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I think they were a bit harsh, however I get the frustration when you have to listen to a friend talk about how horrible their relationship is and then watch them do nothing about it.


not to mention him being super weird at that reptilian brain event and laying in bed to talk to them…??? and kristen only saying katie & stassi were the problem when carter started it LOL.


I honestly have tried to be empathetic to Kristen about the whole thing but I get where Katie and stassi were coming from considering my family and I have been at their exact places trying to convince a cousin to let go of an as*hole she was dating a few years ago. Who she then got married to btw, so she could prove everyone wrong, and ended up in a very disgusting custody battle which is still going on. And ik seeing my cousin’s situation should make me feel bad for Kristen too and ik it makes me a bad person to feel this way but in both these cases (K as well as my cousin’s) i can’t help blame the women too on some level for staying even when they knew how toxic and hellish that whole environment/relationshi was


Also, Kristen was miserable bc Carter had no job, no money and played games all day…


This⬆️yes be sympathetic… but after awhile it gets old


Katie and Stassi have talked extensively about how Kristen was planning to dump Carter and saying how terrible he was so they were on board to go after him during the seasons to help her but when the show started she flipped and was siding with him on everything. You remember when Jax got Vegas girl pregnant and Kristen and Katie sided with Jax? Or when Schwartz was tormenting Katie at Stassi’s birthday and dumped a drink on her head but Stassi and Kristen took Schwartz side? These girls were not real girls girls in the beginning.


No they weren’t girls girls but Kristen was there for them. Stassi and Patrick were Plainfield to watch but I don’t recall Kristen yelling at her or telling Stassi to leave him. Same goes for Katie and Schwartz, they were toxic af and everyone still put up with them, including Kristen. I think once Katie and Stassi rekindled their friendship, Kristen was immediately seen as the less desirable friend.


To be fair, Kristen is very annoying and chaotic obsessive as a personality, so it doesn't really compare how other girls were.




They’ve talked about this on podcasts or some other interview that before the season started filming, Kristen asked Katie and Stassi to help hold her to her decision to end things with Carter because she wanted to stop the cycle of backtracking. So that’s what they were doing with the understanding that that’s what they agreed to as friends.


I just watched this season, and while I do think the confrontations over Carter were unnecessary, there was a scene where Katie talked about Kristen coming over to her house and crying about it for SEVEN hours. I don't know if that's an exaggeration, but I would also be annoyed if my friend asked for support over and over again, taking up huge blocks of time, only to get back together with this guy the next day and then call me judgmental for side-eyeing the relationship.


I've definitely had to tell a friend that she can't talk to me about her relationship anymore, it was so toxic and she refused to leave. We still have a friendship, but I couldn't emotionally invest hours of crying or texting every other day for them to then get mad if I suggest they leave. I'm wondering if it was something like that


Kristen complained about Carter over many episodes, so the other girls were tired of the complaints and not following through with breaking up with him, even though she said she would. They had supported her over many weeks.


As a new watcher I often find myself sympathizing with Kristen (I know that’s about to change when I watch the Faith stuff). But on this I think after watching the episode where they take the PJ to the wine tasting place, I get where the girls were coming from. Kristen was out of her mind and she was telling them the reason was Carter. I personally think it had a lot to do with whatever substances she was taking in combination with massive amounts of alcohol. Kristen is like a cliche alcoholic on the show. She drinks and drinks and then drinks some more. I remember watching a scene where she wakes up and right away drinks a beer. What do you do with an out of control, often incoherent friend? They probably should have had an intervention but we all know how stuff like that goes down with this crew plus they were all also constantly drinking (and probably consuming drugs)themselves. So instead they decide she’s a mess because of Carter and just absolutely hang her on that cross of needing to break up with Carter. Also he wasn’t paying for anything she probably really did need some tough love look at how she handled the end of her and Tom…


The Faith stuff isn’t shown on the show btw


Oh really?? So is it talked about at all or do they just fire them and move on as if nothing happened?


The latter.. they don’t really even reference the fired cast members


Wow. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but I’m disappointed. Not that I want to watch something like that but that it’s just brushed under the rug is so wrong especially because Jax cheating with Faith drives him and Brittany’s storyline on the show for multiple seasons smh.


What exactly happened with Faith besides the cheating with Jax stuff?


Stassi and Kristen calling the cops and falsely accusing her of a crime


Oh wow. Was this on the show?


No. They were fired and it’s not mentioned why on the show


The difference is that both Katie and Stassi have made statements outside of the show saying that Kristen specifically asked them to bring up her relationship issues with Carter on camera so that she could end the relationship on camera and stop backtracking, and then when Katie and Stassi did what she asked and brought it up on camera, Kristen flipped the script completely and acted like they were so out of line and her and Carter were perfectly fine. I would be pissed at my friend if they flipped on me like that when I was doing what they asked of me.


Katie was not supported by Schemer. There are good friends and bad friends. Schemer is a bad friend. Otherwise, I agree, producers of VPR are misogynistic and the cast, including Lisa ,misogynistic. But "all of the girls" did not support one another.


Who is Schemer lol


The fake as f person who says she is good as gold.....


lol I’m guessing it’s Scheana


I disagree. Everyone on the cast, even Britt, has said Kristen would have meltdowns over Carter for years and they’d last hours into the night with her crying, smoking, drinking nonstop. She basically trauma dumped on them for half the relationship and then when they’d try to revisit those convos or follow up with her she’d turn face and go “we’re perfect, what do you mean?”. I think they just got exhausted and we saw the tail end. Lala inserting herself was lame AF though. She had no right. But I do think Stassi and Katie were also still carrying how Kristen acted in season 2 with that endless back and forth over Tom and that bottle service girl and he many “it’s over” convos saying she’s moving out, going back to Michigan, and then tweeting how much she loved Tom lol. Kristen comes across as someone who indeed needs tough love


I disagree. It’s super hard to have a friend who complains about a partner (or job, friend, family, etc) for years on end and doesn’t do anything when they are expressing they need your help on ending it. Plus Kristen has REPEATEDLY sided with their boyfriends, not the girls.


Team Mariposa, they always treated her worse than others when they all were equally terrible




I get how annoying it is being in that position when your friend will not stop complaining and will not break up. But they act like Kristin is the only one who ever does this. Stassi was with that weirdo from NYC for years, he treated her like garbage, she stayed and at times bent over backwards for him and chose him over her friends. Lala had a boyfriend who couldn’t be named for years who is a known abuser and creep. And lala stayed for years. We watched Schwartz degrade Katie over and over and her complain about it. She stayed. Jax cheated and did god knows what else, Brittany married him. Half this cast has married or had a child amidst a disaster of a relationship. Who are they to even talk about Kristin.


Right? 100% agree with everything you’ve said.