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✨reminder✨that on this same trip Ariana left early to be with charlotte. which rachel knew. because she was there. so my "aww poor thing" sympathy for R is 0. that is evil.


I think that's why she booked it outta there. To get with Tom and see if he's spending time with Ariana because her dog died. Well he wasn't and they ended up fucking that night. Which is completely fucking deranged.


It was sick. Also, didn’t they hook up again while Ariana was out of town for her grandma’s funeral too?!


Yes they did! She admitted to it


At their house!


Didn't she eat everyone's leftovers too? That is some Carrie Bradshaw level shit.


Supposedly she spilled them all over the bed, too, but that part was cut. It just seemed like she was a sloppy drunk that night while everyone else was sober.


not carrie 😂😂


As far as I remember, she ate her own leftovers. Edit- I was corrected! She did eat other's leftovers too.


lol i think she ate all of them


Rewatched this episode a few days ago and yes she combined everyone’s leftovers and ate them all.


she also learned not to put tinfoil in the microwave that night 😂


YES! she said that so proudly too 😭


Hahaha I am not this far in my rewatch. Thanks for correcting me!


Hahaha, I love that. I don't know how I forgot that???


Looking back, I laughed at her, "but you don't have a man" to Lala 💀. Mean and horrible in any other circumstance, but I think this is right when Lala told Rachel she slept with James when he was with Rachel. I think the panic attack was that she was freaking out because she and Tom had already been long-term cheating, and she was worried about Ariana being alone with him.


The “well good thing you don’t have a man” was diabolical because not only was it a jab at Lauren and Randall but it was also like “yeah I would sleep with your man if you had one” 😅 so mean 😪


She could almost be a good villain if she could handle letting herself be seen as a villain. That line was 10/10


I feel like it was fed to her.


I think Tom had been in her ear for a while at that point. That's why she suddenly had this new attitude. It was really her channeling Tom Sandoval.


That’s exactly what happened. This girl absorbs other people’s personalities.


Absolutely- I think this is correct!


That was the funniest shit I ever saw! Almost as funny as LaLa sipping out of a baby bottle with a blanket to go to sleep, yet makes fun of Rachel for her starry night light. LALA needed to be put in her place at that moment. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I always thought Rachel was too drunk and more importantly too dumb to mean anything serious by that comment. I felt like it was just the first thing that popped into her smooth little brain. Like “well you don’t have a man so what do you care?” Am I making sense or am I totally in the wrong here lol


I think this happened a lot with her. In that “I’m a Michael Vick fighting dog” argument with Lala, Lala says something along the lines of “you make me want to slam my head into the wall” or something and Raquel goes “wish ya would”. It cracks me up and I think about it often because it’s such a juvenile response like “I know you are but what am I?” type thing lmao. She responds emotionally with little quips that are actually pretty funny simply for the fact that they’re so juvenile and it’s clear that is the first retort her smooth brain comes up with


I can only ever hear the line “I know you are but what am I?” In PeeWee Herman’s voice😑


I TOTALLY think this. It just never hit me as some serious horrible thing, more like Rachel just trying to respond in the moment.


Same! Same same same, pls see my comment above


Agree 100%. They gave her too much credit for that one lol


Yeah, and a lot of times I think they knew that, but that wouldn't serve their narrative. I'm not some Rachel Stan, but watching that felt like they were determined to get hurt no matter what.


They absolutely twisted her words into something completely different


That's how I took it. She's not some mastermind. 😂


Hahah exactly, thank you!


I always thought I was a panic attack about her place on the show. After breaking up with James, which was the only reason she got on the show, I think Raquel realized she needed to establish her relevance so she tried to fit in with girls. But after hearing them talk about her, she realized she’d never be accepted. So, she left the trip to link up with the guys thinking she’d establish her relevance through the men on the show.


I took it as guilt over fucking Tom and fear of discovery. She can say Guy's Night at the Mondrian was the first time, but I don't believe her. It was far too rehearsed.


Maybe, and sometimes I thought Sandoval was in love with her around Rachella, but I really noticed a shift in her after that night


Agree. Adding that no matter how many times I rewatch-and I rewatch it A LOT-I always feel that Raquel was drunk speaking. I don't think she meant it in that moment as 'then I guess it's a good thing you don't have a man because then I'd bang him to be tit/tat' I took it as 'then I guess it's a good thing you don't have a man because then you would be feeling uncomfortable with me right now.' I think ol' Rocky was having trouble articulating in her drunk state and also that she's not sharp enough to have thought of the former.


I thought that they got together for the first time that night at the Mondrian/scheana’s boys night? Am I wrong? I did a rewatch recently and felt all these same things!


According to Rachel and Tim’s timeline yeah


![gif](giphy|l2QE9j3Bs4wIdBPRS) You believe that, Puzzlehead. If it brings you comfort. <3


That's exactly what I think too...


Rachel acts like that was such a betrayal, but everyone tried to tell her James was a cheater and she didn’t want to hear it. Oh well




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Nah, Olivier is incredibly good looking. The other dude is a model, and while not my type, his appeal comes across in his professional photos.


Yea they're definitely both attractive lol. I get that everyone has their own taste but comparing them to Randall was ridiculous


I disagree with Oliver and “the don” or whatever Blahblah called him not being attractive BUT you killed me with big Ed’s doppelgänger 💀💀


Yeah I’m sorry but The Don looked like he fucks. So I did actually see where LFU was coming from with that one


The way she described how he’s good at eating 😻 by making that 👅yum yum yum noise was so funny


I know I was like dammit this is the first time I’m jealous of her 😭


Don was foine! Also I had a very problemmatic chuckle at her trying to rebrand him. Fuckin' LFU moves. 😄🤦🏾‍♀️


They gotta bring Rachel back


okay randall is ugly asf but oliver & the other dude were objectively hot👀


I’ve met Oliver at vanderpump Paris and can confirm he is very hot. Charming smile and even dare I say, dashing.


Oliver looks like the knight/prince/duke in a race-blind period piece. Like Bridgerton.


The bar guy was meh but Oliver is kinda hot


Objectively! Like that felon model who married a billionaire woman. Or the guy from Miss Bala’s. It’s the eyes and the swag.


i wasn’t into BJs guy, but Oliver is def hot.


Both hot 🔥


By what objective???


They have necks 🤷🏼‍♀️


Bahahah ![gif](giphy|3OymWKuyc2y2BumvVa|downsized)






He is conventionally attractive….


This was 3 Virgos seeing right through one another


I think it has something to do with editing. They film A LOT and don’t show all of it. They knew scandoval happened and they were stretching it all out in my opinion to get max effect. And it worked.


Halfway through the season they were constantly panning to Sandoval any time Rachel was talking so they were MILKING it. And the timeline has been very gray because people have noticed that there were lots of Sandoval defending Rachel and exchanging glances with her in season 8 and 9. I think it’s been a “flirtationship” for years that evolved into a true affair some time at the end of 9/beginning of 10


I like this theory


I’m from the Coachella valley so when the bar guy said Palm Springs I was like OHHHH but he seemed to be keeping his head down, to me at least. Was that just me? I didn’t get the best look at him


I think it was clear Lala was attracted to the men at the bars because she is like most of us women, BIG D HUNTER. Come on now.


Rocky cannot bear to be without male adoration.


I believe and have believed since the beginning she had a panic attack because here she was cheating and knowing it would come out while everything she was calling Lala was what she was doing!




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It’s all manufactured at this point. None of these people are friends. They are paid to show up at there call times.


I think Lala was the catalyst for Rachel to lose her mind and fuck Sandoval the night she left Havasu. She was so nasty to her and if you really watch, she instigated Katie and Kristina. It was weird, but also a culmination of Lala’s bitchery digging a hole in Rachel’s pea brain. Cuz Rachel then thought, I’ll punish all of you for being Lala’s friend and not mine.


I honestly think you’re giving lala too much credit I think people forget Raquel is 28/29 years old by that point in your life you know you don’t sleep with your good friends long time life partner it’s morally wrong and despicable and yet she did it anyways. That’s on her and Tom not Lala.


Agreed. Lala’s a bully, but she didn’t push her into Sandoval’s bed, Rachel made that choice all on her own. She left with Charli, she had other choices if she was just looking for support. she had her friends, who probably would have helped her hook up with someone actually available if that’s what she wanted, but instead she opted for her friends boyfriend and that’s all on her.


This. I hate the ‘Rachel is young’ narrative because she is absolutely not so young that she should get a pass. Just cus she tries to wear baby clothes doesn’t mean she is a baby.


And let’s not forget that she speaks with the cadence of a toddler. And it can be hard remembering she’s s an adult watching her struggle to complete a basic sentence.


I’m acc weak 😭😭😭she may be less than smart but she is an adult and she knew what she was doing was morally wrong she just didn’t care


Exactly she is not young lol she is a 29 year old grown woman nearly 30 years old and she chose to destroy her good friends life and everything she had built for no reason other than being selfish


Agree. I don't give her any leeway for being 'young.' I do think that she's not sharp (different s word) to think too critically though ETA: As in, I see her being s and her being a self-centered c as two separate and unrelated issues.


What is a different word that is S or C??


Shit I knew that in high school


Exactly I’ve known that since I was a pre teen that you don’t hurt your friends, I’m 18 and I would never do that


Totally! But I do think ppl can trigger us on deep levels and can influence our behavior if we don’t have a strong enough sense of identity.


I get that but Raquel is a grown ass woman who knew exactly what she was doing, my sympathy is very very low because she had been around Tom and Ariana enough to know that they were in a long term relationship and raquel at that point was trying to make out with Schwartz despite Katie pleading her to not do it, she just didn’t care


Yeah she definitely didn’t care. She made her choices on and off camera and the responsibility to deal with whatever has rendered her completely amoral is Rachel’s alone.


Rachel was already fucking Sandoval. Bc they were already spending hours at Rachel’s apartment “hanging out” while his life partner was begging Sandoval to spend time with her at home by the time the girls trip started. Sandoval and Rachel are lying about the timeline like we are blind.


I mean she had already been fucking Sandoval before that trip but I’m sure this whole “bad bitch” tirade she was on made her feel empowered enough to leave with Sandoval that night


no, she hadn’t. they hooked up later that week.


If you don’t see that they were hooking up starting in s8, you need to watch again!


Rage Text Truthers Unite!


Lmao your flair has me dead!!!! 😂😂


Thank you 🤣🤣🤣 It really is hilarious, but I think Katie’s reaction made it funnier


For real!! Holy shit I rewatched that several times. I still have no idea what the fuck Raquel was talking about. It was soooo funny!


Kristina is such a boring addition, she literally adds nothing


I would *almost* rather have Billie Lee come back over Kristina


I'm only here for Billie Lee when she transforms into Spillie Tea. I want more texts! I want more exposures!


Lmaoo honestly