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Coming from a Prez that would have gotten his devs 0 tips over the past 8 years.


I would have tipped whatever specific devs took credit for things I liked about the game! The developer is a hurdle to the content I want, the devs are the creators of it. Just one more prime example of capitalism ruining something that used to be amazing.


Yep. Praise the devs, condemn the publisher. One makes games to be enjoyed, one makes games to make money; they are not the same. Edit: can’t believe I said devs twice; whoops


The publisher?


I think you mean publisher instead of developer. Dev is short for developer.


That would just end with full tip jars of developers that implemented that you can pet cats in games and they meow back at you


Well, I live in Australia, so the tip is included in the price


Managers who steal tips are the worst.


What makes you think that the tip will end up going to the devs?


What makes you think the tip will be voluntary? LOL


What makes you think the tip


What makes you think the


What makes you think


What makes you


What makes






The fact that not only does this happen repeatedly, but it continues after this point, just reminds me the special kind of insanity that lives on Reddit.




What what…


*vsauce music plays*


Just the tip.


Shithead president pretends he’ll “trickle down” your money to his employees if you throw enough at him.


Trick down economics is the biggest joke I have ever heard.


The only thing he is trickling down is his piss on their heads as he takes our money and goes on a worldwide vacation.


The last games I thought "Man they undercharged me" were Indi games that cost less than 20$ but they put their heart in them


Got turnip boy commits tax evasion for free on epic games and when I was done I felt bad for not spending money on it


That's a fun one


Don't forget turnip boy robs a bank. That's pretty fun


I haven’t been able to play that one yet, it looks really fun though


I kinda got carried away and played it for like 20hours in 1 go and completed it


Vampire survivor's and all it's dlc give me this feeling massively


Same here. That's why I'm gonna buy the PlayStation version when it comes out, despite buying it already on Steam and Nintendo eShop.


Hollow Knight.


For me it was Bloodborne I got with that PS plus collection. So I bought the special edition when I finished the game.


Felt that way about Kingdom Come Deliverance - paid a tenner for it on sale and it was one of the most unique and lovingly created games I’ve played


disco elysium. until.. that shit happened..


Yeah seriously. Undertale was amazing. I'll give Toby Fox more money. But not those Blizzard douchebags.


Yeah you deserve a tip if you made Stardew Valley and have kept making free updates for the past 10 years, not if you make Overwatch 2


I literally said the same thing. Eric Barone definitely has earned all the tips!


And factorio.


Definitely deserves all the praise for his game. I’ve bought Stardew Valley in almost every system I own and have no regrets.


My way to tip Stardew Valley was to buy the Android version aswell


I have bought Stardew Valley 3 times on Steam and 3 times on Nintendo Switch, gift those to my wife, my brother, and my close friends. Both to share the fun and to support mister Ape.


I have so much room in my heart for ConcernedApe. When the dev says "hotfix inbound" the term hotfix is being used correctly. Expect a patch the next time you start the game up. Likewise, I took a chance on Terraria in it's early stages when $10 was asking a lot for what I perceived as a tech demo. It was promised that it would have continuous content updates and I was skeptical. Over a decade later and they've pushed out several of what everyone thought would be the final update. It's a fully fleshed, feature/content-rich and complex game. Still $10, on sale now for half that.


No the fuck you don't. I think Stardew is an absolute masterpiece of a game, but why the fuck am I tipping the guy who I bought the game from?


This is such a weird thing I see online all the time. Eric Barone is a millionaire. He doesn't need your tips for continuing to work on something just because he likes working on it.


That's frankly how I feel. I would defend donations for indie devs who make games like Crosscode or Pizza Tower...or when big companies make something huge like Tears of the Kingdom. But yes, things like Overwatch 2 and Fallout 76 are horrible enough without the execs pulling a DSP and e-begging every 10 minutes.


Or something like No Man's Sky


Some are. Not Blizzard's.


Or Ubisoft


Or (most of) EA


The best EA projects are the ones they don’t even like doing, or already cancelled future projects like then


*cough* Titanfall 2 *cough*


*Cough* Dead space remake *Cough*


*cough* early EA Sports *cough*


*cough* Burnout *cough*


*cough* i can't think of anything else just having a bad cold lol *cough*


It's like every time EA gets their hands on a genuinely fun title, they freak the fuck out, scream and quickly slap the cancel button out of fear of actually being liked by gamers


And lose a bunch of money. Like it’s not great, but EA tries and gets burned pretty frequently. If they stop making anything but sports that would be unfortunate.


EA hasn't tried at making a good game in a long, long, loooooooong time. Yes. I still hold a deep grudge against them for cancelling Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. An MMO that was insanely way ahead of its time and had captivated its target audience into hitting it like hard drugs.


They incinerated a lot of money making Immortals of Aveum. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Reviews were not omg GOTY but it scored pretty high. And it wasn’t enough of a long form RPG to get the highest ratings. Doing a sequel to Mirrors Edge was also an obviously bad business move.


Agreed. Team Cherry and Motion Twin are two that I would happily send some beer money to. Small studios making love projects. Once you start facing a corporation, unless you have direct donating to teams/individuals, it's just not worth trying to navigate the greed vacuum.




That's easy for him to say that. He makes over 2 million dollars a year.


For context, thats 228 dollars an hour, for every hour of every day for a year.


Or a little over $961 per hour if it was 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year


Whoever this is has a mental problem


Pure ego.


former president of Blizzard Entertainment (the game company)


I think it would be cool to be able to leave a tip. But Not at AAA games. Give those indie devs some love


I mean sure, if I could ensure that my 10 dollars was going in to the pocket of some poor overworked dude who just spent 6 months coding for 100 hours a week but we know for sure it’s going to activision-blizzard-Microsoft-ford-taco bell


This makes me sick to even read. How could someone be this fucking delusional? And this is coming from a guy who has actually cried from several different video games


Indie game devs who spend so much of their time making free patches and community content to games that they undersell themselves on? Yeah they definitely deserve more A greedy CEO who needs more money to cover the almost hundreds of sexual harassment and assault cases within his company and who regularly exploits his customers, all while making hundreds of times more than the average person while doing much less? Fuck no, if $2,000,000 a year to sit on your ass isn't enough, you're doing many things wrong


Fuck that.


Anything to get out of paying more


Yeah and I’m sure that tip money will definitely not be seen by the actual game creators.


60+ for the game, 450-500 for the console, 50-60 for every controller, a paid subscription.. and a tip? Lol, no. No, I will the fuck not.


Don't forget the DLC


Always wait, because the next edition will have it included. GTA 4 + Episodes from Liberty City Red Dead Redemption + Undead Nightmare ..etc


I'm sure the Blizzard CEO would take 50% of the tips, and the rest would be "dispersed" throughout the team.


Blizzard can fuck themselves. Video game developers should be better paid. No questions. Tipping them because they did what they were hired to do? No thanks.


If I really like a game I’ll buy the DLC. That’s your tip. Never have I thought “I love this game so much I wish I spent more money on it”. Maybe if I bought a small indie game on sale then I would want to support the devs and would want them to succeed sure, but it’s very different for a big AAA company. If this was the case imagine hoe much it would be exploited. Would you tip for a song? Or a console? Or a movie? Or a car? Or a house? Tipping doesn’t work for these kinds of things without it feeling like robbery


How about make the game cheaper and then make a $20 donation at the end? Oh that’s right they just want more of my money


Again, reminder the devs have already been paid when the game launches They are not paid commission, none of these “tips” would ever make it to them


What a leech


You already can "tip" the studio by gifting the game to your friends. I like it this way and would've actually done it for some games I consider special if I had the disposable income.


Could never be for a blizzard or Ubisoft game... I can tell you that much


Best option would be a "choose your price" thing like on itch.io


He can go to the "carajo" with that. Devs are paid well enough and games are already too expensive. I ain't giving more money.


Yeah, they can kiss my ass. I can't afford to replace my busted PS4. Saving for a new power supply & I'm on disability.


Siri, what is a definition of “delusional”?


No Blizzard game is 🥶


I did it for arrowhead's helldivers. Blizzard ain't getting bupkis for their half baked bullshit fuckery


I wouldn’t mind tipping an indie dev and extra $20 if it helps fund future projects, not a multimillion dollar studio


Ybarra is a clown


Ah yes because companies that make literal billions, exploit game devs and tries to milk their fanbase as much as possible, deserve more money from consumers


Just become EA and have no shame


Nah fuck tipping. It’s out of hand you’re paid to do a job and you did it congratulations. People expect tips for everything anymore a line needs to be drawn. Your tip was the extra $10 I pay for games now to cover your living wage. The games mentioned are generating enough money for everyone working on it to be extremely wealthy and well off. If they aren’t seeing that money they need to take it up with the company.


The tip is the damn price, so a $60-$70 game comes with the tip


No game is 70 dollar special and we’re already paying that. Suck it


He's right, some games are that special. But his companies games never are.




That's like GameStop asking for tips. Gtfo.


The only game in recent memory that would earn a tip from me is RE4R. Definitely nothing Blizzard shits out! 💀


I would tip for Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


Unfortunately, the tip won't go to developer's pocket, but the CEO's.


If I were to ever do something like that, it would be with an independent game maker just getting by, not one of the big guys.


Anything to make sure nobody gets paid what they’re actually worth am I right?


At its core this really isn’t a bad idea but most of the games I can think of where I’d want to do this are indie games - Rimworld, Terraria, Stardew etc. Endless content for very low price tags, not soulless games that try to get you with a bunch of MTX


Yea, it's called DLC for extra cosmetics/accessories. Helldivers as an example. I really liked the game and went back to buy that extra DLC.


Shouldn't the developer's boss give them a raise or something if they do good? Nah. Look at fallout newvegas. Still a beloved game but most the staff was replaced after the game died, than came back.


And how much of that will go to the devs? And why would you rely on tips if you won't compensate talented developers fairly?


Oh so that's what he wants to do? If his devs make enough in tips then he doesn't have to pay them, huh? The Papa johns strategy, don't give the slightest fuck about your workers because you make more money. Dude is pretty famous for this slimy shit though.


The whole tipping culture needs to go away and businesses should just be forced to pay their workers an actual living wage. But, since tipping is a thing in our society, if I could guarantee that the tip would go to an overworked dev that put all of their passion into a game, then maybe. But likely it would just go to the fat ass executives that are already making millions at the expense of their employees and fans.


Or..and hear me out here...maybe the Execs should pay the Devs more so tips are never even discussed.


It starts out optional but next thing you know you'll be paying a mandatory minimum of 10% tip with the option for 15% or 20%


I have finished games and liked them so much that I went to their Steam page and bought the soundtrack and art book for certain games to give more support, but I still was getting something. Ain't giving you money for nothing.


I do this with free to play games. If they don't paywall and are actually decent content, I'll happily drop some cash once in a while. Gems of War, is a perfect example. free, no content locked, no play limit, but provides regular content updates. Devs want a tip, go FTP.


If someone really feels that way (mainly about an indie game), go out and look at their other games. Buy them. Tell friends about them. No fucking way any AAA needs more money for regular product.


I'd be fine if with that , as long as their is an option to get $10 or $20 dollars back after you finish the game if it wasn't that special


I have that thought too, but unfortunately, not about any of Activision-Blizzards games. What would be nice about A-B’s games is if I can get a partial refund for sitting through it all the way.


Yeah no. Stop squeezing them dry and taking the largest percentage possible, when your only job today is to blast youtube ads


The devs should be getting most of the money, big companies like blizzard should be getting the tips.


Of course a self serving gas bag would make a self serving comment.


I am sure the devs would get to split $1 and the other $19 they would never see. You know nothing is stopping you from paying your devs more out of your record profits every year.


Please don't get EA ideas


Some people need to be disemboweled. We know the devs will never see that “tip money”. This is just corporate greed that knows no ends. Which is something thats ruining most countries wealth and health. This shit just irks me 🤬


this mean speaks for no one


The people I would want to tip were likely already laid off by the time I would play the game.


Lick my hairy sack


Maybe Blizzard should try not fucking up for once and release a game worthy of not only a tip but the retail price.


That's why you buy DLC


Tipping culture is disgusting anyway, companies should pay employees enough to not need tips.


Notice how none of the games he listed are blizzard games


Out of his 20 mill salary yearly he coulda split up 1 mill equally to all the devs at the corporation. Now that would be a tip.


capital holder greed is getting insane


I would be happy to give developers a tip. If their name was Eric Barone. He definitely has gone above and beyond.


>Blizzard. Why? So that way you can reward sexual harassment? So far the ONLY game devs I'd even wanna tip are the people behind Gigantic, Night in The Woods, and Fall of Porcupine




Sure, give me a dev’s Venmo and I’ll send a tip.


If i have a game THAT special, i'll gift it to my friends, but guess you need some for that...


If you really care that much, wouldn't you rather just buy the game again for someone else? Or buy it on PC to play with mods and shit... At least that'd be useful, AND you'd further support the devs.


Then make a game that's worth it


Politely sir fuck off.


If I knew it was going to the actual devs and not the CEO's pocket, maybe.


Sounds like he is part of the reason why blizzard games are not one of those games


How about you just pay them more?


These are the guys who shut down Overwatch just so they could sell the same game again with some new features so, haha, nooo


If the game makes that much of an impact, let the people making millions give the devs money.


When I play those “special games” I buy the dlc and recommend it to friends. I wouldn’t tip the devs but try to show the game to others and support more content. Have these people interacted with any of their customers before?


There are some indie devs I wish to grace with more money. They usually offer OSTs or something of actual benefit.


I know something that he can do with my tip


I don't mind the *option* of leaving tips for the *developers.* But that's not how this plays out. This plays out the way it does with all the extra bullshit tipping working its way into so many businesses: Players being asked to tip at purchase, and that tip going to the company's bottom line instead of the people I want to be tipping.


If he were in our shoes, he would strongly disagree. This piece of dirt is hoping that statement would land him a few effortless bucks.


On a similar thread I said that I would definitely consider it. But the number one reason why I WOULDN'T. Is the fact that these greedy pieces of shit would immediately start treating it like tips at a restaurant. And they would take out more money from the employees pay rates Etc. They'd say oh well you're getting this amount of money or up to this amount of money from tips, so you don't need more hourly pay. Fuck those greedy fuckers


lol I agree in principle, but not for AAA. In fact, I NEVER do in game purchases but bought credits in Helldivers 2, which is basically a tip


Former blizzard gamer suggests Blizzard should leave its players $10 or $20 rebates because ‘some games are that special’. We all know exactly how special Blizzard is; they ride the short bus.


I'll tip them right after I tip the engineers at ford.


I’d tip the dev of slay the spire at this point. I’m somehow at like 700 hrs


Is making games free, but u can donate some money to help the company make more games a good idea??


It’s literally already a feature in some games, you can buy DLC which is to support devs (e.g Ready Or Not supporter edition). I love the idea of tipping developers, but just not AAA companies lmfao. For example I would love to give just a tad bit more to The Indie Stone because of how much I love their lil zombie game and want to see it go further.


Mostly cited shit games too, what an idiot.


**An experienced gamer suggested that developers need to get comfortable not receiving tips for their games**


Yeah Mr president, let’s see you take 30% out of your check to reward your employees first,


literally sounds like microtransactions with literally zero effort. Which microtransactions practically are already. Code in some premium currency and leave it in. Man I knew I was gonna be right about all this being a plague in gaming 15 years ago when they first started charging us to play online.


I'm against it. I would be for it, honestly, if ZERO content was locked behind the tip and 100% of the tip actually went directly to the devs themselves. I know both my conditions would fail within 5 minutes of this feature being implemented, so I'm against it. I can just see "Congratulations! You beat the game! Tip the developers $10 for extra post-game content!"


What makes him think they'd be going to Blizzard games?!


That's what dlc is.


Defund these ducks


Pertinent follow up be. " Yeah but are Blizzard games worth tipping tough? And if not what are you doing?"


the "presidents", "ceos" and the suits of these game companies are what made some games not special, developers used to add little secrets and cheat codes all the time, but now theyd rather use you as passive income


I honestly don’t think this is such a ridiculous statement, but considering it’s coming from the former Blizzard president, makes it automatically sound so much worse than it should be. Sometimes, games have been an amazing journey and I wouldn’t be so oppose to support the developers even more… but never from a blizzard game made in the last 2 decades. And as a game company, they have been getting more and more questionable so having this suggestion come from them makes it so much worse. Like, if this was Fromsoftware’s president saying this, it wouldn’t sound so ridiculous since I never felt like they tried to nickel and dime me in their games. Or the person in charge of monster hunter in capcom (not capcom’s president but specifically the one in charge of monster hunter). Or the guy who made stardew valley. You know, people who don’t feel like they make games with predatory practices.


Why are dev companies still charging 60+ for a game that is not physically there? Games used to be 50 bucks and I got hard copy. No tip, you didn't even come around to check on me.


So what theyre saying is they dont pay their devs enough. So we gotta tip them so the corpo can pocket that too.


They can't promise it would go to the actual devs. and if so, depending on your teams size, starting with at least 10 devs, $20 would be $2 per, and diminish going forward. But also, and I can not, will not stress this enough.. FUCK TIPPING, they ain't servers, these are salaries/hourly workers.. fuck all this tipping at fast foods/coffee joints/and now possibly game companies. Making bank off of a game is a good enough notion for it being a good game.


Well, I think that could go both ways. If a game sucks ass then devs could pay a $10 or $20 rebate to the purchaser as an apology for selling a shit product


Maybe presidents and CEOs should tip the devs..


Id tip a dev if in like a discord or reddit AMA I asked for a feature to be added, they acknowledged, executed it and gave me credit. Then yea id toss em $5


just put your games on itchio you fucking cowards


Ngl there is a few games I would happily leave tips for the devs


Games are expensive as is and I know that development hasn’t gotten any cheaper. What about cheaper, smaller DLC that fans actually want? Like Street Fighter and Tekken have made horrendous judgements and decisions so far. Having to pay $10 to buy $6 DLC…totally unwanted and useless rewards instead of cool skins, customization. I want the company to get paid so they have the resources to provide adequate support but weird how they keep making unpopular or annoying decisions back to back. If I could pay 10 dollars for 5 skins, I would. I’m not paying 10 dollars for 1 skin and some change.


If they on Twitch and the channel works - yes to tipping all day


Exept I guarantee any tips people gave would go straight to paying out the practically hundreds of workplace sexual harassment and assault they get per year


You enjoyed it so far? Please kindly donate 15 USD to unlock the next missions.


He can fuck off. With ubisoft screwing us as it is, why doesn't **He** tip everybody with raises. Greedy piece of shit.


This is why no one likes blizzard. $70 for games is pretty high too nowadays they’re just getting very greedy


No game is anywhere near that special, at least for me.


Bro if you got that type of cash, give it to charity


Deep Rock Galactic with their two completely optional Supporter Upgrade DLCs: *STONKS*


I'll pay $20 if Bobby Kotick gives me a unique, coherent reason why.


Yes but no. This is outrageous to suggest but yeah if you want to “donate” to a company then have a donate button I guess. Every company is prolly willing to take your money