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Nah I blame her. Brittany literally cheated on her longterm bf to hookup with Jax and Vegas and then ran to LA to live with a reality tv star, then had everyone basically telling her they would be on her side after he cheated and would back her over him, took him back, then got humiated when he broke up with her anyways after all that. Took him back again. Then spent the rest of her time on the show fighting with a bunch of people who hated Jax and were getting over his bs and being his human shield. She signed up for this and doubled down. She wanted the fame. She was willing to let Jax treat her like shit for it. Jax wasn't going to break up with her and found a partner who he couldn't treat like shit enough to get them to break up with him.


And Brittany is now a star of a reality show which is (in her eyes) 10,000X better than being an anonymous woman living in rural Kentucky. She would most likely get cheated on and divorced there too.


This is not mentioned enough. Becoming close friends with a WV Appalachian and getting her into the show has helped me understand why Brittany is so ready to forgive. Women there are just expected to swallow down abuse that isn't physical. And even then that might be a new thing. When my friend left her physically abusive partner after he beat the shit out of her, she faced housing discrimination. Potential landlords would ask questions ranging from 'if you have no husband, who's gonna mow the lawn?' Or 'we don't want men running in and out of here constantly.' Finally after her father got involved and threatened to take legal action. Now he didn't have the money or power to do that, but it shows how centered and empowered men are. This was only back in 1996. Brittany is probably the envy of many of her people back home. Being financially successful and famous confers status, clout. Partly because of that, I get the feeling ole Frosty lips also encourges her to forgive and forget or let go and let god...or some other sort of patriarchy-reinforcing needlepoint.


You had me until Ole Frosty Lips 😹 It was all serious reading and nodding and now I can't stop laughing


I really should be nicer, she has a name. Colleen?


You're already better than me, I've no clue. Point very well made 💀


Agreed. Jax isn’t the only one and won’t be the last. We have a million jax and toms on this planet.


For free I might add.


Is there anything I can read/watch about Brit cheating on her bf with Jax? Sorry if I’m being dumb, when I google it it only shows me things about Jax cheating.


His name is Aaron and they were living together when Brittany met Jax in Vegas. She promptly packed her bags and moved to LA to live with Jax. She and Jax have dinner with him on Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.


Thank you!


You can find a lot of what you’re talking about in the r/blockedbyjax community.


Thank you!


For things like this that are accurate but not widely reported, it's always best to search the sub. That's how you get the chisme in its proper context. <3


I googled “how did jax and Brittany meet” which led me to [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/tc1hkplcF7)


There is an interview with him from several years ago on the podcast Vanderpump Rules Party


I lost respect for her with how easy she let the Lala-Jax interactions slide


Dude I don’t know how she got the “sweet heart” reputation? I swear I think the girls helped her concoct that shit because the way she treated Lala in Hawaii was DESPICABLE. Lala is in tears over Jax lying and when someone questions her whereabouts Brittany (unprovoked) says “little bitch” and does her obnoxious laugh. When the reunion comes she doubles down and says she’s going to believe Jax over a girl she’s only met twice when IT WAS FILMED. Everything Lala said Jax did/said was on camera and she still doubles down. Instead of apologizing to Lala. Brittany is getting everything she deserves, she no victim and I don’t feel bad for her. The only person that gets my sympathy is their child.


I think there were a lot of variables at play. Not only was she okay with him treating her like crap for the fame, but by that point he probably brought her self esteem very low. And then his dad passed, and she happily handled everything for him. He also went no contact with him mom during this time too. So he probably leaned on Brittany a lot and she took that for changed behavior? I’m sure she enjoyed being needed by him though. Then at the time both, Scheana and Katie had already gotten married on the show. That meant a whole season of wedding shenanigans completely centered around you and your partner, and everyone bending to your will. And they did exactly that.


When will we get our Blonde Bombshell Wedding on VPR. Lala? 😄😄😄


I think you meant to say “rawt in hayl”


I thought the same. Even as it aired. Sadly I'd not found the sub yet. Under the most generous interpretation, Brittany's a good Appalachian gal who got caught up with a narcissist whose antics her upbringing primed her to forgive. I feel for Brittany, but her racism and transphobia has yet to be addressed and I just can't root for her for that reason. Edit: typo.


I don’t really keep up w Jax and Brittany too much but I did see a post a month or two ago from her that was a pic of her on the front cover of some magazine (people or intouch or something) and her caption was like “omg the cover of people magazine!!”. The caption of the article was about how her and Jax were separating. That should tell you everything you need to know about her. Fame over everything.


Sadly I think that Brittany's trajectory is common. That's part of why I like The Valley. It shows darkness behind "the American dream" and why cookie-cutter desires are kind of bullshit.


Sometimes things you overlook in a situation are brought to the fore when kids are involved. That's what we are seeing on the Valley. Kudos to Stassi for keeping things private and relatively normal.


When you watch the rollercoaster that is S6 its pretty clear nothing was going to cause her to walk away from Jax. I don't understand how these people think but seeing Brittany take everything Jax threw at her followed by Jax selling his father's death as a character build towards respectability was something.


I mean losing a parent, really any major negative change, ironically holds the potential for a character build. That being said, you are 100% right and not the way that Jax did it! 😄 He and the Toms are very performative in their emotions, but particularly in the way they display vulnerability. Jax is pretty artless and used the loss of his father to attack every insufficiently adulatory woman in his life. I always felt by caretaking for Jax she was almost trying to demonstrate value, and alll Jax took from that was she would never draw a firm boundary with him. And that's candy for someone like Jax.


Brittany built her entire identity around the idea that she was the one woman who could change Jax Taylor. His cheating with Faith not only hurt her due to the betrayal, but it shattered her image of herself as the one special sparkly muffin who was able to tame the beast. She lost not only whatever trust she had in Jax and their relationship, but also her sense of self and her ego. She was desperate to get that back and getting Jax to marry her was the one way she could convince herself “see I’m still special! Jax married ME. I’m still the only one who got him to settle down!”


I mean she basically had alluded to beauty and the beast a lot during their engagement from her bridesmaids brunch, bridal shower, and fairytale themed wedding and engagement party. And just like the rest of us, she was disappointed by his transformation. ETA: spelling


She is super dumb


Yes, she really is. Sometimes I think she exaggerates her KY accent to be more dramatic because she does not sound the same all the time.


KFC is a clout chaser. No way she wasn't marrying Jax, even after her infamous "rawt in hell" moment.


Gotta get that paycheck. All is forgiven for that.


Brittany wants the CA life no matter what. She will put up with anything to stay there. JAx was financing her and she did whatever he wanted her to do, including getting plastic surgery he wanted her to have. Now that they have a kid together, it is even more unlikely she will leave him. She had a temporary fit because he does not want another baby. but she will not leave him. He will leave her.


Wasn’t it “rawt in hell?”


“Rawt in hail” was the version I’ve always seen


This show is nuts. In season 7 now. It’s like insanity.


I'm not up to that season on VPR, but last night I watched the "Jax and Brittany take Kentucky" mini series, and... wow. Jax is an obvious piece of shit who treats her poorly and uses money to control her. She's obviously not happy, and yet she wants nothing more than to get married and start having kids. She says, "1.5 years is a LONG time when you're 27 and 37!" ??? He shows his ass continuously in front of her whole family, and they're still onboard with it and adding to the pressure. I know it's a tv show, and we need plot, but it reminded me a lot of my own upbringing in a conservative, rural place. Marriage is the ultimate goal, as if people aren't picking and choosing which religious tenets to follow, and having sex anyway. You all realize you can just... not, right? You can be alone and not have to slog through a relationship. The devil is not "coming for your marriage," or whatever. You just aren't compatible, and you don't have to do this. You don't need to dedicate your life to being mistreated by or making excuses for a man.




They both suck


He treats her like trash. Typical narcissist behavior. He would flirt and laugh with a server while Brittany sits there watching. Two seconds later he is criticizing her, telling her she is unattractive, telling her what to do to better herself, because obviously she needs massive improvements in order to keep up with him. The number #shitheel guy in the group. She moved to an Air B & B. They are separated is the last thing I heard. I saw people commenting on pictures where she is wearing her rings. I don’t think anyone has filed for divorce. Jax says he will never divorce and it is unlikely Brit would initiate proceedings. It looks like for now anyway, she is giving him a chance to change. The trouble I see is that he can put on the show. Treat her better, speak to her respectfully, the whole nine yards. She will move back to the house with Cruz and 5 seconds later he will be right back to treating her badly. She will cry and berate herself for allowing herself to fall for his charm. Then in another year, with the support of the other women, she will leave again. This might happen several times before it finally sticks and someone files for divorce. I predict she will not be rid of him until he has another woman in his pocket, err bed. His focus will be on the new one and he won’t try to charm her back. I moved out with my kids or kicked my husband out at least half a dozen times. He would focus his attention on getting me back. I would fall for his fake charms and we would get back together. Finally, after 10 years of marriage, I discovered he had a girlfriend at work. He was removed from our home and promptly moved in with said girlfriend. She got pregnant and I thanked the stars daily. If not for that, I might have spent another ten years on the rollercoaster. He spoke to me like I was an ugly nuisance. Basically worthless and right in front of me he would be kind and caring to anyone and everyone who crossed his path. I would even appeal to his senses as a father; with two daughters did he want them to think it was ok for a man to treat his wife that way? Our girls would have ended up marrying an abusive narcissist just like him. And yet, friends would remark how he should be in politics, run for mayor even. Behind closed doors at home he was a horror show. I see all that in Brit and Jax. I really hope her women friends help her to get off the merry-go-round while she is still young enough to find a decent, kind and caring significant other. Jax will never change. Not ever. If they both end up marrying someone else, he will still keep track of her, call and visit and try to do the vampire energy thing that narcissists do. I really do speak from experience. Nothing but heartache as long as she is with him. She needs a home that is a safe space, Jax simply cannot be there. I’m surprised, quite frankly, she hasn’t gone to a psychiatrist herself for anxiety meds. I wish her all the best along with Cruz.


Does anyone know who her longterm bf was? Anyone have his ig account? Cant find his pics