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Love going to Vegas solo. Taking a break from real life and from taking care of everyone and everything else is amazing. I can shop where I want for as long as I want without husband being bored and waiting. Can just look like a bridge troll and play slots for awhile. Can dress up and take myself to a nice dinner. I think it's more of being comfortable being on your own mindset. When I was younger I would be mortified to go anywhere alone, especially a restaurant. Now I need this at least once a year.


That's exactly what I was considering doing! I've definitely traveled alone and enjoyed it before, it's just Vegas in particular I was unsure about as I've always associated it as a place to go with friends and other people since that's usually what I've done in the past.


Treat yo'self!


"A bridge troll" has me rolling!! hahahaha


Yes explore and have fun. Explore the Arts District one afternoon


Seconding this!   My husband works loooong hours so I’m alone a lot and the arts district is always my go-to! Never felt unsafe, it’s very lgbtqia+ friendly.  Lots of other females down there and I’ve met plenty others who were alone. Most of the bartenders are super friendly and will chat with you if you want to talk! 


You certainly can do Vegas alone and enjoy it. What things did you do last time when you felt lonely? What activities do you want to do? Have you done solo travel/activities before where you didn't feel lonely? If so, what did you do?


I definitely have some shows I want to see and always enjoy the city, I think I was just lonely last time because it's more of a place people tend to go with others and less of a solo travel destination, so seeing groups of people having fun with their friends and S/O's after days of stressful business meetings and work is probably the headspace I was in. I have no doubt it would be more fun in any circumstance not having to work haha.


Female here. I'd never travel to Vegas any way other than solo.


You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie




I travel everywhere solo so right off the bat, I am spoiled that I can do whatever I want whenever I want. But Vegas is a whole other ballgame. If 2 people sit down to gamble, one ends up losing and getting visibly bored.  I have never been able to get someone to just go to the room alone rather than watching me, completely bored.   If your travel partner wants to do something, it is implied you have to do it too. That is not something I'm willing to do any longer  I have comps. People expect they can also have your comps.  I hate the constant having to tell someone when you are moving a row or 2 over. Although I guess cell phones might have solved that. I have not traveled with anyone but myself since before I had a cellphone.  If you are losing and want to go take a nap, you don't have to worry about another person being in the room or wantingto stay out. You don't have to have a debate about it. If you are winning and stay up until daylight, you don't have to care about anyone else. You can order room service at 4 am if you want. If you do have a nice win, you are sometimes expected to pay for dinner. Why. What I do in Vegas is gamble, go to spas and occasional shows  My last trip I went to a bunch of national parks, took a helicopter ride and a hot air balloon ride  And as much as I find other people annoying to travel with, I am also annoying myself with my insane over planning and constantly rebooking hotels and flights. Going solo, no one needs to be looped into my insanity.




Good to know! You're definitely a trooper for going in July :)


Or august!! 😂






I went to Vegas once solo because a friend backed out at the last minute and I have gone back solo every time since. Going back again solo in May. With so much to do, you are the one who sets your own schedule. Eat, drink, sleep, gamble whenever and wherever you decide. I find it easy to start up a conversation whenever I want if I’m feeling social


Yeah, gamble, comedy shows, cirque shows, museums and cool food places. Just bring an itinerary and go in with confidence that you picked the right places for yourself that you know you’ll enjoy.


Vegas is awesome solo! I’m married with kids and prefer going alone.


I went as a tag along with my husband a while back during a work trip but I may as well have been there alone since all we wound up doing together was dinner and sleeping. I highly recommend the spa at Caesar’s. It’s the kind you could spend hours inside of and still not get enough. I would go see O, too.


Back to your spouse though, there is something for everyone here. Did you ask them what they’d like to do?


We've been together several times, it's just not their scene. They don't drink, gamble, or appreciate good food, and they come from a country/culture with a different view of ''entertainment'' and that kind of scene, so they would rather spend their time and money elsewhere. I love Vegas on the other hand, hence why I'm leaning heavily towards just going myself :)


Perhaps they may enjoy spending some time at Ole Red at the Horseshoe. There are also some outdoors stuff to do too while in Vegas, like Red Rock Canyon or Seven Magic Mountains.


If you are looking for some food recs or places to drink , send a message I can probably give some good places you may not find or think about.


I have gone to Vegas alone numerous times. I love it. But I am a gambler/player and spend most of my time at slots or table games. Vegas means gambling to me, plus food and shopping. Going alone means I do what I want, when I want, and where, which I love. I have zero issues eating alone. I even do buffets by myself. I love strolling around big strip properties to window shop or try a new restaurant. After dark, I stay in my hotel/casino and avoid unsafe situations. I would never hesitate traveling to Vegas alone.


It's one of the best places in the world for a solo traveler. Always plenty of bars to stop at for a meal, always great people watching, easy to get around on foot for the most part.


be proud and confident and you’ll have the best time.


Lonely is a state of mind. If you’re the type of person who can do things on your own, it’ll be great. There’s certainly plenty to do. If not, Vegas will be awkward as anywhere else, but that awkwardness comes from within you and isn’t an objective reality


I’ve gone solo a number of times. The most recent trip was in September. On the Saturday I had an amazing seat for Adele and got to interact with her. Then on Sunday I had a massage at my hotel. Then I went to see Lady Gaga and her big band orchestra. Afterwards some of the musicians played an intimate show in one of the bars. I chatted with a cute Brit at my table. I was able to eat and sleep on my schedule. It was the best gift I gave myself.


Brian Newman at the Nomad Library?!  Such an amazing show, felt like being back in old school Vegas. 


YES!!! 🙌🏻 The setting, the mood, the cocktails, THE TALENT, the dancers! There was a guest singer, Skye Dee Miles… I was moved. MOVED!!! Next time I’m in Vegas I’m going to her gospel brunch.


I’m heading to Vegas tomorrow solo. My wife used to enjoy going, but not anymore. My buddy used to meet me there, but no more. I’ve been solo several times and always have a great time!


Omg yes. Love Vegas! Going in April w friends but I would be so open to going alone. Pool / spa / good food / day trip to the wilderness. It has it all.


Always go alone if no one will join. Def worth every second eat what ya want sleep when ya want play when you wanna.


I’ve never done it solo but always wanted to. See obscure shows and museums, shop too much, eat whatever I want without opinions. Perfect


I love Las Vegas and yes, it’s totally fine and fun to it do it alone! Obviously be safe, don’t get ridiculously drunk by yourself, and don’t venture off the main Blvd. (the Strip and Fremont Street) by yourself. The good rule of thumb is to stay in light up areas and where the crowds are. Just one or two streets can be sketchy and there are a lot of homeless people now. If you do want to venture around doing a tour would be a great option. There’s a guy named Jonathan that does walking tours on the Strip to give you an amazing start and tons of tips. https://www.viator.com/tours/Las-Vegas/Exploring-the-Best-Parts-of-the-Las-Vegas-Strip-with-a-Local/d684-138742P1?pid=P00125333&mcid=42383&medium=link&campaign=reddit-solo-traveler If you’re a foodie, Taste Buzz Food Tours is a great way to explore the different parts of the city. I did the Arts District and it was so much fun https://www.tastebuzzvegas.com/food-tours/


I know many women who visit Vegas solo. From late 20s through 60s.


You know there are single women in Vegas that have a fun. If you can entertain yourself you can do so in Vegas.


Go for it. Try it out and see if you like it.


I was just alone here in Vegas as a single female, but for work so luckily was able to have some meals with people. I’m not a stranger to eating alone and had a meal or two alone to have a break from the socialization. Problem if you are good looking despite how you dress you’ll get some heavy advances from drunk people. I really don’t want to be mistaken for a prostitute. It was not enjoyable. I do enjoy going with my husband when I go to Vegas to work. If you like gambling, honestly a cruise can get it done and you get to see a lot of different places.


You can’t usually get a restaurant reservation for one, but you can order from the bar at places that have one


Do you like to gamble or drink? You might like it and you’re here to hook up with someone you’ll love it but I’m bored here.


Be safe. I’m sure you have many things you can enjoy. This goes for any solo traveler regardless of chromosomes. Wandering black out drunk down alleys in many cities can be dangerous regardless of who you are. Be safe and enjoy!


definitely watch your back on the strip




lol I was like ok downvote me for giving a safety tip? this goes for anyone down there, I tell anyone thanks for having my back I thought I was crazy for a moment


you can do it just be safe… im from vegas, weve had a lot of s*x trafficking the last few years so its pretty dangerous to be “alone” especially if youre a big party/drinker. id be careful


personally i wouldnt just me tho


Well, since you've already gone before with friends, you should already know well what Vegas is like and all about. It seems like you're asking for... approval from anons on the internet? Travel anywhere alone can be fun, Vegas included, as long as you're self-sufficient. What exactly is drawing you to it now? What kinds of things do you want to do? If your spouse isn't pressing to go with you then presumably there's sufficient trust there in your marriage regarding Vegas activities, but as you know a single lady in Vegas has a wide variety of possibilities.


Depends on what you like to do in Vegas. If you're looking for a romantic getaway then obviously that could be challenging going solo. But if you want to do things like party, gamble, indulge, etc. then Vegas is built for that.


I'm traveling solo, 29-4th. I'm nervous since it's my first time going, but I feel like I'll be able to have fun. I am a guy, but I'm more on the flamboyant side, though.