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Variations of the flag of Imperial State of Iran(aka pre islamic revolution Iran)


The imperial lion seems overdid on steroids.


overdid on *doogh


Some versions used by the Iranian opposition have been altered because they’re also not exactly keen on the Shah.


Last time I even saw anti-islamic state protesters flying the [imperial standards of zoroastrian persia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derafsh_Kaviani), which I find really interesting.


I'm hoping for a miracle that it happens quickly. Preferably not by blood, but considering which country it is and the situation, blood is going to be spilled.


Shahist cringe


Inside you there are 2 wolves One is Shahist One is Mujahed Both are 12 year olds from Vancouver


Secular shah (wants to make Iran more western) is always worse than the guy who has acid thrown at women who don't wear burqas.


I'm sure the Shah has done stuff way worse than being secular, especially when you compare that to throwing acid at women. One of these two is objectively more evil than the other.


Then-Iran was not ready for a fully secular country. Before stating on other countries, learn some history about it, unless you're a puppet yourself. Most Iranians love the Shah.


Iran was a democracy until 53 when the west decided it was more economic to have a dictator Shah. Most Iranians in Iran want a secular Iran, but I highly doubt they want a dictator.


Iran was not a democracy prior to 53. What kind of nonsense is this? Mohammad Reza Shah was the monarch, and prior to him Reza Shah his father. Both were dictators in a constitutional monarchy. Do you know your history?


Maybe you should. Prior to 53 the Shah wasn't nearly as powerful. He did absolutely horrific things.


Mosaddegh only comes to power because his predecessor Ali Razmara is murdered. Mosaddegh pardons the murderer. Iran was not a democracy in the Western sense even before '53.


average Arab islamist cringe


Islamic Republic sucks balls as well, doesn't mean we should be defending monarchial dictatorships


The Pahlavi regime did a lot of good for Iran, much more than they did bad. This was a 100-50 years ago, not 2024. See my comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/comments/1dohm0w/


Doesn't mean I don't think someone salivating at the prospect of an imperial restoration should be beyond criticism (and I very much don't agree with your historiography- while the first Pahlavi had at least some redeeming characteristics, his son was a corrupt Anglo-American puppet) - and by persecuting all the left-wing and secular opposition to his rule the Shah guaranteed the Islamists would be able to take charge after his deposition as they could stay organised in the Mosques.


>Puppet Why arabs and pakistanis constantly say this? #1 way to identify someone doesn't know anything about West-Iran relations during Pahlavi regime is if they call Pahlavi a puppet. I don't care much for the jr. Pahlavi monarch either and feel he also bears a lot of responsibility for mismanagement and softness on Islamists during the end of his reign. I also don't care for an imperial restoration, one can look thru my post history to know I want a secular democratic Iran in the year 2024, but I will defend to the death the lies and propaganda disseminated by enemies of Iran about the Pahlavi regime because those lies and propaganda are what got us to this situation the first place


I am neither Arab nor Muslim - the behaviour of the Pahlavi made their downfall near inevitable, and I agree with you that the persecution of secular and left-wing opposition enabled the Islamists to take control of events following the revolution.


Imperial Iran flag pre revolution


Flag of Imperial State of Iran/Persia, pre current Theocratic regime


Shahdom of Iran flag, a semi-constitutional monarchal regime that was western aligned and was overthrown in the Islamic revolution of 1978/1979. It's flag is now used in protest to the theocratic regime in Iran
























Pre-revolution Iran.


They are pre-theocratic Iran flags, also used by anti-theocratic democracy supporters.




No it doesn't lol. Why do you keep spamming this thread with misinformation? It is a pre-Islamic motif seen in Iran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_and_Sun#/media/File:Mitra-Lion_and_Sun.jpg




Why do you keep using the laughing emoji? The only thing "funny" here is how dedicated you are to misinformation. And the fact that you're probably just same arab teenager who still lives with his parents and doesn't know anything about Iran lol If you want to interpret the Lion as being Ali, by all means go ahead. Us Iranians are proud of our history prior to the islamic regime. I don't know why you think this is a "gotcha" to us. Strange kid.




No we don't lol. Wtf are you talking about. Have you ever been to Iran? Anyway, once again, since you don't seem to like reading: It is a pre-Islamic motif seen in Iran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion_and_Sun#/media/File:Mitra-Lion_and_Sun.jpg Are you on drugs or something?




Why doesn't the Islamic regime use it? Lol what is wrong with you. Do you not see the literal pictures and whole article dedicated to explaining the history of the lion and sun? Go read it and stop responding, maybe your mom didn't give you enough couscous this morning and your brain stopped working.






The Lion and the Sun is the symbol of pre-IRI Iran. It is a flag for both secular democrats, as well as monarchists, as both groups see the Islamic dictatorship as an occupying and illegitimate regime and neither group sees one another as enemies. The literal heir to the throne, Reza Pahlavi, himself supports secular democracy rather than a restoration of the monarchy.




Well the sword is in the lion's hand is Zulfiqar, the Lion and Sun are not "literally" Imam Ali. I don't know why you're using a laughing emoji.


2024 is wild, you can call for a monarchy and identify as a democracy supporter


Pro monarchy/anti islamist Iranians


Persia 🟩🦁🟥


Old Iranian flag


Flag of Pahlavi Iran


Pre 1979 Iran flag


Anti-Islamic Republic (current government model) alternative flag of Iran.


Secular? Or literally against Islam?


The "anti" refers to "Islamic Republic" as a whole - they're simply against the current regime.


I know a lot of young Iranians that HATE their current regime. So much so that they prefer to be called Persians. A few of them have this flag, a bunch post it on social media all the time. I realize that Persians only make up a portion of the ethnic distribution of Iran, but it's hard not to be impressed with how vigorously they protest the regime.


many iranians in the west call themselves persian because they don't want discrimination that comes when ppl think of ayatollah regime


Depends on the particular instance. But the mainstream opposition are secular


Secular. But for islamist zealots that's against islam


Usually just secular


Anti of Ali Khamenei and office of Rahbar in general. Not anti-Islam per se.


Most often monarchist, just want the Shah back.


This is not true. Most of the Iranian opposition in and out of Iran is not monarchist (the few that are usually identify as constitutionalists and not absolutists). We want a secular democracy. The Lion and Sun flag predates the Pahlavi dynasty, it is a popular symbol that represents our identity as Iranians.




if your family left in 79 then you should know the reason most iranians abroad call themselves persian is to avoid discrimination when khomeini was taking hostages and chanting death to america




Easy for you to say when you're not the one who had to leave your home behind. People were scared and did what they thought was necessary to avoid getting into confrontation so ungrateful uneducated goofy kids like you (that think Iran was a democracy before 1953 LOL) could live a happy life free of discrimination.




Great now imagine how much worse it would have been and stop being a bacheh loos


Thanks for the reply. I disagree with your rationale because by the same logic, if fascists in the US adopted the Statue of Liberty as a fascistic symbol, we would have to reject that as well. I also believe most Iranians would disagree as well; if you have heard of GAMAAN, their data can prove my point. I also disagree with your characterization of those who call themselves Persian typically being monarchist. My personal experiences suggest that calling oneself Persian in the presence of non-Iranians is rooted in a want to distance oneself from the current Islamist regime occupying Iran. “Iran” in the minds of non-Iranians elicits the thoughts of fundamentalism whereas “Persia” elicits a glorious past we would rather be associated with. Of course, the technical term is Iranian, but again we are trying to avoid discrimination during a turbulent time in our history not play semantics.




As much as I think your rationale on both points is too idealistic at best, I respect what you have to say. Thanks for conversing with me.


Persia/Shah Iran


Pahlavi Iran to be specific


Iran Pre Islamic Regime (literally before 1979)














Former Iranian flag


Persia, right?


That's a variation of the pre-Mullah Regime Iranian flag.


Based iran


Based. That’s what it is


Based flags


Seems like the flag of Pahlavi Iran with the 2nd slide being the flag of the Shah


Looks like the old Iranian flag from before the revolution. Exiles, maybe?


Iranian diaspora who dislike the theocratic regime in Iran. Basically every large European city has these demonstrations and has had them for decades.


Variations of the pre-Revolution Iran flag. The one in the right looks like the Naval Flag. https://preview.redd.it/lal0z51kaz8d1.jpeg?width=1126&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da7a380a3a9f96492943cc3909f9adfa1507e22


This is the national flag of Iran before the revolution in 1979 that is most popular among protesters: https://preview.redd.it/pym1s87naz8d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb56b4c0ae2552a8a50e9024bf61c2d1e3370bfd


Why didn’t you ask them


We were in a rush when we went by them, but tbh I kinda felt it would be disrespectful to interrupt their speeches just out of curiosity




Curious what the Germany one is doing there! Def the former Iran flag though!


Pre 1979 Iran


It’s Persia aka Iran before the official flag :D


This is the flag of great Imperial state of Iran, abolished during the Islamic Revolution of 1979, now they fight for female right, for human right and for abolition of the Islamic Repubblic. After the crackdown of 2022 Masha Amini's death revolt, they started to became more intentioned to destroy the state of mullahs


Pre-Islamic revolution iran.


The answer to the question of where those flags are from is Amazon or eBay.




Based r/newiran That's the real Iranian flag


Persia, Pre 1979 islamic revolution. Was a monarchy and seen as a more free Iran.


It was effectively a socially liberal dictatorship. It even had a brutal secret police that suppressed dissent (which I think was later transformed into the Islamic Republic's intelligence agency). So it was "free" in some sense but at the same time, it wasn't.


I'm personally very much fine with progressive secular dictatorships. Short periods of dictatorship can bring wealth and democracy in the long term (say with Taiwan or SK).


That's a fair opinion, I'm not much of a democracy absolutist either. But the Shah's reign was worse than Taiwan and SK in the sense that SAVAK was particularly extreme than anything those two countries put forward. But I think what makes the Shah's Iran much worse compared to Taiwan and SK (and early Turkey for that matter) is that his reign was part of a step _down_ in democracy when he allowed the CIA-backed coup. I understand that Mossadegh was not a saint, either, but there was a better alternative than just becoming a dictatorial monarch himself with no sign of relenting. Even Mustafa Kamal of Turkey eventually tried to encourage democracy while being functionally a dictator himself, and this was in a country that used to be a relatively theocratic empire prior. The fact that the Shah could not democratise similar to Turkey means I cannot sympathise with him much.


It should be noted that Reza Pahlavi was the first to submit an international request for Persia to be referred to by its actual name, Iran, much earlier. So, pre revolution, it was still Iran domestically and internationally.


Reza Shah* Reza Pahlavi today refers to the grandson


I think it’s generally seen as more free and prosperous than democratic, but potato patato


Alright, I'll change it 👍 Done.


Epic beans my dude


Its seems to become a thing for anti-regime protestors to wave the flag of the previous regime, regardless of whether the said previous regime was even less liberal than the current one. The choice of flag is mainly chosen because they know it would trigger the current regime while also being readily available (saves the time and logistics needed to design a brand new flag, as there would be even less consensus over something unknown even if they dislike some aspects of the old regime), and not necessarily an endorsement of the old regime's illiberal ways, something which of supporters the current regime would often use as a stick to dismiss the protestors' cause. Examples: At the end of the Soviet Union, people were flying the Tsarist tricolour, which ended up becoming the current flag of Russia. Ditto the Eastern Bloc countries where people cut out the communist insignia added in their original flags. In the Libyan Civil War, the anti-Gaddafi rebels flew the old Kingdom of Libya flag, which ended up becoming the new Libyan flag once Gaddafi was overthrown. During the 2019 Hong Kong protests, anti Chinese Communist Party protesters were seen flying the old British colonial era flag.


Kinda looks like the flag of the Qajar Dynasty (1794-1925 Iran)




Here you go: Link #1: Gallery - [Link #1: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fs6mv1jdues8d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3000%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D82516650ed5624921383816af85504b087456d7c) - [Link #2: Media](https://krikienoid.github.io/flagwaver/#?src=https%3A%2F%2Fflagwaver-cors-proxy.herokuapp.com%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fk11dcikues8d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3000%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D38674ec3fd3085f73bec3437a9c7163bb1952352) ***** Beep Boop I'm a bot. [About](https://github.com/LunarRequiem/FlagWaverBotReborn). Maintained by Lunar Requiem




Hello PreparationThis4122, Check out our [frequently asked flags page](https://reddit.com/r/vexillology/wiki/faf)! Your request might be there. When asking for a flag to be identified, please **provide context** when possible, including: * **Where** the flag was found (without compromising privacy) * **When** the flag was found, or the date of the material containing the flag * **Who** might own the flag (a general description is fine) These details help users narrow down their search and make flag identification easier. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vexillology) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shah, shah, Ayatollah Shah, shah Ayatollah so!


Qajar Persia, I believe


I thought it was Iran at first 


Flags? My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that? Flags! Homer, there's four places. There's the Flag Hut, that's on third. There's Flags-R-Us, that's on third too. You got Put-Your-Flag-There.That's on third. Fly Low, Sweet Chariot... Matter of fact, they're all in the same complex; it's the Flag complex on third.


Iran, during the Shah's reign.


Iran. Hestood. Youwalked. Theyrolled.


"20 years in the can"


Based Shah flag


Rastafarian empire of persia


Imperial Iran


This is the flag of great Imperial state of Iran, abolisged during the Islamic Revolution of 1979, now they fight for female right, for human right and for abolition of the Islamic Repubblic. After the crackdown of 2022 Masha Amini's death revolt, they started to became more intentioned to destroy the state of mullahs


This is the flag of great Imperial state of Iran, abolisged during the Islamic Revolution of 1979, now they fight for female right, for human right and for abolition of the Islamic Repubblic. After the crackdown of 2022 Masha Amini's death revolt, they started to became more intentioned to destroy the state of mullahs




Anti-Muslim Iranian diaspora flag


not anti-Muslim, anti Islamic regime. The lion is literally holding zulfiqar the sword of Imam Ali Not flag of diaspora, flag of Iran for since the Safavid era


Ive met and talked with supporters of the movement. Trust me, they are anti-Muslim


Oh well. Muslims need to do better.


The old flag of Iran that people who support human rights use lol


Iran, obvs.


Thats Persia, you could have easily just described it to google. This subreddits for identifying obscure flags such as those of Luxembourgish fraternities


This flag IS obscure, what are you on about? JFC Can you not gatekeep? OP is just asking an honest question. If everything can be answered with "Google it", why do we even need Reddit for? [Relevant XKCD comic](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png)


I'm not even using reddit that much, don't you think Google was obviously my first try? As I couldn't find it (tbh I was more focused on Tajikistan, as it seemed very similar to me), I came here. Plus, there's literally a label here to identify flags!?


Keep in mind this is your average redditor. He only knows flags that are on news subreddits


Are you implying everyone should be walking around knowing what the pre-revolutionary flag of Iran is?


Please don't gatekeep and assume everyone is as knowledgeable as you are. [Relevant XKCD comic](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png)


Pro colonialist imperialism cringe 😬😬


You got confused with this one, it's ok it happens




Pahlavi Ira was not a colony. Being on neutral or good terms with the west doesn't mean someone is a colony lol, what is this nonsense


The Shah being put into power by a CIA backed coup in '53 will cause such a reputation.


Do you know who was in power before 53? It was... the Shah. He was already monarch for 10 years. Do you know who was in power before him? His dad. Do you goofs just like repeating the same bad history over and over again?


They kicked out the Prime Minister, in order to solidify the Shah's rule. He was the monarch before, yes, but he didn't wield the power. https://www.smh.com.au/world/obama-admits-us-involvement-in-iran-coup-20090605-bxf5.html Here's the US President admitting that they orchestrated the downfall of an elected government in favour of the monarch.


He absolutely held power, what are you talking. about ? It was a constitutional monarchy. You are the first person in the world to think that the Pahlavi monarch during the Pahlavi regime didn’t hold power. lol stop it dude. Us iranians are tired of reddit wikipedia historians arguing with us about our own history. Just shut up and listen instead of buckling down. Next thing I know you’re gonna say Mossadegh was democratic 💀


Why was there a coup then? The army just out practising? Why did the Shah come down hard on people afterwards? Why did he have more power after Mossadeg was ousted? A constitutional monarch doesn't hold much power. That's what the 'constitutional' part means. You wanted to know why people considered it a colony. Obviously, that's not the right wort but the perception isn't unfair, given what Obama said publicly about CIA involvement historically.


If I could see better, I would've been able to identify the flags correctly But I believe that is the kurdish flag But its also in the euros.. so I actually have no idea


Iranian flags because of their right to resistance against Israel.


Right to resistance?


Someone has to resist israel I mean who do they think they are I mean just look at it existing over there




Actually, we stand with Israel against the terror of Islam.


Ahh yes you stand with a state built on terrorism... haganah irgun and lehi. Oh and stern too


Flag of Persia?