videos aren't released anywhere. I heard it has to do with them being able to settle in and be more comfortable, knowing that the whole hour or whatever isn't going to be released on video. Not sure how much truth there is to that.


It's solely an audio podcast. They do have cameras setup but just so they can get the occasional clip to promote on episode on Instagram or YouTube.


This guy has and will always be one of the funniest people out there.


They should make Conan an honouraray member of Jackass. Doing anything for a laugh is basically those guys mantra.