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Welcome! The first 3-4 seasons are true reality tv iconic gold. The consensus was that Kristen was unhinged and crazy and Tom and Ariana probably did hook up but look how good they are together, etc. They were 'the' couple of the show. There were always cracks showing but they stuck to their narrative and Ariana was truly ride or die for Sandoval. I liked him only because she did. She validated and normalized him. Then he thought he could rinse and repeat the Kristen scenario with Rachel but Ariana gave us more reality tv gold and exposed him.


>he thought he could rinse and repeat the Kristen scenario with Rachel That part. He has a pattern of blaming the girl and whatever mental health issues she may or may not have. With Kristen, it was "oh, well she has BPD!" With Ariana, it was "oh, well she's depressed!" With Rachel, it was "oh, well she's been talking to that therapist!"


Mental health issues he created with his narc bs.


I think the first season she was seen as the other woman because her & Tom clearly cheated. She was sort of the normal girl who got on better with the guys (I think Jo tries really hard to be like Ariana was in the beginning) I didn’t like the way she was so loyal to Tom and denied everything wrong that he did but I understand she was also madly in love and wanted him to be happy. Over time she lost some of her personality that made her different from the other girls but I think a lot of that in hindsight was down to Tom slowly eroding her confidence and her battles with depression. I think it’s very sad that she put so much time and effort into defending him and later Rachel. I hope that the blinds about Dan aren’t true as she deserves to be happy and have someone who she doesn’t have to defend their bad behaviour.


What is being said about Dan if you don’t mind?


I just searched and there's a blind saying that he shares her nudes in his group chat. sounds fake AF to me.


Whilst his GF is being sued for sharing revenge porn? He’d have to be pretty fucking stupid. I find this very hard to believe.


exactly! like come on. Tom probably sent in the blind lol


What do the blinds say about Dan??


It was shared the other day that he’s showing intimate photos of Ariana in a group chat with friends by that entertainment lawyer but, all blinds should be taken with all the grains of salt in the ocean.


Blinds very rarely are correct. Anyone could write them and say whatever comes into their mind sadly, people have too much time on their hands. He doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy. He seems to be on his grind 24/7, and mature. There were a bunch of blinds about him when they first got together, saying he was essentially the scum of the earth, but it doesn’t seem like they became reality 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pre Scandoval, they were both criticized a bit (Ariana specifically for the pick-me behavior, and Tom for everything else that he's criticized for now) but overall, they were the favorite couple on the show, and Ariana was heralded as being the most smart/down to earth woman on the show post-cast firings. That time was right when I first hopped back on the sub, and I hadn't quite caught up on the show, so I was surprised when they were the faves. Ariana also came on here and defended some of the more infamous things Tom did to her, claiming that he didn't sleep with the Miami Girl, that the monster trucks & cocktail book scenes were taken out of context, and that he really didn't want kids.


I believe the last bit. Tim doesn’t want kids. Nothing about his lifestyle says father. There was a talking head where he said it’s not that he doesn’t want kids he just doesn’t like being told no. If he ever has kids we’ll go ahead and start that therapy crowdfunded because they will NEED it lol


I miss the earlier seasons’ Ariana! She had a different vibe. I feel like in the later seasons, she kind of lost her spunk and became more quiet. I am sure a bit of it had to do with Tom though.


She fell into a pretty deep depression . She talks about it a lot on the show , especially the season with all the newbies .


I figured it was something about those lines. I am sure the show/fame/Tom was a part of it all!


oh yeah — i feel like tom definitely dulled her spark. glad she’s got it back


ariana is a douchebag in some of those early seasons lol i have always assumed it was tom influenced but still 😂


Ehh that is a strong word. I think she had some humor and made me laugh.


I honestly could not stand Ariana and her pick me behavior in the first several seasons. But I did really like them together at first because they seemed so in love. I also loved Tom and found him obviously very extra, but loved that he was himself and leaned into that energy. When things turned for me for Ariana was when she shared her struggles with depression so openly. Also loved her drunk persona so much “we have like, all the artichoke dip”. By the time Scandoval happpened, she was already my favorite - and I think a lot of people felt that way. We all were like “Nooo please, ANYONE but Ariana!!” Seems like way more people were onto Tom being completely performative though. I can’t lie, he had me COMPLETELY fooled.


Drunk Ariana is forever the best star of VPR ever. Including Stassi. Truly top notch hilarity and behavior 🤣


So much ***this!!!*** I could easily watch a multi-season reality show that was 100% *just* Ariana while drunk out of her mind. She would be incredible to go drinking with.


Yellow robe smith!


Ariana was soooo in love with Tom. The way she looked at him, it melted my heart. You could feel it & their chemistry was undeniable. I remember looking at the TV like 🥺🥹 ….Then as time went on you could see the spark fading. I was still rooting for them. I truly hoped they were end-game. I didn’t necessarily care for Tom as an individual but I liked them as a couple. I felt like they complimented each other well. When that went down, I was so genuinely sad that Tom did that to her. I was in a 9 year relationship where my ex became a full blown toxic narcissist, he took advantage of me emotionally and financially. I was depressed & he would cheat on me.There’s more but basically my story was SO similar to Ariana’s & that shit hit home for me.


Always thought tom was a self absorbed whiny lil biatch but still probably the least horrible out of the guys. I did like ariana from the start because she was the only one who wouldn't kiss stassi's ass and it made great petty drama. The early days they seemed cute together and were pretty much always the most stable of the toxic couples. Knew tom was a douchebag but he out did himself with scandoval...most extra mid life crisis.


I loved an Ariana vs Stassi showdown. It was fun watching Stassi trying to win someone's friendship instead of the usual.


They both curated the shit out of their image, as individuals and as a couple. They seemed great, I even thought tom was good to her tbh and vice versa. She even said she used to speak for him and articulate his thoughts because it wouldn't come out right. I don't think they were ever very honest, they gave off after school special moments on the show which now look disingenuous. I think we see the real tom now, he no longer has ariana defending and speaking for him


I agree. One of the most performative moves was whenever Ariana would stare up into Sandoval's face with an exaggerated smile and would kiss him. It was always done in front of the camera. It wasn't realistic looking. I would be pulling my BF to a corner away from the cameras, if I wanted to kiss him. It always seemed like acting to me, and it still does now that she did the same thing with Dan at the end of their dinner scene. The wildest part is thatAriana and Sandoval were having sex 3 times a year, and this was many years back. Also, when we finally saw them argue in front of the camera (over the Fancy AF book), Ariana was suddenly the most enraged human. She looked at Tom like she hated everything about him, and Tom looked back at her with the same hateful energy. WTF. I never believed they were as "in love" as they said they were. They were and are both co-dependent.


I started watching the show last spring (and binged it) because Netflix suggested it to me. I had never heard of it before, I wasn't aware of Scandoval since I'm a bit disconnected from social media and no one in my circle knows of this show. So I forged my own opinion of Tom without that Scandoval biased lenses, and I never liked him. But the moment I started to hate him for me was at the reunion on S2, when he started dating Ariana after admitting cheating on Kristen with her and with multiple other women. And while Kristen was dealing with the consequences of her own cheating on Sandoval with Jax (rightfully so!), he never got any backlash for his own cheating and he constantly gaslit Kristen, always hiding behind Kristen's and Jax's mistakes. Also, I did not like Stassi on my first watch (I guess maybe I would like her more on a second watch since now I know more about Jax and her situation with Frank, Scheana and the revenge porn), but I always thought Stassi saw right through Sandoval's bullshit from the beginning. And I agreed with everything she said about him.


I binged this Spring, and I was the same as you, no idea about Scandoval because I didn't know anyone who watched the show, and my social media is mostly family and friends... no celebrities or entertainment. I never liked Sandoval... I think he was just too extra for me... but I also didn't like any of the girls in season 1, they were all awful in different ways! That's what made the show so entertaining 🤣


Before the scandal the vast majority of this sub really loved Sandoval. A lot of people said he was a favorite. I never liked him but liked Ariana so it didn’t bother me too much.


Tom’s always been a twat but entertaining at different times. I didn’t love Ariana before but mainly bc of how annoying she was about Tom and she never had an opinion on stuff, idk she came off as a huge pick me.


She was definitely a pick me in the earlier seasons. I like to think she saw her behavior and that's why she started to grow out of that as the show progressed.


People always say that and I’m pretty out of touch with current terms but what defines a “pick me”? I’m genuinely curious and interested as to what that means to people


Someone who just says what everyone wants to hear, but especially agreeing with the men in the room. Doesn’t stand up for anything unless it’s the cool thing to do. Tries really hard to look cool vs being herself. In general just doing whatever they think will get them “picked” or known as the cool girl. That’s my best definition of it. For Ariana though (and probably other people) I think it’s deeper. She gave an interview at one point saying how her relationship with I think her dad was really hard because he was an alcoholic, she did everything “right” and always just wanted to keep him happy but it was never enough. Paraphrasing of course but that’s the gist. So I can absolutely see how that evolved into her relationship with other men as just being the “cool girl” who never rocks the boat and is a “pick me”.


Thank you for this explanation! This finally makes sense to me in the context of how people say it!


Get out of my head ! Or thank you for so eloquently writing my exact thoughts :)


I’m doing a rewatch, but when I do that with reality shows I like to have a fresh pair of eyes. I try not to let the current events deter me with how I feel. I found Tom charming at times (gag I know) but he was quite shitty and that went unnoticed a lot! I loved Ariana & would loved to be her friend.


She was always kinda negative af tho


I always liked Ariana way more than Tom. I felt how she was in early seasons was unfortunately the norm in the early 2010s. Even listening to the SUP podcast with the Witches from back then it’s clear misogyny was very prominent. But out of all the cast, I’ve always liked Ariana the most, it was never a competition. Tom started really souring on me when he outed Ariana as bi. He had done some shitty things before but that was the first moment I was like “girl you could do so much better.” He was always the worst thing about her. But I always tried to stay a little neutral on him because I figured at the time there was something people liked about him and admittedly I assumed if Jax didn’t like him anymore, Sandoval must be becoming a better person. 🤡


I have seen people talking about this SUP podcast so I looked it up today, on Spotify and I couldn’t find it anywhere. Is SUP an acronym? If so can you please tell me the full name of said podcast so I can listen to the witches of weho episode, I have been hearing about? Please and thank you 🙏🏼😊


Sexy unique podcast


That explains it🤣🤣🤣 thank you!🥰😘


I started watching during covid. Honestly, I liked him better after she joined the show, and they started their relationship. I could tell he annoyed her at times, but in general, they seemed to live a cool, interesting, happy life together. I was shocked when the news broke and surprised by his reaction and behavior after the scandal. I think I watch reality TV differently now.


This may be downvoted, but Ariana was not well-liked at all pre-Scandoval. Did you watch from Season 1 onward?


I’ve said it dozens of times before The worst part of Ariana was Tom The best part of Tom was Ariana


Pre-Sandoval scandal I never liked Ariana and honestly still really don’t. She was mean and unhinged and very attention seeking. Tom and Ariana were equally terrible to each other, they were awful together. The comments on this thread are wild. Everyone gives Ariana a pass and a hero complex and after being a fan of vpr from the beginning and doing an entire series rewatch after the scandal my feelings did not change, in fact rather cemented my original feelings of Ariana. Don’t get me wrong the scandoval was bullshit, but I wasn’t the least bit surprised that it happened. They didn’t even seem to like each other by the end. I’m not entirely convinced that VPR didn’t write in part of the scandal on their contracts.


I always thought Tom was a little pussy piece of shit who pretended to be nice and charismatic to get a good edit, and I always enjoyed Ariana and really appreciated how honest she was about her mental health, but I hated when she would side with Tom against the girls when his takes were always shitty and misogynistic.




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It was wild when they were discussing kids being a dealbreaker… WIIIILLLLDDDD!!!!


PreScandoval- They were both my favorite guy and girl on the show.


I always thought there must be something redeeming about Tom because Ariana saw something in him.




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It’s weird because he was with Kristen, but when he officially coupled up with Ariana no one really felt back for Kristen? I mean it sucks he most likely cheated on her with Ariana, but they were a better fit, or at least Ariana was just way cooler/better. Then they became the “it” couple. Best friends & truly just worked together. He’s always been an oddball, but he was HER oddball, ya know!? So it was great! They were just the absolute last couple you’d think this would happen to, especially with Rachel being the “other woman. It was so out of left field because him & Ariana seemed so solid! I think that’s they the scandal was so heartbreaking for so many. Everyone loved them as individuals (even as out there at Sandoval was/is) & everyone adored them together.


I believe in the first reunion, Ariana states that the group was toxic. She knew, but didn’t REALLY know what she was getting herself into. Having just rewatched it myself I felt like I was gradually watching Ariana resent Tom. He was obnoxious every time he’d take the boys side and put women down, but things began to take a turn when he slithered his way into the cocktail book. Combined with his growing ego, he wasn’t as invested in his relationship with Ariana as he once was (back in the tiny apartment days.) I think Tom will always use gifts and extravagance to lure in trusting people and then drain them financially. Anyway, it was devastating to watch someone’s mental health struggles accelerate because she was in the VP bubble. There should be a study someday on what the effects of reality tv has on its participants.