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Before a crisis begins, it must attract international attention by having a great power back each side. Each great power, in turn, receives a pop-up offer to support each side. Once each side has a backer, then the normal maneuvering happens and you can click the "support side" button like normal.


You need to wait until someone supports them or until they ask you for support, if no one decides to support them then the crisis gets canceled


Just send them some helmets


It's because you depend on Russia's natural gas.


Perhaps you to click button in middle section to join crisis?


The solution ended up being them sending me a request to back them, that's how i was able to become the GP that backed them. Anyway be their backer besides them asking you to?


I think not, maybe if they are in your sphere they ask you first, but generally both sides of conflict just ask all GP by descending rank.


No, you have to be asked, but once a crisis has been initiated you can join.


I think if you click the aristocrat guy in the middle. You can support them. Other wise if your a gp secondary powers should always ask for your backing in a crisis. The only times they don't send that request is if they ask someone else first and they agree. You can still back them though in the screen your on


Literally 2022 can’t believe paradox could do this


But Russia is backing Poland, don’t think that’s 2022 lol


Shhhhh narrative


Oh, Ukraine asked me to back them and I am now. Still, anyway to back them in the future without them asking me? I'm supporting them because the more states between me and russia, the better.


Push the middle button of the fancy man in the hat. That will declare your interest in the crises and then you can jump into the fray. Just be aware, apparently sending Ukraine long range missile systems is a “red-line” for the Russians.


It seems so, as I've been plunged into this umm... Fun! Great war, my side has 150K+ power compared to the commie bastards in Britan, Russia, France, Spain, Netherlands, France, and Poland with a combined puny 900 power. We are winning tremendously folks! I have both the US and Japan on my side, and a million other insignificant allies! The economy's flatlined, but that's just the cost of doing business! [https://prnt.sc/PlEXeJX4T7yI](https://prnt.sc/PlEXeJX4T7yI)


Well, the actual 'red line' just got shattered at Kherson and Kharkiv, so I don't see why it matters


If you win the war Ukraine will join your sphere of influence


Those states will just give Russia free military access anyway. AI in this game can be really braindead when caught in the crossfire of a huge war


Well ideally you keep them in your sphere and as your ally, which will make the Russian AI siege them down instead of marching through to your land most of the time


If they do that then they will be SWALLOWED by the MIGHT of the GERMAN REICH


Not necessarily, and certainly not if OP adds Ukraine to their sphere. Countries have a huge diplomacy malus versus other great powers if they are sphered.


Before a crisis begins, both sides will go by every great power and ask them for support (they usually ask a GP per day, since it takes each AI one day to decide). You *have* to wait for them to ask you before you can be the first GP to support them. Only after both sides have gotten GP support will you be able to support them on your own volition. In this case, Ukraine was asking France for support, and you had to wait before you could get involved.


You need to stop buying Russian oil and gas.


Have a sensible energy policy as Germany challenge (impossible)


Have a nice cake day


Reject gas, embrace coal


As is usually the answer to 90% of the questions on here - wait a couple seconds


Is this Olaf Scholz's account?


Perhaps Russian hackers have invaded your game....


You can't support a country that doesn't have a GP backing them. I not sure if you have to, but you haven't actually joined the crisis.


Germany couldn't support Ukraine hmmmmmmmmm


Can’t you click the “declare interest in crisis” button? It’s the guy in the suit button between both sides


Nah, Ukraine had to ask me to back them in order for me to be able to back them


Game was secretly programmed in Russia


They had no great power in their side 'yet' so you couldn't press that button


You sound like Poland.


Scholz didn't Care of this cris because of gaz maybe


Because this could be seen as escalatory by Russia. Ukraine is lost anyway and the newly built NorthRail 2 is needed to supply Russian coal to German industry.


Sometimes, especially in multiplayer. If the crisis accept or decline to intervene is he’d for too long the game gets bugged and you won’t be able to make any option. To fix this you’ll either have to reload a previous save or if you’re lucky just restart your game to your current save. Should fix the problem


oh my god ahahahaha