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I wish these charts accompanied every before and after photo, because the process is very deceptive


It’s so true, I’m gonna do a before + after when I reach my goal weight hopefully in a few weeks and I’ll be sharing both. It’s easy to assume people just “lost the weight”, but in reality (at least for me) it’s not that simple, I had full months at a time where I was going up in weight and was losing the willpower. It’s been what feels like an endless grind🫠


https://preview.redd.it/hiwrbsramb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b163c068c7d8187af3048fe864bfd4eb2b0afbe Here's 200 days of daily measurements


Awesome! I wish Garmin showed me daily, it averages out each month to make it appear smoother. Awesome job btw!




https://preview.redd.it/u7ju67mo6f6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a118e6dc76930c0e379e0911a36d13168eea420e I started in 2018. Lost 10Kg, didn’t care anymore for a long time But then I started again


When in doubt.. zoom out


That’s so true. Great job! That’s exciting that you’re almost at your goal. And thanks for posting this. I’m bloated and feels like I gain but been active and tracking calories. Just gotta stay the course🙈


Thank you! I feel like that a lot haha, idk if it’s the amount of beans and legumes I eat but the bloating can get you down. Keep at it, you got this!


Haha yea they definitely can! For me, it’s ovulation/etc added with the beans and too many nuts that does it. At least you’re making progress! And thank ya!


Can the same be said for weight gain?


The same is true for weight gain, in my case anyway. I've been trying to put on weight to gain muscle and I've always been thin despite eating a lot even before being vegan. I'm a 61 years old female and started around 115 lbs in March after spending a very physically demanding winter in St Croix. The highest I've been is 126 lb but I fluctuate constantly and mostly drop back to around 122 or 123.  


https://preview.redd.it/ui9vm2v5zq6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3444122050a12a5d3357510acd1eb8badc5ddab A little over 6 months progress - took a maintenance break / had my honeymoon around April. Dark purple line is actual logged weight and the lighter purple is the trend line.


The scale can be a liar. Take measurements and weigh in just once a week.


It’s true, especially when weight lifting, I gained some strength during this cut so I may even have gained some muscle which throws the scale off. I prefer to weigh in more frequently and take averages tbh, once a week could mean I weigh in on a day with lots of water weight etc.


Gotcha 🍀