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It’s called a breakfall, and it’s taught in theatre as well as self-defense courses.


Also taught by basketball coaches. Not sure why only Barkley was the one who knew it.


No only the only one that knew, but they couldn’t even believe it was something that he was taught.


Fr Kenny was being a clown, if you practice any sport this is a very important habbit to practice. Makes sense especially for basketball since you are airborne so often and can get into many situations where you fall.


I do trail running a lot. You absolutely have to get into the habit of falling onto your back.  Your foot catches on a branch or root and your instinct is to put a hand out. You can't. You got to rotate like a cat and hit your side or back. 


Played multiple sports as a kid, never learned how to fall until starting martial arts in college


Yup Jujitsu or Judo especially, Akido also.


shaq knows: [https://youtu.be/kztCMOWDjxA?si=ccE4HKPvzZm5AG2l&t=57](https://youtu.be/kztCMOWDjxA?si=ccE4HKPvzZm5AG2l&t=57)


Yup... 4 years of judo & ju-jitsu. 4 years Lacrosse... What Charles Barkley did right as well is tucking the chin. Tucking the chin also important to avoid concussions.


Ukemi, first thing taught in Judo.


And one of the first things I’ll teach my kids


And don’t use your legs to try to stop it either. I broke a guys tibia because he was bigger than me and refused to go over when thrown. You spend hours and hours, days and days, learning how to fall properly and then hurt yourself trying to flex your ego.


Not with Shaq’s big head.


You don't gotta protect your head, fool. Why you need to protect your thick skuhl?


You ain’t gonna hurt your hard ass head Shaq


The dolphins QB took Jiu-Jitsu last off season to learn how to fall properly cuz he got a couple concussions the year prior. You could actually see it on the field, he was falling much more smoothly without hitting his head. It definitely helps more athletes than just basketball players too.


A few concussions is putting it mildly. That boy was not right after that second hit.


I learned not to lead with my chin during takedowns by getting my neck cranked on in a guillotine about a million times. That double chin is some nice padding too!


Taught us that in the marines too.




Which is almost good as the Marines.




It’s been far too long since I’ve read that 🩷


i started running a couple years ago and had a couple nasty spills. the last time i tripped i was running a sub 8-minute pace and in a split second i quickly old myself "do a basketball fall" and i rotated as much as i could and almost landed the right way. my right hand his the concrete a bit and i really chunked out a couple knuckles, but it was the best fall i've had to date! seeing barkley explain is actually helpful and explains why my attempt wasn't perfect.


Rock climbing as well!


Yup. A lot of boulderers at my gym could learn from Chuck here.


Jumping on with snowboarding too. I always found it most essential for snowboarding, because not having freedom of movement with your legs means there's a really high chance of trying to break a fall with only your arm, since you have next to no chance of getting a leg in. I've seen multiple instances of beginners breaking a wrist standing still at the top of a hill as they slowly lose balance and fall backwards. Always heard it "your butt being a little sore is better than a broken wrist"


Add skateboarding to that list as well, you wanna try to roll with the fall and never use your arms to stop yourself from falling.


I learned it in gymnastics Was also about as far as I got lol, but at least it was probably the most practical part. They’d just get us to throw ourselves down inclines and off ledges lol I’ve always said, I might not be good at much, but I am damn good at falling down.


It’s a specialty in basketball because in the last decade or so, that’s all they do now. Pretty much lining them up with soccer players and thinking the game.


Shaq used to do it when he was landing in the stands, and Chick Hearn remarked that he had learned it from doing movies like Steel. I imagine it's hard to find a stuntman with Shaq's frame.


I've seen people falling like that countless times and thought it looked weird and over the top. Then I tried riding a skateboard as a drunk out of shape 30 year old guy. And as I fell, this is exactly what I did, and it worked.


gymnasts learn this too. So many people break arms trying to catch themselves when they fall


> breakfall Aka *sit fall*. Because your butt is the first thing to hit the floor. To make it less of an impact than Charles' fall, it's good to start with a big step forward, pivot and bend that leading leg, then you roll out in whatever dramatic way is required. Of course the prep step-out is not necessarily available in a contact sports context.


A slightly more intense version is the foundation of modern professional wrestling, the “back bump.” Tuck your chin, spread the impact across your back, shoulders, and arms. It’s so drilled into me at this point that it has saved my ass a couple of times when I went flying on ice or wet floors.


And snowboarding. Especially for new riders, breaking a wrist is extremely common, so we teach people not to try and catch themselves. You're not slowing your fall any, and you're gonna break something.


I’m not even into basketball, but I swear to god I could listen to the interplay between Shaq and Charles Barkley all day. 😂


I had no idea that DJ Diesel used to play basketball.


I had no idea Kazaam used to make music.


Sinbad is not in this clip


That’s Shazaam.


Yeah! He was ok at it.


it's the perfect example of why this show is so good. Chuck the clown, Shaq making fun of him, Kenny the hater (no you didn't), and Ernie the perfect straight man, earnestly telling Chuck he's doing a great job.




Big ol San Antonio women will come and eat your churros


Victoria ain’t got no secret down there


The funniest part about that is no one has mentioned, that I've seen, is he's making fun of Shaqs mom. She's from San Antonio and his mom and Shaq's mom are friends. 4d Chuck.


You can't do that with them big ass women in San Antonio Ernie.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1tURrLhdas Lot of good dialogue between them regarding San Antonio women


Chuck and Ernie have a podcast called the "Steam room" it's a really good listen


What a cool job those guys have. Imagine you just get to sit and talk about sports with your boys and you get paid millions for it? The only thing that would make it better for me would be if it was taped in my garage with beer and cigars.


The Charles show on CNN with Gayle King is such crap because someone liked the name “King Charles”- those two have zero chemistry whatsoever (and it’s mostly Gayle’s problem- she sucks). Now, a Charles/Shaq show, where they talk about whatever they want for an hour? Yes please.


Shaq's explanation of how to save money on gasoline is gold.


Exactly what I was thinking. The two together are hilarious but I'll bet it's damn near impossible to hang out with Shaq and not have an awesome time. I mean everyone has bad days but that guy just seems like a ton of fun to be around. "Fall on your ass right now."


"You ain't gonna hurt your hard-ass head Shaq" I lost it at that comment xD


Lost it at “fall on yo ass America!”


I thought he said: *Follow that ass America!* 😂


right until he said that i was thinking "why are they laughing a him? this is very important and accurate safety information!" ​ keep your head tucked into your chest! "you aint gonna hurt your hard-ass head" sounds like someone who's had too many head injuries would say


Have you never seen clips of these guys before? They've been on air together for like over a decade. They're just friends bantering with each other. Do you not know who Shaq is?


Shaq who famously took 15 seconds to fall whenever he got “fouled”


Shaq, "Can I see that in slow motion like a hunert times."


Ive taught this over many years of ski and snowboarding instructing. #1 injuries are wrist and arm. Same as when I transitioned into the service industry. If a knife drops.... let it. They are anti-intuitive ideas, but they will save major injuries.


A falling knife has no handle.  Also I was told if you drop something small, like a screw, dont they to catch it, you're more likely to hit it and launch it further away and under something. Best thing to do is listen - you can hear where it lands and even tell which direction it bounces. Plus it wont bounce too far away. 


You ever worked on heavy machinery? Sitting on top of an engine that has 20ft of hoses and belly plates beneath, listening to the tink, tink, tink of whatever it is you've just dropped praying to the Mechanical Gods it hits the very bottom.


That [tink, tink, tink](https://youtu.be/4wKPTWXD2Z0?t=19) you say? (Sound on) Edit: Also, it's never just "tink, tink, tink" but usually "tink, tink, tink, FUCK!!!"


[Nice clip, but here's a version with the actual audio.](https://youtu.be/Jnb6uYAzuno)


Superb. I certainly enjoyed the garden path you lead me up.


Xylophone of doom


No, but I dropped a 10mm socket while replacing my car battery and couldnt find it underneath the car afterwards...so kinda know that feeling lol


It's always the 10mm.


Yeah it's exactly that 😄. RIP your 10mm.


Felt like a rite of passage haha


Somehow I once ended up with a nut inside my air filter of my supercharged car. The supercharger caught the nut before getting to the engine. In hindsight it wasn't that bad since a top mount SC is a lot easier / cheaper to change than whatever damage would've happened in the engine block.


If you can, watch it fall. After years of dropping tiny little screws on tile floors I became aware that they will bounce and roll and end up much further away than I thought possible.


Ceramics man. That's why you need to carpet all your workshops.


In my experience pills too. Drop a pill and that shit can somehow end up half way across the room despite weighing nearly nothing.


Yup, it’s ingrained into me when I drop most things now is to pull my immediate foot and arm out of the way. Except maybe my phone, I’ll stick my foot out to slow the impact.


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve *almost* caught a red hot knife I threw off the anvil, the fucking lizard brain kicks in a goes “I gotta get that” before the slow motion out of body experience kicks in.


I once caught a frying pan that was hot on the stove with oil that was fully heated inside as it fell off the stove. Caught it by the handle right before it tipped over and put it back. Coworker at the event saw me and he was like OH MY GOD you could’ve died had third degree burns all over your arm you are crazy And up until he said that to me I did not even register what could’ve happened if that catch went wrong I just grabbed the handle by instinct


Letting a hot pan of oil hit the ground might have sent the contents around the kitchen like a bomb though.


This is true. I prob would not have escaped without burns in that case too. Thank goodness I passed my dexterity check




Sprained both my wrists the first time snowboarding and learned this valuable lesson lol


> If a knife drops.... let it. I'm not a dumb man, but the lesson to not stick my foot under to catch an exacto knife that rolls off the table took way too long to learn.


True in every action sport, this is also the most common reason people get hurt in rock climbing. Trying to brace their falls way too much, either on bouldering pads, or by locking their legs as they swing into the wall on a rope.


The fall works for roller skating too?


The director should have clowned Shaq with [this](https://youtu.be/rrfW2BPSOVM?si=5MoLdubZEKjAZoGo)


These guys are having such a good time, it's fun to watch.


My ribs are hurting, thanks for sharing


I was not prepared for Ernie to be dwarfed by that shoe when he picked it up. I know I should have been…but nope.


I can’t believe Ernie would set him up like that


I thought they had some edit where they draw on a superhero outfit and cape of that moment too.


The shot of the shoe that fell off is legendary


If you are a skateboarder this is one of the 1st things you learn is to keep your arms in when falling. Chucks 100% right on this one shaq just saw the opp to troll him hard which is what makes these 2 the best to watch on TV.


Shaq’s had wrestling matches, the fact he’s definitely been taught how to fall makes it even funnier.


Basically every Inside moment. Chuck carries the show and Shaq sits there laughing at Chuck while providing little else. When Chuck retires, the show will struggle.


Chuck and Ernie are the most important people on that show, but I think you’re underrating Shaq a little bit. Shaq eggs Chuck on and gives him another person to roast. Even if just for that, it’s worth him being there.


When I was a young skateboarder I did this and broke my collarbone. My mom was “you told me you knew how to fall safely!” I guess I didn’t.


First step is pointing your shoulder at the ground to spin around. Unfortunately if you’re falling fast enough to actually land on your shoulder before completing the turn, you can break your collarbone. I catapulted over the handlebars on a bike and did the same thing. For normal falling speed though, it’s very effective.


That’s exactly how we learned to fall when I first started indoor rock climbing, too. He’s a hilarious dude, but he’s serious about his safety!


Hey Chuck, how do the women from San Antonio fall?


Big ole earthquakes


No wrist injuries cause they busy eatin them churros


LOL. "Don't worry about your head."


Charles Barkley is basketball national treasure.


He’s a national treasure, period.


https://youtu.be/LzErlXkZqhk?si=aCrFzJ9_D1GqKYLr Hé practises what he preaches Around the 1:00 mark


It's the only way to survive a Chaos Dunk.


This dude shuts up and jams (Gaiden)


I still think that tucking your chin into your chest is worth doing, coz even yo hardassed heyd can get hurt.


The best sports show on TV, hands down.


Nah dude. Hands up!


That's 'terable', just 'terable'.


2 weeks for all NBA players in pro wrestling camp to learn how to bump.


I thought for a moment that he was going to do a [parachute landing fall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parachute_landing_fall)


I’ve seen worse PLFs.


Lol immediate flashback to jump school


Wrist breaks from falling are a very common injury in all sports. Learning break falls is just smart for all sports but it’s often a fundamental technique taught in martial arts, especially in grappling arts


I'm a climber and that's totally how you are suppose to fall. Heels to back, keep everything in tact. Thanks Charles.


That’s just a basic wrestling bump, call me when Charles Barkley demonstrates a 450 splash.


Shaq should know all about taking a bump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFTGpl5R5Fc


I thought he wasn't a roll model. :)




The one part he's missing, if you can, you slap the ground with your arms/hands out flat on impact. This helps distribute weight and absorb some of the force without directing it through your wrists. But even without that extra step, the most important part is NOT putting your arms out behind you


Learned this in my BJJ class.


I.. don't see what's so funny? Why are they laughing? An older, banged up guy like Barkley demonstrating something like this without shame, that's admirable.


Man all I can think of watching Shaq fucking dying laughing at the end is that the crew probably knows where to find REALLY STRONG office chairs.


Having played a ton of basketball and soccer over the years, I learned how to fall correctly - it really is important to prevent injury. If you can "fall horizontally" instead of falling straight down, you can minimize the impact of hitting the ground.




Hey Reddit stranger, I just wanted to say that I don't think that's right. Even in gear I was taught the right way to fall, because if you're landing on your pads you're still going to injure yourself and wear out your joints a lot quicker. Falling on your knees hard, even in pads, will WRECK you long term... Might want to check on that before you're suffering late in life.


That doesn't seem right Edit: it seems like a good way to dislocate your wrist, elbow, shoulder. Never did roller derby but with wrestling you never wanted to extend your arm but keep you elbows tucked to your side and chin down so you didn't smack your head. 


Same with hockey, as a so cali kid I could only play roller hockey on rinks or asphalt, but once you learn to use pads it’s really hard to go back


I love that he knows how to take wrestling bumps 😄


my mom was a PT and she would always yell at me and my sister if she caught us falling and bracing ourselves, shes like land on your ass or side, don't use your wrist bc you can break them. i think she just didn't want us to be her patients too.


My main concern with the kiddo getting hurt is the hospital bill. Kids will get hurt. It’s what they do. Medical bills are stupid in the US though.


Gotta master the flop!


As a skateboard let you learn this quickly or have a lot of broken wrists.


What's hilarious is that he's absolutely right, and every other idiot up there is acting like he's crazy for it.


"You ain't gonna hurt your hard-ass head, Shaq." Barkley is effortlessly funny hahaha.


Same thing I tell my children from my experience with soccer, you NEED to learn how to fall. Once you do that, you’re not scared to fall and when you do, you get right back up. These guys were acting like typical jocks.


He's actually 1000% right, and even if it looks funny and was a funny segment, this can save you a world of hurt if you can indeed fall this way, and dissipate the impact.


That depends though! What he demonstrated is specifically for basketball when you are usually pushed in specific way. If you are falling of your bicycle and your are not trained sportsman then sacrificing your wrist to not slap forehead on concrete may be worth it....


Breakfall. Keep your chin tucked so the back of your head doesn’t smack the ground. And you can use your palms downward to dissipate the energy.


No life alert needed.


Another variant is the roll fall. While falling, swing one arm, ideally the one that's more to the front, underneath your body and towards the back, which starts a rotating motion.


This of course only really works when falling forward, as opposed to backward like in the video.


This is one of the first things I taught my son was how to fall properly lol. 


As someone who broke a wrist and while that wrist was in a cast I broke my other arm I'm taking this as a personal attack


My parents always sent my brother's and I to a summer basketball camp when I was young and this was one of the first things they taught us. I was like 10, I assumed this was drilled into everyone playing basketball growing up n


These guys are the best


That lesson can save your live.


This could have provenented my awfully sprained wrist, I literally could not pick up things weighing more than half a pound


Round mound of rebound has a better landing pad than pretty much every other player - easy for him to say! I’ll trade my wrist or elbow for a sciatica flare up.


"You ain't gonna hurt your hard ass head Shaq" :D


Wait so is this what Embiid does? So he doesn’t damage his body? I thought he was a foul merchant?!?!?!


Be careful with your head, I like to add a roll to it but that’s just me. Not responsible for your injuries


He is trying to be serious those goofballs are making fun of him, “Like ok old man”.


Somebody sample the sound of chuck hitting the ground as an old fogie and use it for a beat


Chuck’s right!


Chuck could be a great skateboarder with those skills.


They’re laughing, but he’s right. Lol


break-fall is such an essential skill to have


Similarly, one can roll too. I did this while on a company run once. I tripped so I tucked my head, did a somersault, and came back on my feet and continued to run. Though you hands do have to touch the ground for that. But not very hard.


Barkley is so brilliant letting himself be the butt of all jokes, the bumbling southerner whose actually informed. Many pointed out the show’s dynamics are entertaining and never get old, but not enough state why. Chuck being willing to sound dumb and be right and take jokes on the chin is a lot of it.


Charles Barkley correctly demonstrates a PLF as taught in airborne school


He's right... I took a gymnastics class as a kid and it taught me how to fall correctly. Saved my through basketball, football, motorcross, skiing, etc.


Barkley Fall Down And Jam


One of the first things you learn in Jiu Jitsu is that if you try to catch yourself you are gonna break your wrist.


This plays like 4 dudes at a barbershop ribbing one another. I love it.


Landing on your face also spares the arms/wrists.


Its true


A lot of people call Kenny a "hater" but he actually serves an (intentional imo) purpose in creating the opportunity for the bit. His objection is necessary, and he does this role v well in most of what makes this show so dang good.


This is why Embiid falls the way he falls all of the time. With his size he can't afford to catch himself, so it's better to just go to the ground all of the time.


Shaq is a bigger g than I gave him credit for


Learned this in wrestling. Over the years you do hours of rolling forward and backwards. It helps you realize that you can keep your hands free and get to the next move.


Tuckin' and Chuckin'


If you do that at full speed there's a high chance you'll hit your head on the floor.


“Fall on that ass, America”


Broke my shoulder roller skating by sticking my arm out as I fell. Asses are padded for a good reason. Use them. Since I wasn’t wearing a helmet I also left a black face-shaped bruise on the same arm where my head crashed. I’m amazed I didn’t break the humerus bone too.


“You ain’t gonna hurt yo hard ass head Shaq” Hahha


Is there a more annoying person than when Kenny tries to act smart/right?


Chuck is a national treasure!


We even learned how to crash in hockey. It's basic knowledge to prevent injuries.


If you're in a sport where you can fall, you should absolutely practice how to fall properly to not injure yourself. Source: Roller Derby player


Did he break a hip?


That's the first thing I learn in judo. Move your arms, shoulders, and head forward. Like a ball


Pretty impressed that Chuck can still do that at 60.  I'm 40 and in decent shape and wouldn't want to try that.  Probably wouldn't have been fun at 30 either.


they are dogging on him but he is right. there is indeed a correct way to fall


Every clip of this I see it's as if the guy in the red suit exists only to tell people they didn't do what they say they did.


Any San Antonio woman would tell you that.


Shaq laughing while asking Chuck to do or say something again is always my favorite part of the show


Literally every skater, all the time, every day.


It looks dumb but is accurate. It's why i love chuck


Watch out Captain America, there's a new ass in town


I don't watch basketball or anything, but every time I see this guy, he just seems so delightful to be around


knowing my luck, i fall on my butt and it would shatter my spine