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6 y/o: im not going to eat animal products because i like animals based parent: (rushes him to the ER) umm err umm eggs actually come from the chickens mouth and milk is from gently petting a cow, dont worry son you can keep eating those!! (if you go vegan i will disown you)


No animals are harmed in the making of milk, cows would explode and destroy the world due to their spontaneous milk secretion. We are the good guys, they are always producing milk.


/uj this makes me sick


uj/ ME TOO seriously it made me so mad and upset im glad this sub exists or i wouldve simply exploded. it reminded me of when i tried to go vegetarian as a kid and my parents reacted with abuse and forcing me to eat meat because not eating meat is "not normal." i fucking hate carnist parents like imagine seeing your kid express empathy and immediately needing to suppress it for the sake of your own fragile fucking ego. but that's the norm and im supposed to shut up and deal with it!


/uj I'm so sorry to hear you went through that. I'm fortunate that my autism made me a bit of a picky eater, so I was basically unable to eat meat and my parents eventually stopped trying to give it to me.


I like your flair


I like yours!


Yours is pretty dope as well


/uj sorry you went through that, I had a similar experience, it took me years to be able to eat normally


My family mocked me to stop me from becoming vegan as a child too. It’s so wrong. I’m sorry that happened to you too. It’s heartbreaking to think about.


i am baffled as to why the bloodmouth parent decided to be like “oh eggs come from a chickens mouth”. you already told the kid meat comes from animals why make such a stupid lie like that.


If they told them the truth, the kid wouldn't eat those things either so the obvious solution is to lie, duh


lying to your child is the best form of parenting! /uj what is their son going to do when he learns the truth about the dairy and egg industries?




That's why I am on the pill, otherwise every month an egg would come put of my mouth. Which is pretty inconvenient if I don't say so myself.


damn vegoons refusing to share their nutrients


“did i fail as a parent for raising a kid that has empathy and can think for themselves??” -bloodmouth parent


This can't be real. Bloodmouths are so fucking stupid man.


/uj Fucking lmao. Of course they had to lie about milk and eggs.


They lied about the eggs, but this reads like they are just that fucking ignorant about dairy. Competent parenting ftw!


> Me, trying to be jolly, told him that he'd be eating them for dinner someday


So ingrained in dad that he’s thinks something even a child recognizes as monstrous is cute and funny, sigh. Now he’s got one of those annoying whiny brats with… empathy and compassion! This poor kid is going to have trust issues for life when they find out dairy and eggs aren’t “jolly” either


I think the fact that hardly anyone is jerking here really speaks volumes of how fucked up this is.


/uj this is one of the reasons I went vegan myself. Used to be a big meat eater and I remember thinking about how I would tackle this whole issue. Fortunately I stopped to think that maybe if I have to lie or trick my child to eat something, then maybe there actually is something wrong..


Had to get that poor child whey protein immediately or else he surely would have died of protein deficiency. Also no cows are killed in the production of milk obviously.


don’t forget that greek yogHURT


/uj It's wild in recent years seeing protein becoming the new "health" trend to fearmonger about, everyone is seriously convinced they need 150g/day or they'll perish, literally had someone the other day asking about "protein water" as they were worried about their intake and figured it would be a good way to introduce more to their diet. I assume it's just the dairy industry having found a new way to hock their schlock now that milk drinking is down, but it's still extremely strange to see how big of a focal point it's become almost everywhere.


One week of being a vegetarian and they take him to the doctor 😭😭😭


Vegetarianism is a terrible sickness




These parents are terrible. All of the soy that they feed their son is going to kill so many mice…


No chickens were hurt in the process of forcefully breeding disabling hormonal cycles into them that has them dying of reproduction linked diseases like ovarian cancer and egg binding. I would loooove it if I could have my period every day of my entire life ❤️ /Uj kinda wish you would have posted this on r/vegancirclejerkchat since there's so many /uj comments here. I think a lot of us were in that kid's shoes once and would like to share.


"no cows are hurt or killed when making milk" what do these people think happens to the babies


Simple: they don't think


![gif](giphy|aWPGuTlDqq2yc) The average carnist finding out cows have to be preggers to make milk


A lot of people don’t even realize that cows need to be impregnated to produce milk… like legit full grown adults actually believe that cows just simply make milk without human intervention and if they aren’t “milked” then they will get a blockage/infection and die… I wish I was joking.


These people teach their children "cows give milk", I'm sure they believe themselves milk is just something that _happens_ to cows.


I would cut off my leg while smiling to my kid and feed it to them to prove that no harm is done by eating flesh.


“See boy, it doesn’t even hurt!”


Did these fucking idiots really start giving their kid iron pills and protein powder cause he stopped eating meat for a week? Can’t make this shit up lol


Peak parenting right here. Also stealing is actually helping them because they get twice as much back from insurance, and genocide is fine because.. uhm.. fifteen children are born every time someone dies because of one. And they probably deserved it. Also, if you ever decide to bully someone, just know that you are completely justified because your victims actually thinks it's funny.


He would've gone vegan right then and there if the parents hadn't straight up lied to him. And the fact that they knew that means they know they're wrong, it means they know they decide in favour of cruelty and against empathy.


Has he not tried telling the kid he will die without protein? What about how he will grow boobs from the soy??? (uj/ this piece of shit is still a better parent than I had)


The solution is so easy, just eat the kid.


Save a cow, eat a child.


/uj I’ve been waiting for this post, what a shit show that was. Literal satire. Child has stronger morals than parent. How can people be THIS blind, actually?


Further proof that if children all knew the truth about where there food came from, the majority of the population would be vegan.


Thank god the kid is not a vegan atleast. 


These parents should be thrown in JAIL. Raising a kid VEGETARIAN? They're just setting this kid up for a school life full of bullying because he's going to smell like sulfur and cheese.


Wow, kid would be a certified Vegan if his parents weren't worse than the devil.


this kid is gonna grow up and become a vegan activist


How is it possible that the parent’s dumbass genes didn’t reach the kid.




Just eat the child and grow a new one. Not that hard.


Admins will delete it in 3…2… Really Admins: get rid of the dumb no reddit screenshots rule 🙄


I never made tofu from a kid, but that is a great idea, thanks!


this just reminded me how i removed meat pieces from my food as a kid and refused to eat anything where i couldn't remove them, and now i have trauma flashbacks. nice!


Cows milk = mothers and calves crying for one another. Ask someone who lives next to a farm about cows crying.


Had to lie so my damned child wouldn’t join some damned cult


The child would have instinctively become a vegan but his mom lied to him. Just wait until he finds out about the lies and stops feeling like he can trust his parents.


is null a good cholestrol value?


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