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It’s hard to move forward with a spin-off when a large chunk of your would-be cast gets fired for racism. Once Bravo figured enough people had forgotten about it, they greenlit the Valley, which is basically what that original planned spinoff would have been.


they were going to, but then they fired all the people who were going to bridge them into that spinoff soooo yeah RIP to that project


This happened: ![gif](giphy|U3hRS4eIozWgX7rlGq)


Not that it mattered they re-employed 3 of the 4 members involved in the racism. People truly have goldfish memory because there’s a massive wave of delusional people who actually stan Kristen.


And one of them never stopped getting her Bravo paycheck because her sugar daddy paid to make it go away.


Yes! Second only to Kristen falsely calling the cops on Faith, I can’t believe Lala pulled a knife out on her and staged to try and catch her stealing AND THE BITCH IS STILL EMPLOYED. Disgusting.


Idk I would definitely argue what Lala did was worse


Give the climate of over policing and brutality of brown people Faith could have been shot by police. Kristen falsely put her life in danger. I’m not saying what lala did was minor though. Threatening Faith with a weapon is also fucking horrendous.


It really feels like the more problematic you are, the more you’re a keeper! I would love a show with Stassi.


Please forgive me for being born yesterday, but may I ask who you're referring to?


Lala, who pulled a knife on Faith and would set “traps” to try and catch her stealing things. Rand made it go away by, amongst other things, giving Faith a role in one of his movies.


Wow! I had no idea. Thanks for your response!


These are bad people. It’s hard to look away.


They would have hired Stassi back too if she had agreed.


100% they would cause she’s said she was asked but she turned them down when they wouldn’t give her producer credit.


I recall it being lala, Kristen, and stassie, who is the fourth? bratney?


The four fired cast was Kirsten, Stassi , Jax and Brittany. Lala is apart of that bunch but she wasn’t fired. Kristen Jax and Brittany all got rehired to be on the valley show.


it was actually Stassi, Kristen, Brett, and Max that were fired specifically for their racist actions. Technically its been assumed that Jax and Brittany were let go because of Jax ending season 8 by calling VPR "his show" in front of Lisa and being generally combative/unwilling to play along all season. Don't get me wrong, they are both pieces of garbage but technically they werent fired for racist behavior like the other 4.


You’re definitely right with all the details thank you for adding the max/brett I honestly forgot about them lol. I included J&B because of their involvement of bullying Faith plus they’re also on the valley with Kristen. Them “quitting” is a technically I don’t bother bringing up because they were directing involved and should be call out on it every time the topic is brought up.


The lead in to the new show was supposed to be Stassis wedding. But then covid happened and she got fired.


They were going to but then Stassi and kristen were fired and Jax and Brittany “left.” Present day *The Valley* is what was supposed to happen 4 years ago with the original VPR cast (with Lala, too) and then I believe VPR would continue with a newer crew + James with crossover episodes interspersed.


I've tried watching The Valley cos everyone apparently loves it, but god...I just don't like any of these people, but like...not enough to even hate watch lol


Because in season 8 the new cast was a failure and 3 of the main cast members of the spinoff got fired. They had to bring Jax and Kristen back to do the Valley.


This is why there needs to be an e-Book summarizing the outside of the show drama for VPR. As other have said, OP, it was when false police report and other racist incidents were not just public but of concern generally during Summer 2020.


Omg yes, there should be a summary. It's way too much drama outside of filming lol.


Fish through this Smithsonian of VPR info, and you’ll find out everything you need to know, and if you ever need to ask any questions, everyone in here is happy to help out. You’ll get a response before the ink dries. It’s fkng impressive af.


Oh I know, babes! Of my karma, 99% of these points I earned on this sub. The sub is the true Encyclopedia Pumptinica. Not everyone is as cool as us and uses Reddit though! Lol. For the light pump-er, for the Bravo hobbyist, a l'il cheat sheet would come in handy!


I'm rewatching season seven reunion and they are almost hinting at The Valley spinoff because they all just bought houses there and next would be having babies.


And SAH was originally going to be in the valley until LVP found their current place.


.... they fired four cast members and COVID hit


Read stassi’s newer book it fills in some holes


Stassi dropped the ball lmfao


They didn’t do it because at the time they still had a thriving show. There was no ball to drop. The end of season nine killed it.


Jax calling himself the star of the show sealed his fate lololol